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So far, the only superhero show I've liked is Legion.

Tried watching Jessica Jones, didn't get very far.

Twould appear I've exposed my servomotors.

Perhaps it's time to change my avatar.

Also, my tastes are more comedy and mystery driven then drama or action.

So that might play into it.

I couldn't even finish the first season of Jessica Jones; it was too depressing. I had the same experience with Breaking Bad.

I can only watch an occasional episode of Breaking Bad.

lisamarlene wrote:

Because I'm not remotely shallow or superficial or attracted to worldly trappings of excess, I am totally NOT going to get up at four a.m. to watch the royal wedding livestream on the BBC.

And I didn't watch Will and Kate's either.

I was aware that Princess Diana's wedding was happening. Didn't see any of it.

My favorite non comedy shows.

1. Stranger Things
2. Legion
3. Fargo
4. Better Call Saul
5. A Handmaid's Tale (admittedly, it can be incredibly painful to watch, it's very well done)

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lisamarlene wrote:
Like her ass has ever been in the same zip code as a sandwich.


This is the most confusing sentence I have read to date.

Your next beverage in the abscondi-cave is freer than normal!

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NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Because I'm not remotely shallow or superficial or attracted to worldly trappings of excess, I am totally NOT going to get up at four a.m. to watch the royal wedding livestream on the BBC.

And I didn't watch Will and Kate's either.

I was aware that Princess Diana's wedding was happening. Didn't see any of it.

My morning cup of hypocrisy:

I was exactly Hermione's age when Charles and Diana married. My mother and my grandmother (who was living with us) had a plot to watch it together on television, which my dad did not know about. He had ordered my mother not to watch it because it would wake his mother up. (She was deaf as a stump, btw.)
So, of course, my mom is watching it with the sound almost completely off, and my grandmother toddles down the hall toward the den, and in her deaf old lady voice calls out, "ARE THEY MARRIED YET?"
So I woke up and got to watch it with them.
My dad was furious.

Did I even tell Hermione about this morning's event?
Nope. She has no idea whatsoever.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Like her ass has ever been in the same zip code as a sandwich.


This is the most confusing sentence I have read to date.

Your next beverage in the abscondi-cave is freer than normal!

1. The character makes these massive sandwiches with some type of aoli on thick bread.

2. The actress is size 000 or something.

3. Her ass has never been in the same zip code as an actual sandwich.

4. But she's cute and bubbly and we're all supposed to accept it.

I can willingly forgive a lot of logical inconsistencies for the sake of entertainment, but scrawny actresses playing characters who eat carbs and fat is not one of them.

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lisamarlene wrote:
I couldn't even finish the first season of Jessica Jones; it was too depressing. I had the same experience with Breaking Bad.

It was too much like a day at work for me. The way purple man's power worked on people made me have some flashbacks.

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Scint and I just created two new characters for our NWN server. A Leanan Sidhe bard and a Malenti Sahuagin wizard/eldritch knight, respectively. Both Chaotic Evil.

Sometime in the undetermined future, these two are going to infiltrate the server's elven community. We're not sure what we're going to do with said infiltration, other than something for the lulz. But it's going to happen.

Orthos and Scint --

I would love to read about the ensuing shenanigans!! Will you be posting that anywhere?

I can post stuff here, sure =)

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lisamarlene wrote:
I can willingly forgive a lot of logical inconsistencies for the sake of entertainment, but scrawny actresses playing characters who eat carbs and fat is not one of them.

I find this somewhat amusing, as I will fully admit the logical inconsistency of this would never have occurred to me on its own.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

As Hi and I were heading down to Fremont last night to meet up with Shiro and NobodysWife, I made a very simple, yet very profound observation:

You know you've raised your kids right when you can leave four 17-year-olds (two male, two female) unsupervised in your house for the evening with an unlocked cabinet full of alcohol, and you know 100% for certain that nothing untoward is going to happen.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

As Hi and I were heading down to Fremont last night to meet up with Shiro and NobodysWife, I made a very simple, yet very profound observation:

You know you've raised your kids right when you can leave four 17-year-olds (two male, two female) unsupervised in your house for the evening with an unlocked cabinet full of alcohol, and you know 100% for certain that nothing untoward is going to happen.

I guess. I only developed a taste for alcohol comparatively recently. I was pretty sheltered at that age aside from some incidences of violence and bigotry. That and dad made me drink his beer as a kid and it tasted awful and the memory was fresh.

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Having grown up as an 80s punker, I had a LOT of friends who simply could not be left alone in the house.

It was really kind of scary the <expletive> they got into...
...stealing their parents' cash, raiding the liquor cabinet, copulating in the living room, etc.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Like her ass has ever been in the same zip code as a sandwich.


This is the most confusing sentence I have read to date.

Your next beverage in the abscondi-cave is freer than normal!

1. The character makes these massive sandwiches with some type of aoli on thick bread.

2. The actress is size 000 or something.

3. Her ass has never been in the same zip code as an actual sandwich.

4. But she's cute and bubbly and we're all supposed to accept it.

I can willingly forgive a lot of logical inconsistencies for the sake of entertainment, but scrawny actresses playing characters who eat carbs and fat is not one of them.

Now I cant stop thinking about someone with powers similar to the horseman of apocalypse named Famine, as food, specifically sandwiches, disappear in the zip code she is in mysteriously. People around her begin to starve, but she always has food disproportionate to her petite size ready to eat that she never shares, but she is cheerful and charismatic enough that people never put two and two together.

Someone stat this villain up! This is Shaper of Worlds material!

I'm not sure I could do that with Crookshanks' friends.

NobodysHome wrote:

Having grown up as an 80s punker, I had a LOT of friends who simply could not be left alone in the house.

It was really kind of scary the <expletive> they got into...
...stealing their parents' cash, raiding the liquor cabinet, copulating in the living room, etc.

i would have been down for copulating in the living room maybe...7 seconds in heaven in all likelihood, considering the time period. If an evening with the guys, we are pressing ALL the buttons on the cable box to get exactly 28 seconds of scrambled porn on spice. I will never forget the arguement that broke out over if we were watching porn or some type of surgery, it was that scrambled.

But good god, those other things would have frightened me off at that age. I probably would have called the police discretely.

captain yesterday wrote:
I'm not sure I could do that with Crookshanks' friends.

has she fallen in with a bad crowd?

The Exchange

NobodysHome wrote:

Having grown up as an 80s punker, I had a LOT of friends who simply could not be left alone in the house.

It was really kind of scary the <expletive> they got into...
...stealing their parents' cash, raiding the liquor cabinet, copulating in the living room, etc.

That's scary. Excuse me while I help myself to the Bordeaux in the fridge...once I figure out how to get it open.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I'm not sure I could do that with Crookshanks' friends.
has she fallen in with a bad crowd?

I don't know that I would label them a bad crowd, they're only fourteen after all. :-)

We'll go with overly dramatic and boy crazy.

Edit: What she doesn't realize is we have a man on the inside, little brothers see all and tell mom and dad everything.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Having grown up as an 80s punker, I had a LOT of friends who simply could not be left alone in the house.

It was really kind of scary the <expletive> they got into...
...stealing their parents' cash, raiding the liquor cabinet, copulating in the living room, etc.

Having grown up a 90s grunger I had similar experiences.

Hilarious enough, because of my long hair and my outsider status (we moved a lot) I was always pegged as the loser and troublemaker by parents.

Yet I was usually the straight man that kept my friends from doing even stupider s&&~.

I love Fallout 4, I really do, but with the main story so uninteresting it's hard to keep going and not just start over with a different character.

I blame the lack of Ron Perlman narrating.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Having grown up as an 80s punker, I had a LOT of friends who simply could not be left alone in the house.

It was really kind of scary the <expletive> they got into...
...stealing their parents' cash, raiding the liquor cabinet, copulating in the living room, etc.

Having grown up a 90s grunger I had similar experiences.

Hilarious enough, because of my long hair and my outsider status (we moved a lot) I was always pegged as the loser and troublemaker by parents.

Yet I was usually the straight man that kept my friends from doing even stupider s~!~.

Yep. Pretty much my life. Keeping my friends at the misdemeanor rather than felony level was a full-time job...

Yeah, and the one night I leave them to spend the night with the General (we dated for 8 months in high school) and they get busted for smashing a car lot.

Dumb asses.

captain yesterday wrote:

I love Fallout 4, I really do, but with the main story so uninteresting it's hard to keep going and not just start over with a different character.

I blame the lack of Ron Perlman narrating.

I just can't play Far Cry 5 because of the utterly screwed up main story.

Shiro and NobodysWife talk about how fun it is in spite of the story.

Not a big spoiler, but I'll hide it anyway:
But when every 1-2 hours of gameplay you're interrupted because they have to (automagically) kidnap and torture you and have you run through yet another %&$#*$* "escape the bad guys" cut scene instance, I just don't feel like playing.

Seriously. You start off the game helpless and kidnapped. There are 3 main regions. In every region, as you progress you are kidnapped and helpless 3 times. So that's at least 10 times that, no matter how good you are, nor how well-armed you are, you get kidnapped, rendered helpless, and have to escape.

It's just fricking frustrating and stupid. Even NobodysWife just quits the game when Yet Another Kidnapping starts while she's playing.

The Exchange

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Couldn't find the c*ckscrew and couldn't push the spoon deep enough to get to twist the cork out. I'm not desperate enough to start using the house keys, or a screw and a hammer. And I heard pushing the cork in ruins the flavour. Guess I'm going to bed sober tonight...

Lets just say I'm not really good at this kinda thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Couldn't find the c*ckscrew and couldn't push the spoon deep enough to get to twist the cork out. I'm not desperate enough to start using the house keys, or a screw and a hammer. And I heard pushing the cork in ruins the flavour. Guess I'm going to bed sober tonight...

Lets just say I'm not really good at this kinda thing. really shouldn't use the cockscrew. You should use the corkscrew. It works much better.

Poor cock was never meant to be used in that way...

You wouldn't believe all the uses they have! They're the Swiss army knife of male anatomy.

Other than fingers, but you gotta use your brain to properly utilize them, and we ALL know that's not gonna happen.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Couldn't find the c*ckscrew and couldn't push the spoon deep enough to get to twist the cork out. I'm not desperate enough to start using the house keys, or a screw and a hammer. And I heard pushing the cork in ruins the flavour. Guess I'm going to bed sober tonight...

Lets just say I'm not really good at this kinda thing. really shouldn't use the cockscrew. You should use the corkscrew. It works much better.

Poor cock was never meant to be used in that way...

I always open my bottles with a duck.

Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Like her ass has ever been in the same zip code as a sandwich.


This is the most confusing sentence I have read to date.

Your next beverage in the abscondi-cave is freer than normal!

1. The character makes these massive sandwiches with some type of aoli on thick bread.

2. The actress is size 000 or something.

3. Her ass has never been in the same zip code as an actual sandwich.

4. But she's cute and bubbly and we're all supposed to accept it.

I can willingly forgive a lot of logical inconsistencies for the sake of entertainment, but scrawny actresses playing characters who eat carbs and fat is not one of them.

Now I cant stop thinking about someone with powers similar to the horseman of apocalypse named Famine, as food, specifically sandwiches, disappear in the zip code she is in mysteriously. People around her begin to starve, but she always has food disproportionate to her petite size ready to eat that she never shares, but she is cheerful and charismatic enough that people never put two and two together.

Someone stat this villain up! This is Shaper of Worlds material!



2 people marked this as a favorite.

Last night at Pyrkon, or rather 4-star hotel where we are staying.

I met Gorbacz and his wife today for the first time in some 6 years, although we seen each other for a few minutes only as they were going to another attraction, while I was working at the stand.

Tomorrow the last day, and then packing... *sigh*

Drejk wrote:

Last night at Pyrkon, or rather 4-star hotel where we are staying.

I met Gorbacz and his wife today for the first time in some 6 years, although we seen each other for a few minutes only as they were going to another attraction, while I was working at the stand.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Went out canvassing again today, and I got enough signatures to run for Precinct Committeeperson, and then some! WOOO!

lisamarlene wrote:
I couldn't even finish the first season of Jessica Jones; it was too depressing. I had the same experience with Breaking Bad.

I share your feelings about BB, but JJ has enough action to break up the misanthropy for me. Looking forward to season 3!

captain yesterday wrote:
5. A Handmaid's Tale (admittedly, it can be incredibly painful to watch, it's very well done)

So painful, but so so good.

Comedy-wise, I just watched Ali Wong's new special, and she is as ridiculous as ever.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Don't talk to me about R*y*l W*d*i*g*s.

There will be crossness, and spoilers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

Don't talk to me about R*y*l W*d*i*g*s.

There will be crossness, and spoilers.

We had a royal wedding in our Kingmaker game. All three fey courts were present. As well as representatives from various barony houses involved in our sponsor nation's little civil war...

The Exchange

Limeylongears wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Couldn't find the c*ckscrew and couldn't push the spoon deep enough to get to twist the cork out. I'm not desperate enough to start using the house keys, or a screw and a hammer. And I heard pushing the cork in ruins the flavour. Guess I'm going to bed sober tonight...

Lets just say I'm not really good at this kinda thing. really shouldn't use the cockscrew. You should use the corkscrew. It works much better.

Poor cock was never meant to be used in that way...

I always open my bottles with a duck.

How do you open bottles with a duck?

The Exchange

Don't have a corkscrew in the house either...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

Don't talk to me about R*y*l W*d*i*g*s.

There will be crossness, and spoilers.

rival wingdings?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Couldn't find the c*ckscrew and couldn't push the spoon deep enough to get to twist the cork out. I'm not desperate enough to start using the house keys, or a screw and a hammer. And I heard pushing the cork in ruins the flavour. Guess I'm going to bed sober tonight...

Lets just say I'm not really good at this kinda thing. really shouldn't use the cockscrew. You should use the corkscrew. It works much better.

Poor cock was never meant to be used in that way...

I always open my bottles with a duck.
How do you open bottles with a duck?

However you want, they're all a+&&&~%s.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


*tappy tappy tap*

That is just duckie.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Couldn't find the c*ckscrew and couldn't push the spoon deep enough to get to twist the cork out. I'm not desperate enough to start using the house keys, or a screw and a hammer. And I heard pushing the cork in ruins the flavour. Guess I'm going to bed sober tonight...

Lets just say I'm not really good at this kinda thing. really shouldn't use the cockscrew. You should use the corkscrew. It works much better.

Poor cock was never meant to be used in that way...

I always open my bottles with a duck.

I understood that reference. [/Cap]

Edit: Corkscrew-y ducks explained by Ze Frank. Possibly NSFchildren or work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
I can willingly forgive a lot of logical inconsistencies for the sake of entertainment, but scrawny actresses playing characters who eat carbs and fat is not one of them.

I've missed the last couple seasons, so maybe something changed, but Fitz (the science guy) was the sandwich & aioli gourmet. Simmons (the science lady) was the size 0... who I think was only shown once eating onscreen which would explain her size 0-ness.

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In a way, it's an honor to be stung by a bee. They hate you so much that they are willing to die just to cause you a mild amount of pain.

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From a certain point of view, a rap battle is two men writing poetry about how strongly they feel about one another.

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