Tequila Sunrise |
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Anyone have suggestions for a good layman's website-builder? I'm now pretty much in charge of my local Party's website, and currently it is hosted on Wordpress. Which I've used in the past for blogging, but the site-building side of it seems much more involved. Like I'm currently trying to figure out why our Dem Donkey header image is getting cut off on all non-home pages, and apparently I have to trawl thru the theme CSS and try to locate the individual line responsible for this inconsistency. Or find another theme that doesn't cut the header off.
Is there something more user-friendly, or is Wordpress pretty much as good as it gets?

John Napier 698 |
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John Napier 698 wrote:watch it on the tbs website.KING FREEHOLD wrote:YOUR KING DECREES EVERYFAWTL MUST WATCH FINAL SPACEWhat's it on?
EDIT: Found it. It's on TBS. I don't have cable.
I'll look into it. just got back from getting a mixer for my mother, since the last one broke. I let her pick the color.

John Napier 698 |
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Anyone have suggestions for a good layman's website-builder? I'm now pretty much in charge of my local Party's website, and currently it is hosted on Wordpress. Which I've used in the past for blogging, but the site-building side of it seems much more involved. Like I'm currently trying to figure out why our Dem Donkey header image is getting cut off on all non-home pages, and apparently I have to trawl thru the theme CSS and try to locate the individual line responsible for this inconsistency. Or find another theme that doesn't cut the header off.
Is there something more user-friendly, or is Wordpress pretty much as good as it gets?
TS, try here. You might find what you're looking for.

NobodysHome |
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It's really funny how "financial success" can be measured in a multitude of different ways, ranging from, "My family will not starve... today" to "I have so much money I cannot possibly spend it in my lifetime".
For many, many years, we struggled with the threshold of, "When something we use every day breaks, we can replace it." For so many years we'd get something really nice, either by saving up or by getting it as a present, use it for years, and then, when it finally died, realize we couldn't get a replacement because we didn't have the money lying around to deal with it.
Well, both our tea kettle AND our coffee maker gave up the ghost in the last couple of weeks, and this morning I casually re-ordered a coffee maker... and realized that I could!!
So it's only been in the last couple of years since NobodysWife got a "real" job, but we've reached that point in our life where when something breaks, we can just order a new one of that very same thing.
It's a nice feeling, and it's really weird to me that it came SO long after the whole, "Owning a house" thing...
(Of course, around here "owning a house" frequently takes 40-50% of your gross income, and taxes and health insurance another 30-35%, so it's no surprise that liquid cash to spend isn't as plentiful as it should seem.)
Anyway, new cofeemaker! Yay!
EDIT: Scary. I'd missed John's post about his mother's mixer before I posted this... FaWtL works in mysterious and coincidental ways...

NobodysHome |
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Note to self: in the future, don't tell Tiny T-Rex about summer vacation until after school lets out for the year.
I must've had ten people tell me this morning "Tiny T-Rex says you're going to California this summer" "yeah, it's amazing what you can do with two incomes and no boat payments"
Start sounding like a native. "No, we're going to Northern California", and make sure you put plenty of Seattle Snootiness on "Northern"; they learned it from us, after all!

NobodysHome |
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Kids come over to our house and gape in awe at the figures on shelves over my desk and bookshelves full of Pathfinder stuff.
Shiro says, "NobodysHome owns everything Paizo ever published!"
It's an exaggeration, but not by much; I could probably fit the rest in half a bookcase.
(He frustrates me because he'll need to display a map at the Sunday game and I'll just say, "I'm sure I have it! Let me log into my Paizo account for you and grab it!", and he's just terrified of my Downloads page and doesn't want me near his computer with that many available downloads.)

NobodysHome |
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I have a respectable amount, about 85% campaign setting, 40% percent of the player companions, all the APs except book one of Council Of Thieves, Second Darkness, Giantslayer,and Legacy Of Fire.
I don't allow Player Companions, because unlike Just a Mort I don't care for the cheese. (Greater Angelic Aspect as a 4th-level paladin spell, anyone?)
Similarly, I haven't been buying a lot of the hardcovers 'cause I'm not subscribed to them, so I'm missing Unchained, the Bestiaries 5 and 6, and so forth.
Other than that, I have all the APs, plus the RotRL and CT hardcovers, and many of the campaign settings.

captain yesterday |
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Yeah, I stopped getting Player Companions when they switched formats (with a few exceptions), I guess I'm more at 25 to 30% of them (they've released way more than I realized).
As far as RPG line I have most except Ultimate Campaign, Ultimate Wilderness, Adventurers Guide, Villains Codex, Unchained, and Horror Adventures.
Also both AP hardcovers.

Kjeldorn |
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I don't allow Player Companions, because unlike Just a Mort I don't care for the cheese. (Greater Angelic Aspect as a 4th-level paladin spell, anyone?)
Plenty of way to remedy it though. Kicking the greater version off the paladin spell list comes to mind....
It's a pretty nifty (if not a bit over-powered) buff for ye old paladin, though with it being a 4th lvl spell, it competes with stuff like Eaglesoul and Holysword as the go to (self)buff for most palas, though its more defensive then the other two in nature.No the real cheese begins when some player gets the bright idea to use the Samsaran Mystic Past Life racial trait to plonk the spell into some Oracle, Druid (or other divine spellcaster) builds spell-list as a 4th level spell!!

Vanykrye |
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Most things, in and of themselves, are not "broken" or overpowered in my opinion. It's, like Kjel mentioned, in combination with other things where you really find problems. And for me, it's only an issue of what's overpowered for the campaign being ran. I remember a thread a while back where the originator was complaining that detect magic was ruining his/her campaign.

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Kids come over to our house and gape in awe at the figures on shelves over my desk and bookshelves full of Pathfinder stuff.
Shiro says, "NobodysHome owns everything Paizo ever published!"
It's an exaggeration, but not by much; I could probably fit the rest in half a bookcase.
(He frustrates me because he'll need to display a map at the Sunday game and I'll just say, "I'm sure I have it! Let me log into my Paizo account for you and grab it!", and he's just terrified of my Downloads page and doesn't want me near his computer with that many available downloads.)
I only own stuff in PDF. Can you imagine lugging all those books around? I'm a little bit!
Everything else can be checked out using archive of nethys/d20pfsrd. Archive of nethys is more accurate but less user friendly.

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NobodysHome wrote:I don't allow Player Companions, because unlike Just a Mort I don't care for the cheese. (Greater Angelic Aspect as a 4th-level paladin spell, anyone?)
Plenty of way to remedy it though. Kicking the greater version off the paladin spell list comes to mind....
It's a pretty nifty (if not a bit over-powered) buff for ye old paladin, though with it being a 4th lvl spell, it competes with stuff like Eaglesoul and Holysword as the go to (self)buff for most palas, though its more defensive then the other two in nature.No the real cheese begins when some player gets the bright idea to use the Samsaran Mystic Past Life racial trait to plonk the spell into some Oracle, Druid (or other divine spellcaster) builds spell-list as a 4th level spell!!
Hmm Holy sword is a nice candidate to add to other class lists...and I might want Strong Jaw for lunar/dark tapestry oracles for all that shapeshifting shenanigans, but again I don't really play now, so why bother?

Orthos |
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I was a copious drinker in my early to mid 20s until I figured out that prescribed medication is much better at alleviating/suppressing my anxiety disorder. Giving yourself a combination near migraine and near panic attack because you're worried about bizarre, highly improbable contraindications from taking your newly-prescribed anti-anxiety medication is apparently a huge DUH! symptom.
I know the feeling, tangentially. When I had my panic attack and ended up overnight in the hospital due to mistaking it for a heart attack, something I'd been dreading (mostly pointlessly, I could do for better health overall admittedly) for years, I got prescribed an anti-anxiety medication that, combined with melatonin supplements, has made my sleep schedule so so so much more stable.

captain yesterday |
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They had the incoming freshman meeting for Crookshanks' future high school where they tell the helicopter parents to relax and let their kids learn independence.
They then opened it up to questions wherein all the helicopter parents wanted to know how the school planned to helicopter their kids for them.
And apparently the General wasn't in the mood for my ear tickling heckling.

gran rey de los mono |
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They had the incoming freshman meeting for Crookshanks' future high school where they tell the helicopter parents to relax and let their kids learn independence.
They then opened it up to questions wherein all the helicopter parents wanted to know how the school planned to helicopter their kids for them.
And apparently the General wasn't in the mood for my ear tickling heckling.
You should have asked if they used Blackhawks, Apaches, or Hinds.

gran rey de los mono |
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And I'm not sure, but I think 2nd shift called me "senpai" tonight. He has a habit of leaving without clocking out, so when I saw him head out the door I asked "Did you clock out?", and he went "Oh yeah..." and went to clock out. Then as he came back through the lobby he said(I think) "What would I do without you gran-senpai?" Never been called that before.