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*Gets dressed* In fact, the record snowfall amounts were 21.1 inches in Pittsburgh on February 5-6 of 2010. I remember that, because mass transit stopped, and I had to walk home for 3 hours that Friday.

I mean, I did wait until someone posted, but, hey, you can't blame the pie on me.

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Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

I've been burned too many times? The issue is I'm a little twitchy at this point of time, have trust issues + no patience for weird shenanigans.

Maybe I'm just not ready.

I don't know if I'm just getting uptight about it or am I right to feel that a group and GM that accepts casual pickpocketting probably isn't a good fit for me?

At the risk of repeating myself (which I NEVER do), I don't think it's a GM issue. If a player wanted to be a mischievous CN rogue who occasionally picked pockets of innocent NPCs on his way through town, I'd give the NPCs and party members their requisite Perception rolls, and everyone who knew about it would start a long, slow decline towards Evil (harming others for the fun of it is not a Neutral act in my book), but as a GM I would just monitor the situation.

The problem is, I've never seen a player who stopped there. "I want to play a gleaming anti-hero, like Dirty Harry or Judge Dredd" is what they always say. Then you actually let them play, and there's nothing "heroic" whatsoever in their behavior. NPCs are tools to be abused, robbed, mocked, and tormented.
"You come upon a grieving widow, crying over the corpses of her dead husband and children."
"Is she hot? I boff her!"
"You WHAT?!?!?!"
"I maxed out Diplomacy! I roll a... 42! I boff her right there on her husband's corpse! I'm Chaotic! It's fine!"

Yeah, THAT'S the kind of stuff I have to deal with when I allow players to be "lovable rogues".

oh my god!

My character would NEVER stoop so low as to seduce a woman grieving her loss atop her beloved's body!

That's just unsanitary!

More seriously, I think this is nore of a problem with binary skill systems than alignment. That player would likely do the exact same thing if they were playing a paladin. Because the rules encourage such a success/fail viewpoint.

What's more it's a rules failure.

Unless the woman was seriously into very... ah... socially problematic actions anyway, that diplomacy gets to move her to the vaunted heights of Indifferent (hostile -> step 1: unfriendly -> step 2: indifferent -> can't do more than 2).

EDIT: rules linked and explanation added

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Tacticslion wrote:

What's more it's a rules failure.

Unless the woman was seriously into very... ah... socially problematic actions anyway, that diplomacy gets to move her to the vaunted heights of Indifferent.

Er... have you never been to the Rules forums?

The things that players think they can accomplish with Diplomacy or Charm Person utterly boggle the mind. The number of "optimized builds" where a player says, "I can get a +50 Diplomacy at 5th level and convince all the monsters to just give me their treasure", or, "I can cast Charm Person with a DC of 42, and then we can just make the monster fight on our side."

Such people get really upset when reality sets in...

EDIT: But their logic is:
(1) Diplomacy Roll 1: I automatically shift them to Indifferent
(2) By the rules if a creature is at least indifferent to me, I can make a request
(3) Diplomacy Roll 2: If I beat the DC by +15 or more again, the creature is my slave and must do whatever I want no matter what because I rolled high enough.

EDIT 2: Mentally, I think they visualize the rulebook this way:
Some requests automatically fail if the request goes against the creature's values or its nature, subject to GM discretion.

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lisamarlene wrote:

Things I've learned:

Hollowing out eggs for pisanki is damned difficult.
I bought a pack of 18 eggs, figuring that over the course of the next week, I could use them a few at a time and then wash and dry them.
I remembered watching my aunt do it and I'd read internet tutorials, so how hard could it be?
My current success rate is 1/4.
Also, after going through three different tools, the orchid stake (not pointy but very small and hard) worked better than the wider tools with sharp points.

You can make pisanki out of hard-boiled eggs and keep them in the fridge, and eat them as you want.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Ten and a half inches of snow here.



I think that could be Freehold's response...

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Just a Mort wrote:

It's like a slap to the face of the justice system. OK I'm rich, therefore I get to do whatever I want.

Fine, there's some truth in that, but...

*flattens ears*

This is an accurate summary of the history of human civilization.

For humanity's history at diplomacy and inter-group relations, see the phrase "angry monkeys beating each other with sticks."

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NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

I've been burned too many times? The issue is I'm a little twitchy at this point of time, have trust issues + no patience for weird shenanigans.

Maybe I'm just not ready.

I don't know if I'm just getting uptight about it or am I right to feel that a group and GM that accepts casual pickpocketting probably isn't a good fit for me?

At the risk of repeating myself (which I NEVER do), I don't think it's a GM issue. If a player wanted to be a mischievous CN rogue who occasionally picked pockets of innocent NPCs on his way through town, I'd give the NPCs and party members their requisite Perception rolls, and everyone who knew about it would start a long, slow decline towards Evil (harming others for the fun of it is not a Neutral act in my book), but as a GM I would just monitor the situation.

The problem is, I've never seen a player who stopped there. "I want to play a gleaming anti-hero, like Dirty Harry or Judge Dredd" is what they always say. Then you actually let them play, and there's nothing "heroic" whatsoever in their behavior. NPCs are tools to be abused, robbed, mocked, and tormented.
"You come upon a grieving widow, crying over the corpses of her dead husband and children."
"Is she hot? I boff her!"
"You WHAT?!?!?!"
"I maxed out Diplomacy! I roll a... 42! I boff her right there on her husband's corpse! I'm Chaotic! It's fine!"

Yeah, THAT'S the kind of stuff I have to deal with when I allow players to be "lovable rogues".

I have played a character who would occasionally pick pockets of NPCs as her most evil constant act. But, she wasn't a lovable rogue.

She was poor. There was nothing heroic about it. She just wanted to buy food. Once she got a steady income, she stopped picking pockets because she no longer had to worry about starving.

She also became a great patron of helping the poor once she got wealthy.

The Exchange

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You cannot use Diplomacy to influence a given creature’s attitude more than once in a 24 hour period.

Not that it matters since if you get the check high enough, you get from unfriendly to indifferent/friendly, which is sufficient for you to start making requests.

And yeah, tell me about what players EXPECT of diplo...

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Terrinam wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

I've been burned too many times? The issue is I'm a little twitchy at this point of time, have trust issues + no patience for weird shenanigans.

Maybe I'm just not ready.

I don't know if I'm just getting uptight about it or am I right to feel that a group and GM that accepts casual pickpocketting probably isn't a good fit for me?

At the risk of repeating myself (which I NEVER do), I don't think it's a GM issue. If a player wanted to be a mischievous CN rogue who occasionally picked pockets of innocent NPCs on his way through town, I'd give the NPCs and party members their requisite Perception rolls, and everyone who knew about it would start a long, slow decline towards Evil (harming others for the fun of it is not a Neutral act in my book), but as a GM I would just monitor the situation.

The problem is, I've never seen a player who stopped there. "I want to play a gleaming anti-hero, like Dirty Harry or Judge Dredd" is what they always say. Then you actually let them play, and there's nothing "heroic" whatsoever in their behavior. NPCs are tools to be abused, robbed, mocked, and tormented.
"You come upon a grieving widow, crying over the corpses of her dead husband and children."
"Is she hot? I boff her!"
"You WHAT?!?!?!"
"I maxed out Diplomacy! I roll a... 42! I boff her right there on her husband's corpse! I'm Chaotic! It's fine!"

Yeah, THAT'S the kind of stuff I have to deal with when I allow players to be "lovable rogues".

I have played a character who would occasionally pick pockets of NPCs as her most evil constant act. But, she wasn't a lovable rogue.

She was poor. There was nothing heroic about it. She just wanted to buy food. Once she got a steady income, she stopped picking pockets because she no longer had to worry about starving.

She also became a great patron of helping the poor once she got wealthy.

And see? That's the kind of player arc I LOVE to see! "I am doing xxx because yyy. Now that yyy no longer applies, I will no longer do xxx."

I really loved playing my tiefling oracle's character arc. When the captain found her huddled under the gangplank, she refused to go into any city, wouldn't be left alone anywhere, wouldn't talk, and was this timid little thing.
By the end of the AP she was a raging anti-slavery champion, storming onto slaver ships ahead of even the frontline fighters just to make sure the slaves were protected as she freed them.

Lots of fun.

So, Sharoth, I got the chance to watch that video of the violinist - wonderful by the way.

Any chance any- or- everyone on FaWtL has similar videos of guys playing the violin? My son thought this one was cool, but would love to see more guys playing his instrument.

(There are a ton of great violinists on YouTube, but he'd kind of like to see another guy, you know? And there seems to be a relative derth. They exist, but they're just harder to come by.)

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Sorry, Tac. I'm not musically inclined.

The Exchange

I find string instruments like violins screechy so no Im not a fan of violinists.

Keyboard/woodwind please.

The Exchange

Limeylongears wrote:

If I wanna play evil, I play evil. Full on goatee-stroking, bombastic villain-laughing evil, with blood-red robes or black spiky armour and an irresistable urge for POWER at any cost. None of this 'Ooooh, look at me, I'm Chaotic Neutral herpyderpderpdoo'. Do it properly or play a pladludlin, I say....

I cannot play a paladin since I bet it'd end in tears with GMs interpretation of the paladin code.

Look I'm on the side of angels, but I'm not protecting a kid I've just met from an ancient red dragon at level 1. The result would be I'd just end up dead...with the kid since...breath weapon. Which does no good to the universe so why would I bother?

Yes these days I mostly play neutral characters since a GM threw us a wil o wisp at level 3,that none of us could hit, then complained that I was out of alignment when I wanted to run for the hills leaving the NPC to his fate.

I did NOT get the NPC into trouble in the first place, so why do I have a duty to rescue him against seemingly impossible odds?

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Just a Mort wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

If I wanna play evil, I play evil. Full on goatee-stroking, bombastic villain-laughing evil, with blood-red robes or black spiky armour and an irresistable urge for POWER at any cost. None of this 'Ooooh, look at me, I'm Chaotic Neutral herpyderpderpdoo'. Do it properly or play a pladludlin, I say....

I cannot play a paladin since I bet it'd end in tears with GMs interpretation of the paladin code.

Look I'm on the side of angels, but I'm not protecting a kid I've just met from an ancient red dragon at level 1. The result would be I'd just end up dead...with the kid since...breath weapon. Which does no good to the universe so why would I bother?

A paladin would likely just take the kid and run. No reason to fight.

And a red dragon isn't normally a stealthy opponent.

And if the GM just plops a red dragon at level 1, there are several possible takes:

- 1) the GM is planning something for later in the game

- 2) the GM hates you, personally

- 3) the GM isn't very aware of balance or fairness

Two of those three can be fixed with time or a pleasant conversation. OOC I'd talk to the GM, and then work with his intent for the game, adjusting IC as-needed.

Generally speaking, though, the correct response is, "Save all the other villagers, first, because throwing your life away isn't courageous, it's foolish. Scrape money to raise him, if possible, and either way, I will return to mete out righteous vengeance and ensure none ever suffer this tragedy again, later. All praise Ragathiel. Also, I have no family, or friends, and never have."

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Geez, some of the warnings on these gift cards make life hard.

"Treat this gift card exactly as you would cash".

So I tried to throw it on my desk and forget about it but it's all big and floppy and annoying...

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Tacticslion wrote:
- 3) the GM isn't very aware of balance or fairness

This seems most likely. Or, he's a budding "Killer-GM."

The Exchange

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I never have friends or family on my characters for a reason. Or they're all dead. So that no one gets any handles over me by holding them ransom.

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Just a Mort wrote:

I find string instruments like violins screechy so no Im not a fan of violinists.

Keyboard/woodwind please.

If you don't like violins now, just wait'll you find out they make the strings out of catgut*.

(* Catgut is not actually made from felines, but instead from sheep's and goats' guts.)

The Exchange

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Yeah you could run with the kid... And the red dragon flames you, you still both end up dead.

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Heck I've played plenty of quasi-Chaotic, quick-fingered and generally dick-holey ass-hats through the years.
What tied all of them together was that whatever down-right horrible thing, that they did during this weeks game, they all ways did it for rather straight forward and concrete reasons.

Good examples would be:

- Picking someone's pocket to prove how close my character could get to them without slitting their throats (Yay intimidation!).

- "Kjeldorn" helped start, and later lead, a revolution in a city-state, just to get rather cold feet, when everything started to turn rather "reign of terror-y" (that's what you get for having a wide swath of revolutionaries, from guild thieves to jaded ideologues). What to do then? Well pull the plug on the revolution of cause! A quick 3-to-2 vote, by the rest of the party, on that suggestion and we'd turned counter-revolutionaries! (Yay?!)

- Solving the capture enemy problem by dueling them in a "fair fight" (to the death, I would even provide them with a fine weapon during the duel!) to appease the goodly members of the party, who tended to frown upon the whole taking prisoners just to execute them later.
Those fights were rarely anywhere near fair, basically it was a accomplished duelist using random mooks for stabbing practice (Yay stabbings!)

The Exchange

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
- 3) the GM isn't very aware of balance or fairness
This seems most likely. Or, he's a budding "Killer-GM."

And this is going to get me ranting about 5e GMing. You freaking give me a tavern full of pirates and don't tell me how many pirates!!

What if I get too many pirates and TPK the party?!

And I just started playing 5e 3 months ago and know nothing about how encounters are balanced in 5e!

How, may I ask, know if the encounter is fair?

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Just a Mort wrote:
I never have friends or family on my characters for a reason. Or they're all dead. So that no one gets any handles over me by holding them ransom.

Man, you run with some rough GMs.

Lara Croft Guy took a background that his family had been killed when their city was destroyed. When we went back to try to reclaim the city, we found proof that almost all of them had gotten away and we had a new, exciting adventure hook...
...that did NOT involve murderhoboing someone's family off-screen because bad GMing.

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...and what does it say about you when your campaign journal takes almost exactly twice as long to write as it took to play the session?

(Of course, the GM now insists on receiving it every week because he likes to "see how his campaign is progressing from a character's point of view", not at all because I have ludicrous amounts of fun writing in-character as a female gnome and her random musings give him the giggles or anything...)

The Exchange

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Kjeldorn wrote:

- Solving the capture enemy problem by dueling them in a "fair fight" (to the death, I would even provide them with a fine weapon during the duel!) to appease the goodly members of the party, who tended to frown upon the whole taking prisoners just to execute them later.
Those fights were rarely anywhere near fair, basically it was a accomplished duelist using random mooks for stabbing practice (Yay stabbings!)

I'd duel you! With a swordfish!

The Exchange

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NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
I never have friends or family on my characters for a reason. Or they're all dead. So that no one gets any handles over me by holding them ransom.

Man, you run with some rough GMs.

Lara Croft Guy took a background that his family had been killed when their city was destroyed. When we went back to try to reclaim the city, we found proof that almost all of them had gotten away and we had a new, exciting adventure hook...
...that did NOT involve murderhoboing someone's family off-screen because bad GMing.

Minor correction. I write that my family is dead before the adventure starts so that GMs will have no handle over me. I don't see why I need distractions that may screw me and the party over. Like I have to drop current quest to rescue family and it bites me and the party in the back later. Because our enemies got more time to prepare etc.

And of course when I rush back to save family, all I find is a burnt hovel...

And yeah I'd say I have some kind of D&D PTSD(sorry John if I am being irreverent to the real thing).

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Just a Mort wrote:
Yeah you could run with the kid... And the red dragon flames you, you still both end up dead.

Oooorrrrrrrr... you could just run.

Basically, if a red dragon is close enough to kill a kid with its fire breath, and you're close enough to help the kid, the red dragon is close enough to kill you with its fire breath (and it will most certainly target the metal-clad idiot instead of the kid, first, else it is a moron).

The scenario you've presented is problematic in that it's a straw-argument against bad GMing.

We can all agree that bad GMing is bad.

What we can't all agree on is what that looks like.

This is the same thing with players and expectations.

There's nothing wrong with a gaming table who delights in taking those DC 42 diplomacy checks and boffing the lady. That's all fine (though on the corpse is rather... disturbing, it's actually just harmless fantasy play in exploring a world where even the morality is different from your own). There's nothing wrong with playing a game with people who pick the pockets of others. There's nothing wrong with people playing chaotic jerk.

... right up until it makes others at the table uncomfortable or otherwise is detrimental to the kind of game the table as a group wishes to run or play.

If a group wants to play in one way, but the GM doesn't want to run that game: try getting someone else to GM. If they won't, well... don't game, or change character plans.

This isn't a bad thing, it's just how it's done.

Find what works for your fellow players and GM, and then go about with that.

Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
- 3) the GM isn't very aware of balance or fairness
This seems most likely. Or, he's a budding "Killer-GM."

And this is going to get me ranting about 5e GMing. You freaking give me a tavern full of pirates and don't tell me how many pirates!!

What if I get too many pirates and TPK the party?!

And I just started playing 5e 3 months ago and know nothing about how encounters are balanced in 5e!

How, may I ask, know if the encounter is fair?

Easy: you trust the writers to make a fun adventure and do what they told you (roll for the pirates) and see how it susses out.

Your problem in this case is simply your problem with not having explicit statements to follow. It's a personal thing, not a system thing.

5E has a random number of mooks because the number range is supposed to be a relatively "fair" fight, and you, as the GM and ultimate arbiter, are expected to make decisions. That you don't like that isn't a flaw in the system, nor with its balance - it's a difference in preference.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with your preference, but they didn't do anything wrong with that scenario.

It's like the way I still don't know programming and am leery about doing anything with my computer, or the way I've not spent more time learning various languages. I really should know more of it, but I really, really, really don't want to.


I feel that emotional "YAAAAAHHHH!!! HHHIIIISSSSSS!!!" and cringe away, but, fundamentally, there's nothing wrong with the experimenting. I'm just busy and tired and have a life and am fundamentally disinterested in doing what needs to be done.

But it's cool. Everyone's got their hangups. :D

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Just a Mort wrote:
D&D PTSD(sorry John if I am being irreverent to the real thing).

For the record, what you are experiencing is basically that.

It's an irrational backlash against things that have psychologically impounded parts of your being and altered how you view things.

It's not being irreverent, it's experiencing that.

Further, there are a ton of different things that can generate PTSD, not just gaming and combat/VeryBadThings.

That said, more major PTSD is from very serious stuff and has much deeper implications for its seriousness, which, in the long run, is much more important; games, after all, are meant to be happy fun adventure imagination time with friends! (Though gaming can be tremendously therapeutic.)

Oh, and speaking of emotionally scarring people:

- Mort, I just had those fr'eye'd cre-ahm cheezeh won-tohns*, again. SO DELICIOUSLY EEEEEEEEEVIL~!

- NH: they have all sorts of gooily delicious things in the cre-ahm cheezeh* that I can't even identify and I am still readily stuffing it into my villainous craw!

Admission: I don't know if this will bother NH, but I'm targeting him as a resident master chef who lives in CA, and that place is supposed to be snooty, so... he gets that target by proxy, even if he is so awesome as to fit in anywhere. ;D

- And Mort, to add to my delightfully delectable culinary crimes against all good taste: I just blended the villainous che'ddar jack into half a bowl of pork fried rice... and in the other half, I just blended art-eye-choke, spin-ache and azee-ah-goh** dip~!


>rubs hands maniacally together<

Doesn't that make you... angry?! Perhaps make you seek to become a paladin of righteousness so you might SMITE EVIL WITH DIVINE POWER?!


* Fried Cream Cheese Wontons
** artichoke, spinach, and asiago dip

Look, buddy, why don't we all just relax?

I've recently gotten into those pop movies everyone likes, and even done some street performances!

We should all just enjoy my sweet, sweet talent.

The Exchange

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Megamind wrote:

Oh, and speaking of emotionally scarring people:
- Mort, I just had those fr'eye'd cre-ahm cheezeh won-tohns*, again. SO DELICIOUSLY EEEEEEEEEVIL~!
- NH: they have all sorts of gooily delicious things in the cre-ahm cheezeh* that I can't even identify and I am still readily stuffing it into my villainous craw!
Admission: I don't know if this will bother NH, but I'm targeting him as a resident master chef who lives in CA, and that place is supposed to be snooty, so... he gets that target by proxy, even if he is so awesome as to fit in anywhere. ;D
- And Mort, to add to my delightfully delectable culinary crimes against all good taste: I just blended the villainous che'ddar jack into half a bowl of pork fried rice... and in the other half, I just blended art-eye-choke, spin-ache and azee-ah-goh** dip~!
>rubs hands maniacally together<
Doesn't that make you... angry?! Perhaps make you seek to become a paladin of righteousness so you might SMITE EVIL WITH DIVINE POWER?!
* Fried Cream Cheese Wontons
** artichoke, spinach, and asiago dip

Nooooooo! Blasphemy and Heresy!

*stares at the poor Won Ton’s, glares at megamind with righteous indignation and starts using smite chaos.*

I told you I am not a paladin, so I can’t smite evil.

*pounces on Megamind*

bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
dmg: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
bite confirm: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
claw: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

The cheddar jack on fried rice – we have cheese baked rice down here. Adding pork instead of the usual squid or other seafood is just a variation. I don’t see anything wrong with that. It’s like choosing to use pork instead of beef for your spaghetti(which I do all the time).

Artichoke and Asiago dip.
Apparently lots of people thought of that before you, and should you choose to add spinach to it to increase your greens intake, good for you!

Though I find Artichokes a rather foul tasting vegetable, but again some things, once combined can be very different. Like I usually find salami rather strong tasting, and won’t touch parmesan cheese, but once you put them both together, hey, they’re actually quite good!

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Just a Mort wrote:

And this is going to get me ranting about 5e GMing. You freaking give me a tavern full of pirates and don't tell me how many pirates!!

What if I get too many pirates and TPK the party?!

And I just started playing 5e 3 months ago and know nothing about how encounters are balanced in 5e!

Are they even supposed to be? I've heard "It's about the story, not the math" enough times that I assume the 5e team wants a free pass for ignoring balance when they want to.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Megamind wrote:

- NH: they have all sorts of gooily delicious things in the cre-ahm cheezeh* that I can't even identify and I am still readily stuffing it into my villainous craw!

* Fried Cream Cheese Wontons
** artichoke, spinach, and asiago dip

Er, sorry. Fried cream cheese won tons are awesome!

The Exchange

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NH – how could you?! Wontons are supposed to be meat dumplings, not cheese!

Edited: Though if you offer me one, I’ll try it. If it turns out to be good, I will retract all my previous complaints and become a cheese wonton follower.

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Le sigh.

You'd kind of expect someone who's carefully fact-checking every bad guy in the AP to be a bit rules-retentive, but really?

(And just like I posted: ALL the APs do it, and Hero Labs does it, so either:
(a) Every other source on the Fly spell is wrong, or
(b) You are misinterpreting the rule.)

The Exchange

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But which dice should I roll? The d6? 2d6? A d4? 1d10? 1d20? d8? I wasn’t given instructions and I can’t function without instructions!

*starts tugging fur out*

Yeah, I have issues. Lol.

Another thing is that down here I think people in D&D are more...chaotically inclined and do what the heck you want kind of thing. The GMs don’t see anything wrong with that. You can see that in the ways I do things (like I don’t see anything wrong with torturing for information).

So it makes me a kind of unique creature, a lawful kitty in a chaotic world. And everyone is wondering what’s making me so twitchy and grouchy.

The Exchange

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Doesn’t fly spell with good maneuverability give +4 to fly skill? It’s actually those who gain fly by other means (like flight evolution/monstrous physique/beast shape), that get screwed because you may only have average manoeuvrability(depending on what creature you decide to turn into).

Actually I’ve made some mistakes when running APs by just taking out the book. For example I see something like this:

Say a statblock of a ghost.

Melee corrupting touch +7 (7d6)

So of course the first thing you think off as a GM. Ok, walk up to PCs, touch them, if it hits, they take 7d6 negative energy. But what the AP itself does not give is that the ghosts’s corrupting touch has a fort save for half, which you would have found out, if you had checked archives of nethys. And since I’m running an AP while on the phone, I would assume that the information given to me by the AP is correct and not bother to check other sources(like archive of nethys).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
Doesn’t fly spell with good maneuverability give +4 to fly skill?

That's kind of the point. Because the wording of the Fly spell does not exactly match the wording on getting +4 for Good maneuverability, the poster insists it doesn't apply.

So, the AP is wrong, Hero Labs is wrong, I'm wrong, and you're right. OK, fine. But then stop asking questions on the AP thread about why the AP Fly skills are all calculated incorrectly.

The Exchange

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Yeah it was here - it does apply

But me thinks AP writers used herolabs to generate stat blocks, so any errors in herolabs would carry over.

I do not use herolabs so I do not know whether herolabs applies the +4 for good maneuverability or not.

Just explaining things you know.

The Exchange

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I'd have popped into the thread with that faq, but it looks like you got it settled.

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Just a Mort wrote:

Yeah it was here - it does apply

But me thinks AP writers used herolabs to generate stat blocks, so any errors in herolabs would carry over.

I do not use herolabs so I do not know whether herolabs applies the +4 for good maneuverability or not.

Just explaining things you know.

Considering the number of errors Hero Labs finds in their stat blocks, I'm dubious...

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OK, lisamarlene, you fricking WIN!!!!!

That was AMAZING!

The kids are all cheering.

You win. Nicely done!

Impus Major is grinning like an idiot and admiring it on the couch now. Forget the game!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Geez, some of the warnings on these gift cards make life hard.

"Treat this gift card exactly as you would cash".

So I tried to throw it on my desk and forget about it but it's all big and floppy and annoying...

Oh, c'mon, FaWtL! "Big and floppy and annoying" and nobody, NOBODY makes a Freehold comment?

I am disappoint.

The Exchange

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OK, maybe not. I know nothing about herolabs. But anyway I won't proof read APs to see if they calculated things right pretty much. I assume AP writers know what they are doing. If they don't, too bad. I won't be double checking their work anyway.

I don't find Freehold big, floppy or annoying, so that's that.

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I am having one of those days. The filters on this site do not allow me to express what kind of day I am having because it is the kind of description best narrated by Samuel L Jackson. And this is a PG-13 site.
*sigh* I know intellectually that it could have been worse, because most of it is almost disasters. I almost fell when I blacked out in the bathroom this morning, but caught myself in time. The house almost caught fire, but a fritzing smoke detector had me standing a few feet away from the space heater when it started to smoke. I almost had a hot griddle flip over onto me, but caught it and instead only have a burned thumb. But it's a lot of almost for one day, so whoever is trying to curse me, could you just cut it out already? Seriously, I get the message, thanks. ;P

Oh, and just to add insult to injury, it's the thumb I use for unlocking my phone. >.<

The Exchange

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What caused your blackout? That one has potential to get very bad.

For your thumb - spread aloe vera over it? See if you can change phone settings to switch thumb, or use password unlocks?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

OK, lisamarlene, you fricking WIN!!!!!

That was AMAZING!

The kids are all cheering.

You win. Nicely done!

Impus Major is grinning like an idiot and admiring it on the couch now. Forget the game!


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

OK, lisamarlene, you fricking WIN!!!!!

That was AMAZING!

The kids are all cheering.

You win. Nicely done!

Impus Major is grinning like an idiot and admiring it on the couch now. Forget the game!


Not 'til LM favorites the post so I know she got it. There is NO WAY I am steal her thunder on such a coup!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:


What caused your near blackout? That one has potential to get very bad.

For your thumb - spread aloe vera over it? See if you can change phone settings to switch thumb, or use password unlocks?

Not totally sure. It was a bad vertigo day, for sure. Blood pressure change? Wasn't blood sugar. I checked that right away, just to be safe. *shrug* I'm a fainter. This is normal. Well, normal for me.

And yeah, of course I used aloe. This is why I keep an aloe plant in the kitchen. :)
And also ice. It was a really painful burn.
The phone is more an inconvenience than anything else. It's just that it takes more time to type in my passcode every time. It's no big deal. It's just after everything else, it was kind of the last straw.

Well....I thought it was the last straw. Now I'm just hoping it was. Either the weather is really making my rib ache or I've bloody dislocated a rib again. (Fun with hyper mobile joints!) Really hoping it's the first. I should just go to bed before anything else can go wrong...

Edit: Sorry. I'm just kind of feeling whiny. I'm sure I'll feel better after a good night's sleep.

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Come to California! We'll feed you Rivoli! We have a gift certificate!

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