Deep 6 FaWtL

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I am drunk on sapporo black as we speak.

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...of course.

Sovereign Court

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makes sense.

Well drunk and nekkid do kind of go hand and hand.

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Unlike John, I had to come back to work close to 11pm Central (aka midnight Eastern). All because the network team is Doing Things. Previously Scheduled Things. And yet I'm very upset with them because...

1) They scheduled this firewall maintenance for tonight last Monday. So they've known for a bit.

2) They made changes to the exact same firewall last night that they didn't have us test before production hours. I reiterate. They made firewall changes on Wednesday night with no testing when they had already scheduled firewall changes for Thursday night and having us come in and test it.

3) The changes they made Wednesday night failed spectacularly. Nobody could have possibly predicted that there would be catastrophic failure when they didn't test the changes ahead of time...

The Exchange

Murphy's law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Nuff said.

John please don't tell me you're drinking your vodka or whiskey neat ><

I drink sake, limoncellos, daiquiri, Magaritas and generally anything sweet. I prefer whites(go Muscato!) over reds, and lighter beers like Asahi and Tsingtao over the black beers(which tend to be too bitter)

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Just got back from seeing Black Panther. I enjoyed it.

I usually chase the whiskey and vodka with water.

The Exchange

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Yeah I did too. Really rubs it in that an eye for an eye makes the world blind.

Also that"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster."

The Exchange

Try vodka with Miranda orange or 100 plus. I've heard some good things mixing that way. Bad for your sugar level, though.

Whiskey I don't really take unless I'm feeling cold and want to warm up. It's too harsh.

The Exchange

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Hey gran, I beat your tavern brawl record by 2 wins!

*brags shamelessly*

Throw tomato at Gran: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18
dmg: 1d2 ⇒ 1

I'll try that. I usually drink the hard stuff from a shot glass. Following the whiskey with a glass of water will take the burn away. Or, you can just add the shot glass to the water. Or even Seltzer.

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Starting to look like Buñol here, with all the tomatoes flying about.

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Vanykrye wrote:

Unlike John, I had to come back to work close to 11pm Central (aka midnight Eastern). All because the network team is Doing Things. Previously Scheduled Things. And yet I'm very upset with them because...

1) They scheduled this firewall maintenance for tonight last Monday. So they've known for a bit.

2) They made changes to the exact same firewall last night that they didn't have us test before production hours. I reiterate. They made firewall changes on Wednesday night with no testing when they had already scheduled firewall changes for Thursday night and having us come in and test it.

3) The changes they made Wednesday night failed spectacularly. Nobody could have possibly predicted that there would be catastrophic failure when they didn't test the changes ahead of time...

Sounds like amateur hour. My condolences.

The Exchange

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I would add the shot glass to water. Also having a dinner party tonight so there are opportunities to drink later. If I feel up to it,that is.

Well, it's a tomato party! Gran generally has a terrible aim with his tomatoes.

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Well, that's the RNG for you. It's probably the same one that's in the C Standard Library.

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I only made it to 4 wins on the tavern brawl myself. Kind of bugs me when I get beat by a deck that I had already lost with. Just a better hand I guess.

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Terrible aim?! I'll show you!!

*Throws tomato at Mort*

*Attack Roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15*

The Exchange

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What deck did you use, Vidmaster? I used my mech mage. Yeah I know it's a really old deck. My only late game play is Antonidas and fireballs. I don't have doctor doom, though I was playing around with faceless summoners.

The Exchange

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*yowls as she gets tomato on her nose*

I take that back.. Oh gran master.

Again, there was that tomato gating gun incident

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Just a Mort wrote:
What deck did you use, Vidmaster? I used my mech mage. Yeah I know it's a really old deck. My only late game play is Antonidas and fireballs. I don't have doctor doom, though I was playing around with faceless summoners.

Aggro shaman. if they don't deal with the 1/3 that gets +1 per overload it gets out of control quick I had one guy at 10 after the third turn. The games I lost were to a paladin with a ton of divine shield minions and a warlock with that cubelock deck. I think the last one was to a priest but can't remember much about it.

The Exchange

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I tried pally with divine shield for dailies but couldn't get that deck to work properly. I also don't really have affinity for shamans. Did you use evolve with your shaman deck?

Generally if I see that 1/3,its icebolt to the face. Maybe my mech mage needs a few more tar creepers to block early aggro decks.

Actually I don't mind this brawl. At least you get to choose your cards from your collection.

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I do for my ranked but the aggro shaman deck I just built to do as much damage as possible as quickly as possible so crackles, light bolts, lava spikes, 2/3 wolfs, 1/3 overload guy, 7/7 for 4, totem that gives adjacent +2 atk basically minions get them down fast by the time they can mount a defense you should have enough direct damage spells to finish them off just send everything at thier face. only thing that slows it is taunt minions and I put 2 earth shocks to help with that. So I think the deck could of beat the people I lost to just needed the right hand for it.

for completeness sake Ill try and remember what else was in their. 3/2 windfuy mech, windfury weapon the spell that gives you +3 attack (with windfury weapon its stupid amounts of damage.) I think thats most of the deck right thier oh and sir MRGL so you can swap your hero power to hunter preferably.

The Exchange

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What do you do if you get lightningstorm/volcanic potion?

Whirling zap-o-matic.

And his name is Sir Finley Mrrgglton.

I'll give your aggro shaman a shot. I like aggro decks.

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Basically the goal is to win before they can mount to much of a defense. mages and priests are gonna be the worst match ups. If they kill some minions just throw some more out their I don't think I ever had more then 3 minions out if you have those out you should be doing enough damage where their close enough to dead to finish with spells. one of the games I won they had finally got some taunt minions out their and some fat ones at that. I had a crackle and a lava spike in my hand so as soon as my spell power totem came out it gave me the damage to kill them.

And yes correct. I am terrible about remembering their names.

The Exchange

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Spam bots out. Just manifested on comp and swotted them.

You used Doomhammer + rockbiter weapon? Isn't Doomhammer purple? Have you tried Iron beak owls for taunters yet?

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Yeah doom hammer is purple I already have 2 but I've been playing since it came out so thats true about most of the original cards. Uh The owls aren't bad but they cost a little extra (I think just one) but the constant overload makes mana a little tight. I like the earth shock in this case They seem more aggro to me plus they auto kill that little 1 cost 1/1 taunt divine shield pain.

The Exchange

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The righteous protectors? I'll try that aggro shaman when I get home. Go face!

But I have no Doomhammers to smash face =(

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Oh run some jade claws too. and the 4 damage jade card. uh Ill try and think of a substitute for doomhammer

charged hammer if you have it. hammer of twilight I suppose but I don't thinks that good. Game shouldn't go on long enough for you to make it to runespear. Yeah Hmm Can't really think of a good replacement for it.

The Exchange

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Now do I have jade claws? I think mine are made out of keratin =(

Jade lightning I have I think.

Does Aya black paw go on?

I don't have charged hammer. Hammer of twilight maybe.

I did not put her in the highest cost card I had in the deck was doom hammer everything else was 4 and below. Any game I won I don't think She would of helped me.

The Exchange

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Usually if you're doing the jade golem thing, Aya is the key.

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Their not in their to jade it up so much as their isn't that many direct damage spells nad the 4 damage one is another and then the claws are just one of the best weapons for the cost the summoning of the jade golems is just a bonus.

Not so much about finding combos but putting in the card that will do the most damage the fastest.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:

Their not in their to jade it up so much as their isn't that many direct damage spells nad the 4 damage one is another and then the claws are just one of the best weapons for the cost the summoning of the jade golems is just a bonus.

Not so much about finding combos but putting in the card that will do the most damage the fastest.

Thinking about it though it might still be a good replacement for doom hammer.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Pittsburgh Man is getting drunk on Iron City beer while eating Hot Dogs with Saurkraut and Pierogis.

I'm on my way to hang out at John's place.

Should I also add Haluski? Haluski, for those that don't know, is pan-fried cabbage, onions, and noodles.

Huh. That's Łazanki...

Haluski are Czech and Slovak noodles, usually made with grated potatoes.

The Exchange

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So claws replace Doomhammer? Just for my fingers itchy and bought some hummus spread. Might be a buy your own wraps day soon.

Or if I want to commit blasphemy, spread on top of whole meal bread.

Yes I know you were supposed to get pitta bread.

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Just a Mort wrote:

So claws replace Doomhammer? Just for my fingers itchy and bought some hummus spread. Might be a buy your own wraps day soon.

Or if I want to commit blasphemy, spread on top of whole meal bread.

Yes I know you were supposed to get pitta bread.

No I think I had the claws in their as well I'm not sure what would be a good replacement for Doom hammer aya I guess wouldn't be terrible its a we bit slower but their is a good pay off with her.

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Thank goodness it's something something.

No tv no beer makes homer something something?

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It's a rough morning.

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Drejk wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Pittsburgh Man is getting drunk on Iron City beer while eating Hot Dogs with Saurkraut and Pierogis.

I'm on my way to hang out at John's place.

Should I also add Haluski? Haluski, for those that don't know, is pan-fried cabbage, onions, and noodles.

Huh. That's Łazanki...

Haluski are Czech and Slovak noodles, usually made with grated potatoes.

Huh? It's called Haluski here. But I'll take your word for it. :)

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After a full week of missed classes, we're finally looking back on track for projects and such.

If it snows again, I may be dismantling a certain someone's machine.

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Drejk wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Pittsburgh Man is getting drunk on Iron City beer while eating Hot Dogs with Saurkraut and Pierogis.

I'm on my way to hang out at John's place.

Should I also add Haluski? Haluski, for those that don't know, is pan-fried cabbage, onions, and noodles.

Huh. That's Łazanki...

Haluski are Czech and Slovak noodles, usually made with grated potatoes.

There are a *lot* of Slovaks in Pittsburgh

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Yeah. The Steel Mills brought everyone here.

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Happy Birthday Doctor Seuss!!

You truly are the greatest of the Eldest!

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Ah yes, the annual "Crookshanks needs to get her grades up or she has to go to summer school" talk with her teachers this morning.

I think I'd rather get a few more teeth pulled.

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I'm loving the Deluxe Harrow Deck I got yesterday.

Definitely worth it.

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My mouse wheel starts to acting erratically...

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Tiny T-Rex's new favorite song.

Bohemian Rhapsody

We've taught them well.

The Exchange

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*waves vaguely at FAWTL peeps*

I just had 6 glasses of red wine. 4 Bordeaux, year 2013, 2 cinnea, year 2016, by brown Brothers =)

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