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3 people marked this as a favorite.

So I'm not imagining things.

Snow in 1976, 2011, and 2018! It IS three times in my lifetime!

EDIT: And who DOESN'T want to play in the snow nekkid?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So I'm not imagining things.

Snow in 1976, 2011, and 2018! It IS three times in my lifetime!

EDIT: And who DOESN'T want to play in the snow nekkid?

Having sex in the snow is indeed a rite of passage in the Midwest.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Misty morning, clouds in the sky!
Without warning, a wizard walks by!
Casting his shadow, weaving his spell!
Funny clothes, tinkling bell!
Never talking
Just keeps walking
Weaving his magic,


2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Terrinam wrote:

Also, expressing a bit of frustration with this statement... Putting it in spoiler because of topic.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **



... must, ah... must be... hard... to get anything... passed as part of that party.


Being a regular member is just not an option, it seems.

Sadly, it have much in the way of traction. The party just keeps on trying to generate a movement, but can’t get anyone to go at their fundraisers - “to” their fundraisers, I mean, “to their fundraisers.” Of course, being in that party reprepsetns being part of a... closed system anyway. They have to bowels to the whims of the party heads who rule from their thrones. Weird party bylaws include: no “Johns” or “Lews” allowed! Of course rumors of greed run rampant about top members: they ingest keep taking and never give back! Not to mention the perception of corruption: they keep failing to produce results! And they are always the first to poopoo others’ ideas! And...!

... okay I’m done. For now.

(Sorry, not sorry.)

Vidmaster7 wrote:

I didn't think getting a pinch hitter (or thrower in this case) is against the rules.

i mean I could of grabbed pun pun but I'd have to figure out how to roll + inifnite.

NI, actually, not I.

The difference may be academic to us, but it matters to the omnificer.

(After-the-fact, of course, it can be I, but by the time “Ommi” comes online, it’d still be NI, aka, “arbitrarily large (albeit with specific increments due to how size-changing works)” - as you do).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*yawn* Finished grocery shopping and now I want a nap. The nice thing about going to the stores right after I drop the kidlet at school is how not crowded they are in the morning. The downside of course being that this means I am awake far too early :P

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Every time I read an article about how anyone can become a morning person, I end up wanting to punch the author. Like, no really, I’ve done all that and my internal clock is still 5-6 (depending on whether daylight savings is on or off) hours off from my time zone. I sleep fine if I can sleep from 3 am to 11 am. I don’t need sleeping pills and I wake up naturally. But this 11pm to 6 am business does not work for me. I’m basically in a state of permanent jet lag and that suuuuuuuucks.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

That s literally my exact sleep schedule! 3-11! It can vary from ~1:30-9:30 to 4:30-12:30, but most of the time is ~3-11, when allowed my schedule. It is unbelievably frustrating trying to follow a different one... I suspect that many people like “Norm” from Sing May actually just be suffering from wake-time temporal displacement: sure, the job is exhausting, but if they were able to sleep at the time your body needed to, fatigue might be less - it might even reduce stress-related illness.

But that is all just conjecture. It “feels” correct, but I have no hard evidence.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My opinion on sleep schedules is that your body decides on one and you're kind of stuck with it. Change seems possible: In my early teens I was definitely a, "Stay up 'til 3:00 am, get up at 11:00 am or noon" kind of guy, but even by my late teens sleeping past 6:30 am was very difficult for me.

These days I tend to start getting really exhausted by 10:00 pm, and staying up past 11 is a Herculean effort. On the other hand, I cheerfully wake up at 4;30 am virtually every morning. A couple of weeks ago my 5:45 am alarm woke me up for the first time in several months. Some weekends (for example, after the Sabaton concert) I might sleep as late as 6:30 or 6:40 am, but as far as I know I haven't slept past 7:00 am since Impus Major's first few months...
...and parental sleep deprivation does ALL kinds of weird stuff to you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Heh. My kid is a night owl too. Even as a baby. If it weren’t for school we would never get up so early ever. I remember when he was really little people would be complaining about their kids waking them up at five am and I was like, uh, yeah, my kid doesn’t want to get up until ten or eleven. Apparently that’s not normal. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Effects of sleep deprivation is something I'm all too familiar with!

You see some crazy shit after shovelling snow for 37 straight hours!

I thought we already covered the... issues... with that particular porcelain political platform! Of course, it’s true: they also have a problem getting someone to run for office~! I suppose no one involved has the (moral) fiber they need to pull that off! They just cheese the system to block up all other votes~!

... it’s like these keep writing themselves! Every time I think I’m done... and then there are puns within puns... XD

NobodysHome wrote:

My opinion on sleep schedules is that your body decides on one and you're kind of stuck with it. Change seems possible: In my early teens I was definitely a, "Stay up 'til 3:00 am, get up at 11:00 am or noon" kind of guy, but even by my late teens sleeping past 6:30 am was very difficult for me.

These days I tend to start getting really exhausted by 10:00 pm, and staying up past 11 is a Herculean effort. On the other hand, I cheerfully wake up at 4;30 am virtually every morning. A couple of weeks ago my 5:45 am alarm woke me up for the first time in several months. Some weekends (for example, after the Sabaton concert) I might sleep as late as 6:30 or 6:40 am, but as far as I know I haven't slept past 7:00 am since Impus Major's first few months...
...and parental sleep deprivation does ALL kinds of weird stuff to you.

That’s kind of what I mean, though. I don’t keep my own natural rhythm because life does St allow such madness, and I can tell I pay for it by comparing it to the times I have been allowed my natural rhythm. The difference is amazing.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, and in case anybody was wondering:

  • No Jade Regent over the weekend, as NobodysWife wasn't feeling great on Saturday, so still 4 games looming over my head. Considering the other 3 all look like they'll run throughout 2018, I was really hoping to put JR to bed.
  • New gaming chairs! I finally noticed the horrific holes in ALL of our chairs (lisamarlene and NobodysWife both mocked me horrifically for not having noticed before), so I wanted to order some chairs online. NobodysWife objected, so off to IKEA we went. It amazes me just how many ugly, horrifically uncomfortable, or both chairs IKEA sells. It took us so long just to find chairs that were even sittable that we were beginning to think that Swedes just have different butts than 'Mericuns. Especially when we were looking at $229 chairs that none of us would have been willing to sit in for more than 5 minutes at a time. It was really a pretty impressive, incredible, amazingly-depressing trip. How hard is it to make a simple dining room chair that's reasonably comfortable to sit in?
    Entertainingly enough, we finally found some barely-passable chairs that weren't only "somewhat sittable and not hideously-ugly", but that were cheap enough that we could afford a full set of 6. And delivery was all of $9! Saturday may be a "build your own chair" Crimson Throne game!
  • Pot roast was a big success, in my mind! Very tasty, but I did learn that if you put in a bunch of bacon to add flavor to the sauce, you should remove it before serving because bacon stewed in wine and brandy just isn't that tasty. (lisamarlene put it really well: The little sour bits of bacon that crusted the meat and veggies as you took them out were very tasty. The entire strips of bacon were too sour and wine-soaked to make good eating.)
  • Tomorrow should be a fun day: For his school research project, Impus Minor has decided he wants to learn what it's like to be a game designer, so I took the afternoon off and I'm going to drive him out to NobodysWife's work so he can see what goes on. Should be all kinds of fun.

  • Ah, well, time to get to work for me!

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Is anyone else tickled by the sheer number of typos TL's phone is making him make?

    C'mon, TL! Curse your phone a bit! I'm sure it'll make you feel better!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:

    And MTG the rules changed so much since start. Who says hearthstone won't do the same?

    Or maybe it'll be a crazy tavern brawl someday?

    I'd actually be up for buying MtG cards again if they changed the rules more. Neaten up the color pie, decide on some consistent standard for card costing, I'm sure there are a few things they've wised up about since Garfield created the game. Nixing mana burn was a great change, I'd like to see more changes like that. Do a clean-slate reboot, make changes that can't be made with the collective card pool of MtG's entire history.

    It'll never happen, of course, but I can dream.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I do love our garbagemen waste management engineers: If you can fit it into or onto your garbage can waste control receptacle in such a way that they don't have to get out of their trucks, then they really don't care what you put out there.

    So I took our old chairs, stacked 'em up, inverted them, put the backs into the receptacle, and had the feet sticking up like some kind of horrific mafia chair hit.

    It didn't matter. The items were at least partially in the receptacle, the driver didn't have to get out of the truck, so off and away the crappy old chairs have gone!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    So I'm not imagining things.

    Snow in 1976, 2011, and 2018! It IS three times in my lifetime!

    EDIT: And who DOESN'T want to play in the snow nekkid?

    Having sex in the snow is indeed a rite of passage in the Midwest.

    moves immediately

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    John Napier 698 wrote:
    Terrinam wrote:

    Also, expressing a bit of frustration with this statement... Putting it in spoiler because of topic.

    ** spoiler omitted **

    ** spoiler omitted **



    ... must, ah... must be... hard... to get anything... passed as part of that party.


    Being a regular member is just not an option, it seems.

    Sadly, it have much in the way of traction. The party just keeps on trying to generate a movement, but can’t get anyone to go at their fundraisers - “to” their fundraisers, I mean, “to their fundraisers.” Of course, being in that party reprepsetns being part of a... closed system anyway. They have to bowels to the whims of the party heads who rule from their thrones. Weird party bylaws include: no “Johns” or “Lews” allowed! Of course rumors of greed run rampant about top members: they ingest keep taking and never give back! Not to mention the perception of corruption: they keep failing to produce results! And they are always the first to poopoo others’ ideas! And...!

    ... okay I’m done. For now.

    (Sorry, not sorry.)

    Don't you mean Potty? :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Sunny and 77 in Pittsburgh.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    I do love our garbagemen waste management engineers: If you can fit it into or onto your garbage can waste control receptacle in such a way that they don't have to get out of their trucks, then they really don't care what you put out there.

    So I took our old chairs, stacked 'em up, inverted them, put the backs into the receptacle, and had the feet sticking up like some kind of horrific mafia chair hit.

    It didn't matter. The items were at least partially in the receptacle, the driver didn't have to get out of the truck, so off and away the crappy old chairs have gone!

    You do realize that this means you will get an email Saturday morning informing you that the chairs ate either backordered or could not be delivered on that date after all, for [reasons].


    NobodysHome wrote:

    Is anyone else tickled by the sheer number of typos TL's phone is making him make?

    C'mon, TL! Curse your phone a bit! I'm sure it'll make you feel better!

    Hey, now: my phones been through a lot! I don’t begrudge it for my own lack of manual dexterity, on occasion!… But I totally the garage auto-correct, four, as my mom told me, “not letting it make my own mistakes!” Also talk-type. And sometimes the two intersect. XD

    (Autocorrect is super useful, just irritatingly insistent that it is totally correct and you are wrong and can’t be trusted to fix any of your own mistakes - especially frustrating when it changes things after you’ve typed them. But my thumbs are pretty clumsy.)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    But, yes… I’m totally tickled by it, too, often!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    If the lid doesn't close the garbage person won't touch it.

    Also, for some reason half the people in our neighborhood think the recycling bin is for trash.

    Wisconsinites don't do change, even if it's been implemented for 20 years.

    John Napier 698 wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    John Napier 698 wrote:
    Terrinam wrote:

    Also, expressing a bit of frustration with this statement... Putting it in spoiler because of topic.

    ** spoiler omitted **

    ** spoiler omitted **



    ... must, ah... must be... hard... to get anything... passed as part of that party.


    Being a regular member is just not an option, it seems.

    Sadly, it have much in the way of traction. The party just keeps on trying to generate a movement, but can’t get anyone to go at their fundraisers - “to” their fundraisers, I mean, “to their fundraisers.” Of course, being in that party reprepsetns being part of a... closed system anyway. They have to bowels to the whims of the party heads who rule from their thrones. Weird party bylaws include: no “Johns” or “Lews” allowed! Of course rumors of greed run rampant about top members: they ingest keep taking and never give back! Not to mention the perception of corruption: they keep failing to produce results! And they are always the first to poopoo others’ ideas! And...!

    ... okay I’m done. For now.

    (Sorry, not sorry.)

    Don't you mean Potty? :)

    Oh, those crazy Bawstohnians!

    ... and yes, I do. XD

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:

    If the lid doesn't close the garbage person won't touch it.

    Also, for some reason half the people in our neighborhood think the recycling bin is for trash.

    Wisconsinites don't do change, even if it's been implemented for 20 years.

    Hey, I posted a few thousand posts ago about how frustrating it is that I have a group of kids over every Wednesday who were born and raised in a, "Separate your green waste, recyclables, and garbage into 3 separate bins" city, and who still can't manage to sort anything; it all ends up in the garbage.

    If kids raised in the environment can't do it, I really can't disparage full-grown adults who can't either.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    A question.

    I've just read a story where someone gets assassinated by being struck with a cold pie filled with TNT . (I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be funny).

    While I doubt that such an experience would be pleasant, and TNT's probably toxic if you happen to swallow it, I doubt that it would blow your face off on its own. Am I wrong?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    A kindergartener is wearing rain boots and his snow pants yet his mother still admonished him for stomping through a puddle.

    It wasn't even that big.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Limeylongears wrote:

    A question.

    I've just read a story where someone gets assassinated by being struck with a cold pie filled with TNT . (I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be funny).

    While I doubt that such an experience would be pleasant, and TNT's probably toxic if you happen to swallow it, I doubt that it would blow your face off on its own. Am I wrong?

    According to this, TNT is toxic. It is also harder to detonate than C-4. TNT requires an explosive booster, typically C-4, instead of simply a blasting cap.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    My city doesn't have us separate anything out except #6 plastic and glass...which it considers trash...

    Also...question for Michigan residents...why does your state not post the actual speed limit? I'm on a state highway, there is no posted limit until I come up on a town. It reduces to 45 or 30, then at the other side of town it just says "Resume Speed Limit". This isn't useful for people who didn't learn to drive in Michigan. The Michigan state cop was highly amused by my ranting about it though.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:

    A kindergartener is wearing rain boots and his snow pants yet his mother still admonished him for stomping through a puddle.

    It wasn't even that big.

    I will never understand that attitude. Well, unless she was actually mad because he splashed her. That's no fun. But just playing? That's what kids do. When the kidlet was that age we would go out on puddle splashing walks on purpose. Heck, we did one last year. Because puddles are fun. :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Vanykrye wrote:

    My city doesn't have us separate anything out except #6 plastic and glass...which it considers trash...

    Also...question for Michigan residents...why does your state not post the actual speed limit? I'm on a state highway, there is no posted limit until I come up on a town. It reduces to 45 or 30, then at the other side of town it just says "Resume Speed Limit". This isn't useful for people who didn't learn to drive in Michigan. The Michigan state cop was highly amused by my ranting about it though.

    lol. If you're on a highway it's probably 70. If it slows to 50 there will probably be a sign somewhere. Maybe. But, yeah, if you're relying on signage you're out of luck. And flow of traffic? Pssh. It's somewhere between 45 and 90. ;)

    It's usually 35 when you're going through a town, though. That's pretty safe to assume.

    Edit: And it's because signs cost money! There's not enough of that! And all the road maintenance funds get spent on filling in potholes... so many potholes.... :P

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    It is almost 70 degrees today.

    I am miserable.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:

    It is almost 70 degrees today.

    I am miserable.

    Same! This is all kinds of wrong! It's winter! Dammit, Elsa, this is no time to go being happy and crap! Bring on the snow and ice!!! ;)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I might be a little punchy today.

    I need a nap.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    lynora wrote:

    I might be a little punchy today.

    I need a nap.

    fluffs pillows, lowers thermostat, sets black manliness to "Mr. Sandman"

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I think as you get older you move to more morning person. Like my aunt also wakes up at 4-5am,so does my Dad. I am morning person but not so morning, 8-9 am for me, thanks.

    I think talk to type doesn't work that well for accuracy, when you're talking about TLs phone typos.

    Tequilia - I didn't know you could mulligan at the start of the game and draw a card less, when you do have lands to throw out. I mean no lands, yeah mulligan. But with lands I didn't know you still could. I didn't know they nixed Mana burn.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:

    A kindergartener is wearing rain boots and his snow pants yet his mother still admonished him for stomping through a puddle.

    It wasn't even that big.

    Because the puddle might be dirty and mom has to wash the snowpants. Besides do you think the kid cares of he is in snow pants and boots or not? Letting him do it - and he'll think it's fine to stomp in puddles, then next time without snowpants and boots.

    Yes, my family is very strict on discipline. I even get flak for reading fantasy books.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    NH - bacon makes the world go round. Bacon bits into spaghetti sauce or bacon bits into mashed potato =slurp!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:

    A kindergartener is wearing rain boots and his snow pants yet his mother still admonished him for stomping through a puddle.

    It wasn't even that big.

    Because the puddle might be dirty and mom has to wash the snowpants. Besides do you think the kid cares of he is in snow pants and boots or not? Letting him do it - and he'll think it's fine to stomp in puddles, then next time without snowpants and boots.

    Yes, my family is very strict on discipline. I even get flak for reading fantasy books.

    buys lynora rubber ducky, buys mort unibrow

    Just a Mort wrote:
    I think talk to type doesn't work that well for accuracy, when you're talking about TLs phone typos.

    I do both talk-type and hand-type on my phone, so it's not just one or the other. Frankly, a working talk-type program is really amazing at all, albeit one that is often wrong. What is really funny, though, is when my talk-type and my auto-correct (which apparently now has a "context correction" system which I've seen it use to re-correct it's own errors after-the-fact) get really... silly. I've had to scrap entire posts because it looks like I'm talking about the viability of the weather in a city in China or something, when I'm trying to talk about "whether or not it's worth catching up on FaWtL or skipping to the end" - you all have seen a similar error where I thumb-typed a response, and my phone altered whatever typo I'd hit into "I Ching" (which, I must confess, I really don't know why it's obsessed with "I Ching" considering I never talk about it, unless I'm on the computer talking about problems I experience on my phone. Like now.

    ... any typos in this are just the results of my own attention deficit and dyslexic tendency to presuppose that "the correct letters are there to make the sound when jumbled a certain way - it's probably spelled correctly" sooooooooooooo...

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Wow, way to totally miss the bus on the whole #MeToo movement, Hulu!

    So, without disclosing too much personal information, we already have Amazon Prime, Netflix, and CrunchyRoll accounts, but Netflix just stopped carrying a show NobodysWife needed for her work research, CrunchyRoll doesn't carry it, and Amazon Prime is the classic "pay $15 a season to own it!" No thanks.

    So the show's on Hulu. NobodysWife went to sign up. It asked for name (reasonable), birthday (reasonable), and gender (WTF?!?!). She tried to leave Gender blank. It wouldn't let her. She clicked on the "Why are you asking me for this?" link and it responded, "We want to be able to personalize your Hulu experience for you."

    Ooooooh, did THAT set her off on a tirade about being pigeonholed just because she has boobs.

    I think Hulu just successfully managed to not get our business because they can't mind their own.

    Nice job, Hulu! Way to stay 19th-century on us!

    EDIT: NobodysWife put it really well: She watches Archer, and Altered Carbon, and Westworld, and other gritty sci-fi and action movies. And she despises romcoms and talk shows. And as she put it, if she signed in to Hulu for the first time and had an entire array of that crap awaiting her, she'd probably throw a coaster through the TV. And she loves our TV.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I signed up for Hulu so long ago I don't think i ever had to do that.

    Edit: Nope, definitely didn't, it has us both together without any specific gender.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Yeah, I don’t recall answering that question when I signed up for Hulu years ago either. My husband watches my account more than I do and is the only reason we haven’t cancelled the service yet. :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    LOL. I told NobodysWife just to pay Amazon the money and then let Hulu know that we were willing to pay more money just to not do business with them (I DO get uppity sometimes), but even their "contact us" requires you to sign in.

    Hulu don't wanna hear from no hoi polloi.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    lynora wrote:
    Yeah, I don’t recall answering that question when I signed up for Hulu years ago either. My husband watches my account more than I do and is the only reason we haven’t cancelled the service yet. :)

    I don't make as much as Shiro, but I've completely joined him in the boat of, "If I really want to watch it, I'll pay Amazon the $10 or whatever, because searching for which service carries what is a PITA."

    Amazon. Living off lazy tech workers for xxx years...

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hopefully, work cancelled tomorrow. The streets are too hazardous.

    But if work was run by people with anything resembling a functioning capacity to use basic reason, it would have been cancelled today when the roads started to ice over. And not told the students to go home a full three hours later, two hours before the rest of us were let go.

    I might be a wee bit bitter about nearly dying a few times on my way home.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    You know, thinking about it, the recommendations are a big part of what makes a video app good or not. I always feel like Hulu is upset because I don’t like what it told me to like. Meanwhile, Netflix is like dude, you like some weird shit, but okay, here you go, have fun. And amazon has collected so much data on me over the years they probably know me better than I know myself....

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