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John Napier 698 wrote:
My mother collapsed again. This time she broke her nose when she hit the floor. When she woke up this morning, her blood sugar was 79. She took her four units of Humalog after she ate some fruit. Then her sugar dropped to 51 in the span of about 3 hours. The doctor at the ER dropped her Lantus from 22 units to 18. Of course, I had to call off work to take her to the Hospital. *sigh* This isn't how I wanted my day to go.

So sorry, John.

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Best wishes to you both, John, and hope your Mum gets better soon.

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Scintillae wrote:
Butcher is a ton of fun. I love me some Dresden. However, Brandon Sanderson is my fave.

love Sanderson. Love mistborn. Love the lack of romantic plot in it interestingly enough. Do not care for the sex negative elements, however.

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Cap'n Yesterdays Winter Madness wrote:

Nothing like walking half way to the store on a cold blustery day before realizing you forgot your money to take the wind out of your sails.

Also, thirty degrees with thirty mile an hour wind gusts is probably not ideal shorts weather.

you remain my winter hero.

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John, would ice cream help?

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Just got back from lunch date. She likes Jane Austen a lot. I ate halloumi fries.

Run. Run long, and run fast.

Every Jane Austin book ever: "I'm more woman than the box you can put me in, in this Victorian England setting. Ha. Look at me. I exhibit signs of tomboy-ism. Aren't I special?"

Ugh. So cliche. Step outside your f%@+ing wheelhouse for a minute.

Maybe I'm bitter 'cause I saw the BBC Pride and Prejudice one too many times with my ex. The only redeemable character in that mask of fluff and bullcrap is the dad. He's cool as hell. Talks s!#! to his wife day and night.

Seriously, the men swim fully dressed in order to avoid scandal, while every single woman is walking around in a push-up nighty with her t$~@ displayed as prominently as possible to obtain any man with money. It's literally a book about how to be a gold digger. Unless you're Liz. Then it's how to be independent (but end up with the richest man ANYWAY, by SUCH a coincidence...yeah, right...)

I don't limit my disdain of cliche too JA, though. I, for example, long to see Kelsey Grammar play more than Frasier. Let's be honest, even The Beast is just Frasier with blue hair and skin. I long to see him play a moonshine-guzzling, wife-beating, meth-smoking, trailer park piece of human garbage, rather than his usual "oh look at me, I'm so classy" wheelhouse.

I've never read Jane Austen either, but in my experience, ladies who are into reading tend to like her, which they're more than welcome to. I kind of like talking about books with people who like things that I don't (or am simply unaware of).

There are probably far fewer cliches in her work than in 'Brutaax the Degutserator in the Blood Halls of the Witch-Wenches', i.e. the sort of thing I like to read, besides.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Butcher is a ton of fun. I love me some Dresden. However, Brandon Sanderson is my fave.
love Sanderson. Love mistborn. Love the lack of romantic plot in it interestingly enough. Do not care for the sex negative elements, however.

The protagonist and the future king. Can't remember their names and too lazy to look up. Romance. Marriage. Etc.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Butcher is a ton of fun. I love me some Dresden. However, Brandon Sanderson is my fave.
love Sanderson. Love mistborn. Love the lack of romantic plot in it interestingly enough. Do not care for the sex negative elements, however.
The protagonist and the future king. Can't remember their names and too lazy to look up. Romance. Marriage. Etc.

Vin and Elend. Also Breeze and...Allrianne, I think?

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Also, sorry John. Geeze, it seems like a lot of FaWtL lately is people giving updates on crappy stuff going on.

My brother bought me breakfast this morning at a hole in the wall diner with a single name that's been in business for like 30 years. That's the best kind of diner...and it was delicious!

Somehow my brother ate grits. I can't eat that filth. I am not a picky man, but grits taste like flavorless gruel that you'd feed a prisoner of war.

Oh, and if you say "but they're good with...X" it's X you like, not grits. Grits are an abomination onto corn.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you Scin. Yeah, see. Another romance shoehorned in there - and it was really NOT necessary for the plot. Oh, sure, for the political maneuvering later in the story Elend played a part, but he could just as easily have done so by being friends with one of the main crew, or part of it from the beginning, a noble on the inside, or any other number of reasons - but nope, hackneyed forced romance it is!

Let's not also forget the nonsexual but romantic relationship between the eunuch and the power user. You know. The tall chick who was kinda b&+&~y.

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I'm not opposed to romantic elements...but they are much better served by staying as side plots that remain subservient to the main plotline. A lot of Sanderson's stuff has romantic relationships between characters, but it has never felt to me that it gets in the way of saving the world, so I don't find it distracting.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Thank you Scin. Yeah, see. Another romance shoehorned in there - and it was really NOT necessary for the plot. Oh, sure, for the political maneuvering later in the story Elend played a part, but he could just as easily have done so by being friends with one of the main crew, or part of it from the beginning, a noble on the inside, or any other number of reasons - but nope, hackneyed forced romance it is!

Let's not also forget the nonsexual but romantic relationship between the eunuch and the power user. You know. The tall chick who was kinda b@~**y.

Gonna have to disagree.

The romance part may have been unnecessary, but it had to be a connection to Vin to get around her major, major trust and abandonment issues and paranoia.

And being ace, it was actually really nice to see something like Sazed and ...can't remember. Tindwyl? I need to reread these so badly...

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Still, there's good writing out there without a hint of shoehorned romance, including other Sanderson. The only romance in Warbreaker is explicitly from an arranged marriage that kicks off the entire plot, and The Emperor's Soul is straight-up no romance at all.

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Guh. Two more pages on monetary policy to condense into notes. No wonder I'm so eager to be distracted by fantasy characters and the shipping thereof.

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I watched A Handmaid's Tale.

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:

Never read any Sanderson. Will remedy that.

Recommendation: start with the Mistborn original trilogy (Final Empire, Well of Ascension, Hero of Ages). If you like that, move on to the second Mistborn series (starts with Alloy of Law) or some of the single-shot stories like Elantris or Warbreaker.

Don't start on the Stormlight Archive series (The Way if Kings, Words of Radiance, Oathbringer) until you're sure you will want to go the whole way through. Individually they're huge, and they connect much more strongly to the extended Sanderson universe.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Mm. But there are many wonderful secrets and interesting lies in the Stormlight Archive.

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Scintillae wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Butcher is a ton of fun. I love me some Dresden. However, Brandon Sanderson is my fave.
love Sanderson. Love mistborn. Love the lack of romantic plot in it interestingly enough. Do not care for the sex negative elements, however.
The protagonist and the future king. Can't remember their names and too lazy to look up. Romance. Marriage. Etc.
Vin and Elend. Also Breeze and...Allrianne, I think?

i was referring to the original novel, not the series. Silly Freehold.

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Scintillae wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Thank you Scin. Yeah, see. Another romance shoehorned in there - and it was really NOT necessary for the plot. Oh, sure, for the political maneuvering later in the story Elend played a part, but he could just as easily have done so by being friends with one of the main crew, or part of it from the beginning, a noble on the inside, or any other number of reasons - but nope, hackneyed forced romance it is!

Let's not also forget the nonsexual but romantic relationship between the eunuch and the power user. You know. The tall chick who was kinda b@~**y.

Gonna have to disagree.

** spoiler omitted **

And being ace, it was actually really nice to see something like Sazed and ...can't remember. Tindwyl? I need to reread these so badly...

me too. Ill start as soon as I finish black bouquet.

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I didn't notice these sex-negative elements you mention, though that may be more due to being fairly oblivious to that sort of thing if it isn't blatantly obvious.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I watched A Handmaid's Tale.

im slowly working through it.

Parts of it are hard to watch.

But the show is FASCINATING.

Took a pic of a few handmaiden cosplayers con before last.

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One of the more refreshing things I found with Mistborn was actually

the relationship between Vin and Kelsier. No romantic intent between the pair of them, more father-daughter/teacher-student than anything. No one encouraged anything, just let them be. It felt like a change of pace.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
I didn't notice these sex-negative elements you mention, though that may be more due to being fairly oblivious to that sort of thing if it isn't blatantly obvious.

sometimes i wonder if me living with orthos would be like zap brannigan and kif sharing an apartment.

Through a mirror darkly, of course.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:

One of the more refreshing things I found with Mistborn was actually

** spoiler omitted **

indeed that is what i was referring to with respect to no romance.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Heck to the yes. 80 textbook pages condensed down to about 45 slides.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Also, sorry John. Geeze, it seems like a lot of FaWtL lately is people giving updates on crappy stuff going on.

My brother bought me breakfast this morning at a hole in the wall diner with a single name that's been in business for like 30 years. That's the best kind of diner...and it was delicious!

Somehow my brother ate grits. I can't eat that filth. I am not a picky man, but grits taste like flavorless gruel that you'd feed a prisoner of war.

Oh, and if you say "but they're good with...X" it's X you like, not grits. Grits are an abomination onto corn.

Freehold will never eat grits*. Freehold will onlh eat corn meal porridge!

*unless I am at waffle house.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Heck to the yes. 80 textbook pages condensed down to about 45 slides.

bless you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Grits are an abomination onto corn.

TIL where grits come from.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Heck to the yes. 80 textbook pages condensed down to about 45 slides.
bless you.

They complain how much information I throw at them. It's...kind of precious.

I just want to walk up to them and go...

"Shhhhhshsshhhshhhhhhshhhh...shhhhhh...this is the short version."

The Exchange

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John did the doctor even check what was wrong with the insulin?

Second time ><

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I didn't notice these sex-negative elements you mention, though that may be more due to being fairly oblivious to that sort of thing if it isn't blatantly obvious.

sometimes i wonder if me living with orthos would be like zap brannigan and kif sharing an apartment.

Through a mirror darkly, of course.

Complete with annoyed, longsuffering sighs.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Syrus Terrigan wrote:

Never read any Sanderson. Will remedy that.

Recommendation: start with the Mistborn original trilogy (Final Empire, Well of Ascension, Hero of Ages). If you like that, move on to the second Mistborn series (starts with Alloy of Law) or some of the single-shot stories like Elantris or Warbreaker.

Don't start on the Stormlight Archive series (The Way if Kings, Words of Radiance, Oathbringer) until you're sure you will want to go the whole way through. Individually they're huge, and they connect much more strongly to the extended Sanderson universe.

Huge? Pfft. I've gone through Martin's works, and Anathem, too. I can tear through 500+ pages of dense reading in about 4 hours. Nietzsche is a bit of a chore, though, so my prowess is somewhat diminished of late.

Thanks for the tip!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Syrus Terrigan wrote:

Never read any Sanderson. Will remedy that.

Recommendation: start with the Mistborn original trilogy (Final Empire, Well of Ascension, Hero of Ages). If you like that, move on to the second Mistborn series (starts with Alloy of Law) or some of the single-shot stories like Elantris or Warbreaker.

Don't start on the Stormlight Archive series (The Way if Kings, Words of Radiance, Oathbringer) until you're sure you will want to go the whole way through. Individually they're huge, and they connect much more strongly to the extended Sanderson universe.

Huge? Pfft. I've gone through Martin's works, and Anathem, too. I can tear through 500+ pages of dense reading in about 4 hours. Nietzsche is a bit of a chore, though, so my prowess is somewhat diminished of late.

Thanks for the tip!

Fun fact I heard somewhere that one time! Words of Radiance was originally going to be called Book of Endless Pages. Then his editor went "....I don't think you want to do that, bro." And then Oathbringer went and beat it by like 200 pages...

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Somehow my brother ate grits. I can't eat that filth. I am not a picky man, but grits taste like flavorless gruel that you'd feed a prisoner of war.

Oh, and if you say "but they're good with...X" it's X you like, not grits. Grits are an abomination onto corn.

I'm with you on this one! I can't eat food that looks like someone else ate it first.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:

Sad for that, John. :(

My best to your mother, and I hope the doctors get things righted quickly.

Thanks, Syrus.

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lisamarlene wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
My mother collapsed again. This time she broke her nose when she hit the floor. When she woke up this morning, her blood sugar was 79. She took her four units of Humalog after she ate some fruit. Then her sugar dropped to 51 in the span of about 3 hours. The doctor at the ER dropped her Lantus from 22 units to 18. Of course, I had to call off work to take her to the Hospital. *sigh* This isn't how I wanted my day to go.
So sorry, John.

Thanks, Lisamarlene.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Best wishes to you both, John, and hope your Mum gets better soon.

Thanks, Limey.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:


John, would ice cream help?

It can't hurt. Thanks, Freehold.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

John did the doctor even check what was wrong with the insulin?

Second time ><

Not yet. About to check to see if there any recalls of Lantus.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
My mother collapsed again. This time she broke her nose when she hit the floor. When she woke up this morning, her blood sugar was 79. She took her four units of Humalog after she ate some fruit. Then her sugar dropped to 51 in the span of about 3 hours. The doctor at the ER dropped her Lantus from 22 units to 18. Of course, I had to call off work to take her to the Hospital. *sigh* This isn't how I wanted my day to go.

Man that sucks, for both of you. I'm guessing she's been diabetic and diagnosed for a while? And I'm guessing that others have suggested a glucose sensor, assuming she can afford one?

John Napier 698 wrote:
My mother collapsed again. This time she broke her nose when she hit the floor. When she woke up this morning, her blood sugar was 79. She took her four units of Humalog after she ate some fruit. Then her sugar dropped to 51 in the span of about 3 hours. The doctor at the ER dropped her Lantus from 22 units to 18. Of course, I had to call off work to take her to the Hospital. *sigh* This isn't how I wanted my day to go.

I'm so sorry, my friend - it's not a day I'd wish on anyone. You are both in our prayers.

aatea wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

Somehow my brother ate grits. I can't eat that filth. I am not a picky man, but grits taste like flavorless gruel that you'd feed a prisoner of war.

Oh, and if you say "but they're good with...X" it's X you like, not grits. Grits are an abomination onto corn.

I'm with you on this one! I can't eat food that looks like someone else ate it first.

Ooh! Ooh! You posted! Hark, an opportunity!

New Page, FaWtLers! Booyah! ... in a good way!

I'd originally been planning on updating this once per page.

HAH! FaWtL put a stop to that~!

Original Post with a question for everyone to answer!


And now the results so far of EverFaWtL:

01) aatea: ________________________

02) CH: ________________________

03) Crookshanks: ___________________

04) CY: medium (brute vigilante archetype); mammoth rider PrC

05) doctor_wu: investigator (tetori monk archetype; for better hugging); ??? <no PrC suggested>

06) Drejk: psychic OR int-based sorcerer (archeologist bard archetype); ??? <no PrC suggested>

07) Freehold: martial artist monk/lust wizard (solacer bard archetype); ??? <no PrC suggested>

08) Game Hamster: cleric (archetype granting smite evil or inquisition??); ??? <no PrC suggested>

09) gran: wizard (warrior of the holy light paladin archetype); PrCs (I'unno, maybe being "that guy" - i.e. me - who wants a non-evil assassin?)

10) Icy: ______________

11) J4rh43d: empericist investigator (with blossoming light cleric archetype) OR blossoming light cleric (with empericist investigator archetype)... OR paladin (with blossoming light cleric archetype); good sanguine angel OR alchemist/brewkeeper OR wizard/<any full casting PrC to fix stuff>

12) Jess Door: Paladin (archeologist bard archetype?); Loremaster [ALT/ADTL: just a cat]

13) John (Napier): Traveller d20 Grand Admiral [Imperial subrank “archetype”] OR Gunslinger (bounty hunter slayer archetype); duelist PrC

14) Kileanna: __________________

15) Kjeldorn: druid (archivist bard archetype); home brew paladin PrC OR brewkeeper PrC (lacking religious flavor)

16) Limey: fighter/rogue/mage (all with the musketeer archetype); toss up (duelist, eldritch knight, assassin [3.5] not evil... automatically)

17) lisamarlene: in need of coffee PATHFINDER CHRONICLER, ALL ELSE MEANINGLESS (it’s close to being Indiana Jones! Squee!)

18) lynora: witch (crashing wave cleric archetype water bending); ??? <no PrC suggested> :)

19) NH: paladin of some sort, and definitely not the Core PrCs or the early archetypes thereof! (also, as of lisamarlene, is now given bonus levels in grumpy-pants! lucky! I'm stuck waiting 'til 80 to take levels in that, and he gets epic levels now~! Maaaaaannnnnnnn some people just win... ;D)

20) Orthos: wilder (unknown archetype that nabs Dark Knowledge from Heroes of Horror); wilder/dragonfire adept/<the PrC that combines those>

21) Scint: alchemist (archavist bard archetype; yay know-it-all mad science (so basically a female Bill Nye, which is now the coolest thing ever)); "soracle" theurge (sorcerer/oracle/theurge)

22) Sharoth: 20th level commoner (weakness: fear of house cats)

23) Sissyl: NO ARCHETYPES; optimized cleric/wizard/mystic theurge

24) Syrus: warpriest [Healing, Tactics domains] (unknown archetype of something for smite and/or marshal auras); Evangelist (with The Deity ;D)

25) Thomas Seitz (look, I know you've been hanging around, because you just favorited a post of mine I'm secretly psychic!): Paladin, duh!; ??? <no PrC suggested>

26) Me!: psionic erudite (unifier tactician archetype) or erudite/wizard/cerebromancer

27) TOZ: Oracle (Unbreakable Fighter archetype); Oracle/Holy Vindicator (sneaking suspicion that he may, just possibly, perhaps, have a type)

28) TS: fellow erudite psion with some “expanded knowledge” feat-focused archetype (OR a wizard with access to both wish spells, and the missing 9th level wizard spells); any PrC with +1 ML (and/or +1 CL) per level (“thou shalt not sacrifice…”)

29) The Vagrant Erudite: juju oracle (churomancer wizard archetype) (look, he just wants all the dead things; also to wear white); ??? <no PrC suggested>

30) Vanykrye: kensai magus (empericist investigator archetype); paladin/monk/<Iroran Paladin-monk-PrC>

31) Vidmaster: magus sorcerer (with the celeberty bard archetype) or bard (with the spell blade magus archetype); ??? <no PrC suggested>

32) Wei Ji: bard (spirit guide oracle archetype); sorcerer (or bloodrager)/dragon disciple

... and since I know for a fact that a certain Chinese kitty sometimes hangs out over hear (but rarely posts anything!! >:I): Mort. Just... Just a Mort.: wizard (urban ranger archetype); student of war PrC (oh: and/or assassin?)


And now, some random stats I noticed:
- 5/33: unanswered
- 28/33: at least partially answered
- 15/33: fully answered
- 09/33: totally followed the all the rules!
All answers are totally valid; I was just interested in statistics. XD

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Tequila, yes, she's been a diagnosed diabetic for many years and yes, she's already got a meter that she uses twice a day under her PCP's direction. It could be that her body's just becoming more efficient in dealing with the Lantus.

And, no, Mort. There's no recalls of Lantus.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
but grits taste like flavorless gruel that you'd feed a prisoner of war.

I accept that they seem this way to you.

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Oh, and if you say "but they're good with...X" it's X you like, not grits. Grits are an abomination onto corn.


I do not like to eat butter, yet it's very good with grits.

Similarly, I do not like to eat nothing but liquid cheese, but it's delicious on broccoli.

Some things just taste better with other things, instead of by themselves.


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Thanks, Tac.

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When you can smell the ammonia in the kitty litter, it's probably time to change the ferret's cage...

...or as I like to call it, Brynjolf's Thieves' Guild.

I really did name a lot of stuff after Skyrim. My motor scooter (a 2016 Yamaha Vino with a purplish brown color) is Shadowmere, because OF COURSE IT IS!

Anyway, I have some scooping to do. *grumbles about how he should've sided with Mercer*

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


John, would ice cream help?

It can't hurt. Thanks, Freehold.

For your mom, i mean. An acquaintance who dealt with blood sugar issues of a similar variety used to swear by haaggen daaz and similar high milkfat ice creams. Something about how it broke down meant high levels of sugar for a lomg period of time or something.

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I understood what you meant, Freehold. I'll have her ask her PCP later. Going to go get a case of 8 oz Pepsi. She has no trouble drinking it warm. *Shudder, Blegh*

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I wonder how much I can get the kids to pay me so they don't have to go with for thanksgiving dinner shopping tomorrow.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
I understood what you meant, Freehold. I'll have her ask her PCP later. Going to go get a case of 8 oz Pepsi. She has no trouble drinking it warm. *Shudder, Blegh*

If you're asking her PCP what to do, diabetes is the least of her problems... Unless, PCP doesn't mean what we thought it meant.

She hasn't been up late, run with a bad crowd, or hold up any convience stores has she.

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