A woman was on trial for beating her husband to death with a guitar. The judge asked "First offender?" The woman said "No, first a Gibson, then a Fender."
An important bridge here in Pittsburgh was re-opened last night. The old span was falling apart, so it was torn down. It took two years to tear down and rebuild the span.
It takes at least 300 cups to control time however 301 you have a severe aneurysm so its a risky road. Actually I'm pretty sure anything over 10 cups probably risks an aneurysm.
So, being a parent and having gone to great lengths to make sure my kids did not disturb other people, I'm just going to take a moment to vent at parents who arrive for a visit at early hours on a Sunday morning (7:30 am) and then, because their kids have been cooped up in the car for who-knows-how-many-hours, turn them loose to run loose in the neighborhood, screaming their little heads off.
Know what, parents? Other people in the neighborhood really are trying to sleep at 7:30 am on a Sunday...
EDIT: And to be clear, we're not talking, "Oh, carp! The kids got loose! Ah, well, we'll let them run around a little while we unload the car."
We're talking, "Well, it's been a long trip. Why don't you go run onto other people's porches to look at their Halloween decorations, and scream at the top of your lungs how cool they are."
I told my mother in no uncertain terms that she had fired me, and she was to stop contacting me about the property. Ever.
I talked to my brother, and he said he'd take over the whole thing and I shouldn't have to worry about it nor hear about it ever again.
So the day before yesterday I get an e-mail from my mother: "Why isn't the property rented out yet? Should I call the property manager?"
Honestly, if I were the property manager, at this point I'd just let the property sit empty until I got fired. Some homeowners are just so much work that the income you get from 8% of the rent doesn't make up for the amount of your time the homeowner demands.
My mother definitely falls into that category, and I really think at this point the property managers are just working on getting fired so they can be done with her.
So, being a parent and having gone to great lengths to make sure my kids did not disturb other people, I'm just going to take a moment to vent at parents who arrive for a visit at early hours on a Sunday morning (7:30 am) and then, because their kids have been cooped up in the car for who-knows-how-many-hours, turn them loose to run loose in the neighborhood, screaming their little heads off.
Know what, parents? Other people in the neighborhood really are trying to sleep at 7:30 am on a Sunday...
EDIT: And to be clear, we're not talking, "Oh, carp! The kids got loose! Ah, well, we'll let them run around a little while we unload the car."
We're talking, "Well, it's been a long trip. Why don't you go run onto other people's porches to look at their Halloween decorations, and scream at the top of your lungs how cool they are."
meh. If I want them in bed by 8 and asleep by 830, I need to work them out SOMEHOW.