Deep 6 FaWtL

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Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:
May I ask who is Shiro? I've seen this name come up a lot all over the place, often related to poor food choices xD

You're opening yourself up for dozens of hours of pain.

My magnum opus is my Rise of the Runelords Campaign Journal. It's worth reading, if I do say so myself.

I was the GM, and also played the taciturn GMNPC Halek, Shoanti barbarian, whose name has been stolen by a Paizo user I've never even met! The nerve!

NobodysWife, aka GothBard, played Rae'Sheleth, aka Raesh, a drow paladin of Sarenrae. In fact, the entire campaign came about because of the, "Do Paladins Kill Goblin Babies?" thread, leading NobodysWife to ponder, "What if they didn't? What would the child be like when they grew up?"
She is guilty of the best roleplaying I've seen in my lifetime.

Her cohort in crime is a man we met while playing Runequest. He'll happily admit that he's an "executive at a Fortune 500 company", and they do ship him around on the private corporate jet when they need him places, but he wears jeans and a T-shirt and has an absolute love of all things terrible: Bad movies. Bad food. You name it. If he can experience it, he wants to. Just to say he's done it. So he has a monstrous disposable income, and he uses it to buy extremely questionable things. As one of his friends put it, "I think he has more appliances than most professional kitchens, and I doubt he knows what half of them do."
You can seriously say, "Hey, I need <this electronic device>" and he's likely to have one lying around in his garage because he bought it because it looked cool and realized he had no use for it.
He played Shiro, a kitsune bard from Minkai.

Rounding out the crowd is a man I worked with when I first transitioned to tech. We're both eccentric loners, so we got along extremely well. (Yes, I'm a loner with a family. It's a strange thing indeed.) We kept in touch. I won't say much about him since he is indeed a very private person, but he played Hi, a gnome pyromancer, with such gusto and enthusiasm that to this day we tend to get him fire-related gifts.

So there you go.

EDIT: Of course. Because we're talking about friends.

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Shiro sounds fascinating XD

Thinking about Fortune 500 companies immediately gives me stress xD

Hi I'd not heard of before today.

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doctor_wu wrote:
It was 4 years before I was born today exactly 30 years ago.

Happy 26th birthday, my dude! Woo, for wu!

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I've been filling up the General's iPod.

Of course I put one kind of weird song that people wouldn't include themselves.

In her case, Flowers, by Liz Phair.

I regret nothing!

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Crookshanks won't let me near hers.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Hmm... there's the whole "privacy" thing, where I don't post information about my friends unless they've given me explicit permission to do so.

So I believe that I can say that:
(a) Shiro underwent planned surgery today
(b) His life is not in any immediate danger

I happen to know that he's OK because his son has already made sure he's settled in for his stay at the hospital and said son is coming up to do Bowl'd with us tonight.

And yes, Hi is weird. It's why he and I get along so well.

may he heal swiftly.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Crookshanks won't let me near hers.

Probably because you would put Debbie Gibson, Tiffany, or some Polka on it.

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Sharoth wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Crookshanks won't let me near hers.
Probably because you would put Debbie Gibson, Tiffany, or some Polka on it.

I could lend you my Debbie Gibson CDs or my Tiffany tapes.

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Happy birthday, Wu.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
All the 4G speed on my Hotspot is gone. Posting is a pain, right now. And downloading something I just bought is impossible. I'll try to download from the library, tomorrow. I guess I'm done for the night. Good night, everyone.


Hope things go better!

They will once I buy next month's airtime. It's just that my hotspot burns through the 4G first. Wish I knew how to save the 4G for the things that matter, like downloading.

Turns out that the problem may be with my laptop. I have no problems accessing the web pages from my desktop. Going to have to try to speed-optimize my laptop.

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doctor_wu wrote:
It was 4 years before I was born today exactly 30 years ago.

Happy birthday, Doctor_Wu!

Are you really 26 now? Jolly good show and woo-hoo!
Are you wearing a bow-tie
Or eating key lime pie?
Happy birthday, Dr.

{Tootly late '70s saxophone break}

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Happy Spawnday Doctor Wu!

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Well, son of a b##&#, it's Friday already!

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Half of it already passed for me.

Gaming/Fantasy&SF convention starts today. I need to prepare session for tomorrow morning and print my pass and character sheets. Assuming my printer still works.

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Thought for the day: If the old saying about opposites attracting is true, then the best course of action is to be an absolute loser.

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I got Tiny T-Rex ready early so he can play on the playground before the bus kids get there, he's all bundled up for the chilliness, me; not as much.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
All the 4G speed on my Hotspot is gone. Posting is a pain, right now. And downloading something I just bought is impossible. I'll try to download from the library, tomorrow. I guess I'm done for the night. Good night, everyone.


Hope things go better!

They will once I buy next month's airtime. It's just that my hotspot burns through the 4G first. Wish I knew how to save the 4G for the things that matter, like downloading.
Turns out that the problem may be with my laptop. I have no problems accessing the web pages from my desktop. Going to have to try to speed-optimize my laptop.

I talked to Hi last night, and he pays for two different cards: One for dedicated 4G, and the other for regular mobile.

Aaaaand... he did the math and learned that it's actually cheaper to run a dedicated line into his workshop than it is to pay mobile prices, so he's switching over to a dedicated line this week.

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To be filed under "random s#$% Montessori kids say",
yesterday I was giving a phonogram lesson to one of my students. We were using plastic letters of two different colors to build words that end in "oy". We did boy, toy, annoy (he has a big sister), and then I asked, "Hmmm... what is tofu made out of? ssss... sss..."
His eyes got really big and he and shouted, "SAND!"
Like he'd just figured out a mystery that had been plaguing him.

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is eating general tsos tofu for breakfast

lisamarlene wrote:

To be filed under "random s#$% Montessori kids say",

yesterday I was giving a phonogram lesson to one of my students. We were using plastic letters of two different colors to build words that end in "oy". We did boy, toy, annoy (he has a big sister), and then I asked, "Hmmm... what is tofu made out of? ssss... sss..."
His eyes got really big and he and shouted, "SAND!"
Like he'd just figured out a mystery that had been plaguing him.

looks at breakfast suspiciously

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I still haven't been able to have breakfast yet.

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NobodysHome wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
All the 4G speed on my Hotspot is gone. Posting is a pain, right now. And downloading something I just bought is impossible. I'll try to download from the library, tomorrow. I guess I'm done for the night. Good night, everyone.


Hope things go better!

They will once I buy next month's airtime. It's just that my hotspot burns through the 4G first. Wish I knew how to save the 4G for the things that matter, like downloading.
Turns out that the problem may be with my laptop. I have no problems accessing the web pages from my desktop. Going to have to try to speed-optimize my laptop.

I talked to Hi last night, and he pays for two different cards: One for dedicated 4G, and the other for regular mobile.

Aaaaand... he did the math and learned that it's actually cheaper to run a dedicated line into his workshop than it is to pay mobile prices, so he's switching over to a dedicated line this week.

The garage I'm posted in has no wifi. The mobile hotspot that I have is my only connection to the Internet while there.

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lisamarlene wrote:

To be filed under "random s#$% Montessori kids say",

yesterday I was giving a phonogram lesson to one of my students. We were using plastic letters of two different colors to build words that end in "oy". We did boy, toy, annoy (he has a big sister), and then I asked, "Hmmm... what is tofu made out of? ssss... sss..."
His eyes got really big and he and shouted, "SAND!"
Like he'd just figured out a mystery that had been plaguing him.

:D :D :D !!!!

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I wish I was as brave as my kid, who refused to eat any breakfast, and then asked for a snack 5 minutes after my wife cleared the table.

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Printer works. Only one sheet of paper lost to the problems with paper feed, which cut out the character sheet's header (which wouldn't be a real problem) and the attributes (which would be).

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I may have a solution for my laptop wireless speed that involves changing the settings for the built-in wireless LAN card. I'll let everyone know how well it works.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Aaaaand... he did the math and learned that it's actually cheaper to run a dedicated line into his workshop than it is to pay mobile prices, so he's switching over to a dedicated line this week.

I picture Hi has someone who would really like to live off the grid, but doesn't want the hassle of actually living off the grid.

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Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Aaaaand... he did the math and learned that it's actually cheaper to run a dedicated line into his workshop than it is to pay mobile prices, so he's switching over to a dedicated line this week.
I picture Hi has someone who would really like to live off the grid, but doesn't want the hassle of actually living off the grid.

Yep. Pretty much nails him.

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Success!!!! My laptop loads pages much quicker now. Changed the Network Card setting from 802.11b to 54G - Performance.

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So how bad is it around here?

Being between projects, I took the day off to try to work on the garage for Impus Major, as Winter Is Coming.

I moved the sawhorses and tools out front, took the bikes out back, moved the plywood to the sawhorses, cut the plywood to size, and carried it in.

And by that point I was out of breath and my lungs were burning.

The air is NOT good here.

I have to switch to paperwork, game prep, and assembling the drywall lift. Physical labor is obviously NOT a good idea today...

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I am worried about you guys. Please move to fresher air if possible. I need you all whole and well.

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Freehold DM wrote:
I am worried about you guys. Please move to fresher air if possible. I need you all whole and well.

NobodysWife was talking about a family trip to Tahoe this weekend. We may still do that if the air proves so bad I can't do anything. If you check the air quality maps (yellow-orange-red), we're fortunate enough to be in the orange. I can't imagine how people in the red are coping.

I know my company just issued a Bay Area mandate: "Do not go outside if at all possible."

That's pretty darned serious.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I am worried about you guys. Please move to fresher air if possible. I need you all whole and well.

He can't chocolate cake a dead man after all...

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Homer Simpson wrote:
Mmmm, chocolate.


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Hey, FaWtL: for the past day or so, my family has been dealing with an extremely difficult thing.

To answer the basic questions: I'm fine, as are my wife and kids - we're all reasonably healthy and doing well together, and glad to be our family, so it's nothing like that.

Similarly my parents and siblings.

But, if you're the praying kind, I'd appreciate prayers for my family, and especially the person most directly involved.


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The Game Hamster wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I am worried about you guys. Please move to fresher air if possible. I need you all whole and well.
He can't chocolate cake a dead man after all...

Double checks the cookbook How To Cook Forty Humans.

You'd be surprised, it's a versatile protein.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

To be filed under "random s#$% Montessori kids say",

yesterday I was giving a phonogram lesson to one of my students. We were using plastic letters of two different colors to build words that end in "oy". We did boy, toy, annoy (he has a big sister), and then I asked, "Hmmm... what is tofu made out of? ssss... sss..."
His eyes got really big and he and shouted, "SAND!"
Like he'd just figured out a mystery that had been plaguing him.

"Like real food, but is soy; not real food, do not eat."

Freehold DM wrote:
I am worried about you guys. Please move to fresher air if possible. I need you all whole and well.

Yeah, this one.

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So, drywall lifter assembled and Impus Major successfully raised to the ceiling.

It is very convenient having a 110-pound, DEX 18 teenager to test all my heaving lifting equipment.

And TL, so sorry to read the news. All the best!

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The Game Hamster wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I am worried about you guys. Please move to fresher air if possible. I need you all whole and well.
He can't chocolate cake a dead man after all...

quiet you! I need to look good in front of lisamarlene and thereby Nobodyswife!

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Tacticslion wrote:

Hey, FaWtL: for the past day or so, my family has been dealing with an extremely difficult thing.

To answer the basic questions: I'm fine, as are my wife and kids - we're all reasonably healthy and doing well together, and glad to be our family, so it's nothing like that.

Similarly my parents and siblings.

But, if you're the praying kind, I'd appreciate prayers for my family, and especially the person most directly involved.


of course! Nothing but the best wishes for your family.

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TL, your family is still in my prayers.

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Going to be away from the laptop for several hours. I have to go sit by the garage exit and make sure all of the college kids that park here can get out. After all, it wouldn't do for them to be late for their evening keg parties, would it? ;)

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TL - I'm not the praying sort, but I sincerely hope everything comes out well for the family.

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Indeed. Best wishes to TL and folks!

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So, being a "standard American male", I rested for an hour, then went back into the garage, finished assembling the drywall lift, finished screwing in the drywall my brother messed up (1/4" - 1/2" skewed in both directions. Aaargh!), and lifted the next piece of drywall.

Didn't get out of breath, but ended up with a raging headache.

So that's it for my physical activity for the day.

Good thing I'm running 4 games. LOTS of prep work to do that does NOT involve standing up any more.

Stoopid fire!

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Ugh. Everywhere in my school smells like smoke. My students are going stir crazy from being cooped up indoors and the sky looking weird.
The only thing that calms them down is story or singing, so my throat is raw.
And because it's scary and weird, some of the girls keep randomly crying.

And all I can think is, "Just wait until the big scary thing is actually affecting us directly, not peripherally".

On the plus side, Administration is finally working on a disaster plan that isn't a joke.

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TL, I do hope that things improve soon.

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NobodysHome wrote:

So how bad is it around here?

Being between projects, I took the day off to try to work on the garage for Impus Major, as Winter Is Coming.

I moved the sawhorses and tools out front, took the bikes out back, moved the plywood to the sawhorses, cut the plywood to size, and carried it in.

And by that point I was out of breath and my lungs were burning.

The air is NOT good here.

I have to switch to paperwork, game prep, and assembling the drywall lift. Physical labor is obviously NOT a good idea today...

How can such a smart guy be such a dumbass?


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Prayers, Tac.

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lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So how bad is it around here?

Being between projects, I took the day off to try to work on the garage for Impus Major, as Winter Is Coming.

I moved the sawhorses and tools out front, took the bikes out back, moved the plywood to the sawhorses, cut the plywood to size, and carried it in.

And by that point I was out of breath and my lungs were burning.

The air is NOT good here.

I have to switch to paperwork, game prep, and assembling the drywall lift. Physical labor is obviously NOT a good idea today...

How can such a smart guy be such a dumbass?


From stupidity comes stories. From stories comes laughter. From laughter comes joy.

Or I'm just an idiot.

Take your pick.

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