Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I think I may have mentioned the interesting vagaries that some of my coworkers put on the maintenance slips before, but here is one from tonight. The slip lists two rooms that are currently suffering from "bad door". I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

I would say don't knock it, but it is not an open and shut case.

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I guess everything hinges on me getting dressed.

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Careful, you might summon Punniculus.

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I would just chock it up to I don't need to know.

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I don't need to know, either. But it's just odd enough to make me wonder. Plus, I'm pretty bored.

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Wanting to play guess that smell constitutes a cripplingly bored.

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So far The Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future is pretty good.

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What smell? I think I typed "bad door", not "bad odor". If not, I meant too. Or are you wanting to play Guess That Smell?

Either way, I gotta go. Later, FaWtL.

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Hmm I'm pretty sure he went back and edited it cause I could of swore it said odor.

Edit: Apparently not cause sharoth's quote has it right. I keep telling people third shift is messing with my head but they don't believe me.

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You know, it stinks that I read it as bad door and not bad odor.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
You know, it stinks that I read it as bad door and not bad odor.

you're rotten.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Un-Bear-able Puns wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
You know, it stinks that I read it as bad door and not bad odor.
you're rotten.

Yes, my jokes can be a bit putrid at times.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My Wife's response to my puns and other (very, very) lowbrow sense of humor? She rolls her eyes and closes the door to her office, then turns up her music.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You married a smart one Sharoth

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Carbon Nanotubes

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

DNA Nanotechnology

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
You married a smart one Sharoth

She is smarter than I am, that is for sure.

Sharoth wrote:


Sharoth wrote:
Origin of Life - How Life Started on Earth

So... we're all dwarves, then?

Sharoth wrote:
Like I said, The cake is a lie! Of course, this one is good too.



Also, have you seen this one? XD

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Origin of Life - How Life Started on Earth
So... we're all dwarves, then?

Yes, yes, and hobbits gave us genital herpes, it's a small world after all and such.

Or should I actually click on the link to know what you're talking about...

"All life comes from rocks."

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
You married a smart one Sharoth
She is smarter than I am, that is for sure.

Wait a minute... My wife is smarter than me too... Narrows eyes at Sharoth suspiciously...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
"All life comes from rocks."

I thought it was from the sea.

That's part of the whole deal.

It's busy working to prove how everything arose from/relies on life.

There's a lot more involved than that, but that's the basic start of it.

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"That's not something your dad or I would do in a million years!" - The General, overheard from the other room.

I don't know what it is, but I'm in!

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I'm glad I just went with cute >.> *looks around to make sure his S.O. isn't around* ...yes just cute..ACK....

(Wait how did he type out ACK... and hit submit wouldn't he of said ACK not well w.e)

Vidmaster7 wrote:

I'm glad I just went with cute >.> *looks around to make sure his S.O. isn't around* ...yes just cute..ACK....

(Wait how did he type out ACK... and hit submit wouldn't he of said ACK not well w.e)

... what?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
I remember when a 100 MB hard drive was huge.

I'm not EVEN going to admit how much I paid for my first 40 MB external hard drive for my Mac Plus.

I was in high school and I earned extra cash for peripherals by doing flyers and banners for local businesses with a pin-feed, ribbon-ink printer.

I'm gonna go take my Geritol now.

that is AWESOME.

At last year's star trek convention, one of the panels was about old school fanzines. One woman there created the oldest known star trek fanzine. It was printed on mimeograph machine and she made about 80-100 DOLLARS selling it to fellow fans- a real killing at the time.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Going on a lit filed trip im going to touch snakes and bearded dragons and im going to zip line

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Tiny T-Rex has been complaining about how "cold" it is.

It is 53 degrees.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
You married a smart one Sharoth
She is smarter than I am, that is for sure.
Wait a minute... My wife is smarter than me too... Narrows eyes at Sharoth suspiciously...

So is mine.

I'm not married.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Crookshanks wrote:
Going on a lit filed trip im going to touch snakes and bearded dragons and im going to zip line


2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Tiny T-Rex has been complaining about how "cold" it is.

It is 53 degrees.


Come back when it is 5 or 3 degrees.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:


I have an electronic device with a meaningful quantity of storage!
And all of the keys work!

Wow. Thank you, NH!

~thoughtful look~ Hmmnnn... Interesting. So begging and pleading does work. BUTTT... NH likes lisamarlene a LOT more than he likes me. ~shrugs~ Hey NobodysHome. If you have a spare gaming laptop with an NVidia video card on it that you are not using that would play Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Skyrim, then I would be more than willing to take it off your hands. ~give my best conniving smile~


j/k!!! Sort of.

LOL. A spare "gaming laptop"?

We have none of those, I'm afraid. Even the machine I gave LM won't run those games. That's kind of why they're surplus -- we inherit "workhorse" machines that don't have much "gaming oomph" and give them away because they won't even run simple games like Team Fortress 2.

I mean, next in line for the giveaway (if I can dig it up) would be a 2001 Dell running Ubuntu. Great machine, very reliable, but it sure as heck won't run any game that was released after, say, 2005...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

:- ) yup and im still on the bus ride

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:


I have an electronic device with a meaningful quantity of storage!
And all of the keys work!

Wow. Thank you, NH!

I think I have 3 others lying around. That was just the best one. :-P

that's enough storage for me to keep all of my porn, pdfs, music, games, writing and con pics in the same place.

I would initiate/endure carnal relations with NobodysHome while Nobodyswife and lisamarlene watch for that kind of device.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:


I have an electronic device with a meaningful quantity of storage!
And all of the keys work!

Wow. Thank you, NH!

~thoughtful look~ Hmmnnn... Interesting. So begging and pleading does work. BUTTT... NH likes lisamarlene a LOT more than he likes me. ~shrugs~ Hey NobodysHome. If you have a spare gaming laptop with an NVidia video card on it that you are not using that would play Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Skyrim, then I would be more than willing to take it off your hands. ~give my best conniving smile~


j/k!!! Sort of.

LOL. A spare "gaming laptop"?

We have none of those, I'm afraid. Even the machine I gave LM won't run those games. That's kind of why they're surplus -- we inherit "workhorse" machines that don't have much "gaming oomph" and give them away because they won't even run simple games like Team Fortress 2.

I mean, next in line for the giveaway (if I can dig it up) would be a 2001 Dell running Ubuntu. Great machine, very reliable, but it sure as heck won't run any game that was released after, say, 2005...


The sad thing is I need that to run medieval total war 1 and rome total war.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
I'm at work. Just read the article. My thoughts and prayers are with the survivors and victims.

Beware early articles. As I think I've mentioned, after the '89 quake my poor brother was watching CNN in North Carolina only to hear, "60,000 feared dead! Both bridges are in the water!"

A slight exaggeration...

(The total was 63, rather than 60,000)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:


I have an electronic device with a meaningful quantity of storage!
And all of the keys work!

Wow. Thank you, NH!

I think I have 3 others lying around. That was just the best one. :-P

that's enough storage for me to keep all of my porn, pdfs, music, games, writing and con pics in the same place.

I would initiate/endure carnal relations with NobodysHome while Nobodyswife and lisamarlene watch for that kind of device.


dances, collects xp

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:


I have an electronic device with a meaningful quantity of storage!
And all of the keys work!

Wow. Thank you, NH!

~thoughtful look~ Hmmnnn... Interesting. So begging and pleading does work. BUTTT... NH likes lisamarlene a LOT more than he likes me. ~shrugs~ Hey NobodysHome. If you have a spare gaming laptop with an NVidia video card on it that you are not using that would play Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Skyrim, then I would be more than willing to take it off your hands. ~give my best conniving smile~


j/k!!! Sort of.

LOL. A spare "gaming laptop"?

We have none of those, I'm afraid. Even the machine I gave LM won't run those games. That's kind of why they're surplus -- we inherit "workhorse" machines that don't have much "gaming oomph" and give them away because they won't even run simple games like Team Fortress 2.

I mean, next in line for the giveaway (if I can dig it up) would be a 2001 Dell running Ubuntu. Great machine, very reliable, but it sure as heck won't run any game that was released after, say, 2005...


The sad thing is I need that to run medieval total war 1 and rome total war.

Freehold, if you ever get the chance to come to Pittsburgh, there's this place I need to introduce you to. You can get reasonably fast refurbished systems fairly cheap. You can modify them for your games as you need to. For example, my desktop PC is a Dell Vostro 220 with a Core 2 Duo (running at 1.8 GHz) and 3 GB memory. I bought it for $50, and bought the Hard drive separately. I had a working system for about $100.

Crookshanks wrote:
Going on a lit filed trip im going to touch snakes and bearded dragons and im going to zip line

Have fun!

captain yesterday wrote:

Tiny T-Rex has been complaining about how "cold" it is.

It is 53 degrees.

That sounds wonderful!

In his defense, though, I'm sleepy enough that it's whatever evil FL temp it happens to be, right now, and also feel "cold" because my body is trying to tell me to go to sleep.

Silly body - I can't do that until I've gotten all my chores done! I.e. tomorrow!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
My Wife's response to my puns and other (very, very) lowbrow sense of humor? She rolls her eyes and closes the door to her office, then turns up her music.

That’s my wife’s usual response.

My youngest learned to not even give me a reaction and will pretend they didn’t hear me say anything.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Have to leave early to do a few things before work. Be back on-line around 6.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ahh... Well, puns can sometimes have their humor muted by falling on deaf ears, but this be no reason to stop!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

LOL. Kids these days!

Virtually every electronic device I use is either a hand-me-down or a "gift":
- My laptop and both my monitors are from work
- My Mac Mini was a Christmas present from NobodysWife
- My phone is Impus Major's old phone
- My iPad is NobodysWife's original iPad (it's first generation, I think)
- I listen to Impus Major's Bose while I'm at work

So, Impus Minor inherited the "acquisitive gene" and wants every shiny new electronic device out there. Every birthday or Christmas his entire list of wants is, "A donation towards xxx."
Works well for him; he's managed to get an iPod, iPhone, and Nintendo Switch just by saving up his allowance to supplement said donations.

But now he has both an iPod and and iPhone. His iPod wasn't working for about 14 months because of a bad OS update, but we finally brought it in and got it fixed.

I asked whether I could have it, since he had an iPhone that does everything the iPod can.

"No, Dad! The iPod's a lot easier to carry! Besides, it was my birthday present so it's special to me!"
(And I have to admit, it does have "Happy Birthday Impus Minor" engraved on the back, because said engraving was free.)

But it looks like NobodysHome will go another year without a portable music player.

Ah, well, probably better for my ears. :-P

EDIT: And yes, I suppose I *could* save up and buy one for myself, but that's just no fun at all. Can't break a perfect streak of hand-me-downs!

EDIT 2: And the most hilarious thing is, with Christmas coming up, I could mention such a thing to Shiro, and he would take the next two months finding the crappiest, cheapest Chinese knock-off ever made, with the shiniest, fanciest cover, and get that for me. Especially if it had a battery life of under 120 minutes...

EDIT 3: And yeah, I could mention it to NobodysWife and get a really nice one. But I'm really hoping to inherit an old one. I really irritate my co-workers by carrying around nothing but outdated electronics. I can't have them starting to respect me for carrying something new...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

LOL. Kids these days!

Virtually every electronic device I use is either a hand-me-down or a "gift":
- My laptop and both my monitors are from work
- My Mac Mini was a Christmas present from NobodysWife
- My phone is Impus Major's old phone
- My iPad is NobodysWife's original iPad (it's first generation, I think)
- I listen to Impus Major's Bose while I'm at work

So, Impus Minor inherited the "acquisitive gene" and wants every shiny new electronic device out there. Every birthday or Christmas his entire list of wants is, "A donation towards xxx."
Works well for him; he's managed to get an iPod, iPhone, and Nintendo Switch just by saving up his allowance to supplement said donations.

But now he has both an iPod and and iPhone. His iPod wasn't working for about 14 months because of a bad OS update, but we finally brought it in and got it fixed.

I asked whether I could have it, since he had an iPhone that does everything the iPod can.

"No, Dad! The iPod's a lot easier to carry! Besides, it was my birthday present so it's special to me!"
(And I have to admit, it does have "Happy Birthday Impus Minor" engraved on the back, because said engraving was free.)

But it looks like NobodysHome will go another year without a portable music player.

Ah, well, probably better for my ears. :-P

EDIT: And yes, I suppose I *could* save up and buy one for myself, but that's just no fun at all. Can't break a perfect streak of hand-me-downs!

EDIT 2: And the most hilarious thing is, with Christmas coming up, I could mention such a thing to Shiro, and he would take the next two months finding the crappiest, cheapest Chinese knock-off ever made, with the shiniest, fanciest cover, and get that for me. Especially if it had a battery life of under 120 minutes...

What is up with that, anyway!?

Hey, Freehold, have you heard of "ID-0"?

I'm not entirely sure, but one episode in, and it may well be a series you enjoy! Giant robits piloted by human consciousness (though the body is kept "safe" elsewhere) with a group of "kindly" ne'er-do-wells/pirates of moral character (if not legal), and one college student who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But again, I've only seen episode one, and, like, three minutes of episode two, so...

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