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Off-Topic Discussions

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Or is that Mall of America? I can't remember.

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Beats me.

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I suppose one or more of us could google it, but f$$! it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm too busy playing with my new owlbear.

Who's a cute little abomination? You are!

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I hate it when a couple argues in public, but I missed the start so I don't know whose side I'm on.

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The '80s were great. Mainly because I didn't have to deal with all the a@@*&&&s taking selfies all the time.

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I may not know much, but I do know that I thank God everyday that farts aren't contagious like yawns.

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Marriage is like a deck of cards. You start with 2 hearts, add a diamond, and soon you're begging for a club and a spade.

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Did a wiki search, but it turned up empty. It's probably the Mall of America.

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And the world may never know.

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Is this it?

Happy birthday, Vid! 31 isn't ancient - you're just a reverse 13 year old...

Lastly, would anyone with good monster creation skills like to stat up the Dire Fatberg of Whitechapel?

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Linky Longears wrote:

Is this it?

It's possible. We just assumed that CY was talking about a mall.

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Happy birthday, Vidmaster7.

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Thank you thank you

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Punniculus wrote:

I'm too busy playing with my new owlbear.

Who's a cute little abomination? You are!

That one almost had the same birthday as me.

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So, here at work, there are several people who are going to be taking some vacation time over the next few weeks. (Including me. Yay! I'm lying about a family thing so I can take a couple of days off and avoid the fall youth soccer b@@~*!&$.) On the schedule, they are listed as "VACA". Now, I know this is short for "vacation", but I love the thought that instead there are some Spaniards who are shouting "COW" at those people.

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Also, at game tonight, I couldn't remember the Bard's name (still don't) so I just said "Ermahgerd, you're next".

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I used to forget a players name and just called him by his class name. even when we weren't playing dnd.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
I used to forget a players name and just called him by his class name. even when we weren't playing dnd.

Me too, nameless cannon fodder # 8.

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Well, I'm trying to call them by name to hopefully engender more role play. It would help if they hadn't chosen some weird names. "Ermahgerd" wasn't actually too far off.

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I usually use a very talkative npc with a strange accent and important info that you have to worm out of him when I am trying to get my players to role play more.

I have had problems in the past however. my newest group it took forever to get them to interact with each other while playing. Their characters just wouldn't talk to each other took so much work to fix that issue.

Dark Archive

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I was wishing this would be funny.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Huzzah for John! Woot!
Not until October 2, Tac. But now is close enough.

(That's why I said, "Huzzah" instead of, "Happy Birthday" ;D)

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lynora wrote:
And belated thanks to those who supplies hugs and encouragement before. It helped. A lot. I am doing better, but it's a process. Adjusting better to the new sleep schedule, which helps. My depression always flares up when I'm not getting enough sleep.

This calls for more hugs! HUGS~!

I cannot parallel park. Well, I can, but not well, and I don't like anyone nearby when I try it.

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I used to be able to do it but I never had to so I forgot how.

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Happy Birthday, Vid!

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I can parallel park a one and a half ton truck with a trailer and skid loader hooked up, without a spotter.

Yeah, I'm pretty good. :-)

captain yesterday wrote:
Do you feel like your lawn is safe when you're not there.

Well, yeah, but that's just because I've got the best neighbors.

captain yesterday wrote:
Do you find yourself thinking you sure do want to yell at teenagers, just because.

That's been true since Highschool...

captain yesterday wrote:
Can you name at least one member of Rush.

Rush... um... ah... Limbagh? NAILED IT

captain yesterday wrote:
If the answer is yes, then yes, you are old.


captain yesterday wrote:
And you should probably install a periscope by your recliner that you watch Matlock at.

I don't watch from a recliner, though, I watch standing up- I MEAN I KNOW NOT WHAT YOU ARE DISCUSSING, CARRY ON, CITIZEN.

But for real, I only know that "Rush" is a band because it's mentioned around here, and Matlock was a really awesome show, though I don't think it's on anywhere, now.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
To be fair I used to watch matlock with my grandpa when I was like 8. I wanted to yell at teenagers when I was a teenager. and uh neal pert I think?

Dang it! I thought I was being original when I said, "Highschool" but it turns out I was ninja'd some time ago!

Though it's totally true, I did.

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Oh come on!

Geddy Lee!

I thought that was easy! Next time I'm going with naming members of ELP.

I'm going to assume that is also a band.

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You don't know 70s prog rock, I thought everyone at least had remedial knowledge of it.

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Happy birthday, Vid :)

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Nothing like having anxiety dreams about forgetting to pay rent the night before you have to pay rent to motivate you to pay rent.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Oh come on!

Geddy Lee!

I thought that was easy! Next time I'm going with naming members of ELP.

I can name all three members of both of those bands, which should logically make me older than everybody here.

However, so far as I'm concerned, Matlock is a town in Derbyshire.

In addition, a question. Do Americans generally pronounce the name 'Bernard' as 'Ber-NARD', or do they ever use the pronunciation 'Ber-nerd' ?

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Hmm, not having a lawn is a big part of why we live in an apartment. The lawn is not my problem. :)
As the parent of a teen wanting to yell at teens is a given ;P
Rush is a band, I know that much...uh...can't remember any of their songs let alone the names of the musicians.
And I don't own a recliner and have never watched Matlock...

Apparently I'm being 'old' wrong :P

Oh, but honorable mention because of the knitting! I mean, sure I've been knitting since I was eighteen, but it for some reason is supposed to be an old person hobby. ;)

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3 people marked this as a favorite.

COW!! Errr... Happy birthday, Vid.

I suppose I can't deny that I am spanish...

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Great America is a roller coaster theme park outside of Chicago.
Mall of America is the mall.
And the only good thing about Rush is Krieger's van on Archer.

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(I woke up grumpy. The boss is making one of her rare visits to our campus today, and she's never happy with anything and is more than a bit insane. And b+!&&y.)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
(I woke up grumpy. The boss is making one of her rare visits to our campus today, and she's never happy with anything and is more than a bit insane. And b$##!y.)

replaces Hug Cannon with Regular Cannon, fires in general direction of lisamarlene boss

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Happy Birthday, Vid. Youngster.

And happy forthcoming b-day, John!

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
And the world may never know.

Unfortunately, *I* know.

It's a Six Flags amusement park down in Santa Clara, about a 45-minute drive from my house.

And it's a dive.

The only time we ever go there is when I chaperone the middle school trip. Because the kids still like it, and they do a "Music in the Park" festival where everyone wins an award.

Yeah, THAT kind of place...

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Well I guess I'm 31 now I think I count as old officially.

Just.. shaddup!

And happy birthday!

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NobodysHome wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
And the world may never know.

Unfortunately, *I* know.

It's a Six Flags amusement park down in Santa Clara, about a 45-minute drive from my house.

And it's a dive.

The only time we ever go there is when I chaperone the middle school trip. Because the kids still like it, and they do a "Music in the Park" festival where everyone wins an award.

Yeah, THAT kind of place...

Around these parts it's known as the only amusement park that's not the Dells (which is 90% water parks).

And the last time I went to Great America was a little over 21 years ago.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Oh come on!

Geddy Lee!

I thought that was easy! Next time I'm going with naming members of ELP.

*Ninja's everyone* Keith Emerson, Greg Lake, and Carl Palmer. For the win. :)

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