SomebodysHere |
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NobodysHome wrote:What did he make at blacksmithing camp?So, random funny/dismal thought of the day:
"My son was sick, so I had to put him to sleep on the couch," and, "My cat was sick, so I had to put her to sleep on the couch" are two VERY different things in English.
On the bright side, Impus Minor did throw up at blacksmithing camp. I'm sure that won him some "hardcore" points...
A mess.
Edit: A nekkid mess.

Vidmaster7 |
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Limeylongears wrote:NobodysHome wrote:What did he make at blacksmithing camp?So, random funny/dismal thought of the day:
"My son was sick, so I had to put him to sleep on the couch," and, "My cat was sick, so I had to put her to sleep on the couch" are two VERY different things in English.
On the bright side, Impus Minor did throw up at blacksmithing camp. I'm sure that won him some "hardcore" points...
A mess.
Edit: A nekkid mess.
Duh Duh tss

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:What did he make at blacksmithing camp?So, random funny/dismal thought of the day:
"My son was sick, so I had to put him to sleep on the couch," and, "My cat was sick, so I had to put her to sleep on the couch" are two VERY different things in English.
On the bright side, Impus Minor did throw up at blacksmithing camp. I'm sure that won him some "hardcore" points...
That's the issue. Last year he got to spend all week making his own knife. He was really proud of it.
This year's projects are hooks, chain links, and other fairly mundane paraphernalia. He took one look at the wall and said, "Everything we're making this year is boring. I don't want to go to camp this week."
So today it's totally reasonable that he stay home sick. Tomorrow, negotiations recommence...
(For the record, I'm not one of those parents who says, "You signed up for it, we paid money for it, and so you're going, darn it!" The whole point of summer camp is for him to get out of the house, have fun, and socialize. Sending him off somewhere to sit around alone and miserable for 7 hours doesn't seem like it fits this paradigm, so our agreement is that if he doesn't go to camp, he goes out hiking at least 2 miles a day.)

lisamarlene |
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Limeylongears wrote:NobodysHome wrote:What did he make at blacksmithing camp?So, random funny/dismal thought of the day:
"My son was sick, so I had to put him to sleep on the couch," and, "My cat was sick, so I had to put her to sleep on the couch" are two VERY different things in English.
On the bright side, Impus Minor did throw up at blacksmithing camp. I'm sure that won him some "hardcore" points...
That's the issue. Last year he got to spend all week making his own knife. He was really proud of it.
This year's projects are hooks, chain links, and other fairly mundane paraphernalia. He took one look at the wall and said, "Everything we're making this year is boring. I don't want to go to camp this week."
So today it's totally reasonable that he stay home sick. Tomorrow, negotiations recommence...
(For the record, I'm not one of those parents who says, "You signed up for it, we paid money for it, and so you're going, darn it!" The whole point of summer camp is for him to get out of the house, have fun, and socialize. Sending him off somewhere to sit around alone and miserable for 7 hours doesn't seem like it fits this paradigm, so our agreement is that if he doesn't go to camp, he goes out hiking at least 2 miles a day.)
Tell Impus Minor he should ask if he can "make a chain with hooks on it... you know, like a chain demon."
Camp might get a bit more interesting.
lisamarlene |
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The only naked mess I had to deal with yesterday was a tiny girl in my class who decided to try to pee like the boys.
On two separate occasions.
And then (this is the fun part), you know how you hang wallpaper by dipping it in the trough of liquid and then smoothing it onto the wall?
The art drying rack happens to be in the children's bathroom, so paint, glue, etc. can drip over the tile and not the wooden flooring in the classroom.
One of the other children walked in while was helping her clean up, looked at the puddle, put a collage in the puddle and floated it around on it, then turned around and attempted to paper a shelf with it.

NobodysHome |
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The only naked mess I had to deal with yesterday was a tiny girl in my class who decided to try to pee like the boys.
On two separate occasions.
And then (this is the fun part), you know how you hang wallpaper by dipping it in the trough of liquid and then smoothing it onto the wall?
The art drying rack happens to be in the children's bathroom, so paint, glue, etc. can drip over the tile and not the wooden flooring in the classroom.
One of the other children walked in while was helping her clean up, looked at the puddle, put a collage in the puddle and floated it around on it, then turned around and attempted to paper a shelf with it.
Remember when I set that college students are less hygienic than pre-schoolers?
I still stand by my statement...

NobodysHome |
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Tell Impus Minor he should ask if he can "make a chain with hooks on it... you know, like a chain demon."
Camp might get a bit more interesting.
Well, he got home yesterday at 4:20 pm, lay down on the couch, and promptly fell asleep.
Other than waking him up at 6:30 pm to ask him whether he wanted to go to a friend's house to play his absolute favorite RPG (Paranoia), he has not awoken since then.
So I think the whole "should I send him to camp this week" may be moot, depending on how long it takes him to recover.

Limeylongears |
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Limeylongears wrote:NobodysHome wrote:What did he make at blacksmithing camp?So, random funny/dismal thought of the day:
"My son was sick, so I had to put him to sleep on the couch," and, "My cat was sick, so I had to put her to sleep on the couch" are two VERY different things in English.
On the bright side, Impus Minor did throw up at blacksmithing camp. I'm sure that won him some "hardcore" points...
That's the issue. Last year he got to spend all week making his own knife. He was really proud of it.
This year's projects are hooks, chain links, and other fairly mundane paraphernalia. He took one look at the wall and said, "Everything we're making this year is boring. I don't want to go to camp this week."
So today it's totally reasonable that he stay home sick. Tomorrow, negotiations recommence...
(For the record, I'm not one of those parents who says, "You signed up for it, we paid money for it, and so you're going, darn it!" The whole point of summer camp is for him to get out of the house, have fun, and socialize. Sending him off somewhere to sit around alone and miserable for 7 hours doesn't seem like it fits this paradigm, so our agreement is that if he doesn't go to camp, he goes out hiking at least 2 miles a day.)
Set of manacles.
Or surely they'd let him make a spiky ball which he could then attach a chain to, then a handle to the chain, ending up with his own hand-forged flail? This is AMERICA, after all.

Tacticslion |
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A hungry lion was looking for something to eat. He came across two men, one reading a book and the other writing. The lion quickly pounced on the man reading and ate him. After all, everyone knows readers digest, while writers cramp.
That's disgusting! I would never do that!
... after all, everyone knows that when you eat a creature's heart, you gain their power, and becoming a successful author is a life-long goal of mine; besides, why would I eat a potential customer...
I mean, uh, never, I say!

NobodysHome |
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Hey, everybody. How're things?
My day just improved significantly -- I'd taken the afternoon off to get the Prius smog checked, renew the kids' passports, and take them to the dentist (yeah, I know. I'm a wild man), but it turns out the Prius' smog check is one of those rare "go ahead and take it anywhere you want" renewals.
So, since I was going to get it an oil change next week anyway, I'll have the shop smog it as well.
It's a Prius. Smog checks on it are a running joke. But... whatever. I'm old enough to remember L.A. in the '70s. I appreciate smog checks.
Oh, and everyone else is using potty talk. Totally not me, though. I'm far too mature for that... or maybe my kids are...

NobodysHome |
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I'm not fond of using foul language myself, either. Whenever I get like that, I'm just that short of being angry enough to want someone dead. I don't like how being that angry makes me feel.
LOL. Read up. It's not "foul language". It is, quite literally, "Potty talk", as in, "Dealing with pre-schoolers' lack of several key skills in that area."
But you have brightened my day by interpreting it in the intended manner.
(And I hope it doesn't bother you that I misled you. It was not done in a mean-spirited manner, but rather in the hopes of getting one of them to say, "Hey!")
EDIT: And I am similar to you in that regard. Once I started teaching, I became very aware of my language, and I have been ever since. When the kids hear me use a cuss word, they know I am deadly serious.

NobodysHome |
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OK. Since this morning at work was marred by 2 1/2 hours of meetings and I'm missing the afternoon, I have to actually bear down and crank out some work. But last night was VERY productive:
So yeah, I booked us there, and the kids will have to listen to Dad ramble on about his childhood for an entire day.
In short, everything that needs to be booked in advance is now taken care of. The passport renewals are this afternoon, the Prius fixes are Monday, and NobodysHome will have taken care of all of his summer stuff.
Yeah. Except the whole massive garage project. That.
Getting closer and closer to just flying CY out here, putting him up in the studio for the week, and having HIM deal with it...

John Napier 698 |
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It's okay. I was told that I qualify for Vocational Rehab. I have to do something. I'm so used to working, that being off the schedule for even this short a time is getting me down. I'm beginning to regret telling my supervisor that the Neurosurgeon doesn't want me working in the garage. And I'm disappointed that my employer doesn't offer me even a desk job. I feel like a tool that's outlived its usefulness and casually tossed aside.

NobodysHome |
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It's okay. I was told that I qualify for Vocational Rehab. I have to do something. I'm so used to working, that being off the schedule for even this short a time is getting me down. I'm beginning to regret telling my supervisor that the Neurosurgeon doesn't want me working in the garage. And I'm disappointed that my employer doesn't offer me even a desk job. I feel like a tool that's outlived its usefulness and casually tossed aside.
Hi's player went through something very similar when our department got shut down: He'd been very vocal in his disapproval of our (utterly incompetent) director, so she blacklisted him and he couldn't find a job doing what he loved (teaching).
So he lived off his savings for a while, focused on his hobbies (similar to you, one of his was systems administration), and finally got a new job that he really loved building an entire IT infrastructure for a refrigeration company.
So hang in there, focus on your productive hobbies (Skyrim is NOT a hobby!), keep your ears out for openings, and I think considering your location, you'll be fine!
Good luck!

John Napier 698 |
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John Napier 698 wrote:It's okay. I was told that I qualify for Vocational Rehab. I have to do something. I'm so used to working, that being off the schedule for even this short a time is getting me down. I'm beginning to regret telling my supervisor that the Neurosurgeon doesn't want me working in the garage. And I'm disappointed that my employer doesn't offer me even a desk job. I feel like a tool that's outlived its usefulness and casually tossed aside.Hi's player went through something very similar when our department got shut down: He'd been very vocal in his disapproval of our (utterly incompetent) director, so she blacklisted him and he couldn't find a job doing what he loved (teaching).
So he lived off his savings for a while, focused on his hobbies (similar to you, one of his was systems administration), and finally got a new job that he really loved building an entire IT infrastructure for a refrigeration company.
So hang in there, focus on your productive hobbies (Skyrim is NOT a hobby!), keep your ears out for openings, and I think considering your location, you'll be fine!
Good luck!
Well, I have been gathering all the source code for all my successful projects so I can post them on Google Docs. So prospective future employers can view them. Including my hand-written anime database (Windows) programs. And four virtual processors with DEBUG-style user interfaces. And, I'm continuing to study for the COMP/TIA exams.

Skyrim Rampage Cap'n Yesterday |
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NobodysHome wrote:So hang in there, focus on your productive hobbies (Skyrim is NOT a hobby!)You might be breaking CY heart with this statement...
No, he's right, it's not a hobby.
It's a way of life!!
scrapes self off the side of the very scenic cliff to go die some more.
Or something at least.

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:smog checksSo, I'm currently under the impression (as of reading your post) that these are a thing...?
You haven't been to California in a few decades, have you?
The air was (quite literally) turning brown, to the point that you could not see across the L.A. basin nor the Central Valley because of a persistent brown haze.
In an astonishing feat of common sense, the California legislature passed a law that, "Gee, maybe cars could be made a bit more efficient?"
Car aficionados HATE California forever for forcing the catalytic converter (and requiring mufflers) on their beloved muscle cars. So:
(1) Every car manufactured after 1968 must be smog checked every 2 years to make sure it is within legal limits.
(2) Remember VW and the whole, "Cheating on their emissions tests" thing? That was primarily a 'California' thing.
(3) You can now actually see and breathe in L.A. and other high-pollution areas.

NobodysHome |
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So, if we turn to things the government does wrong (of which there are too many to list, even on FaWtL), I have to return to the passport office a third time.
I consider myself very, very good at paperwork. So I went to the U.S. Passport site, filled out and printed the required forms, made the required photocopies, took the pictures, and took the kids to the passport office.
The hours read:
9:00 am - 11:30 am Mo-Fr
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Mo-Th
Notice something missing? If you didn't, neither did I. So we arrived at a closed passport office on a Friday afternoon, and the kids gave me no end of grief.
So today I double-checked the hours, took the afternoon off, and took the kids back to the office. I turned in Impus Major's paperwork and the woman behind the counter was quite impressed at my thoroughness. Then I tried to turn in Impus Minor's paperwork.
"Where's his mother?"
"At work. Why?"
"Because BOTH parents have to be present to get a passport for a child under 16."
In spite of the fact that I HAD HIS PREVIOUS PASSPORT IN MY HANDS.
So, I found a place that's open on Saturdays, and I just have to convince NobodysWife to come with us.

Sharoth |
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David Weber's On Basilisk Station is currently free. The Audible version is also $2.

Tacticslion |

When the kids hear me use a cuss word, they know I am deadly serious.
When the kids hear me use a cuss word, they know I've been replaced by Freehold (or, more likely, CY) - or that I've stumbled across a word that's really dirty somewhere else that I'm blithely unaware of its real meaning (which has happened... more than once*).
* Look, I'm not saying Brendon Frasier in Blast From the Past was based off of me...

gran rey de los mono |
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A young man was in love with two women and could not decide which of them to marry. Finally he went to a marriage counselor. When asked to describe his two loves, he noted that one was a great poet and the other made delicious pancakes.
"Oh" said the counselor, "I see what the problem is. You can't decide whether to marry for batter or verse."

gran rey de los mono |
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Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful young fairy princess who dreamed of being a ballet dancer. Then one day, she read an ad in her email that announced the Royal Ballet's next auditions in a nearby town. So on the right day, the fairy princess geared up one hundred white pigeons to her chariot, and off they flew to the theater. After witnessing her outrageous entrance, the director immediately told her to go back home. "But why?" wept the broken-hearted shell of the would-be-ballerina. "Because," came the heartless reply, "I've got enough pigeon-towed dancers in the company already."

gran rey de los mono |
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In the early 1900's, The Hellman's Mayonnaise company was based in England. In fact,several cases of it were loaded on the Titanic for her maiden voyage. They were to be off loaded at the second port of call, Vera Cruz, Mexico. We all know what happened to the Titanic, and why the Mexicans celebrate Sinko de Mayo.

gran rey de los mono |
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There was a snake called Nate. His purpose in life was to stay in the desert and guard the lever. This lever was no ordinary lever. It was the lever that if moved would destroy the world. Nate took his job very seriously. He let nothing get close to the lever. One day off in the distance he saw a cloud of dust. He kept his eye on it because he was guarding the lever. The dust cloud continued to move closer to the lever. Nate saw that it was a huge boulder and it was heading straight for the lever! Nate thought about what he could do to save the world. He decided if he could get in front of the boulder he could deflect it and it would miss the lever. Nate slithered quickly to intersect the boulder. The boulder ran over Nate, but it was, in fact, deflected, leaving history to conclude that is was better Nate than lever.

gran rey de los mono |
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There was this really smart sheep down in Mexico who knew how to make butter and buttermilk. One night she sneaked across the border and got a job working for a farmer, who set up a roadside stand and told her to try to sell the stuff. Unfortunately traffic was very heavy and the sight of this sheep making butter and buttermilk was so distracting that naturally there was an accident. The police investigated and issued the farmer a citation for attempting to make an illegal ewe churn on a busy highway.

gran rey de los mono |
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I had a dream the other night. I was in the old West riding in a stagecoach. Suddenly, a man riding a horse pulls up to the left side of the stagecoach, and a riderless horse pulls up on the right. The man leans down, pulls open the door, and jumps off his horse into the stagecoach. Then he opens the other door and jumps onto the other horse. Just before he rode off, I yelled out, "What was all that about?" He replied, "Nothing. It's just a stage I'm going through."

gran rey de los mono |
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A man walked into a haunted house wanting to get a picture of a ghost with his instamatic camera. After a couple hours, he finally saw one. It was a friendly ghost who actually posed for the picture. The man took the first picture, but it turned out too dark. So the ghost posed for another one, and the picture again turned out dark. The ghost had to go so the man did not get a picture. Goes to show that the spirit was willing but the flash was weak.

Vidmaster7 |
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Vidmaster7 wrote:-_- your channeling pearls before swine pretty hard on this one.I'm not channeling anything. I'm copy-pasting from another website.
Oh no! I've just given away my secret. The shame! The horror! The apathy!
I mean I kind of assumed... If half of these were true your wife would of murdered you by now.

gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:I mean I kind of assumed... If half of these were true your wife would of murdered you by now.Vidmaster7 wrote:-_- your channeling pearls before swine pretty hard on this one.I'm not channeling anything. I'm copy-pasting from another website.
Oh no! I've just given away my secret. The shame! The horror! The apathy!
Also, I would have to have a wife.

Vidmaster7 |
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Vidmaster7 wrote:Also, I would have to have a wife.gran rey de los mono wrote:I mean I kind of assumed... If half of these were true your wife would of murdered you by now.Vidmaster7 wrote:-_- your channeling pearls before swine pretty hard on this one.I'm not channeling anything. I'm copy-pasting from another website.
Oh no! I've just given away my secret. The shame! The horror! The apathy!
well if you would hurry up and propose to one of those 30 girls you keep breaking up with...