gran rey de los mono |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
If anyone's looking for BBQ, and can find a Mission BBQ, I recommend it. I ate at one earlier and it was delicious.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

So I want to be absolutely sure that people understand this is an expression of bemused incredulity rather than any form of irritation, but it's happened yet again:
So yet again, I'm going into a session tomorrow, and I'm skeptical that I'll have to do anything other than run a city. Lots of fun for me, and quite relaxing, but I'm sure most of my players are going to complain about having "lost" a session to loot distribution.
And it happens with almost every single group I run.
Honestly, the, "Let's distribute loot during session time" happens in every group, but one group really loves roleplaying through the selling, the shopping, and exploring the town, and in the S&S group I'm the "loot distributor" and they just let me do it behind the scenes and give them money totals without ever bothering them with things like who gets what. (I did love the session where I told the sorceress, "You're taking this," and she asked, "What? Why?" "Because we may have a use for it, and you're the only one who can use it." "Oh, OK." Yes. As a player NobodysHome forces loot on unsuspecting PCs.)
EDIT: I suspect the answer would be "push" loot distribution (One player decides who gets what, only giving out loot that is obviously useful, or that is so arcane the AP obviously put it in for a reason).
Most games use "pull" loot distribution (each player asks for what they want), and if you have a single player of the, "I want anything that I might possibly ever use, so one of every magic weapon of every material and every damage type, one of every scroll, one of every...", that player ruins everything.
"Push" works much better, but the "I want" players HATE "Push".

Tacticslion |

Head pain.
Hey, NH, quick question: I'm trying to get a rough guesstimation for 4^290 power - approximately (emphasis on approximately) how much would that be, if it were expressed in words?
Presuppose I've forgotten, oh, everything I've ever learned in math. Well, at least Calculus. More specifically, this means nothing to me, right now, and my attempts to refresh myself on the notation have yielded more or less nothing.
For the record, I was planning on multiplying that number by:
[466] and [933] and [1,400]
... and yeah, this is about carrying capacity.
EDIT: I mean, now that it may actually be on the table,
I'm really curious how close I am to accidentally creating Chuck Norris...

Tacticslion |

Wow! It's still alive. Haven't been here in ages.
Life is funny. Stuff happened.
I wasn't hanging around here when you were, but you're the first to post on this particular iteration of FaWtL, and are thus super-welcome back!
How are you? What's been going on? Let us know everything you want to!

Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Head pain.
Hey, NH, quick question: I'm trying to get a rough guesstimation for 4^290 power - approximately (emphasis on approximately) how much would that be, if it were expressed in words?
Presuppose I've forgotten, oh, everything I've ever learned in math. Well, at least Calculus. More specifically, this means nothing to me, right now, and my attempts to refresh myself on the notation have yielded more or less nothing.
** spoiler omitted **
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Wow calculator gives me this
5.540201e+177I'm not entirely sure what to do with that. I might have known back when I was in college but ill be darned if I can remember now.

Tacticslion |

Head pain.
Hey, NH, quick question: I'm trying to get a rough guesstimation for 4^290 power - approximately (emphasis on approximately) how much would that be, if it were expressed in words?
Presuppose I've forgotten, oh, everything I've ever learned in math. Well, at least Calculus. More specifically, this means nothing to me, right now, and my attempts to refresh myself on the notation have yielded more or less nothing.
** spoiler omitted **
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Wow calculator gives me this
5.540201e+177I'm not entirely sure what to do with that. I might have known back when I was in college but ill be darned if I can remember now.
To for just a very rough estimate, I'd just see what 4^300 is...
That doesn't help much, does it?
I know, right? What the heck, me?
For the record, the Google calculator gives me (4^290) as "3.957286e+174" which... I also can't recall what that means, like, at all.
Heck, at this point, I'd probably even take a Fermi Estimation of the thing, if it made more sense.
Either way, I'm taking this notation confusion as proof that NH was right in our previous math conversation, and that calculators really are effectively linguistic Hellknights, only more lawful evil.
I'm paraphrasing, a little, yeah, but I'm pretty sure that's basically exactly what he said. ;D
EDIT: ninja dragons!

Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Now help me out there i'm rusty why would it be 4^290? that would be 4 times itself 290 times correct? 4 x 4 x 4 x 4... etc. wouldn't it be more like 4x290? since its every 10 it goes up my a multiplier of 4. Gah I can't do calculus anymore.
so wouldn't that be more like say increase strength by 50 would be times 20 to the weight?
Ok so im thinking it out
Edit: My initial impression is that you would figure out the modifier for having a 50 str for example so it would be x8 (4+4) but and I think your right now that I think about it. it would be a 16 (4x4) multiple

Tacticslion |

Oh? Maybe I did it wrong.
If it's 4*290 it is easy: that's 1,160.
That yields:
Light: 540,560
Medium: 1,082,280
Heavy: 1,624,000
But here was my logic (and I'm ready to be told, "Tac, you're being dumb." That happens.):
If I get 39 Str, that multiplies by x4.
If I then get 49 Str, that multiplies by x4.
If I then get 59 Str, that multiplies by x4.
To me, that pattern looks like I'm going to go x4x4x4, or 4^3.
If I hear you, correctly you read that it's:
If I get 39 Str, that multiplies by x4.
If I get 49 Str, that multiplies by x4*2 = x8.
If I get 59 Str, that multiplies by x4*3 = x12.
That's what you're getting, right?
For clarity, it doesn't have to be 29; rather it can be any strength between 20 and 29 that increases by 10 that follows this pattern*. That's why I'm looking at the actual multiplier rather than the final number.
* Nevermind that this pattern doesn't hold up at lower numbers. It can seem pretty close from 10->20 (going from 33*4 is 132, while going from 133/4 -> 33.8), but that isn't entirely correct, and it entirely falls apart at numbers below that (as, say, comparing 11 STR and 1 STR; 3x4 = 12, while 38/3 -> 12+(2/3)... nope, not even close).
EDIT: ninja Vid edit!
Edit: My initial impression is that you would figure out the modifier for having a 50 str for example so it would be x8 (4+4) but and I think your right now that I think about it. it would be a 16 (4x4) multiple
Yeah, I'm getting the latter, by my reading. I guess I can see the former (as it's much easier), but the latter seems to be what they're saying.
That said, I'm prepared to be wrong!

Tacticslion |

Holy guacamole! That's a lot!
That's 194, if you're read is correct!
That... that's more than a Google googol, and is nearly two?!

![]() |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Head pain.
Hey, NH, quick question: I'm trying to get a rough guesstimation for 4^290 power - approximately (emphasis on approximately) how much would that be, if it were expressed in words?
Presuppose I've forgotten, oh, everything I've ever learned in math. Well, at least Calculus. More specifically, this means nothing to me, right now, and my attempts to refresh myself on the notation have yielded more or less nothing.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
EDIT: I mean, now that it may actually be on the table,
I'm really curious how close I am to accidentally creating Chuck Norris...
Okay, so the calculation you linked said it was "3.957[some more numbers]e174, which, if I recall correctly, means 3.957 [some more numbers] times 10^174, or 1 with 174 zeroes behind it. So you'll be moving that decimal back 174 digits.
Alternatively, you could find a calculator that can handle bigger numbers. I google'd one:
Big Number Calculator and got this lovely number in return:
3 957 286 423 569 672 544 968 040 336 314 355 040 562 101 585 619 389 438 625 008 897 486 355 601 704 509 874 725 062 416 979 888 719 833 562 742 816 258 229 429 621 840 548 908 019 359 480 738 481 630 290 686 665 708 354 379 186 176
which is a pretty big number.

Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Now that is a Chuck Norris number^^
Tremendous Strength: For Strength scores not shown on Table: Carrying Capacity, find the Strength score between 20 and 29 that has the same number in the "ones" digit as the creature's Strength score does and multiply the numbers in that row by 4 for every 10 points the creature's Strength is above the score for that row.
hmm. I'm leaning towards the 4*2 4*3 4*4 route but i'm still not sure enough to say.

![]() |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Jess Door wrote:Wow! It's still alive. Haven't been here in ages.
Life is funny. Stuff happened.
I wasn't hanging around here when you were, but you're the first to post on this particular iteration of FaWtL, and are thus super-welcome back!
How are you? What's been going on? Let us know everything you want to!
::looks at first page::
That was...wow...a while ago.
Great, now I feel old.
Time for a nap.

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:Jess Door wrote:Wow! It's still alive. Haven't been here in ages.
Life is funny. Stuff happened.
I wasn't hanging around here when you were, but you're the first to post on this particular iteration of FaWtL, and are thus super-welcome back!
How are you? What's been going on? Let us know everything you want to!
::looks at first page::
That was...wow...a while ago.
Great, now I feel old.
Time for a nap.
You don't look a day over 29! :D

Tacticslion |

Now that is a Chuck Norris number^^
Tremendous Strength: For Strength scores not shown on Table: Carrying Capacity, find the Strength score between 20 and 29 that has the same number in the "ones" digit as the creature's Strength score does and multiply the numbers in that row by 4 for every 10 points the creature's Strength is above the score for that row.
hmm. I'm leaning towards the 4*2 4*3 4*4 route but i'm still not sure enough to say.
Yeah, that is definitely a fair interpretation. I'm surprised it's as ambiguous as it is, to me, but there we are!
English. It just is. XD

Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

so for some perspective if its the chuck norris number the heaviest thing I could find was a black hole that scientist estimate ways 66 billion suns the sun weighs 4.385 × 10^30 lbs
so the number I got was 2.8941e+41
way way lower then the chuck Norris number. so your character with a 2900 strength is stronger then a black hole (strong enough to pick up one anyways theoretically). by several factors. I actually think his str might as well be inf since there is probably nothing in the universe that he could not pick up. (I'll just juggle these black holes)

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hmmmm... suddenly this doesn't seem so impossible by rules, after all...
Although the creature's current strength is only 48, that's a pretty good starting base, especially since the origin was millions of foul creatures being pulled within...
But yeah, a rules thread would be sweeeeellllll...
*looks at Vid to start and link one...*

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

[ url = www.wikipedia.com ] hey, look at me, click! [ /url ]
Remove the spaces in front of and in between and at the end of the brackets
(So, "[ url" would become "[url" for example; while "www.wikipedia.org ] hey, look at me, click!" would become "www.wikipedia.org]hey, look at me, click!")
And that yields:
Or, for the thread in question,
[url =http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2uh1y?Tremendous-strength#1]strength thread[ / url]
with the spaces removed, becomes:

Tacticslion |

But, I mean, really, we're discussing the difference between a light load of a few whales (the light load above is ~270.28 tons, presupposing 2,000 lbs. in a ton), or a light load of a (quite a) few black holes...

Tacticslion |

Oh, and as a completely unrelated aside, to the best of my knowledge, there are (roughly) about 832 unique mythic ability choices you can make (not including the nine sets of "4 extra spells per day" you can take per casting class, but including multiples of all other options, including choosing the ~320 evil gods as targets of "Heathen Slayer" - though I didn't count up the non-evil ones, sooooo... more than that).

Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Whats interesting to me is thinking how far I could jump If I could exert that much force. Now I suppose you could just plug the +1445 into the acrobatics chart, but that is just not on the same scale as the Carrying Capacity.
If you figured out the newtons of force you could exert you could see if you could hurl yourself from one planet to the next by jumping off of course you would very likely throw the planet your jumping from off its orbit or destroy it by exerting that much force but once you hit space as long as you didn't get pulled to far off by some celestial bodies gravity you could hop from planet to planet and probably at high speeds given the amount of force your exerting.
I need a physicist.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:Head pain.
Hey, NH, quick question: I'm trying to get a rough guesstimation for 4^290 power - approximately (emphasis on approximately) how much would that be, if it were expressed in words?
Presuppose I've forgotten, oh, everything I've ever learned in math. Well, at least Calculus. More specifically, this means nothing to me, right now, and my attempts to refresh myself on the notation have yielded more or less nothing.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
EDIT: I mean, now that it may actually be on the table,
I'm really curious how close I am to accidentally creating Chuck Norris...Okay, so the calculation you linked said it was "3.957[some more numbers]e174, which, if I recall correctly, means 3.957 [some more numbers] times 10^174, or 1 with 174 zeroes behind it. So you'll be moving that decimal back 174 digits.
Alternatively, you could find a calculator that can handle bigger numbers. I google'd one:
Big Number Calculator and got this lovely number in return:
3 957 286 423 569 672 544 968 040 336 314 355 040 562 101 585 619 389 438 625 008 897 486 355 601 704 509 874 725 062 416 979 888 719 833 562 742 816 258 229 429 621 840 548 908 019 359 480 738 481 630 290 686 665 708 354 379 186 176
which is a pretty big number.
the math, she burns me, but I am so happy to see you it doesn't matter.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:Jess Door wrote:Wow! It's still alive. Haven't been here in ages.
Life is funny. Stuff happened.
I wasn't hanging around here when you were, but you're the first to post on this particular iteration of FaWtL, and are thus super-welcome back!
How are you? What's been going on? Let us know everything you want to!
::looks at first page::
That was...wow...a while ago.
Great, now I feel old.
Time for a nap.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Head pain.
Hey, NH, quick question: I'm trying to get a rough guesstimation for 4^290 power - approximately (emphasis on approximately) how much would that be, if it were expressed in words?
Presuppose I've forgotten, oh, everything I've ever learned in math. Well, at least Calculus. More specifically, this means nothing to me, right now, and my attempts to refresh myself on the notation have yielded more or less nothing.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
EDIT: I mean, now that it may actually be on the table,
I'm really curious how close I am to accidentally creating Chuck Norris...
math is pain.
The only way around it is to not do math.
hands tactics a final fantasy tactics artbook
There you go.