John Napier 698 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
So I think I've complained about this before, but, being grumpy and old, I get to complain about it again:
What is it about people that they cannot possibly comprehend that just because you work in a highly technical job in a tech company doesn't mean you're a gadget nut? In fact, most of the engineers I know have crappy old phones, hand-me-down iPads, or whatever junk they found lying around because, "It still works, and it does what I need it to do, so why would I need something newer?"
So people ask me for my cell phone number. I say, "I don't want to give it to you." They ask, "Why not?" I reply, "Because I work from home in my living room. The phone spends most of its lifetime turned off in my bedside table drawer. Yet you're going to call it. And leave voice mail. And text it. And get mad at me for not answering."
"Oh, no! No I'm not!"Two months later
"What's wrong with you!?!?!? Why didn't you return any of my calls or texts?!? I was in town all last week, and I wanted to get together with you, but you never responded!"
"Did you call my home number?"
"Did you try e-mail, or my wife's cell phone?"
"No, but I sent you like a dozen texts, and called you five or six times. Why aren't you checking your voice mail?"*SIGH*
The engineer cookie cutter mentality. Just because they do it, they expect everyone else to do so as well. I think.

Tacticslion |

@Tacticslion, the first time she showed it was the fourth pic :3
Basically butt cleavage is (like breast cleavage) when there is a section of clothing removed in order to show off the top middle of the bottom without completely exposing everything.
Ah! Got it, thanks! (That's more or less what the wife thought.)
Still extremely weird (and sounds uncomfortable), but least it's more than that Riot fellow...
As for the fourth pic, that's... weird. I got down to somewhere much lower, but I don't recall that at all. I'll just blame poor internet and slow loading.

Tacticslion |

Space-Time Crystal
I have some problems accepting this, because I am not fully understanding the concept, execution, or implications.
It's a pretty complex concept with a really "click-bait" name, and I am skeptical of what it actually means until someone with a superior education to my own can explain it in comparatively simple terms.
Also, adding or taking from zero-point energy sound dangerously close to doing something phenomenally stupid.
Anyway, I'm basically stopping at Topological Order. It looks like I need to refresh myself on my physics education before I proceed, 'cause daggum, but is that some complicated nonsense.

John Napier 698 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Also, adding or taking from zero-point energy sound dangerously close to doing something phenomenally stupid.
Because the theoretical concept of zero-point energy is so bound up in the concept of spacetime that using zero-point energy could lead to a collapse of a point of spacetime. This collapse could lead to a Phase Transition which could spread throughout the cosmos, which could have dangerous ramifications for life as we know it.
For those that don't know what a Phase Transition is, it is analogous to the formation of ice in water. An ice crystal forms, exactly where doesn't matter, and spreads throughout the water as the Phase of the water transitions from liquid to solid.

lynora |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Enjoying the snow for the brief time we have it. Since it's all going to melt in a couple days. In the meantime it makes an excellent excuse for wearing cozy comfy boots that have not seen nearly enough use this winter. ^.^
And enjoying some hot cinnamon spice tea too while I sit in the waiting room at the jujitsu school. I got here early enough to get a seat on the couch instead of the uncomfortable chair. :)

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

My life is such a twisted parody of the American Dream it's side-splitting.
For *MY* mid-life crisis, I'll be cruising down I-5 with a minivan full of freshman girls for a day.
Isn't it supposed to be a convertible full of COLLEGE freshman girls?
Oh, I just always do these things wrong...
attaches self to underside of car
Thank God I watched that Cape Fear retrospective.

Tacticslion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Now for a post that's taken me all day to write!
(Kids are awesome, but climbing out of and into my lap makes things hard.)
... and now for family game update two!
When last we left, my Eldest One-Stack and Plush Luigi Luii had become heroes~!
They had fought off a random goblin raid and adopted a miniblin - in this, they named it, "Cute Miniblin" as it didn't have a name - and enjoyed a good time at the restaurant.
This time, they decided to eat there again and (at my Eldest's insistence) the Hag Fish was just as booming as last time!
And so, they ended up at a table with two empty seats (the miniblin just sits on the floor to eat with its hands), when a Tien half-elf (he was "my" character, and named "Keiji" - or, as most people call him, "Cagey" ['Kay-jee'] - Luii-duties were passed off to a combination of everyone at the table), and, a short time later, a "servant of God" named Shaela (Mommy's character; basically, she's Kyra). We noted, after some time (this "session" wasn't so much one session as it was three or four little ones scattered about, when possible) that there was yet another miniblin, eventually given to Shaela (as each person couldn't have more than their Charisma-modifier+1, and One-Stack has a Cha-mod of +0), and she was named "Minnie."
(Also, it was retconned that One-Stack is a half-elf so he looks like Link.)
They were all seated at the same table with the last chairs in the place, and became friends.
So they were having some pleasant conversation about who they were and why they were in-town when my Eldest One-Stack suddenly went, "Oh, no! There's a DAAAARRRRRRK-NUUUUUUT~!" pointing and everyone looked around.
As it turned out (after some clarification of "Wut?" between player and GM, and the player explained that it was over there, asleep) that there was, in fact, a "darknut" in full darknut armor.
The owner, Quinn, was amused by their worry, and informed everyone that it was simply "Ol' Jack" - the local "gnoll knight" who talked to anyone that listened about his crazy stories of a certainly-fictional ancient order of knights made of gnolls - called "Darknuts" - of which he was supposedly the last (and, of course, he was going to be, considering there were about zero other gnolls nearby).
Though they were warned about his crazy stories, his wiley ways, and his odd behavior, they were also told that he was basically harmless. He just hangs around, trying to get people to believe his made up stories and occasionally begging for money and/or food, before heading back out into the wilderness, where, "Nothin' much happened, this time, either." every time. He's not useful, but, at least, he's not any sort of a threat - generally just mildly avoiding the more aggressive people or creatures.
Despite this, everyone was wary, and even more so when, as they were discussing things, he suddenly showed up at the table! He'd brought his own chair, turned it backwards and sat down, and removed his helmet.
Imagine, if you will, a graying gnoll, scare-lines as if from claws across his face, and, though not exactly missing an eye, with one side forced into a permanent squint, due to some vicious marks across the front.
Dressed in red (though extremely worn) armor kept together with little more soft, thread-like-rope, edged with ornate designs. He wears a similarly red (though leather and stiff) cloak, a metal-and-wood round shield - both cloak and shield bearing similar designs - and a great sword. Could look really cool. In practice it was... less inspiring.
They were all on their toes, all feared some sort of direct assault... until he began talking.
What a weird guy! Ol' Jack was more than a bit of a character. He found all sorts of weird things hi-LAR-ious, and would (hyena-) laugh and laugh at the weirdest "jokes" (especially One-Stack; "This guy! I love this guy! Great sense of humor!"), and often times at things he didn't understand (which would be a lot of laughter, then, "Huh?"); One-Stack and he (and Luii) became best friends, even as the others became convinced of his (mostly harmless) lunacy.
Either way, he wanted to hire them! Using a very-poorly made map, and unable to point as his hands were in the equivalent of large metal mittens, eventually the group was able to figure out he wanted to go to the far end of the place called "Devil's Platter" (there was a really awesome and hilarious moment where I faked him forgetting what the place was called, and, by the time someone rolled a successful knowledge check... I'd forgotten what the place was called! XD) near the northern section, on the right side of the Tickwood. He promised "great treasure" and "great reward" and wanted to have a fifty/fifty treasure split (which, he assured them, included the extraordinarily rare green pearls~!), so he could use the money to help rebuild the order.
Shaela - deeply suspicious of this strange creature - would have none of this nonsense - if they were doing most of the work and danger, they should get most of the reward. At this point, their lunch was done, so they took a break to collect sea shells on the beach.
ENTER: THE CAMEO~! They had been discussed, but I had a couple of the heroes from our RotR PnP game show up and warn/chat with them about a few things - I had one of the trickier characters (good guy, but better at bluffing that telling the truth) show up telling the truth and explaining some details; Shaela, of course, didn't believe him until he was able to call in the priestess "devotee of St. Shelyn" from our game (good at diplomacy). They were warned from a dangerous part of the beach, encouraged in helping miniblins reintegrate into society, and then allowed to go their way.
Ol' Jack used the distraction to pull One-Stack aside and explain that Shaela's objections were fair, but, as a friend, One-Stack understood that Ol' Jack had to have money to cover the costs - not just for him, but for rebuilding the order - right? One-Stack did. So Ol' Jack cut a deal - the four of them (the PCs) would get five shares of the treasure, and Ol' Jack would get three (an eight-fold division). One-Stack agreed on behalf of everybody, and, though Shaela blinked when she found out, she accepted this. (This happened when, in real life, the family was at dinner.)
So they set out! One-Stack declared that he had, "... HORSES IN MY INVENTOREEE~!" and proceeded to pull them out for "everybody." Of course that makes no sense, but it still happened - because, as it just-so-happened, he seems to have had a Gewgaw of Mount, which let him make four temporary horses at a time (Ol' Jack didn't need one), and they went on their way.
I introduced a New Mechanic[/i] called the BEGINNER'S SHEET - it is a sheet of paper with the name of the "beginner" on it with a number of slots, representing that player's "bonus inventory" of things they shouldn't have... but somehow do (or can somehow find in the course of the adventure). What the item actually does is up to the GM; some items are reviewed before approval (and may be denied at any time). They are consistently limited-use and limited-scope. Sometimes "found" treasure goes on this, and sometimes "I had it the whole time" items go on this. Once a slot is used up, it's used up on something, it is used up forever. Each special item comes with a small prop that must be presented to use.
In any event, this is where the Gewgaw' came from.
Somewhere around here, we finally got home, again, and finally, finally opened up the Beginner's Box... and got, "REAL CHARACTER SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETS~!"
They continued on until they got to the part of the forest they needed to cross, where I noted lots of nettles and underbrush by having Ol' Jack immediately get caught in it and stuck - forcing them to hack him free. They decided to forge a new way through. But BEGINNER PAGE comes to the rescue, as he has DEKU LEAVES! As I explain, Deku leaves can each be used twice (no more), and each use can either be to create a gust of wind (not the spell), or float/glide down (this was later slightly ret-conned for simplicity: only one use, but they got double the number). So they climbed some tall trees several times and glided over parts of the forest and, later, the river.
We were testing out all sorts of dice rolls! It was pretty cool to use our skills!
At the "small mountain" called the Devil's Platter, Luii used his grappling hook with One-Stack's rope to enable the two of them to use their Climb skill to Climb up the rocks. They would find ledges for people and help them up.
Way up on top, they eventually looked around and found a "HUGE~!" (small) abandoned fortress made of the local limestone. Speaking of, we taught our youngest (only two) how to roll the dice. His first in-game roll (after a bunch of practice rolls)? NATURAL 20~! MAN, did Luii ever climb the heck outta that mountain~! (We celebrated and took a picture.)
They ran into a big locked door, and the local lock-pick failed both rolls rather spectacularly.
Just prior to such attempts, while they were debating what to do, the joys of Perception was uncovered - One-Stack rolled an AWESOME Perception, while everyone else was pretty terrible. Because he was eager to know what he found, the BEGINNER'S SHEET once again comes to the rescue: he finds a flower and immediately declares it to be a fire-flower (like in Mario games). He corrects himself, to "maybe" when his Mommy does.
As it turns out, that's exactly what he finds - a fire flower (made of a rare orange flower growing in the otherwise-inhospitable limestone from the rotted remnants of a burning hands wand and one each cracked bottles of a potion of fire resistance and potion of fire shield slowly watering it, only recently having dried up - no one knew any of this, but, hey, that's that it was) with exactly four charges left in it.
So, after he fails to open it the old fashion way, the flower is turned on the first door - though the door is stone, several parts of the lock is ancient wood, so it works! The second set of doors are wood, so after the attempt fails, the flower is used on them, and they are burned down entirely!
They enter a large, empty courtyard of a castle - I can't locate a map of the ground floor, so you'll have to settle for the upper walls (we basically just used the ground-floor map).
A phenomenal acrobatics check from One-Stack led to his ability to go through the rubble and, with his earlier excellent rolls, he manages to find sign from Chu-chus, and "something else" that comes with soot and charred rock along with loooooooooots of pointed footprints.
He wants to follow them, but decides to tell everyone else (when I ask if he does, anyway), and they head forward (following the tracks into the main part of the fort) - when a dozen Chus attack (red, green, and blue)! It was quite a fight!
Luii rolled highest initiative ('dat improved initiative), while One-Stack did a solid job, and then everyone else actually did kind of poorly, with Ol' Jack being the last, just before the unfortunately poor-rolling Chus.
(Stats: initiative +2, AC 14 (+5 nAC, -1 Dex), hit points 4 (1 hd), saves +0 [mindless], speed 20, Attack slam +3 (1d6+1), SA leap attack {this functions like charge as a full-round action; jump and attack simultaneously}; Acrobatics (jump) +10 {includes +4 racial bonus; cannot leap higher than 5 feet up}; SQ defensive crouch {v. a single attack, every 1d4 rounds, able to get cover and 20% miss chance; must succeed at a DC 22 Acrobatics check, or as a standard action no check; for 1d4-1 rounds (or until ended as a move action), treated as having total cover, but cannot attack}, ever-leap {always treated as if having a running start})
The battle was actually rather hard-fought!
Luii, though a little bit nervous, charged bravely and slammed into one, taking it out, and two-weapon slicing into another, taking it out, too! (NOTE: my mistake. In my defense, I was pretty busy.) Another was next to the guy, and One-Stack was able to flank it for a Sneak Attack - down goes another! With a scimitar charge from Shaela, a fourth is down! A fifth was taken out by an impressive roll from Keiji with his staff flying from his hand and smacking the thing, before returning! Number six was assaulted by a howling Ol' Jack... who rolled a mighty 2 and missed!
On their turn, the chus attacked Shaela (one, miss), Ol' Jack (one, narrow miss), and Luii - five (three hits)! Oh, wow! Luii was left hurt badly! Only one heart/hit point left! Scary!
So, on his turn, he swiped at a chu near him, missed, and took a five-foot step, enabling a small retreat!
One-Stack hurried over to Shaela to Sneak Attack the chu near her (taking it out), and, after Keiji's turn, she was able to use that to move over and take the opportunity to Channel Energy to heal her friends! ... only 2 points (and, really, only Plus Luigi), but still!
Keiji hurried to be next to Luii, and used his [bigger]big spell: burning hands~! It got four of the chus, and rolled a whole four damage, taking them all out! Woo! (Then Shaela did her thing.)
Finally, Ol' Jack attacked the chu in front of him to great success!
And so, now careful, the party heads into the room beyond, where they see a Big Bowl that has a Fire in it!
One-Stack was excited and threw the fire-flower into the fire "so it can get' all it's charge's back!"
As soon as he did so, though, there was a terrifying rumble! From the flames rose a hideous worm-like creature with lots of legs, a baleful single eye, and a huge claw that snapped before said eye... and it was on fire~! Agh~!
It was the the creature, the monster embossed on Ol' Jack's own armor!
It strode forward for the attack! Thinking out loud, they all talked about what to do about the fire. They compared it to various things - a bonfire, a cooking fire, or (according to silly Keiji) a candle on a birthday cake. But that gave One-Stack an idea! He declared he used his Deku Leaf to blow out the fire! Luii did so, and Shaela and Keiji and the flames were extinguished! The creature was dazed for a round!
Luii, braver than he should be, charged! He struck the creature as hard as he could! He hurt it!
Taking a cue from him, One-Stack charged, but made sure to Flank and used his Sneak Attack to great success!
Shaela, seeing no other recourse, also attacked, successfully!
Keiji's cane flew at the creature and harmed it!
And Ol' Jack howled and charged at the 'worthy foe' who'd violated the sanctuary of his once-great knighthood! The chop was a mighty success!
Then the creature spun on Ol' Jack, even having taken so much damage, and effortlessly RiPpEd HiS aRmOr To ShReDs~!
Luii did his best, but his blow was only minor, but fortunately, One-Stack came and used his Sneak Attack to great effect, slamming into the beast and causing it to curl up!
From there, the battle was handily won, though Ol' Jack snapped his ancient blade doing it.
(Stats: initiative +2 {improved initiative}, AC 17 (+9 nAC, -2 Dex), hit points 25 (5 hd +5), fast healing 2 (in flames only), saves +3 <close enough>, speed 20 (spider climb), Attack claw +9 (2d8+5), SA burn (1d6, while on-fire only), sundering strike {this damages armor, half hardness; also adds fire damage, if flaming, ignoring hardness}; Climb +13 {includes +8 racial bonus}; SQ circle of life {curl into a ball; when reduced to 0 hp or fewer, treat as full-defense plus cover; gain 25 temporary hit points and activates fast-healing 2; when restored to half hit points, may uncurl})
And so, the heroes triumphed!
There was a little chest buried behind the alter, according to the "legends" (bad poetry) Ol' Jack had found, and they dug it up.
Minds were totally blown when I pulled out a treasure chest (a Christmas gift to me from relatives a few years back) packed with dice gems and three necklaces of "green pearls" (we had exactly three necklaces, and no pot - we got them this past weekend from celebrating St. Patrick's Day and two family birthdays).
Though my Eldest desperately wanted to explore each of the rooms, I worked instead on wrapping up the game session, and ended the thing, noting that Ol' Jack declared them friends of his order, and he gave them a special signal-whistle that only he (and dogs) could hear - if they blew it near the base of the "mountain" (escarpment), he'd put out rope ladders and a bridge he was planning on making, saving them their last (three, though, now ret-conned to six, with the rules-change) Deku leaves.
We put the kids to night-night, and it was the most daggum exciting thing ever.

Tacticslion |

Sharoth wrote:Space-Time CrystalI have some problems accepting this, because I am not fully understanding the concept, execution, or implications.
It's a pretty complex concept with a really "click-bait" name, and I am skeptical of what it actually means until someone with a superior education to my own can explain it in comparatively simple terms.
Also, adding or taking from zero-point energy sound dangerously close to doing something phenomenally stupid.
Anyway, I'm basically stopping at Topological Order. It looks like I need to refresh myself on my physics education before I proceed, 'cause daggum, but is that some complicated
I wish to clarify - I am not accusing Sharoth of being click-bait-y, in particular: that's actually the name they gave the thingy. I'm just deeply suspicious of a thing that labels itself a "space-time Crystal" even if that's what it actually turns out to be, because scientists are a stodgy confusing lot who love naming things after the people who discover it. When something is labeled so directly and clearly what it supposedly is, that seems... suspicious. >.>
(Especially since "space-time Crystal" could mean all sorts of things.)
((That said, I've long been a proponent of naming things a little more easily for the consumption and memory of the non-scientist.))

gran rey de los mono |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
New game store opened in town recently, I'll have to check it out. I hope it's better than the one it replaced. I went there once to buy some paints, and the guy followed me around, glaring, like he thought I was going to steal something. His first words to me were "What are you here for?", when I told him paints he said "What do you want paints for?". I bought my paints, left, and never went back. That store closed at the end of January, with a tax lien from the state, and apparently they had been having trouble getting inventory on the shelves because they hadn't been paying the distributors.

Sharoth |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:Sharoth wrote:Space-Time CrystalI have some problems accepting this, because I am not fully understanding the concept, execution, or implications.
It's a pretty complex concept with a really "click-bait" name, and I am skeptical of what it actually means until someone with a superior education to my own can explain it in comparatively simple terms.
Also, adding or taking from zero-point energy sound dangerously close to doing something phenomenally stupid.
Anyway, I'm basically stopping at Topological Order. It looks like I need to refresh myself on my physics education before I proceed, 'cause daggum, but is that some complicated
nonsense.I wish to clarify - I am not accusing Sharoth of being click-bait-y, in particular: that's actually the name they gave the thingy. I'm just deeply suspicious of a thing that labels itself a "space-time Crystal" even if that's what it actually turns out to be, because scientists are a stodgy confusing lot who love naming things after the people who discover it. When something is labeled so directly and clearly what it supposedly is, that seems... suspicious. >.>
(Especially since "space-time Crystal" could mean all sorts of things.)
((That said, I've long been a proponent of naming things a little more easily for the consumption and memory of the non-scientist.))
I wasn't trying to be click-baity. It looked like an interesting article and I hadn't finished it. The FAWTL thread was a good place to bookmark it and also pass it along. Next time I will try to be more click-baity for you. ~grins and runs~

Singed Vidmaster7 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Click Bait
*Cough Cough* this is what I get for clicking strange links *cough* your just lucky my beard grows at a superhuman rate.

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm having morning-after-child's-birthday-exhaustion.
Between the godparents dinner on Sunday and the actual birthday yesterday, and the sugar explosion and the balloon and wrapping paper explosion, I feel tired and surly and depressed. I want to blow off work today and go hiking.
spins by Lisamarlenes job with a fast car and a trunk full of hiking supplies
You rang?

lisamarlene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:I'm having morning-after-child's-birthday-exhaustion.
Between the godparents dinner on Sunday and the actual birthday yesterday, and the sugar explosion and the balloon and wrapping paper explosion, I feel tired and surly and depressed. I want to blow off work today and go hiking.spins by Lisamarlenes job with a fast car and a trunk full of hiking supplies
You rang?
That's really sweet.
And if today is anything like yesterday, I'm liable to answer my classroom door with one child's arm secured firmly in one hand while he does the "I've just done something *really* naughty" smirk, a mop and bucket in the other, two children clutching my legs asking how soon it will be time for snack, and one of my third-years tapping me repeatedly on the shoulder asking me to check her spelling work.

lisamarlene |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

American FaWtLers, is this true?
Yes, all true, but "My best friend" typically equates to "someone I see socially at least once a month or who actually answers my texts/emails/calls". At least if you're over thirty. Forty. Whatever. Not sure about the youngsters.

John Napier 698 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
New game store opened in town recently, I'll have to check it out. I hope it's better than the one it replaced. I went there once to buy some paints, and the guy followed me around, glaring, like he thought I was going to steal something. His first words to me were "What are you here for?", when I told him paints he said "What do you want paints for?". I bought my paints, left, and never went back. That store closed at the end of January, with a tax lien from the state, and apparently they had been having trouble getting inventory on the shelves because they hadn't been paying the distributors.
Some people should never interact with potential customers. Way to dive away customers, J@ck@$$. *Wow, surprised that the spellchecker missed that word.*

John Napier 698 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm having morning-after-child's-birthday-exhaustion.
Between the godparents dinner on Sunday and the actual birthday yesterday, and the sugar explosion and the balloon and wrapping paper explosion, I feel tired and surly and depressed. I want to blow off work today and go hiking.
Be safe and enjoy yourself.