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When you undercook cookies think of it like letting meat rest before serving it, it's pretty much the same thing. :-)

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Good morning, FaWtLers! News and notes:

  • After giving Corso a one-star Yelp review, I went with the recommendations here and sent a message to the Alameda County Health Department. Can't hurt. Might help.
  • While I don't know the difference between a "sprain" and a "strain", I obviously got quite lucky with my ankle: Yesterday it was swollen to about 4x its normal size (quite impressive, really), but this morning it's down to 2x and I can put weight on it without discomfort. I credit two things: Stretching for 30 minutes every single day (very important as you get older), and being experienced enough to know that once you start falling, you should just curl up and let gravity do its thing: Trying to "save" yourself from a fall almost always results in catastrophe. So once the ankle gave, I didn't even try to recover: The box fell on me, I fell on the ladder, but a couple of VERY minor bruises is a small price to pay for the likelihood that I'll be walking again in only 3-4 days, instead of 3-4 weeks.
  • I hadn't even remembered the Joy of Cooking. I always liked it as a cookbook for "basics", but everything always came out too plain for me.

  • Anyway, time to harass Impus Major into helping me with the rest of the loft. We have to change strategies (I'm the only one in the house with enough upper body strength to casually hold a 40-pound box over my head), but I figure a "grab and drop safely" won't risk the ankle, and at worst will result in a burst box of books. Books are more robust than people...

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    That was every other day at my house, and I'm the only one with long hair.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    It will most definitely help. Food poisoning is a very serious issue. Here in Pittsburgh, restaurants have gone out of business because of Code Violations.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Tequila Sunrise wrote:

    So, question for NH:

    I have been challenged to bake a gingersoft. Yes, that's a soft gingersnap. (Copywright pending!) But google provides me with twelve dozen recipes for such, and I have zero cooking intuition and have no idea which one to use. I can follow a recipe, but I have no sense of which recipe will likely produce the softest, gingeriest, tastiest cookies.

    Any words of wisdom? Or even better, a gingersoft recipe of your own? :)

    *I* am a terrible baker. I'd check with Captain Yesterday -- he's your go-to baker.

    If I ever have to choose recipes I find online it's pretty much:
    (1) Julia Child
    (3) Pepperidge Farm
    (4) Fanny Farmer

    Trouble is recognizing the sources for 90% of 'em.

    CY, how do you make cookies soft? (Other than by undercooking them by a couple of minutes?)

    NH? CY?



    He's the two letters you need for baking.

    He's like CY and NH. Together!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hey, Everyone,

    If you click on the Azure Bonds link above, and go to the root directory, you'll find a scanned and PDF'd repository of a large amount of D&D stuff beginning with 2nd Edition. Including both Magazines. Consider this discovery an early Christmas gift.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Glad to know you aren't incapacitated too long NH.

    I will swap out the sparkly liquid for bacta if you so wish.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Holy s#*+ you guys new episodes of from dusk till dawn! Third season is last season wooooooooooooot

    Grand Lodge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    And we have had our Final Checkout.

    Silver Crusade

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Tequila Sunrise wrote:

    So, question for NH:

    I have been challenged to bake a gingersoft. Yes, that's a soft gingersnap. (Copywright pending!) But google provides me with twelve dozen recipes for such, and I have zero cooking intuition and have no idea which one to use. I can follow a recipe, but I have no sense of which recipe will likely produce the softest, gingeriest, tastiest cookies.

    Any words of wisdom? Or even better, a gingersoft recipe of your own? :)

    *I* am a terrible baker. I'd check with Captain Yesterday -- he's your go-to baker.

    If I ever have to choose recipes I find online it's pretty much:
    (1) Julia Child
    (3) Pepperidge Farm
    (4) Fanny Farmer

    Trouble is recognizing the sources for 90% of 'em.

    CY, how do you make cookies soft? (Other than by undercooking them by a couple of minutes?)

    NH? CY?



    He's the two letters you need for baking.

    He's like CY and NH. Together!

    Thank you! Alas I have never made gingersofts so I don't have much to add. I suspect something with lots of butter and some eggs will get the right consistency.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Holy s$*~ you guys new episodes of from dusk till dawn! Third season is last season wooooooooooooot!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Do I have deja vu, oh crap, that's how Wayward Pines starts... future Captain Yesterday, no matter what anyone tell you, the children are NOT the future.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    *mutter, grumble*

    Liberty's Edge

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    *Opens fortune cookie and reads fortune*

    You will soon witness a miracle.


    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:


    *mutter, grumble*

    Same, waiting to see if Salt and Sanctury goes on sale.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Soft gingerbread.

    The General says The Joy Of Cooking... Or Better Homes And Gardens... she is notoriously tight lipped about her sources. She even asked me who I was asking for and did the whole evil eye truth scanning that all women have to make sure it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.

    Silver Crusade

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Studpuffin wrote:

    *Opens fortune cookie and reads fortune*

    You will soon witness a miracle.


    Maybe Freehold is about to fall in love with a Whedon film.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Studpuffin wrote:

    *Opens fortune cookie and reads fortune*

    You will soon witness a miracle.


    Maybe the Captain is going to say:

    "You know what, one alias is enough."

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    Did someone say "the Captain should make a thousand more aliases! Then he can be like that Chinese emperor that pioneered action figures, but mistakenly made them too big to play with"

    I'm just going to assume that's what I heard.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Now, to go dig my car out so I can get it stuck again and call off work.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    25 minutes, not bad for getting dug out then stuck again.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:

    Did someone say "the Captain should make a thousand more aliases! Then he can be like that Chinese emperor that pioneered action figures, but mistakenly made them too big to play with"

    I'm just going to assume that's what I heard.

    Yes, it is. Go ahead!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Action figures are harder to build then I thought.

    Still, I have big ideas for 2-1000.

    But in the meantime enjoy this Captain Yesterday action figure, comes with woodsy grip action!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Thanks for all the tips, CH, CY, and NH!

    I, however, have no idea what this means...

    captain yesterday wrote:
    When you undercook cookies think of it like letting meat rest before serving it, it's pretty much the same thing. :-)

    Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure it out after a few dozen trial-and-errors. :)

    I will make gingersofts a reality!!!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I just meant that if you take cookies out a minute before they're done (oatmeal butterscotch chip specifically) they'll still cook on the pan kind of but not end up hard when cooling down.

    I recommend following the recipe the first time (and don't worry if it's off by a minute or two) and seeing how it goes. Also check a minute before they're supposed to be done. :-)

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    The General (to Pea Bear, during a friendly back and forth): I don't care, do whatever you want.

    Tiny T-Rex: wait... can I do whatever I want...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Almost got frostbite taking the dog for his walk, even had two pairs of socks on! It's damn cold out.

    Stay warm everyone!

    Pool of Radiance

    Uh... wow!

    ... sooooooooooo... level caps, huh?

    It's weird. The one character I have without level caps (my pure human cleric) seems to have capped at what is actually a lower level than some of my other characters. Weird.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Drejk wrote:
    Project OS: O officially finished.

    I thought you'd like to know that one of the winners of the Christmas giveaway chose this as a prize. :)

    Tacticslion wrote:

    Pool of Radiance

    Uh... wow!

    ... sooooooooooo... level caps, huh?

    It's weird. The one character I have without level caps (my pure human cleric) seems to have capped at what is actually a lower level than some of my other characters. Weird.


    Kuto's Well is like a nightmare given flesh!

    I mean, yeah, I'm surviving, but the only reason is because I hang out near the entrance, use up both of Bloom's fireballs in two iterative battles, and then hightail it right back into the Slums to rest for 15 days!



    EDIT: And why are lizardfolk like smaller, more vicious, more numerous, worse-in-every-way-except-vulnerable-to-sleep trolls?!

    Also: animate dead is best cleric spell...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Rawr! wrote:
    Drejk wrote:
    Project OS: O officially finished.

    I thought you'd like to know that one of the winners of the Christmas giveaway chose this as a prize. :)


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:

    Pool of Radiance

    Uh... wow!

    ... sooooooooooo... level caps, huh?

    It's weird. The one character I have without level caps (my pure human cleric) seems to have capped at what is actually a lower level than some of my other characters. Weird.

    Technically, Pool Of Radiance does not have a level cap but a xp cap. AD&D had a separate xp to level table for each class, so clerics and wizards magic users should end at, IIRC, 6th level. I don't remember if fighters reach 7th level or cap at 6th level too. Thieves should reach level 7th or maybe even 8th.

    Is the cleric of race other than human and with particularly subpar Wisdom? There is a slight possibility that one of the races that allowed clerics had a very low racial cap at level (5th?).

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I have a recipe for chewy ginger cookies. I love them, they have both ground ginger and crystallized/candied ginger in them. If you like, I can try to post the recipe when I'm home and find it. Warning: It is an Alton Brown recipe, so Freehold will hate it.

    Also, in general when it comes to making cookies soft, I find that replacing some of the white sugar with brown sugar helps. Of course, depending on the type of cookie being made, you might not want the molasses flavor of brown sugar.

    Drejk wrote:

    Technically, Pool Of Radiance does not have a level cap but a xp cap. AD&D had a separate xp to level table for each class, so clerics and wizards should end at, IIRC, 6th level. I don't remember if fighters reach 7th level or cap at 6th level too. Thieves should reach level 7th or maybe even 8th.

    Is the cleric of race other than human and with particularly subpar Wisdom? There is a slight possibility that one of the races that allowed clerics had a very low racial cap at level (5th?).

    ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhuh. Interesting.

    So here are my characters' stats:

    When I look at them this way, the attribute roller seems to have been extremely*:

    My human cleric is level 6; she has a 15 wisdom.
    STR 15
    INT 15
    WIS 15
    DEX 16
    CON 15
    CHA 15
    My gnome fighter/thief is level 5/7.
    STR 14
    INT 13
    WIS 15
    DEX 15
    CON 14
    CHA 14
    My elf magic user/thief is level 6/5.
    STR 14
    INT 13
    WIS 13
    DEX 12
    CON 16
    CHA 15
    My dwarf fighter/thief is level 7/5.
    STR 14
    INT 17
    WIS 14
    DEX 17
    CON 15
    CHA 15
    My half-elf fighter/magic user is level 6/5.
    STR 16
    INT 15
    WIS 15
    DEX 16
    CON 15
    CHA 17
    My half-elf magic-user/thief is level 5/8.
    STR 15
    INT 14
    WIS 12
    DEX 15
    CON 16
    CHA 16

    It fusses at me whenever I try and level people up more.

    Anyway! Off to kill more stuff!

    * Except when I had to re-roll my half-elf fighter/m-u; I accidentally deleted her, and had to recreate her stuff from memory - the one it re-rolled for me was ssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, including a couple of eights and a highest of 14. I... went with the first one I made.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Well, grats. You seem to have hit the cap.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Sissyl wrote:
    Well, grats. You seem to have hit the cap.

    Will cap hit back?

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    It does. See... restoration is a 7th level spell. Raise dead is fifth. Not to mention how the monsters keep getting tougher. You do feel it.

    Worse... poison with a failed save KILLS you. The game has automatic coup de grace on paralyzed characters, always fatal. Not to mention there is a check for resurrection survival and con loss. AD&D was not a forgiving system.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Now I wonder if I should assemble a new party and restart my Pool Of Radiance campaign?



    I doubt I have enough dunegon-crawling, build optimized PF/D&D characters, kill monsters, and take their loot loving players for that, though.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Sissyl wrote:

    It does. See... restoration is a 7th level spell. Raise dead is fifth. Not to mention how the monsters keep getting tougher. You do feel it.

    Worse... poison with a failed save KILLS you. The game has automatic coup de grace on paralyzed characters, always fatal. Not to mention there is a check for resurrection survival and con loss. AD&D was not a forgiving system.

    At least the coup de grace works on paralyzed and sleeping monsters equally well. Though being hit by a sleep early can easily spell a TPK...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The caps apparently are Fighter 8, Thief 9, Cleric 6, Magic-User 6.

    I really had forgotten that Fighter could go so high. Thief getting there does not surprises me as much.

    The tables on wiki do not support me remembering the caps as xp cap, though... Have I remembered it wrong or the wiki is in error? or maybe the xp cap was in later games?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Or maybe the game kept different xp caps for different classes...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Half-elf cleric is limited to 5th level, though.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Strange. I am pretty sure I used multi-class half-elves without issues... Of have I edited the save files to get them to sixth level in the first game too?

    Maybe the Amiga version did increase the racial caps according to requisite ability scores?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Sissyl wrote:
    Worse... poison with a failed save KILLS you.

    Damned. Snakes. In. The. Damned. Castle. Gardens. Argh!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Multiclass divides the xp between classes, so many classes lose one level.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Currently -5 degrees, but the windchill brings us down to -20.

    Just something to think about the next time y'all complain that 50 degrees is "cold"

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    New otherworldly patron for 5th edition warlocks.

    How it is even remotely possible to not have warlock-necromancers?!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    All told, we got about a foot of snow this weekend.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    "I put the zombie in a hole, so he wouldn't burn, because all the other zombies, are stupid" - Tiny T-Rex, playing Minecraft.

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    Rogue One Viewing Imminent! Kthxbye

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