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Well, it's two PM. Time for me to get ready for work. This is the one time I don't mind being naked for the page break. Hard to take a shower while clothed.

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I know, right?!

... except when coming up from the beach. They're pretty strict about having clothes, then.

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Yeah. Especially when the little rug-rats and crumb-crunchers may be present. :)

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The kids have been leaving all the hats in their lockers at school. Which means I'm reduced to either wearing an insulated headband or Olaf hat, complete with an orange nose poking off my forehead.

Olaf hat it is.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:

Bitter old lady robbed me of at least twenty minutes of life b%#*+ing about the presents she had to buy for her ungrateful grandkids and THE OTHER grandma can buy dolls, so why can't she, and... gah! See!

That's the problem with Madison, all the damn (time) vampires.

Addendum! Bitter old lady robbed three other people after me of precious time, all told she arrived at 9:30 and left ten minutes to midnight, and took twenty minutes checking out so she could have something shipped to a different store so a member of her family can rob others of their time as well.

"I hate lists! Why when I was kid we didn't have all of this (shakes her phone in my face) people just got you whatever they wanted and you kept it!"

Is still seared into my brain. :-\

LOL. I'll admit, she has something of a point.

Ten years ago, when the kids got invited to a birthday party, it was the "ordeal" of taking them to the local toy store, spending 20-30 minutes asking, "Do you think so-and-so would like THIS?", and finally departing having spent 50% more than you intended with something the recipient might or might not ever use.

Now it's just, "Get them a Steam gift card. Well, it's a pretty good party, so it's probably good to make it for $20."

MUCH easier, less waste, and more certainty that the recipient will like it.

But admittedly, less fun than "random crap day"... if you're not the parent on the receiving end.

As for Christmas, that woman is older than even I am. I remember eagerly awaiting the Sears and Toys R Us catalogs in the mail, and diligently going through them, marking item, page number, and price in a very careful list, then submitting the list to my parents for review and approval.

We learned early on that we would not receive more than 2-3 items, so we focused on quality, rather than quantity.

And it's amazing how crappy some stuff you order from catalogs is, when it's not like the glossy picture with the beaming extraterrestrial children around it...

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*Reads posts while putting on uniform.*

Yeah. Gift cards would have been a better fit for the shrill, shrieking Harpy. That way, her "ungrateful grandchildren" could buy whatever they wanted, and left the old Dragon alone.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Balances shot glass on six pack.

Now there's a sporting event I could get into. Which brand of beer would you prefer?

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Beer? I don't drink beer...

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But I do. :)

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The last time I drank beer was August 20th 1996. I didn't start drinking until I got off work at 11, drank until 3 a.m. polished off 19 beers myself, and got up at 7 a.m. the next morning to go to Great America.

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Well, everyone.

It's 3 PM. Time for me to go to work. Everyone have a great day! :)

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captain yesterday wrote:
The last time I drank beer was August 20th 1996. I didn't start drinking until I got off work at 11, drank until 3 a.m. polished off 19 beers myself, and got up at 7 a.m. the next morning to go to Great America.

I can't even drink as much as I used to when I was younger. More than two cans at a time and I run the risk of migraine-style hangovers. *sigh* Growing old does suck.

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"Harold, if I want to kill someone, I'm going to shoot them, I'm not going to eat them alive" - Wayward Pines.

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It would seem my ability to wear an Olaf hat without any sense of self awareness has garnered me the respect of middle schoolers, elementary kids and parents alike.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
The last time I drank beer was August 20th 1996. I didn't start drinking until I got off work at 11, drank until 3 a.m. polished off 19 beers myself, and got up at 7 a.m. the next morning to go to Great America.
I can't even drink as much as I used to when I was younger. More than two cans at a time and I run the risk of migraine-style hangovers. *sigh* Growing old does suck.

I wouldn't know anything about that.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I thought,

"Well, I probably won't enjoy the works Xmas dinner, but at least there will be lots of cleavage"

And I was half right. There was lots of cleavage.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
The last time I drank beer was August 20th 1996. I didn't start drinking until I got off work at 11, drank until 3 a.m. polished off 19 beers myself, and got up at 7 a.m. the next morning to go to Great America.
I can't even drink as much as I used to when I was younger. More than two cans at a time and I run the risk of migraine-style hangovers. *sigh* Growing old does suck.

Ah, just wait.

Over the last few years, I've started chaperoning Impus Major's choir on their major trips, providing them with foodstuffs, bailing them out of trouble, keeping them out of trouble, etc., etc.

And while I don't want to be, "One of the gang" where I whoop it up, get drunk, and have toga parties with them, the utterly-obvious divide where they are hard-pressed to look me in the eye or say, "Hi!" to me in the halls is depressing.

And it's funny -- the female chaperones get high-fives, hugs, whoops of recognition, etc. The male chaperones get the, "I'm not sure I know you. Why are you talking to me?" treatment.

From both male and female students.

Being old sucks. Youngsters don't want to talk to you any more.

Just look at that young whippersnapper, Captain Yesterday, always disrespecting his elders!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

I thought,

"Well, I probably won't enjoy the works Xmas dinner, but at least there will be lots of cleavage"

And I was half right. There was lots of cleavage.


Where do you work?

Did you take pictures?

Are they hiring?

Where do you work again?

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I don't want to be young again.

Youth is wasted on the young.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

When I was a kid, it was beaten into our heads that you never talk to strangers, much less got into a stranger's car. Plus, the height of internet safety was never meeting strange people from the internet. Now? A program on my phone uses the internet to summon strangers so that I may get into their cars, and this is a completely normal thing.

I wonder what dangerous stuff we're taught to never do today will be typical activities in the future?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:

When I was a kid, it was beaten into our heads that you never talk to strangers, much less got into a stranger's car. Plus, the height of internet safety was never meeting strange people from the internet. Now? A program on my phone uses the internet to summon strangers so that I may get into their cars, and this is a completely normal thing.

I wonder what dangerous stuff we're taught to never do today will be typical activities in the future?

Lick the outlet... you know you want to...

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NobodysHome wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:

When I was a kid, it was beaten into our heads that you never talk to strangers, much less got into a stranger's car. Plus, the height of internet safety was never meeting strange people from the internet. Now? A program on my phone uses the internet to summon strangers so that I may get into their cars, and this is a completely normal thing.

I wonder what dangerous stuff we're taught to never do today will be typical activities in the future?

Lick the outlet... you know you want to...

I have full range of motion with my left arm thanks to sticking my finger in an outlet. :-)

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Okay FAWTLs.

Almost at theater to see ROGUE ONE.

May the force be with you. Always.

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Still f&**ing cold.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

So do I have enough grounds for a loss of eyesight/mental duress class action lawsuit against the Seattle Seahawks for their uniforms tonight?

*had to stop watching, was getting a migraine, and the after-images are still there*

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I'm pretty sure you need a certain frame of mind to get it.

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Freehold DM wrote:

Okay FAWTLs.

Almost at theater to see ROGUE ONE.

May the force be with you. Always.

Holy crap, is it time for episode VIII already?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I hope this is the one where Jar-Jar dies.

Hopefully Forrest Whittaker gets the kill shot, he deserves it.

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Better yet.

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Big storm is imminent.

And inch (of snow) tonight, just to get it started. Then tomorrow into Saturday 7-10 inches (of snow) with gusty winds and subzero temperatures to go along, just to make things... interesting?... I guess.

Cap'n Yesterdays Winter Madness wrote:

Big storm is imminent.

And inch (of snow) tonight, just to get it started. Then tomorrow into Saturday 7-10 inches (of snow) with gusty winds and subzero temperatures to go along, just to make things... interesting?... I guess.

We love you, my friend! Stay safe, and keep yourself and your family warm!

Got through Sokal's Keep! Man: there were a lot of encounters I entirely didn't need, there!

Also, I can grind for daaaayyyyys off the undead there - they're quite tough, but if you save between fights and are not worried about time, it's basically free grinding XP forever! Woo~!

Level caps, here I come...

Tacticslion wrote:

Got through Sokal's Keep! Man: there were a lot of encounters I entirely didn't need, there!

Also, I can grind for daaaayyyyys off the undead there - they're quite tough, but if you save between fights and are not worried about time, it's basically free grinding XP forever! Woo~!

Level caps, here I come...

Just got home. Sokol Keep, aka the XP Farm. Did you take care of the poisonous frogs yet?

John Napier 698 wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Got through Sokal's Keep! Man: there were a lot of encounters I entirely didn't need, there!

Also, I can grind for daaaayyyyys off the undead there - they're quite tough, but if you save between fights and are not worried about time, it's basically free grinding XP forever! Woo~!

Level caps, here I come...

Just got home. Sokol Keep, aka the XP Farm. Did you take care of the poisonous frogs yet?

No, and considering I've no way to recover from poison on my own for some reason (seriously, they just... chose not to put in random spells), I'm avoiding them and the scorpions. I have zero interest in accidentally getting trapped forever in a temple again just to heal something I can easily avoid.

(I know about the hammer. I have exactly one person that would be useful for, and the illusory wall stuff is strictly superior - I don't need the cash that bad, as I can just stay in the slums for free to heal up.)

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If you have mages capable of casting either fireball or stinking cloud, then the frogs and the scorpions shouldn't be a problem. Have your front-liners Guard so that they get a free attack once the frogs and scorpions get close enough. Wands of Fireball and Magic Missile are also useful.

Also, if I remember correctly, fighters can also use hammers.

I already have magic broadswords, longswords, and bows (and a few magic arrows). I... really don't care about hammers, as everything it could do is done better by literally all the other stuff I got just from the slums.

But I might check it out!

That said, after reading various guides I feel kind of sheepish about not "cheating" and altering their stats high. While I'm pretty survivable now (my dwarf is at AC -1 with banded mail and a shield +1!), I can't really hit worth anything.

I am slowly working my way up towards fireball. Eyes on the prize... eyes on the prize...

EDIT: I no longer remember the old AD&D rules, but I find it really lame that my magic users can't create scrolls or share their spells between them.


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~looks at the weather channel~ OMG!!! It is supposed to be 35 degrees tonight and 53 degrees during the daytime! ~breaks out the artic explorers gear~

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I know that I am a bit late to the discussion, but IMHO the live action Deathnote is much better than the anime version.

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Pool of Radiance takes a certain frame of mind. They just did not put anything in they weren't sure how to code. The level caps are brutal, but high enough to let multiclassed characters get to max often. Thus, multiclass is win. However, all such characters are utterly useless in the next game for precisely that reason.

Random thoughts: Wait with going to the graveyard. You will need scrolls of restoration. The arena is neat, a few hundred xp for one character is very noticeable at certain levels. You will only get one chance to win the auction. To take on the kobold caves, you really want fireball. Wilderness encounters are not your friend.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

I thought,

"Well, I probably won't enjoy the works Xmas dinner, but at least there will be lots of cleavage"

And I was half right. There was lots of cleavage.


Where do you work?

Did you take pictures?

Are they hiring?

Where do you work again?

1) Here

2) Unfortunately not.
3) Yes
4) Over there.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
The last time I drank beer was August 20th 1996. I didn't start drinking until I got off work at 11, drank until 3 a.m. polished off 19 beers myself, and got up at 7 a.m. the next morning to go to Great America.
I can't even drink as much as I used to when I was younger. More than two cans at a time and I run the risk of migraine-style hangovers. *sigh* Growing old does suck.
I wouldn't know anything about that.

Ditto. Happily immune to hangovers here. But for those of you suffering I will happily open all the shades to let the sun shine in and put on some upbeat music while waiting for sunrise. Just so I can cheer you up with a smile and a cup of coffee. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

30 somethings RULE the world! Or we would if these old timers would step aside so we can show them how they were doing it wrong all these years.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah. Exactly. It might take you ten or twenty years to grab power, but once you are done, the world will truly see what it's like when thirty-somethings rule.

Silver Crusade

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Until they make a better "sit on my lap and tell me what you want" shirt I believe I have found my festive wear for this year.

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Tacticslion wrote:

I already have magic broadswords, longswords, and bows (and a few magic arrows). I... really don't care about hammers, as everything it could do is done better by literally all the other stuff I got just from the slums.

But I might check it out!

That said, after reading various guides I feel kind of sheepish about not "cheating" and altering their stats high. While I'm pretty survivable now (my dwarf is at AC -1 with banded mail and a shield +1!), I can't really hit worth anything.

I am slowly working my way up towards fireball. Eyes on the prize... eyes on the prize...

EDIT: I no longer remember the old AD&D rules, but I find it really lame that my magic users can't create scrolls or share their spells between them.


In AD&D, spellcasters couldn't craft scrolls until they hit seventh level, if I remember correctly. To simplify gameplay, these games disallow crafting, regardless of level. It's been a while since I played "Pool", but I think that the random number generator was substandard.

And, I agree with everything Sissyl said.

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You're going to see it on release day?


May the force be with you, Freehold.

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Aranna wrote:

30 somethings RULE the world! Or we would if these old timers would step aside so we can show them how they were doing it wrong all these years.

At least, I'm still young at heart. Why else would I still be excited about all the new Star Wars movies? Why else would I still be playing role-playing games? Why else would I still be watching cartoons (anime)?

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Aranna wrote:
Ditto. Happily immune to hangovers here. But for those of you suffering I will happily open all the shades to let the sun shine in and put on some upbeat music while waiting for sunrise. Just so I can cheer you up with a smile and a cup of coffee. :)

No worries, Aranna. I've learned how to pace myself. But thanks for the concern. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:

Pool of Radiance takes a certain frame of mind. They just did not put anything in they weren't sure how to code. The level caps are brutal, but high enough to let multiclassed characters get to max often. Thus, multiclass is win. However, all such characters are utterly useless in the next game for precisely that reason.

Random thoughts: Wait with going to the graveyard. You will need scrolls of restoration. The arena is neat, a few hundred xp for one character is very noticeable at certain levels. You will only get one chance to win the auction. To take on the kobold caves, you really want fireball. Wilderness encounters are not your friend.

I'd also like to point out that the old SSI games were originally written for the old Commodore 64, with about 56K od usable RAM. The code was simply ported to the 8086 that the original PC used. Using today's computers, we could do much better.

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Leaving for work early. Got some errands to run. Everyone have a Great Day. :)

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