Deep 6 FaWtL

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Silver Crusade

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Ugh, the temperature doubled, not cool :(

Silver Crusade

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Rysky wrote:
Ugh, the temperature doubled, not cool :(

The rising temperature has no bearing on my lack of clothes, I strip down in the 20s just fine, thank you.

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Rysky wrote:
VOTOZ wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Okay, Tactics has my name on a list. Dafuq is going on?
Report to central facilities for processing, citizen.
Oi, I'm not a citizen, I'm a Rysky.

Better be careful! Processing her would definitely fall under the category of risky business.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Good Morning, everyone.

I really lucked out downloading AMVs last night. I found over a dozen videos worthy of being in my collection, including ( and Freehold would enjoy this ) a video of Black Lagoon set to Shinedown's Sound of Madness. It's a video of ( Yes, Freehold. You guessed correctly. ) Revy going on a trigger-happy rampage.

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New couch, new bed, spent first night in new house. Meeting with roofer in a couple of hours. Still need to get the rest of my stuff from the old apartment and start unpacking.

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Tis a lovely day! Cold, but lovely.

They still haven't shoveled or plowed our neighborhood. Considering it had stopped snowing by 6 p.m. and we only got nine inches, that's pretty shameful.

Doesn't bother me, but there are a lot of pissed off people trying to get to work.

I hope the property manager chews out the snow removal company owner on our cul-de-sac as usual. She is the nicest woman, but man can she chew people out!

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John Napier 698 wrote:

Good Morning, everyone.

I really lucked out downloading AMVs last night. I found over a dozen videos worthy of being in my collection, including ( and Freehold would enjoy this ) a video of Black Lagoon set to Shinedown's Sound of Madness. It's a video of ( Yes, Freehold. You guessed correctly. ) Revy going on a trigger-happy rampage.

Do you have "Anime's got Talent" AMV? I love that one.

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I got to play with my new toy Monday morning. My snow blower is fully automated I just walk behind it and tell it where to toss the snow. I could learn to love winter again.

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Aranna wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:

Good Morning, everyone.

I really lucked out downloading AMVs last night. I found over a dozen videos worthy of being in my collection, including ( and Freehold would enjoy this ) a video of Black Lagoon set to Shinedown's Sound of Madness. It's a video of ( Yes, Freehold. You guessed correctly. ) Revy going on a trigger-happy rampage.

Do you have "Anime's got Talent" AMV? I love that one.

Why, yes I do. I downloaded it earlier this year after I saw it at Tekkoshokon's Kennywood day. It's one of my favorites so far this year. Have you any other recommendations?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Aranna wrote:
I got to play with my new toy Monday morning. My snow blower is fully automated I just walk behind it and tell it where to toss the snow. I could learn to love winter again.

Until it goes on strike and demands better working conditions and much more maintenance time.

Enjoy it while it lasts, though!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
I got to play with my new toy Monday morning. My snow blower is fully automated I just walk behind it and tell it where to toss the snow. I could learn to love winter again.

Get yourself a set of the recommended tools for maintenance. And the service manual, if it's available. Most of the time, a little effort with some simple tools will save you from a hefty bill for in-shop repairs.

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And their will be hefty maintenance bills.

Most common break down for new snow blowers is the chain for the snow blades gets loose and you notice it doesn't shoot snow as well, or as far. It generally happens after the first really wet and heavy snowfall.

Also check to see if bolts are loose at least once a month, or twice if you get a lot of snow.

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And, if it's gas-operated, don't neglect to check the spark plugs and the fluid levels.

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Take the user's manual to the nearest SEARS and ask the people in the hardware section for their recommendations.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Mail-Ninja arrived early this morning (not Santa, too soon!)


And now off to work, joy.

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Mail-Ninja arrived early this morning (not Santa, too soon!)


And now off to work, joy.

Congrats! F!@#$%g took them long enough! If it was me, I'd still complain, very loudly.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Tiny T-Rex: I'll give you twenty dollars if I don't have to go to school tomorrow.

Pea Bear: I'll give you thirty!

Tiny T-Rex: I'll give you my twenty AND her thirty!... Pea Bear, can I borrow thirty dollars?

The General: No one is bribing dad to get off school!

Pea Bear: I don't think you realize how cheap he is!

Me: I don't think you realize how valuable quiet time is.

LOL. Last night Impus Major asked to stay home today due to overwhelming stress from the amount of homework he's been getting assigned since Thanksgiving.

Unlike CY, I said, "Sure!"

Of course, it's only his third absence for the year, so it's not like he abuses the privilege. And after helping him with his homework, it's hard to blame him.

Example Homework:

His Tuesday night Chemistry homework was a 46-row, 6-column spreadsheet of mindless data entry. "Cesium is a +1 ion. Sulfur is a -2 ion. So they combine to form Cs_2 S."
I can see doing it 5-10 times to get the idea, but 46 times?!?!?
Plus SEVENTEEN written answers. Things like, "Define density. Explain why it is important. Give an example."
All due on Thursday. And that's only ONE class' worth of assignments. He's in SEVEN classes. Fortunately, his P.E. teacher only asked him to learn the rules of bowling. Not as bad as the rest...

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I have noticed an increasing amount of mind-numbing homework being offered to students over the years- and I am someone who loved homework, I preferred to work on my own and read the book myself in my earlier years which lead to no small amount of complaints and issues until I went to college.

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If it was homework stress and not "can we play in the snow all day can we dad! Canwecanwecanwe!!!!" I would've relented. :-)

Grand Lodge

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Boom goes the dynamite! I love my alchemist.

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Well, this is it for me today. Heading out for my first eleven-hour shift of the week. Have a good day, everyone.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Oh! And reminding FaWtL to sign up for taig's Twelve Days of Third Partymas Year Two! Make it less likely (statistically) that I'll win anything and more likely (statistically) that you will*!

* By virtue of the fact that, at present, if you're not signed up, you're at 0%, and, therefore, any chance whatsoever increases from that. XD


(Missed a page though... :/)

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ACK~! Missed a page~!

(Sunday was a busy, busy day...)

New Page, new Roll-call!


It has been brought to my attention that not enough of you are paying attention. To me. ... also to taig, I guess, or whatever.


FaWtL (kind of current) ROLLCALL~!
as in has either posted within the last five ten twenty five twenty-sixseveneightnine(!!) pages, or I've been reminded they exist and are "still around" somewhere within that time-frame by something, and stuff

1 - NH! (get home and get signed!) Already bowed out!

2 - TriOmegaZero! (it's another voluntary sign-up, like you like (>.>), but you get to stay home, this time!) Indeed, no breaks, sir, whatsoever! XD

3 - Drejk! (Dragon! Look! Shiny!)

4 - Rysky! (feel the love!) something about what I've already missed!

5 - John Napier! (extra awesome stuff to read during boring hours!) Yay, a third edit for sign ups! :D

6 - captain yesterday has signed up several times!

7 - Wei Jei the Learner! (something new to learn all about!) feels guilt-!? :/ Don't worry about it, man! Saying, "Hello!" is awesome, 'cause it gives the thing more exposure and traffic - and that helps, too! So you're literally helping just by saying, "Hello!" or whatever in that thread! :D

8 - Aranna! (what better or more glamorous way to show off to all your friends!) demurred... :I

9 - Limey! (... think of the children 3rd party babes!) already done!

10 - Freehold! (... think of the children and 3rd party babes! Like Limey!) fourth post on the thread, duh~!

11 - Rant Raptor Syrus! (think of all the rants you can make!)

12 - ... and his brother! (I've forgotten who's who, so, sorry...)

13 - Solnes! (It's nice to meet you, get free stuff!) Woo! Signed up since posting! XD

14 - gran rey de los whatever! (you can actually be earning money-equivalent [good only for gaming] while moving! ... good luck with your move!)

15 - Celestial Healer fortunately already signed up! Congrats!

16 - lynora! (such coolness to be haaaaaaaaaaaaaad~! So many inspirations for wrrriiiiitiiiinnng~!) signed up! Huzzah! *Badger-badger!*

17 - Sissyl! (you can do it! ... I don't know how to tempt you, dang it!)

18 - Raven Moon! (... uh... FREE STUFF~!) BOO-YA, another signatory! Yay!

19 - Sharoth! (Lookit the shiny treasure, dragon!)

20 - Tin Foil Yamakah! (I know you're out there - I saw you favorite something of mine!)

21 - baran von whatsit! (sign up, you Imperialist scum!)

22 - Kajehase! (I sometimes blend you and Limey together, even though you're a boat and he's an elf!)

23 - Vidmaster7! (WASSAAAAAAAP?!)

24 - Tequila Sunrise! (Hope you're recovering well, my friend!)

25 - Rosita! (Hope your coming trip goes well; this could make it better!)

26 - Rawr! uh, Mike!, er... taig! ... wait a minute it's your own contest... DOESN'T MATTER, TAIG, SIGN UP! GET HYPE, SON!

27 - thegreenteagamer! (MY GEEE-EEEEHHHMMMM~!)

28 - TheDoomkitten! (FaWtL buddy, even though I kind of vanished from that one game!)

29 - Hmm the S.H.O.D.A.N. overlord computer undine librarian! (let it go!)

30 - BluePidgeon! (you were here nine pages ago, so you're "still around" for now!)

31 - BitterThorn! (You basically just got here!)

32 - Crusinos! (I think I sometimes blend you with either gran rey' or John Napier... sorry!)

33 - Emperor7! (I... don't actually know who you are, but I'm glad you're here, nonetheless! Tree hug!)

34 - IcyShadow! (hope things are going well for you, man!)

35 - Ambrosia Slaad! (dang it, stop eating lunch, and start hanging out with us again, I miss you!) decided not to sign up, but she's still awesome and we wove heeeerrrrr...!

Now that I've gone through the last ten twenty-fivesixseven pages for trawling FaWtL people, I think I may have miscounted my numbering somewhere! BUT I DON'T CARE!

Also, I might have missed some of you who already signed up! I DON'T CARE! I want as many people as possible to have a chance at awesome! :D

It's Christmas, and I love you guys! Sign up for taig's love, too! ... that sounded weird, but WHATEVER! Merry Christmas!

Also, I might have somehow missed someone! I DO care! Get yourself signed up on that puppy right away!

(Also, remind me, so I know what a moron I was! Sorry!)


Look, guys, we've had nine 10 14 15 out of 35 sign up! NINE TEN FOURTEEN FIFTEEN OUT OF THIRTY-FIVE!

That means we've got 26 25 21 20 people not yet signed up~!

Those odds are ridiculous~! It's like you all want me to just make off like a bandit with free stuff! FREE STUFF!

Get yourselves out there and get some free stuff, dang-it!


Huzzah~! What an awesome Christmas!


3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Tiny T-Rex: I'll give you twenty dollars if I don't have to go to school tomorrow.

Pea Bear: I'll give you thirty!

Tiny T-Rex: I'll give you my twenty AND her thirty!... Pea Bear, can I borrow thirty dollars?

The General: No one is bribing dad to get off school!

Pea Bear: I don't think you realize how cheap he is!

Me: I don't think you realize how valuable quiet time is.

LOL. Last night Impus Major asked to stay home today due to overwhelming stress from the amount of homework he's been getting assigned since Thanksgiving.

Unlike CY, I said, "Sure!"

Of course, it's only his third absence for the year, so it's not like he abuses the privilege. And after helping him with his homework, it's hard to blame him.

** spoiler omitted **

You are my density.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I haven't signed up several times. I have no say with what Grandma Tweety does if she wins... *exaggerated wink*

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Tacticslion wrote:

Look, guys, we've had nine 10 14 out of 35 sign up! NINE TEN FOURTEEN OUT OF THIRTY-FIVE!

That means we've got 26 25 21 people not yet signed up~!

Those odds are ridiculous~! It's like you all want me to just make off like a bandit with free stuff! FREE STUFF!

Get yourselves out there and get some free stuff, dang-it!


Huzzah~! What an awesome Christmas!

Ambrosia Slaad has posted, but is not participating, so that's one more.

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Original Mad Max isn't as post apocalypse as I was led to believe.

I mean I guess his leather pants in the morning is a pretty dark vision of the future, but otherwise I'm a bit... disappointed.

captain yesterday wrote:

Original Mad Max isn't as post apocalypse as I was led to believe.

I mean I guess his leather pants in the morning is a pretty dark vision of the future, but otherwise I'm a bit... disappointed.

What I find interesting is that it seems pretty clear that the situation is the midst of deteriorating throughout that film.

The typical traits of a post-apocalypse - the full dissolution of all that we consider civilized, and relegation to living off the surviving junk of the past - has not entirely happened, yet, but the deterioration of civilization is occurring pretty much before our eyes in that film: it's less post-apocalypse, and more mid-apocalypse.

Granted, a slow, torturous apocalypse that refuses to give the visceral satisfaction of "this is the single moment when everything changed" and more the long slow decline of society due to a loss of easily-acquired goods, but that kind of makes sense as well - it's how almost every major civilization and society failed before hand, so I don't see why a global society/civilization would inherently be immune to such failings.

... but it is a slow and not-very-good film, sooooo...

Rawr! wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad has posted, but is not participating, so that's one more.

Thanks! Updated!

We're one step closer to being half-way there, at which point, we're practically all the way there!

Go FaWtL~! JOIN the badger~!

(Man, if you ever change avatars, people are going to be so confuse*.)

* Purposeful word choice.

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The Siberian Express is starting to dig in, feels colder then the 18 degrees it supposedly is.

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That feeling when you pull a name out of the hat for Secret Santa at work and get your best friend.

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Freehold wants eggnog.

scratches forearm erratically

Just a little bit. Not a lot. A cup full, perhaps.

massages neck deeply

Cmon guys. I don't need a lot.

Who has some eggnog to spare?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Freehold wants eggnog.

scratches forearm erratically

Just a little bit. Not a lot. A cup full, perhaps.

massages neck deeply

Cmon guys. I don't need a lot.

Who has some eggnog to spare?

Yes! But you (and/or your wife) have to come to Florida for it. :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think we probably have some.

I'm not an eggnog drinker.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Freehold wants eggnog.

scratches forearm erratically

Just a little bit. Not a lot. A cup full, perhaps.

massages neck deeply

Cmon guys. I don't need a lot.

Who has some eggnog to spare?

Yes! But you (and/or your wife) have to come to Florida for it. :D

my wife is lactose intolerant and at any rate drinking eggnog in 79 degrees hear sounds like a punishment.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Freehold wants eggnog.

scratches forearm erratically

Just a little bit. Not a lot. A cup full, perhaps.

massages neck deeply

Cmon guys. I don't need a lot.

Who has some eggnog to spare?

Yes! But you (and/or your wife) have to come to Florida for it. :D

I second the call for you to come to Florida!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Freehold wants eggnog.

scratches forearm erratically

Just a little bit. Not a lot. A cup full, perhaps.

massages neck deeply

Cmon guys. I don't need a lot.

Who has some eggnog to spare?

Yes! But you (and/or your wife) have to come to Florida for it. :D
my wife is lactose intolerant and at any rate drinking eggnog in 79 degrees hear sounds like a punishment.

It was 81 today :P

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It's cold in Wisconsin Freehold! Plus you can get eggnog straight from the cow's teet.

Grand Lodge

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My wife wants us to move to Florida.

Or to be more precise, she wants us to move to Disney.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Freehold wants eggnog.

scratches forearm erratically

Just a little bit. Not a lot. A cup full, perhaps.

massages neck deeply

Cmon guys. I don't need a lot.

Who has some eggnog to spare?

None. Nor will I ever. EVER!

I did have some post-HEMA chicken pakora, but I ate it.

TriOmegaZero wrote:

My wife wants us to move to Florida.

Or to be more precise, she wants us to move to Disney.

Ocala costs far less, sometimes gets actual snow, and isn't that far away...

Solnes wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Freehold wants eggnog.

scratches forearm erratically

Just a little bit. Not a lot. A cup full, perhaps.

massages neck deeply

Cmon guys. I don't need a lot.

Who has some eggnog to spare?

Yes! But you (and/or your wife) have to come to Florida for it. :D
my wife is lactose intolerant and at any rate drinking eggnog in 79 degrees hear sounds like a punishment.
It was 81 today :P

But that's what AC is for: to fix those very problems!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

As much as I b!+%+ about winter lingering in March, and no matter how much I yearn for even a hint of spring in February.

Living without winter is no way to live.

Is Wayward Pines any good.

It looks interesting.

captain yesterday wrote:

Is Wayward Pines any good.

It looks interesting.

I don't know what it is. Anything to do with Gravity Falls?

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I don't think so, it's not a cartoon.

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We're watching Death Note now, and it's a wonderfully creepy anime. Very much fun trying to assign alignments to all the major players, as morality has nothing to do, yet everything to do, with the overall theme.

Basic Plot Premise, which is all told in the first 10-15 minutes of episode 1, but still a spoiler:

Young man finds notebook such that, if he writes a person's name in said notebook, the person dies.

It would be an insanely dull series if he did anything remotely sane with the vile artifact.

So he decides that he's personally going to make the world a paradise by personally killing all evildoers, his soul be damned.

And man, does the show have fun with the moral implications of THAT approach!

My *only* complaint is my own pessimism. If he can research and kill one bad guy every 5 minutes for his entire waking life, that's only 192 bad guys a day, or 70,000 a year. Is that really enough to change the world?
Interesting question...

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Freehold wants eggnog.

scratches forearm erratically

Just a little bit. Not a lot. A cup full, perhaps.

massages neck deeply

Cmon guys. I don't need a lot.

Who has some eggnog to spare?

Yes! But you (and/or your wife) have to come to Florida for it. :D
my wife is lactose intolerant and at any rate drinking eggnog in 79 degrees hear sounds like a punishment.

I have some, and I'm a lot closer. I'm actually drinking it right now.

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It is if he can just take the worst 192 offenders and let the rest ponder what happened.

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