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Second wayfinder submission send. Time to sleep. Dentist appointment early in the morning...

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It's not warm enough to sleep naked anymore.

*puts some cloths on*

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Surprise, surprise! None of my Wayfinder submission were monsters.

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So how is it that inflation's been near-dead since the dot-bomb in 2001, yet medical costs and house prices have continued to soar unabated?

I ask because one of my cats needs a tooth extracted. Back when Calypso was alive in the 1990's, this was a routine occurrence, and cost us in the neighborhood of $400/tooth.

As far as I know, we haven't had a ton of inflation between 1998 and today (a quick Google for a calculator tells me $10 then is $14.66 today, which ain't much if you lived through the 1970's). Yet the estimate for this extraction is $1300.

Ow! Bad kitty!

3 people marked this as a favorite.


Had a guy claim he had to leave early on a Friday to take his girlfriend's cat to the dentist. He couldn't afford that, now I know for sure he was full of s*##, besides all his other b~!$#~!& excuses to get off early on Friday.

In fact, he sprang it at a meeting where the head of the company said he didn't want to hear anymore b***$$@# excuses on Fridays anymore.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:


Had a guy claim he had to leave early on a Friday to take his girlfriend's cat to the dentist. He couldn't afford that, now I know for sure he was full of s#+*, besides all his other b~%@#+#* excuses to get off early on Friday.

In fact, he sprang it at a meeting where the head of the company said he didn't want to hear anymore b&&~$!!& excuses on Fridays anymore.

Don't forget I'm in the Bay Area -- you have to divide by 5 to figure out what the price would be anywhere else. Could he afford $260?

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Hopefully after I yelled at her my mom will spend more than 5 minutes vetting future matches for me.

Sorry to hear about your breakup and terrible date, Aranna. I've had some bad ones, but wow, yours was a winner! :/

I'm curious, does your mother set up most/all of your dates?


I haven't dated since college. And before that I wasn't allowed to date. I found an amazing guy in college. I guess as an adult I really don't know how to properly date. On top of that I work double shifts so just getting out there is hard. It isn't bad that mom has taken an interest in finding me someone... I just wish she used better standards.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Hopefully after I yelled at her my mom will spend more than 5 minutes vetting future matches for me.

Sorry to hear about your breakup and terrible date, Aranna. I've had some bad ones, but wow, yours was a winner! :/

I'm curious, does your mother set up most/all of your dates?


I haven't dated since college. And before that I wasn't allowed to date. I found an amazing guy in college. I guess as an adult I really don't know how to properly date. On top of that I work double shifts so just getting out there is hard. It isn't bad that mom has taken an interest in finding me someone... I just wish she used better standards.

Yeah, but I've never met you, don't even know your name, have no concept of your age, know a wonderful single guy (Hi's player), and wouldn't for a second think of trying to set you up with him.


Well, for starters, he's a Wiccan...

...but it's all about listening to the other person, not telling them why they can adjust...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The fact that I know damn well mixing monster with tequila after dark on a school night is a bad idea seems to have had little to no effect upon my decision making process.

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Also, nothing more fun than getting brand new eyeglasses that are crystal clear, when before you were accustomed to old, beaten up, permanently dirty transitioning lenses, and walking out of the doctor's office and into San Francisco's LGBT district. I've not been been that dazzled by colors in a long time.

Also, the eyeglasses set me back a good $760. Probably what you get for buying handmade Italian frames in the Castro, at a quite well liked doctor's practice.

NobodysHome wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Hopefully after I yelled at her my mom will spend more than 5 minutes vetting future matches for me.

Sorry to hear about your breakup and terrible date, Aranna. I've had some bad ones, but wow, yours was a winner! :/

I'm curious, does your mother set up most/all of your dates?


I haven't dated since college. And before that I wasn't allowed to date. I found an amazing guy in college. I guess as an adult I really don't know how to properly date. On top of that I work double shifts so just getting out there is hard. It isn't bad that mom has taken an interest in finding me someone... I just wish she used better standards.

Yeah, but I've never met you, don't even know your name, have no concept of your age, know a wonderful single guy (Hi's player), and wouldn't for a second think of trying to set you up with him.


Well, for starters, he's a Wiccan...

...but it's all about listening to the other person, not telling them why they can adjust...


Is this dating advice or are you saying I don't listen and shouldn't be allowed to date?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

~looks at the 10 foot pole that I am holding, then drops it~ Not even with that.

~grins~ Sorry! I couldn't resist commenting!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Besides Aranna, I would never tell you what to do. You are stronger than me and have a gun! ~GRINS~

Maybe I am reading it wrong...

But after numerous rereads it still sounds like you just said
"I know this great guy but I would never introduce you because he is wiccan, you don't listen, and you tell people why they should adjust" to paraphrase.

Aranna wrote:

Maybe I am reading it wrong...

But after numerous rereads it still sounds like you just said
"I know this great guy but I would never introduce you because he is wiccan, you don't listen, and you tell people why they should adjust" to paraphrase.

He's saying two different things in one single post.

Thing one: "I know this great guy but I would never introduce you because he is wiccan" Thing one is why he wouldn't set you up; you're a conservative Christian, and public about it it.

Thing two: [general relationship advice] "listen to the other person, don't force a change" (aka "manage your expectations, instead of managing the person") Thing two is related to why he wouldn't set you up, but not why, exactly. Neither of you would be willing to change for the other - both of you would need the other to change to be together, no matter how wonderful either of you are as a person. Hence, it would be trying to force a change, not listening to the other person. It's not that you don't listen, but rather that, in this case, it's a bit of universal relationship advice that is related to a situation the two of you would find yourself in.

Basically, I can see why it reads the way you take it, but...

NobodysHome wrote:

Yeah, but I've never met you, don't even know your name, have no concept of your age, know a wonderful single guy (Hi's player), and wouldn't for a second think of trying to set you up with him.


Well, for starters, he's a Wiccan...

...but it's all about listening to the other person, not telling them why they can adjust...

... does not, to me, by the strong use of ellipses. NH tends to do things like that when he shifts gears a bit in his posts, from my interactions with him. It's less, "You're bad at listening." and more, "Well, I know a guy; he'd be great for you, except he isn't!" sort of a general comment.

If it seems confusing as to why a general comment of that nature would be made, I'll head you off, and explain that it's because of a cultural difference between the two of you. It's a totally reasonable comment... in certain subcultures, but not in others (where it just comes off as random or out-of-the-blue).

Anyhoo, here's hoping I succeeded at both Sense Motive and Diplomacy rolls...

5 people marked this as a favorite.

It's Tiny T-Rex's first day of kindergarten!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Hopefully after I yelled at her my mom will spend more than 5 minutes vetting future matches for me.

Sorry to hear about your breakup and terrible date, Aranna. I've had some bad ones, but wow, yours was a winner! :/

I'm curious, does your mother set up most/all of your dates?


I haven't dated since college. And before that I wasn't allowed to date. I found an amazing guy in college. I guess as an adult I really don't know how to properly date. On top of that I work double shifts so just getting out there is hard. It isn't bad that mom has taken an interest in finding me someone... I just wish she used better standards.

Yeah, but I've never met you, don't even know your name, have no concept of your age, know a wonderful single guy (Hi's player), and wouldn't for a second think of trying to set you up with him.


Well, for starters, he's a Wiccan...

...but it's all about listening to the other person, not telling them why they can adjust...


Is this dating advice or are you saying I don't listen and shouldn't be allowed to date?

My guess is that "listening" part after saying that he (NH) wouldn't try to set you up with Wiccan friend refers to the fact that he, without knowing you personally, only via internet already knows (because he listened, well read) enough to know that there would probably be too many religious differences (and possibly related world-view differences) between you and the friend.

EDIT: So the "it's all about listening" part is, if I understand Nobody correctly, about the person trying to set up date, not the one going for the date.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

*deep breath*

Maximum effort!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I assumed he was angling for a date with Aranna's mom.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Hopefully after I yelled at her my mom will spend more than 5 minutes vetting future matches for me.

Sorry to hear about your breakup and terrible date, Aranna. I've had some bad ones, but wow, yours was a winner! :/

I'm curious, does your mother set up most/all of your dates?


I haven't dated since college. And before that I wasn't allowed to date. I found an amazing guy in college. I guess as an adult I really don't know how to properly date. On top of that I work double shifts so just getting out there is hard. It isn't bad that mom has taken an interest in finding me someone... I just wish she used better standards.

In my (limited) experience, if a person gets out into the world doing activities that they enjoy (especially activities without needing alcohol) they will often meet new nice people... some of whom are date material. Just get out there with the sole intention of enjoying the activity, don't worry about or feel pressured to be in a dating mindset. A local karaoke night, a church/religious choir/singing group, watching local bands, a film watching & discussion group, a pottery/art class... anything. You will probably meet nice like-minded people there. You could meet a great friend or two, and good friends are rare treasures in themselves. You could also meet a nice date-able/possible relationship guy too. Just be open to surprises, as you might find the right guy wasn't like your mental picture/expectations... but if he's the right guy for you, at least some of those expectations won't matter anymore.

If you don't want to date right now, that's perfectly fine too. Don't feel pressured to immediately find someone new. Don't feel pressured to date because it's "expected."

Good luck. :)

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Give that woman a dating advice column!

And probably a dating show, we can call it Studs, Duds, Or Chuds.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Marvel Avengers Alliance will close with the end of September :(

It's been a nice ride, sometimes boring, sometimes annoying (*cough-PVP-cough*), sometimes fun (often involving Tony Stark being Tony Stark). Four years for me, a bit longer for others. Dozens of marvel universe characters... I learned more of MU in those four years than through the rest of my life. Lots of characters recently appearing in media for me are only faces from MAA. I am not really a fan of super hero genre, but it was fun.

Ah, well. One time-stealer less.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Hopefully after I yelled at her my mom will spend more than 5 minutes vetting future matches for me.

Sorry to hear about your breakup and terrible date, Aranna. I've had some bad ones, but wow, yours was a winner! :/

I'm curious, does your mother set up most/all of your dates?


I haven't dated since college. And before that I wasn't allowed to date. I found an amazing guy in college. I guess as an adult I really don't know how to properly date. On top of that I work double shifts so just getting out there is hard. It isn't bad that mom has taken an interest in finding me someone... I just wish she used better standards.

In my (limited) experience, if a person gets out into the world doing activities that they enjoy (especially activities without needing alcohol) they will often meet new nice people... some of whom are date material. Just get out there with the sole intention of enjoying the activity, don't worry about or feel pressured to be in a dating mindset. A local karaoke night, a church/religious choir/singing group, watching local bands, a film watching & discussion group, a pottery/art class... anything. You will probably meet nice like-minded people there. You could meet a great friend or two, and good friends are rare treasures in themselves. You could also meet a nice date-able/possible relationship guy too. Just be open to surprises, as you might find the right guy wasn't like your mental picture/expectations... but if he's the right guy for you, at least some of those expectations won't matter anymore.

If you don't want to date right now, that's perfectly fine too. Don't feel pressured to immediately find someone new. Don't feel pressured to date because it's "expected."

Good luck. :)

Generally speaking, this is most often the correct thing. There are plenty of exceptions ("the best advice is the advice that is the best for you"), but this is not bad advice, in a general sense. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Yesterday, FaWtL 6 News wrote:

Give that woman a dating advice column!

And probably a dating show, we can call it Studs, Duds, Or Chuds.

I thought 'Chud' might be a rude word, but it isn't - apparently it stands for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. Bah.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So how is it that inflation's been near-dead since the dot-bomb in 2001, yet medical costs and house prices have continued to soar unabated?

I ask because one of my cats needs a tooth extracted. Back when Calypso was alive in the 1990's, this was a routine occurrence, and cost us in the neighborhood of $400/tooth.

As far as I know, we haven't had a ton of inflation between 1998 and today (a quick Google for a calculator tells me $10 then is $14.66 today, which ain't much if you lived through the 1970's). Yet the estimate for this extraction is $1300.

Ow! Bad kitty!

Inflation in some sectors is offset by deflation in others, so the net overall rate is very small. Personal electronics, for instance, sometimes cost less today than they did 10 years ago.

Best wishes for kitty!

Trying to get more room on my phone by deleting pictures and videos I've already backed up and copied onto two other storage devices. This shouldn't be so difficult.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Hopefully after I yelled at her my mom will spend more than 5 minutes vetting future matches for me.

Sorry to hear about your breakup and terrible date, Aranna. I've had some bad ones, but wow, yours was a winner! :/

I'm curious, does your mother set up most/all of your dates?


I haven't dated since college. And before that I wasn't allowed to date. I found an amazing guy in college. I guess as an adult I really don't know how to properly date. On top of that I work double shifts so just getting out there is hard. It isn't bad that mom has taken an interest in finding me someone... I just wish she used better standards.

Yeah, but I've never met you, don't even know your name, have no concept of your age, know a wonderful single guy (Hi's player), and wouldn't for a second think of trying to set you up with him.


Well, for starters, he's a Wiccan...

...but it's all about listening to the other person, not telling them why they can adjust...


Is this dating advice or are you saying I don't listen and shouldn't be allowed to date?

LOL! Wow! I leave for a night and I'm thoroughly analyzed.

Many of you were close... but I was talking about Arianna's mother. From my interpretation of what Arianna has posted, it sounds like SHE doesn't listen to what Arianna wants, chooses men that SHE finds admirable, and doesn't realize that that might not be what Arianna is looking for.

TL had it the closest: Two separate ideas in one post:
(1) I know a great guy, but I wouldn't introduce the two of you because from your posts and from knowing him, the religious differences would be too great. An example of listening to you and trying to figure out what you want...
(2) Until your mother learns to listen to what you want in a man, instead of what she believes is important in a man, her "hookups" for you will be... unfortunate.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Tiny T-Rex is in class!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Ok that makes a ton more sense. You are right I wouldn't date outside my religion, you know how bad religious arguments can be.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Ok that makes a ton more sense. You are right I wouldn't date outside my religion, you know how bad religious arguments can be.

I dunno. My mom is Roman Catholic and dad is Methodist. The lady I house-/pet-sit for is RC and her husband is Baptist. I know an Episcopalian married to a non-Orthodox Jew. They seem to make it work.

I think open communication and mutual respect goes a long way in smoothing over the differences. A sense of humor helps too. After 36 years of marriage, my Dad still jokes about and halfheartedly complains about Mom's meatless days in Lent and similar; but he's always obvious that there is no meanness or ill-intent in his words. From the couples I know, they seem to have come to an early understanding that it's all different paths to the same Goal, and often they find ways for both partners to participate and share in the meaningful religious observances of both faiths.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Ok that makes a ton more sense. You are right I wouldn't date outside my religion, you know how bad religious arguments can be.


We do not care who it is, we just want to RIOT!!!

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Ok that makes a ton more sense. You are right I wouldn't date outside my religion, you know how bad religious arguments can be.

I dunno. My mom is Roman Catholic and dad is Methodist. The lady I house-/pet-sit for is RC and her husband is Baptist. I know an Episcopalian married to a non-Orthodox Jew. They seem to make it work.

I think open communication and mutual respect goes a long way in smoothing over the differences. A sense of humor helps too. After 36 years of marriage, my Dad still jokes about and halfheartedly complains about Mom's meatless days in Lent and similar; but he's always obvious that there is no meanness or ill-intent in his words. From the couples I know, they seem to have come to an early understanding that it's all different paths to the same Goal, and often they find ways for both partners to participate and share in the meaningful religious observances of both faiths.

There's a BIG difference between, "We choose to worship God in different ways", and "There is no God."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Ok that makes a ton more sense. You are right I wouldn't date outside my religion, you know how bad religious arguments can be.

Indeed. It just might be worse when you get into those arguments with folks that are supposedly on the same "team" in "churchianity". So many ways to look at the Book and reach a slightly different conclusion than people you've known since you knew there were other people in the world . . . .

I do so enjoy challenging discourse, though . . . . I've even hijacked a once-every-few-years gaming session with the "old guard" to have a 13+-hours-long discussion with a Baptist-turned-atheist friend of mine. Major party foul, true, but I had a blast -- we actually managed to not get pissed off with one another. Put the lot of them to bed, as it were, and Fred and I wound up continuing the conversation at the Waffle House down the road . . . . :D good times.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Angry Mob wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Ok that makes a ton more sense. You are right I wouldn't date outside my religion, you know how bad religious arguments can be.


We do not care who it is, we just want to RIOT!!!

Though, of course, I like my bacon best when it's been smoked over a heretic bonfire . . . .

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Angry Mob wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Ok that makes a ton more sense. You are right I wouldn't date outside my religion, you know how bad religious arguments can be.

Oh, you're gonna need more than fire...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sarcasm Elemental wrote:
Angry Mob wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Ok that makes a ton more sense. You are right I wouldn't date outside my religion, you know how bad religious arguments can be.
Oh, you're gonna need more than fire...

. . . well, bacon, naturally.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sarcasm Elemental wrote:
Angry Mob wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Ok that makes a ton more sense. You are right I wouldn't date outside my religion, you know how bad religious arguments can be.
Oh, you're gonna need more than fire...

He's right. Damp heretics are a nightmare to get going.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Next year I'm going to a Jewish / Mormon wedding. I feel like they may be the first couple ever to marry with that pairing of faiths.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Next year I'm going to a Jewish / Mormon wedding. I feel like they may be the first couple ever to marry with that pairing of faiths.


What a combo.

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This day has been... not good. Not awful, not yet, but I certainly want my money back.

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No! No refund for you!! Next!

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Freehold DM wrote:
This day has been... not good. Not awful, not yet, but I certainly want my money back.

Hope your day rebounds fast, chief. :D

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Ok that makes a ton more sense. You are right I wouldn't date outside my religion, you know how bad religious arguments can be.

I dunno. My mom is Roman Catholic and dad is Methodist. The lady I house-/pet-sit for is RC and her husband is Baptist. I know an Episcopalian married to a non-Orthodox Jew. They seem to make it work.

I think open communication and mutual respect goes a long way in smoothing over the differences. A sense of humor helps too. After 36 years of marriage, my Dad still jokes about and halfheartedly complains about Mom's meatless days in Lent and similar; but he's always obvious that there is no meanness or ill-intent in his words. From the couples I know, they seem to have come to an early understanding that it's all different paths to the same Goal, and often they find ways for both partners to participate and share in the meaningful religious observances of both faiths.

All of those, save one, are denominations of Christianity...the differences between them, theologically speaking, are miniscule. They all agree on the grand scale, it's just the nitty gritty where they disagree. The other individual you mentioned is Jewish...and if you look at the history of it, Christianity is really just a sect of Judaism, so frankly, they're all Jews arguing about which type of Judaism is right. You can say "different paths to the same" when you all pretty much agree about 99% of your theology...

Meanwhile, there's there's a pretty massive fundamental paradigm shift between Christianity and Wicca. They don't even agree on the number of creators of the universe, and theologically they differ on a number of tenets. Pretty massive difference. Tends to lead to more head-butting.

NobodysHome wrote:
There's a BIG difference between, "We choose to worship God in different ways", and "There is no God."

Wiccans don't believe there is no God. They believe there's two.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, what the heck TL, bombarding literally everyone's thread but my own and giving it new life.

...I'm so bored.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

He hasn't bombarded any of my threads, not even the ones i start in customer service. :-)

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
There's a BIG difference between, "We choose to worship God in different ways", and "There is no God."
Wiccans don't believe there is no God. They believe there's two.

Thanks. Now I get to get into a theological discussion with him tonight.

In other words, "I did not know that. Now I have to ask..."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The General is off getting Pea Bear her own phone.

Time, you are a cruel b~@**.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The s$+&ty part is i gotta work tonight. >:-(

The Green Tea Gamer wrote:

Also, what the heck TL, bombarding literally everyone's thread but my own and giving it new life.

...I'm so bored.

Only their AMA threads that I've found, remembered, and recognized as such! I've been related clear on this... :P

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Please remember the FAWLTY rules mantra.

1. No Politics
2. No Religion
3. No Sports
4. Respect each other.

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