Syrus Terrigan |
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I think I've pointed out my reasons for hating Magic. Primarily being "anything you can get better at by spending more money, even 10% better, is wrong"
That's why I EDH, dude. I still spend more on the game than I "need to", but I totally dodge the pressure of "gots haves mythic playsets = play good cards". epic eye roll
Fun game. Heck, most of the guys I sling cards with play decks I've financed and built, anyway -- only one of the six or so in our playgroup owns any cards, other than myself.
But, I completely understand your objection. Money-grubbing ain't cool; too bad they had to do it to a good game.
I play on the fringe. Standard can go fornicate itself with a shattered axe handle.

Head Waiter |
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Managed to fall asleep last night out of pure exhaustion. Still tired. Attempts to nap are a failure. So I get another day on too little sleep and if I don't manage to totally wear myself out most probably another night like the one before last where I get to see all the hours on the clock as they tick by. Awesome! Sigh. I already miss the constant dull ache I could sleep through. This sharp tingling throbbing is driving me fracking nuts. It's an ankle. It hurts. Fine. I can deal with that. But does it really have to do it in such a way that I can't ever sleep? I thought all those naps last week were for healing. Nope. That was preemptive sleep. Apparently. :/
Sorry for whining. I whine here so I don't bug people in real life. Gotta have somewhere to complain. :)
~presents you the menu~ As you can see, M'lady, we have a nice selection of cheese and crackers to go with your whine. I would also suggest the house sirloin or the tilapia for dinner. As for desert, the key lime pie is magnificent!

Tequila Sunrise |
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NobodysHome's random thought of the day:
(1) No group (that I know of) in history has self-identified itself as "evil"
(2) The vast majority of cartoon villains (Skeletor, Maleficent, etc.) self-identify as "evil", and constantly call upon the "Forces of Evil"Are we doing our kids a disservice by pretending that evil people will always self-identify themselves?
(I despised Captain Planet with a passion rarely seen in my feelings towards cartoons, but I did appreciate that the villains were simply trying to "terraform" Earth into a more polluted world more suited to their species. At least THAT motivation makes sense...)
I remember reading a YA novel back when I was on the cusp of puberty, and then talking about the characters with my mother. I said something like "I really like how character X does horrible things, but isn't outright evil. He has reasons for doing horrible things." "Why do you think bad people do bad things?" was her response.
*Light bulb on*

Tequila Sunrise |
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thegreenteagamer wrote:I think I've pointed out my reasons for hating Magic. Primarily being "anything you can get better at by spending more money, even 10% better, is wrong"That's why I EDH, dude. I still spend more on the game than I "need to", but I totally dodge the pressure of "gots haves mythic playsets = play good cards". epic eye roll
Fun game. Heck, most of the guys I sling cards with play decks I've financed and built, anyway -- only one of the six or so in our playgroup owns any cards, other than myself.
But, I completely understand your objection. Money-grubbing ain't cool; too bad they had to do it to a good game.
I play on the fringe. Standard can go fornicate itself with a shattered axe handle.
Lol, I wasn't even aware of the different formats until years after I had quit playing.
I totally get the $ == win objection too, and sadly I don't think that there's any way around it, at least if WotC wants Magic to remain popular and profitable. Maybe they don't have to be quite so money-grubby -- Hearthstone is playable for free, and seems to be doing very well -- but there does need to be some incentive for players to keep spending money. Or a competitor will likely take over.

captain yesterday |
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Oh! i can finally link this here. Thanks Thegreencargamer, for your input already. :-)

captain yesterday |
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Hulu thinks I should watch Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (to be fair, I had thought about it)
Either they know something, or it's that obvious. :-)
On the plus side, (if we live) we'll have way more tomatoes then I know what to do with.
I wonder if the fact that we planted them around the graves of our dearly departed hamsters (Josephina 1 & 2) has anything to do with their robustness and suspected thirst for blood.
There's gotta be a reality show I can call about this.
What would Stephen King do?...

Rosita the Riveter |
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I'm so f&$%ing tired right now. Two nights ago I only managed 5 hours of sleep, and last night was 4 (got out of work at 8PM, and it was exhausting because we were horribly short handed but I had so much that needed to be done, and I need to be at work at 4AM). It's inventory day, and I'm burnt before we even start.

Sharoth |
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Sharoth wrote:Thoth's PillFascinating.
Writing is controversial? Mind blown.
I know, write?
Edit - ~runs from the pun police~

thegreenteagamer |
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Yes, but what else.
Write a series of quasi-fantasy novels starring a gunslinger, and then before giving it the worst ending ever, spend a couple pages talking about how it's not the destination it's the journey.
Honestly if you put as much effort into writing the ending as writing your excuse the Dark Tower wouldn't be the biggest disappointment I ever read.

captain yesterday |
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Oh! i can finally link this here. Thanks Thegreencargamer, for your input already. :-)
No one else has weighed in on this yet.
No no, I get it, it's okay. Trying to choose a campaign for adults isn't as fun as price shopping for prostitutes. :-)

Tacticslion |

captain yesterday wrote:Oh! i can finally link this here. Thanks Thegreencargamer, for your input already. :-)No one else has weighed in on this yet.
No no, I get it, it's okay. Trying to choose a campaign for adults isn't as fun as price shopping for prostitutes. :-)
The only ideas I had were already made. Still, I'll throw something in.
Man, I forgot The Shining and The Dark Half.
Edit: Did not like Cujo, or Pet Cemetery.
You hippy! Wwwwaaaaiiiit...

NobodysHome |
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Ah, the joys of GM'ing as if you're preparing for a court case.
As you all know, we have a "problem player" who pretty much pitches a fit the moment you complain about anything he does, yet his entire roleplay is, "Whom can I screw over in order to further myself?"
So he's got "Chaotic Good" written on his character sheet, but he's consistently behaving in what I would call a "non-good" manner:
So the last time a GM tried to force an alignment change on him (which was... gee... the very last time we played with him. Or the time before that. Or...), he threw a fit.
So now I'm patiently documenting every act where he had a choice, and he chose the non-good option. Then, in later sessions when he gets hit with Holy Smite or Forbiddance, he is going to be displeased to learn that he is now CN.
And I'll simply list all of the non-good acts, and ask, "Can you name a SINGLE good act that offsets any of these?"
The answer will of course be "No".
But it's my one complaint about the alignment system in Pathfinder: I like a system that rewards being good and punishes being bad. But letting a player choose it at the beginning of the campaign and then having it affect spell effects doesn't work for me.
Next campaign if I have the patience I'll try to work out a point system, whereby each time the players have to make a significant decision they can earn Chaotic/Neutral/Lawful points and Evil/Neutral/Good points, and they'll just be dumped in a quadrant based on their previous actions.
Seems easier than this nonsense...

NobodysHome |
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I'd probably see how far he'd go with it before hitting him with alignment repercussions. Make him go to some really dark places. :-)
Oh, gods. In our Runequest campaign our GM did exactly that, trying to see just how far down he'd sink.
When he was having sex with chaotic abominations to gain power, then destroying the souls of hundreds of innocent victims a night to feed his insatiable lust for power, and still insisting that he was "a good guy", the GM turned to us and said, "OK, I can't handle this any more. Either you've got to kill him or this campaign is over."
The campaign ended shortly thereafter.

NobodysHome |
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Alignment in our group is two letters on your sheet and that's it.
TFY's Paladin code... Do good stuff
It matters now that they're at a level where Holy Smite, Forbiddance, and the like are going to become every-session occurrences.
"I'm a scumbag but Holy Smite doesn't affect me because I wrote the right pair of letters on my character sheet" doesn't work for me as a GM...

![]() |
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*sigh* GOG and Steam teamed up on me...
Shadowground on Steam (the promotional price was so much lower than on GoG that it easily off-set the Steam's stupid insistence on me paying in Euros, urgh) and Sword of Stars on GOG...
Should have checked the list first. :P
SotS is the best space 4X I've ever played. I love it so.