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Off-Topic Discussions

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EDIT: of course. Of daggum course. Sigh. *Redresses*

Add in the quite for ninjas...

Orthos wrote:
Off tomorrow unexpectedly! WOOOOOOOOO!!


Shadow Lodge

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What's a cylon?

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It's what people in some parts of the world call tornadoes.

Silver Crusade

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The BSG I saw had Lorne Greene as the captain

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The one I saw had the captain beat a Cylon to death with his bare hands.

Captain Kirk wouldn't have done that.

At least not without five minutes of eye smoldering, followed by a three way with Doctor McCoy ("damn it Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a lover!) And some alien woman painted orange, while Spock is forced to watch and critique.

At least that's what happens in the erotic fan fiction I've been forbidden from publishing.

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Orthos wrote:
TOZ wrote:
What's a cylon?
It's what people in some parts of the world call tornadoes.

"They have the proper amount of suction." - James Dyson, probable Cylon.

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Orthos wrote:
It's what people in some parts of the world call tornadoes.

If Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt taught us anything, it's they're called Twisters.

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I prefer the old BSG over the new one.

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Sharoth wrote:
I prefer the old BSG over the new one.

I prefer the original, but the new was cool too.

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OK. I'll chime in.

NobodysWife and I heard nothing but great things about the BSG reboot, so we started watching it. It was quite good... for about 3/4 of the first season. It started getting worse and worse and worse, with overtly religious overtones, metaphysical dilemmas, people acting in utterly irrational, unbelievable manners ("I can't tell xxx the very important fact yyy because... reasons...!" The reasons usually being that actually, y'know, communicating in any way would derail the plot.)

We stopped watching it a couple of episodes into Season 2 (I don't know exactly, but they'd just found the habitable jungle planet and started exploring it), and everyone who'd seen it just told us, "Yeah, it gets worse and worse from there, and by Season n it's totally unwatchable."

So why would we watch it again?

EDIT: And yeah, as a kid I remember eagerly awaiting the original to come on every week... I loved that series... until they started focusing on the little rug rat and his robotic dog/bear/thingy. That was when I gave up on the original series...

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You're clearly a Cylon.

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Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Ah, yes, life in my neck of the woods!

Apparently, in Palo Alto, just down the road, making "only" $150,000 a year now qualifies you for housing assistance.

Reminds me of my teaching days when I finally came to the realization that on a teacher's salary in the Bay Area I could never afford to own a home, have kids, or otherwise live.

It does make you wonder who pays these ludicrous prices for these shoebox homes... Zillow says my house is now worth over $1 million. To whom? What psychotic person would pay over $1 million for a 1000-square-foot house with no insulation, bad wiring, a broken foundation, and a leaky roof?

And the sad, sad answer is, "Hundreds of people."


Rant over...


It's the one thing they aren't making anymore.

Well, outside the Netherlands at least.

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A brief vent at the universe:

If you are responsible for producing content, whether it be converting J.R.R. Tolkien's novels into screenplays, or updating old labs to a new build and a new template, Do not just ignore the old content in favor of, "Oh, I can write this better.".

Yeah, pretty much my single-biggest pet peeve about book-to-movie conversions is NOT that they have to excise dialog or plot points to fit the movie into 2 hours, but that they fundamentally rewrite the characters (Aragorn, anyone?) because, "Oh, I could write this better than the author whose enduring work is beloved my millions. Yeah, I'm a better writer than HE was..."

I'm doing lab testing right now, and seeing almost the exact same thing. We have a ton of standards, which were developed over hundreds of man-hours based on, "This is what our worldwide students expect of us, and how we will present information to them."

Yeah, it's not always great, but it was always done for very, very concrete reasons over the course of many hours of discussion among stakeholders.

So along comes a new employee who feels, "Oh, I could do this better..."

And it never is... and it always sucks to have to smack them down and say, "Conform!"

But seriously... if you can't be bothered to ask, "WHY are you doing things this way?", then maybe, just maybe, you're not as hot s**t as you think you are, and you should listen to your elders...

EDIT: Seriously. Our group is pretty liberal. "I think we should do xxx instead of yyy because xxx still addresses our concerns and works better for me," is always welcome. But, "I'm going to just go ahead and do xxx because yyy is too much of a PITA," is NOT.

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Vittorio Matteo Corcos - Conversation in the Jardin de Luxembourg (1892)

I liked all of the animated and live action Tolkien adaptations and the original books.
I also enjoyed BSG, even when they finally arrived at <SPOILERS>*.
I regret never having seen the new BSG.

* Of course, I was very young back then.

Hey, speaking of, anyone wanna spoil the ending of the new BSG in summary of how things effectively work out + the premise in the it's place? (In spoiler tags, naturally.) Thanks in advance!

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Tacticslion wrote:

I liked all of the animated and live action Tolkien adaptations and the original books.

I also enjoyed BSG, even when they finally arrived at <SPOILERS>*.
I regret never having seen the new BSG.

* Of course, I was very young back then.

Hey, speaking of, anyone wanna spoil the ending of the new BSG in summary of how things effectively work out + the premise in the it's place? (In spoiler tags, naturally.) Thanks in advance!

Oh, gods. Ralph Bakshi and his "Smaug's all-seeing eye" in his adaptation of The Hobbit.

"Kids play that flashlight game all the time, right? Where they all get together at a sleepover, and one of them gets a flashlight, and if the beam hits any of the others they lose, right? So let's have Smaug's eyes be like that, right?"


Silver Crusade

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Space 1999 great show and my favorite toy ever

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, cheerful Anubis, how I missed it.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
We are Strike Team Delta Whatever, striking out surgically from Battlestar Galactica (the General).

My gf has never seen BSG.

Obviously I must remedy this tragedy.

Ugh... spare her from the horrible show that was Battlestar Galactica. She is lucky to have never seen it.


Aranna is a Cylon.

I saw this coming.

Right... you just want to see me with my hair dyed blonde and wearing that red dress.

Seriously though the new one starts good but goes downhill FAST. As the writers strip any sense of common sense or any sense at all out of the show. I honestly should have stopped watching after the pilot.

NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, gods. Ralph Bakshi and his "Smaug's all-seeing eye" in his adaptation of The Hobbit.

"Kids play that flashlight game all the time, right? Where they all get together at a sleepover, and one of them gets a flashlight, and if the beam hits any of the others they lose, right? So let's have Smaug's eyes be like that, right?"


Hahahah! Yeah. That was hilarious!

All I'm saying, though, is if you compare Heavy Metal er, sorry, "Lord of the Rings" (the cover even looks goofily metal-lite) and Bakshi's chronologically... missing... films, I'll take the latter's nightmare elves and flashlight eyes 100% of the time. And Jackson's adaptations (all of them) were even better, over-all... ;)

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LOL. Sometimes your Evil just slips out.

There's that wonderful thread about scry-n-fry, and whether scrying gives you a location (required for teleport), or just a description with no concrete location.

So I added, "Well, wait a minute! Scrying gets a Will save! Doesn't that make your target aware of you?"

I suspect I may have just spawned a 300-post monster.

For no particular reason...


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That is absolutely awesome Nobodyhome.
I miss rules questions... maybe I will wander back over to that part of the site.

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I couldn't get through the books and I enjoyed the films (all five of them thus far, I haven't seen Hobbit 3 yet) immensely, so take that for what it's worth.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

LOL. Sometimes your Evil just slips out.

There's that wonderful thread about scry-n-fry, and whether scrying gives you a location (required for teleport), or just a description with no concrete location.

So I added, "Well, wait a minute! Scrying gets a Will save! Doesn't that make your target aware of you?"

I suspect I may have just spawned a 300-post monster.

For no particular reason...


300 postmonster...Sounds like a CY alias

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Well now you've gone and given him ideas.

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Space 1999 great show and my favorite toy ever

I used to own one of those and Space 1999 was an awesome show.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

looks at list of 273 aliases

Soon, very soon...

5 people marked this as a favorite.

You fool! Look what you've done!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
We are Strike Team Delta Whatever, striking out surgically from Battlestar Galactica (the General).

My gf has never seen BSG.

Obviously I must remedy this tragedy.

Ugh... spare her from the horrible show that was Battlestar Galactica. She is lucky to have never seen it.


Aranna is a Cylon.

I saw this coming.

Right... you just want to see me with my hair dyed blonde and wearing that red dress

ha! I wanted to see you wearing a blonde dress with red hair! See! Totally different!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
You fool! Look what you've done!

You fool! You foolish fool!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
I couldn't get through the books and I enjoyed the films (all five of them thus far, I haven't seen Hobbit 3 yet) immensely, so take that for what it's worth.

I find it interesting that you of all people couldn't get through the books. The amount of detail should've been orthos-candy.

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I can do better than 300 postmonster.

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So, since everyone on my Facebook is talking about Bat vs Super, I watched Screwattack!'s Goku vs. Superman 1&2 again. So entertaining.

If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend. Great analysis, excellent animation, and just plain a good watch. The guys from DBZ Abridged do voice acting for those episodes.

Silver Crusade

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Sharoth wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Space 1999 great show and my favorite toy ever
I used to own one of those and Space 1999 was an awesome show.

I liked how you could take off the front and attach it to those 4 giant rockets to make the fastest shuttle ever

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I miss my Y-Wing, man that was a sweet toy.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Ah, cheerful Anubis, how I missed it.

So say we all!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

LOL. Sometimes your Evil just slips out.

There's that wonderful thread about scry-n-fry, and whether scrying gives you a location (required for teleport), or just a description with no concrete location.

So I added, "Well, wait a minute! Scrying gets a Will save! Doesn't that make your target aware of you?"

Creatures becomes aware that they succeeded a saving throw against a spell without obvious physical effects, they do not become aware when they fail a saving throw against spell unless the effect of the spell is obvious (like fireball to the face).

There is a Perception check to notice scrying sensor (DC 20+spell level) though. One member of my party succeeded on it last session so the party started wondering who might be scrying them (they were expecting priests of Bane, enemy spy, or something like that, one player guessed who is actually watching them but the characters have little chance of actually knowing it's the demon the party ranger accidentally released and was rewarded for that with a sort of mixed blessing... among the other it allows the demon to scry on the ranger at will without save).

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

LOL. Sometimes your Evil just slips out.

There's that wonderful thread about scry-n-fry, and whether scrying gives you a location (required for teleport), or just a description with no concrete location.

So I added, "Well, wait a minute! Scrying gets a Will save! Doesn't that make your target aware of you?"

Creatures becomes aware that they succeeded a saving throw against a spell without obvious physical effects, they do not become aware when they fail a saving throw against spell unless the effect of the spell is obvious (like fireball to the face).

There is a Perception check to notice scrying sensor (DC 20+spell level) though. One member of my party succeeded on it last session so the party started wondering who might be scrying them (they were expecting priests of Bane, enemy spy, or something like that, one player guessed who is actually watching them but the characters have little chance of actually knowing it's the demon the party ranger accidentally released and was rewarded for that with a sort of mixed blessing... among the other it allows the demon to scry on the ranger at will without save).

Er... not to make this a rules thread, but...

PRD wrote:
A creature that successfully saves against a spell that has no obvious physical effects feels a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot deduce the exact nature of the attack.

So yep, if you use a spell against someone, if they make their save, they know SOMETHING was up...

EDIT: Oh, never mind. We're in agreement. Silly FaWtL and all its agreeable members...

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I never agreed to that.

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Well you wouldn't get away with that at my table...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Nods in disagreement, slowly cranks up middle finger

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Devil spawn mustache twirling tiefling, what class? i'm thinking Inquisitor or maybe Slayer, possibly Investigator...

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Rolls dice behind screen

Oh boy, looks like the rocks fell on you Dan

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I miss my Y-Wing, man that was a sweet toy.

the greatest bomber ever.

I want one so bad. I only have a model kit.

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I couldn't get through the books and I enjoyed the films (all five of them thus far, I haven't seen Hobbit 3 yet) immensely, so take that for what it's worth.
I find it interesting that you of all people couldn't get through the books. The amount of detail should've been orthos-candy.

It felt like reading a textbook, and the details tended to feel irrelevant, side-tangents on historical things that had almost nothing to do with the current scene.

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I didn't care very much for the 3rd hobbit movie, two hours too long.

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I've only seen the first one, and the beards on some of those dwarves will haunt me until the end of my days.

What a surpassing fine bit of spring cleaning I've done today.

I think I deserve a beer.

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>:( This week just will not stop getting progressively worse and worse. I was looking forward to Spring Break and backing down from my normal workload, but nope. Gotta have all the drama. Mom won't respect me enough to talk to me honestly instead of sending my sister to do it, my stepdad's behavior is paranoid and childish as usual, my roommate, after being told multiple times to smoke his weed outside because I don't want to smell it in the apartment, just will not stop smoking in the apartment, so I had to get university police and an RA involved, so now he thinks me a cowardly snitch and doesn't give a damn about my feelings anymore, which is a repeat of the problems with my first roommate, my Dad yelled at me for a good ten minutes when he found out what I did because I'm creating drama and conflict in his eyes, and when I went to my grandmother's house to get away from my roommate my uncle smelled skunk because my roommate gets that smell into all my stuff, and angrily accused me of smoking weed in her house, which just rubs salt in everything. And when I left my apartment I forgot my notebook, so I can't do my homework.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
>:( This week just will not stop getting progressively worse and worse. I was looking forward to Spring Break and backing down from my normal workload, but nope. Gotta have all the drama. Mom won't respect me enough to talk to me honestly instead of sending my sister to do it, my stepdad's behavior is paranoid and childish as usual, my roommate, after being told multiple times to smoke his weed outside because I don't want to smell it in the apartment, just will not stop smoking in the apartment, so I had to get university police and an RA involved, so now he thinks me a cowardly snitch and doesn't give a damn about my feelings anymore, which is a repeat of the problems with my first roommate, my Dad yelled at me for a good ten minutes when he found out what I did because I'm creating drama and conflict in his eyes, and when I went to my grandmother's house to get away from my roommate my uncle smelled skunk because my roommate gets that smell into all my stuff, and angrily accused me of smoking weed in her house, which just rubs salt in everything. And when I left my apartment I forgot my notebook, so I can't do my homework.

I'm telling you -- the Circus Pub in Kensington Circle. About a 10-minute walk from the El Cerrito Plaza BART station (really pleasant in this weather), quite good food for the price, good beers, indoor and outdoor seating, and no weed-smoking roommates! Just flee as if your eardrums depended on it before 7:00 pm.

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...and now I'm editing my colleague's labs and desperately trying not to write, "Explain this to them slowly, as you would a child."

Darn you, Impus Major!

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