Tacticslion |

Pssst! Freehold! Check out the previous posts by Keeper of the Hidden Vault (on the last page)! When you have the opportunity, I'd love for you to tell me what you think of more stuff since you and CH were interested last time! Thanks! :D

Redbeard the Scruffy |
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My wife was going to suprise me with tickets to MegaCon, thinking it was big, but smaller than DragonCon, which last time I went was so crowded I wanted to leave a day in, to heck with the money we spent on the full pass.
Then I found out MegaCon was not only not smaller, but had an average of 50% more participants, from 55K people to about 80 and change.
I told her to save the money. I literally would not subject myself to that as a gift. That...That is too many people of any kind, let alone the kind infamous for not bathing.
Another severely smelly table at the shop last Saturday. One of the players at my table threatened to go to the dollar store next door, buy deodorant, and hand it out to people.
WTF is wrong with people? Showers take like five minutes! This is Florida, and it's ALREADY hot again, how are people not self aware and capable of basic minimum grooming?

Freehold DM |
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My wife was going to suprise me with tickets to MegaCon, thinking it was big, but smaller than DragonCon, which last time I went was so crowded I wanted to leave a day in, to heck with the money we spent on the full pass.
Then I found out MegaCon was not only not smaller, but had an average of 50% more participants, from 55K people to about 80 and change.
I told her to save the money. I literally would not subject myself to that as a gift. That...That is too many people of any kind, let alone the kind infamous for not bathing.
Another severely smelly table at the shop last Saturday. One of the players at my table threatened to go to the dollar store next door, buy deodorant, and hand it out to people.
WTF is wrong with people? Showers take like five minutes! This is Florida, and it's ALREADY hot again, how are people not self aware and capable of basic minimum grooming?
I know in the summer one shower a day doesn't cut it for me. In truly awful weather I can't ride my bike unless I'm going to a place with a shower because I'm going to be drenched in sweat by the time I arrive. With Florida's humidity, maybe these guys are the same.

![]() |
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Highlights will remain up after the game as I understand it.
Session highlights are up.
If you have gamed, this has happened to you.
One for Scooby!
Dig Dig Dig!
Delma and Fread have words
Scooby Doo, where are you?

Stabbyface, Orphaned Goblin |
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A bit late, but here you are.
Male goblin magus 1 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9)
NE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 size)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dogslicer +5 (1d4+1/19-20) or
dogslicer +5 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged javelin +5 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+1, 4 points), spell combat
Magus Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st—burning hands (DC 14), magic missile
0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, spark[APG] (DC 13)
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 14
Feats Weapon Finesse
Traits amoral mercenary, dangerously curious
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (planes) +7, Ride +7, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +15, Use Magic Device +5; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth
Languages Common, Goblin, Halfling, Orc
SQ manifestation points, ability scores
Other Gear studded leather, dogslicer[ARG], dogslicer[ARG], javelin (5), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), ink, inkpen, mess kit[UE], pot, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 112 gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Pool +1 (4/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Manifestation Points, Ability Scores ([none], 13/psychic duel) Every combatant begins a psychic duel with a pool of MP equal to the combatant’s HD + the average of her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. As a free action, a combatant can draw from this pool to generate MP. A combatant who draws any numb
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Stabbyface, like many Goblins, was born in a shithole, and promptly thrown into a cage. However Stabbyface thrive, and he becomeses the first in his cage nots to die, or chew off any appendiges. big momses BooBoo even giveses me chickens to fight with a Dogslicer occasionally.
All that changed, the day the Longshanks invaded, in their shiny armors. Oh, how its blinds me still thinking abouts it. They took poor little Stabbyfaces away to a big orphanage, there they makeses me learn wordses! from bookses, poor Stabbyface, so much was stolen froms me.
I tries to gets the words back by making shrineses to bigs mama monster, but they takeses my squirrel collection aways, then burns me with their water.
But then Stabbyface finds the wordses they dont want me to find, the wordses that make things burn, so Stabby face learnses burny pain wordses, then he burns that shithole to the groundses, Stabbyface thinks it lookses better this way.
Editor’s note: Stabbyface was born in a shitty warren in Isger, that was invaded by Paladins of Iomedae, who brought the babies back to their orphanage on the outskirts of Cheliax.
While Stabbyface believes reading his spellbooks steal the words from his brain, the act of casting spell is too intoxicating for him to give it up. Still the actual act of reading his spellbooks cause him visible distress, as he grumbles and chews and bangs his head against it, even absently licking his spell book.
While Stabbyface doesn't care about how nice his clothing is pre se, he's a big fan of well made cloaks, and is willing to kill for one if need be, and is quite open about it.

Redbeard the Scruffy |

Trust me, Freehold, these guys aren't riding their bikes. That is evidenced by the lack of a single bike outside the building, and the fact that when the store closed every single one walked to a car.
Maybe one a day won't cut it for them. I get that. Come summer I usually need two a day at least. You know what I did that day? I took a shower right before going to the game to be among people in a closed-in space, because I have empathy for my fellow man.
"What if they're going straight from xXxX?"
If you will smell horrid and you don't have time to shower, then you don't have time to make it at all. It's just selfish and plain inconsiderate.

captain yesterday |
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I shower before going to meet people, even with kids it's not impossible (tho it can be hard) so I don't get it either, at least my nearly complete lack of smell blunts a lot of it.
Unless someone is wearing patully oil (spelling!) I can't be in the same room as that stuff for more then a minute, so gross!

Freehold DM |
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Trust me, Freehold, these guys aren't riding their bikes. That is evidenced by the lack of a single bike outside the building, and the fact that when the store closed every single one walked to a car.
Maybe one a day won't cut it for them. I get that. Come summer I usually need two a day at least. You know what I did that day? I took a shower right before going to the game to be among people in a closed-in space, because I have empathy for my fellow man.
"What if they're going straight from xXxX?"
If you will smell horrid and you don't have time to shower, then you don't have time to make it at all. It's just selfish and plain inconsiderate.
*shrug* it's not like I was going to Florida anyway, but now I know that if I did go, I would stink on ice. No pun intended.

captain yesterday |
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The General has the week off for spring break, but now she's drunk with power, staking the dog out in the yard, doing dishes, and opening the windows. It's 9 a.m. and 42 degrees out, you don't open the windows when it's 42 degrees out!
Soon she'll ask, "why aren't you, doing anything o_O"
It's gonna be a long week...

Drejk |
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The General has the week off for spring break, but now she's drunk with power, staking the dog out in the yard, doing dishes, and opening the windows. It's 9 a.m. and 42 degrees out, you don't open the windows when it's 42 degrees out!
You don't?
*looks at his open slightly open window*

captain yesterday |

Going across town to drop off all the clothes and toys the kids grew out of this winter.
Luckily this is Madison so it only takes twenty minutes.
I could donate closer to home but I worked at the one on the east side and one of my best friends still works there, so the extra gas and time are worth it. :-)

NobodysHome |
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OK, since I don't want to post dreaded rules questions on FaWtL, but I *do* have a rules question that no one chose to address, I thought I'd skirt the letter of the law by posting a link to the question.
And don't worry, CY, it's FREEZING around here! Something like a low of 53 at night! Brrrrrr!

Freehold DM |
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The General has the week off for spring break, but now she's drunk with power, staking the dog out in the yard, doing dishes, and opening the windows. It's 9 a.m. and 42 degrees out, you don't open the windows when it's 42 degrees out!
Soon she'll ask, "why aren't you, doing anything o_O"
It's gonna be a long week...
steps outside thread to make a phone call
Hello, Mrs. Yesterday? Yes, it's...a concerned citizen. Yes. I just wanted to let you know your husband is in the living room, not doing anything at all. Yes, this may be a good time for him to clean out the gutters. May I suggest he do so without a jacket? Yes, it's good for building character. Speaking of, did you know he still refers to you as the General to his friends? Yeah. Wow, cleaning the gutters with no shirt at all? Yeah I think that would build even more character...

Limeylongears |
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The General has the week off for spring break, but now she's drunk with power, staking the dog out in the yard
Does she have a warrant for that?
Does she need a warrant for that?
Incidentally, would she prefer to be referred to as Mother Superior rather than The General, or would that be worse?

Rosita the Riveter |
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Who's genius idea was it to require everybody in university housing to be fully moved out at 8PM of the same day many of us have final exams? My last final releases at 10:30 that morning, then I have to do all the move out paperwork and wait for the RA to sweep my room (and he has to sweep every single room), stand in a passive line to turn in keys and paperwork, and then ride the MUNI train to the BART train to the airport, making sure to get on BART half an hour early and the airport two hours early, so I can catch a flight to where I'm probably spending the summer (I'll say where when it's official. Don't want to jinx it.). And I have to pack up my room instead of studying for my most difficult final. Why can't it just be a day or two after finals?

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:I might have to follow Kobold Cleaver around with this avatar. :-)Honestly, I can't tell whether your headgear is an appetizer, a shelter, or a fire starter kit.
I suspect that, as a kobold, the answer is, "All of the above."
Yeah, I assumed it was all the above, I kind of like it, I would make it a druid with frog domain. :-)