captain yesterday |
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Seattle has a spectacular mass transit system.
We worked all over the Puget sound, and I was able to use mass transit to get to every single one, never spent more then an hour or two (ferries take FOREVER!) And was always twenty minutes early.
I was the only person on time every day, and I was the only one without a car.

Freehold DM |

Orthos wrote:At theatre. Thirty minutes to Deadpool.Soon.
my wife wants me to see deadpool. She swears it's a good movie and has no idea why I refuse to see it. I told her I will see it when she sits through green lantern twice(back to back) and doesn't utter a word of complaint.
Nope, have not seen it yet. Probably never will.

Sharoth |
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Freehold DM (rightfully) blames the Green Lantern movie for Young Justice (and the VERY awesome animated Green Lantern series) being dropped after season two. I agree, but I do not think it was Ryan's fault. Or at least not completely.
Having said that, the Deadpool movie was a blast and he is missing out.

Tacticslion |
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Oof. I did a series of races with my four year old son. Thereafter, I needed to catch my breath. So I did. But he needed* me to play with him/race him more.
So, I came up with a brilliant** idea! I needed to do my exercise, so I figured I would. He would race, and I would do twenty (!) sit-ups and twenty (!) push-ups, while he raced to our driveway then our neighbor's garage door then our other neighbor's garage door (none of them mind; they're great)!
Oh. Oh, man. I am so very out of shape.
Sure, I've been part of an exercise group recently (they meet Mondays; I missed last week due to sheer sick, and this week due to looking at the wrong time because of DAGGUMDAYLIGHTSAVI- er, the time on my clocks was was a little off.), so I thought I was close to getting back into shape to do those things, despite the recent miss.
Oh, wow, was I way off. Daggum. I made it through the sit-ups (miraculously it was free of <censored for gross>), but I couldn't complete the push-ups. I got to twelve and I was done. I mean, sure, I could have kept going... but, uh, my arms were in terrible shape after the twelve, and I couldn't do more than two at a time in any event, and my son was there waiting for me to *woof* celebrate with him***.
So I stopped and shook for the next half-hour.
So... next week, same day~! Maybe~!
(I suck at being healthy.)
* As much as a 4-y.o. can "need" things that aren't automatically supplied to him by parents in a first world country already... so, he just wanted it a lot.
** Nope.
*** A totally legitimate expectation! He won!

Ninja Cap'n Yesterday |
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Stan Lee isn't involved with Green Lantern, that's DC.
I think he's insinuating that somehow it was Ryan Reynolds' fault that Green Lantern sucked.
A good actor can't make up for bad writing, directing, and general overall movie crappiness. Ask Ewan McGregor how it felt to be in the prequels.
I was Ninja'd, Damn sneaky Dragon!

Sharoth |
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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:I was Ninja'd, Damn sneaky Dragon!Stan Lee isn't involved with Green Lantern, that's DC.
I think he's insinuating that somehow it was Ryan Reynolds' fault that Green Lantern sucked.
A good actor can't make up for bad writing, directing, and general overall movie crappiness. Ask Ewan McGregor how it felt to be in the prequels.
~sneaks up behind Captain Yesterday, picks his pocket, examines everything, puts all but the lint back in, and sneaks away~

Hermit the Frog |
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Sharoth wrote:~sneaks up behind Captain Yesterday, picks his pocket, examines everything, puts all but the lint back in, and sneaks away~Hey! Give me back my lint, the lint you put back is getting lonely. :-)
Sharoth needs the lint to complete the game (yes, really).

Redbeard the Scruffy |
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...People voluntarily do this. And then ask why others who haven't don't follow suit.
Sometimes humanity seems insane.
But I've made that speech before.
Well, the humidity is back. Back to hating where I live for seven months.
Question - why are breathable, comfortable fabrics, like silk, rayon, and linen, only available in ugly Hawaiian shirts? Why can't I just buy a plain color rayon, silk, or linen t-shirt? Cotton sucks in comparison for heat.

Redbeard the Scruffy |
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I have ones that aren't ugly, but still...they have patterns.
I'm a t shirt and jeans guy, though. I swap for *shudders* lightweight khaki shorts and Hawaiian shirts in summer for my sanity. (I don't mind the material of the shorts, but why are they all tan or variants of tan? Would gray be so much to ask?)
Still would rather have no pattern. Why? Why can't I find ONE shirt of material I like that is plain? I just like monochromatic plain colors. I'm simple like that.
I literally own over ten plain black cotton t shirts. Might be fifteen Come winter, it's that. Every. Single. Day. The pants change, but usually it's blue jeans.
I feel like the dorkiest tourist looking douche in the summer. I just want something simple and plain that breathes and doesn't look like I'm going on a cruise. Is that so much to ask? But linen and silk at either Hawaiian or dress shirts (long sleeve = hot), and for some reason, rayon, the most comfortable material known to man, is not available in ANYTHING without pictures of flowers on it!
Edit - I mean, unless you order online apparently, but...well...hold on. I need to get my credit card for... reasons.

gran rey de los mono |
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Sometimes my coworkers worry me. I came in tonight and was told that the cash drawer was short a bit. It happens. It shouldn't, but it does. And it's not really my problem, I don't have to fix it, but it's annoying. He told me he counted it several times to be sure, even had someone else count it as well, and every time it came up short. So I count it. And it's exactly where it's supposed to be. WTF? I check 2nd shift's paperwork and find the problem immediately. There are $1.95 worth of loose nickels in the drawer, they wrote it down as $0.95. There is one roll each of quarters, nickels, and dimes in the drawer, they wrote that as $15.50 instead of $17. There are 7 dimes, they wrote $0.60. And 34 pennies got written down as $0.39. So, sure, if you miscount all the change (there are no loose quarters right now), yeah the drawer is short. And two, TWO, separate people counted everything wrong the same way. I just can't understand it.

Freehold DM |

Stan Lee isn't involved with Green Lantern, that's DC.
I think he's insinuating that somehow it was Ryan Reynolds' fault that Green Lantern sucked.
A good actor can't make up for bad writing, directing, and general overall movie crappiness. Ask Ewan McGregor how it felt to be in the prequels.
not rushing to see Ewan's latest movies either.

captain yesterday |
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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:not rushing to see Ewan's latest movies either.Stan Lee isn't involved with Green Lantern, that's DC.
I think he's insinuating that somehow it was Ryan Reynolds' fault that Green Lantern sucked.
A good actor can't make up for bad writing, directing, and general overall movie crappiness. Ask Ewan McGregor how it felt to be in the prequels.
That's because they're all terrible, or non existent, I certainly haven't heard of them. :-)

Redbeard the Scruffy |
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Freehold DM wrote:That's because they're all terrible, or non existent, I certainly haven't heard of them. :-)Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:not rushing to see Ewan's latest movies either.Stan Lee isn't involved with Green Lantern, that's DC.
I think he's insinuating that somehow it was Ryan Reynolds' fault that Green Lantern sucked.
A good actor can't make up for bad writing, directing, and general overall movie crappiness. Ask Ewan McGregor how it felt to be in the prequels.
That's more his agent's fault. The man is actually a great actor.
Probably the only thing you might've seen him in that isn't a chick flick is Mortdecai or maybe Big Fish.
Those are mediocre, though Mortdecai's servant always made me laugh.

Redbeard the Scruffy |
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I don't believe in blaming agents, dude knows what he's doing, cashing paychecks. :-)
True. But it doesn't make them a bad actor.
For all his insanity, for example, Nick Cage is still one of the best actors of our generation, even though he really likes a quick paycheck. You almost think he's actually two different characters in Face/Off, for example, but Ghost Rider 1/2 are both abyssmal. (Though to be fair, Nick Cage is a massive Marvel Comics fan, and he just took the first script with a Marvel character offered to him. His name is really Copola, as in Francis Ford Copola's nephew, but he changed it to Cage to avoid nepotism and Luke Cage is one of his favorite characters.)

captain yesterday |
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That's why you gotta treat each film an actor or director does individually, I might not like any of James Cameron's films he's made in the last, whatever (80s or early 90s) but if he puts out a movie I find interesting or looks good, I won't not see it just because his name is attached. Same goes for directors I like, I haven't seen every Tarantino film, even tho Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs were crazy awesome. (Tho I WILL see The Hateful Eight)

Freehold DM |
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And today we mourn Kajehase's DVD player, which gave up the ghost at the advanced age of 15 after a long and much-appreciated life serving its owner with a steady stream of entertainment.
places dvd player in small boat, pushes said boat out to sea, fires flaming arrows at boat until boat bursts into flame