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Skyrim is the best game I've ever played, hands down. I'm almost a thousand hours in and still discovering stuff.

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Skyrim is the best game I've ever played, hands down. I'm almost a thousand hours in and still discovering stuff.

I can tell you like it!

Thank you both for the recommendation, but it remains unlikely that I will pick it up - not just cost in money, but also play hours. Skyrim is exactly the kind of game I would love be until I hated it from sheer obsession. It... it's why I don't do MMOs, either, or other big games that are never truly "done" - I'd lose everything into it, or never play it.

That said, I'm really glad you guys love it! (And I did get Sharoth's follow-up joke!)

EDIT: spelling

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Skyrim isn't an MMO, it's an RPG, honestly Tacticslion, you need to get over your aversion to Skyrim and Fallout, you're missing out man! :-)

Silver Crusade

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captain yesterday wrote:

I tried to join a vampire the masquerade game when I was twenty, once.

But they only wanted to use it as an excuse to snort angel dust and gang bang. Also they mentioned cannibalizing me at the end, so, that was the end of joining that group. :-)

This is also tied into (indirectly) my hatred of Magic The Gathering.

I've seen Magic games get competitive, but I've never seen one devolve into cannibalism ;)

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captain yesterday wrote:

Girl 1: oh, captain yesterday looks delicious, I think we should eat him.

Me: (laughs) well, I'd like to make a character before he dies.

Girl 2: maybe we should fry up his ears.

Me (now kind of nervous): okay, you're not serious..

Girl 1's boyfriend enters room smoking angel dust laced joint: yeah, they're serious, we're gonna eat ya man.

Me: the f~#~ you are!

Girl 1: oh totally, it's going to be magical..

By that time, I was running and didn't hear the rest.

Clearly I'm gaming with the wrong crowds.

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My wife is making a Ghoran Witch that will eventually take the cook people major hex.

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Why i hate Magic: The Gathering so very, very much (abbreviated version).

My family got into it really hard, i've had the worse look finding a group not directly related to me (see above), and have had constant frustration getting my brothers to play with me.

i could blame them, and not get along with them, but i found it's easier to blame magic. (i never said it was rational:-D)

edit: also i don't understand card games at all, so much so, i need the rules explained to me, every time i play. for any card game more complex then War (even War i don't always get).

edit 2 (the editting): it also considerably shrunk the opportunities in small s$*~ towns of people willing to play TTRPGs, like a ton in our area.

captain yesterday wrote:
Skyrim isn't an MMO, it's an RPG, honestly Tacticslion, you need to get over your aversion to Skyrim and Fallout, you're missing out man! :-)

I know it's not - it's why I said "MMOs either" - by any game that has no clear and definitive end is not a game I can afford to get into that much. And if I can't do that, I'm not doing the game justice and am wasting time (something I very much so lack). It's not a case of disliking those games, but being unable to afford what they'd cost, not just in dollars, but in life (time, headspace, energy, focus, effort, obsession, etc.). :D

But I will devour LPs like a fiend. Those, I an have playing while I do dishes or whatever. >:D

Though very different, MMOs have a similar "all consuming" aspect to them. It's whyI referenced them while talking about open ended games. :)

It does have an end.

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I can't link it right now, walking dog, but look for my Help me devastate Skyrim and my Rampaging Fallout New Vegas with Captain Yesterday threads.

At the very least, you'll understand what NOT to do. :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:

Why i hate Magic: The Gathering so very, very much (abbreviated version).

My family got into it really hard, i've had the worse look finding a group not directly related to me (see above), and have had constant frustration getting my brothers to play with me.

i could blame them, and not get along with them, but i found it's easier to blame magic. (i never said it was rational:-D)

edit: also i don't understand card games at all, so much so, i need the rules explained to me, every time i play. for any card game more complex then War (even War i don't always get).

edit 2 (the editting): it also considerably shrunk the opportunities in small s&*! towns of people willing to play TTRPGs, like a ton in our area.

Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get card games. :)

Although I know why I don't. The rules are always explained verbally and or written down. I'm a visual kinetic learner. If I've only heard something it never makes it past short term memory.

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Celestial Healer wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I tried to join a vampire the masquerade game when I was twenty, once.

But they only wanted to use it as an excuse to snort angel dust and gang bang. Also they mentioned cannibalizing me at the end, so, that was the end of joining that group. :-)

This is also tied into (indirectly) my hatred of Magic The Gathering.

I've seen Magic games get competitive, but I've never seen one devolve into cannibalism ;)

you haven't been to many magic games.

lynora wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Why i hate Magic: The Gathering so very, very much (abbreviated version).

My family got into it really hard, i've had the worse look finding a group not directly related to me (see above), and have had constant frustration getting my brothers to play with me.

i could blame them, and not get along with them, but i found it's easier to blame magic. (i never said it was rational:-D)

edit: also i don't understand card games at all, so much so, i need the rules explained to me, every time i play. for any card game more complex then War (even War i don't always get).

edit 2 (the editting): it also considerably shrunk the opportunities in small s&*! towns of people willing to play TTRPGs, like a ton in our area.

Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get card games. :)

Although I know why I don't. The rules are always explained verbally and or written down. I'm a visual kinetic learner. If I've only heard something it never makes it past short term memory.

I just hate them. Moreso than any mmo, they call out to the worst in people.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Clockwork Surgeon. Because Tiny Coffee Golem asked for a healbot.


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Holy. S~!@.

FAWTLS, I have fallen in love with a razor.

A few days ago, at another website I hang out at that I will not mention in accordance with policies there, I was complaining about the nicks I got from the drop razor I use. A user there encouraged me to stop using cheap drop razors and check out something a bit more high end, which I did. I picked up a razor from amazon from aeglos' part of the world. Apparently it was a "select-a-closeness" type of razor. It cost well over 50 bucks all told, but after years of being a spendthrift and paying the price for it, I was eager to try to see if I could find something that cost more but resulted in higher quality, as my wife constantly needles me to.

Oh my god, I wanted to burst into song. The only areas I cut myself were areas where I had pimples or protruding skin- maybe three or four nicks all told, and only one that was anything approaching serious(i.e. bleeding and won't stop). Shaving my head was. a. dream. I am not even kidding. My head is smooth as it ever was. It wasn't the closest shave I had on a single pass, but that was only due to the fact that I wasn't familiar with the "select-a-closeness" at the time, and I'm still learning the ropes. But my. GOD. This was well and truly wonderful. Money well spent, and that's not a phrase I use very often at all.

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Drejk wrote:
Clockwork Surgeon. Because Tiny Coffee Golem asked for a healbot.


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Exta Credits a game "design" site with some history there too. I am enjoying the videos, despite not being a game designer.

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The Great War

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captain yesterday wrote:
Why i hate Magic: The Gathering so very, very much (abbreviated version)...

Personally, I just hate Magic because it is literally impossible to be better at it than someone who just quite simply invests more money. Any game that you get better at objectively through spending more money is one I just plain don't want to play.

I'm not a sports person, but I have seen people in Kmart shoes destroy someone wearing Jordans on the basketball court. Can't say I've seen someone with $20 deck beat someone who's spent $5,000 on Magic.

It's one reason I'm not into Wargaming. I've heard similar stories for building your armies.

A game should ONLY be about skill - whether it's physical, mental, deception, social, whatever - and NOT about who spent more money on it. If how much you spent is even a 10% factor on your probability of winning, that's far too much of an influence. Thus I vehemently loathe any and all CCGs, not just Magic. Yugioh and Pokemon can suck it, too, as far as I'm concerned.

Now I wanna play basketball.

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Well the dog woke us up early with digestive issues and our car needs extensive (and potentially financially crippling) repairs.

At this point I'm seriously considering saying "no" and getting bikes.

Sure, the car is nice, but so is money, and exercise.

Edit: not sure why I led off with the dog, with no follow up, he'll be fine, just needs to lay off the bunny poop for awhile.

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I love riding bikes.

It is impossible in Jacksonville. Largest geographic area city in the United States, with almost no bike lanes, drivers who give no craps about those who are in the street, and sidewalks non-existent in half the town. I used to ride to college and haven't ridden in almost six years due to getting plowed by a car who didn't look both ways on a stop sign, the cops saying it was my fault for riding on the sidewalk, and having to pay for repairs to her car even though she baseball slid me into the pavement, chipping my tooth and scabbing me up bad.

Yeah, if I was walking she'd be in jail for a while, but because I was on a bike, somehow it's my fault the f$&+ing idiot b!@@$ didn't look both motherf$#!ing g~@*&~n ways.

...I'm still a little bitter.

Part of it is because I gained like 25lbs when I stopped riding everywhere. :-( I had lost like 20lbs doing that and was on my way to my target weight.

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Madison and the areas around it are a bike rider's wettest wet dream, you can literally follow bike trails (with a cheese haus or winery or craft brewery) every five miles from Illinois to the Wisconsin Dells, with trails everywhere in between.

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For instance, I can get on a trail that passes by our house, and ride downtown in about 20 minutes, no cars, or traffic.

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Yeah, I'm gonna be honest, I don't have a lot of civic pride. I like Florida, but I'm from South Florida, like West Palm, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, etc. Jax is, culturally speaking, not Florida. It's just South Georgia. I've been trying to talk my wife into moving to Daytona, Orlando, or anywhere that is south of Tallahassee or Jacksonville for years. Jax is just typical "the south" while real Florida is a conglomeration of New Yorkers, Cubans, southerners, and other cultures that leads to a real blended vibe that's totally different from, say, Georgia, Mississippi, the Carolinas, etc.

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Oh I wouldn't call it civic pride, as soon as this place starts to go to s***, we can leave for anywhere, but it is nice, and suits us just fine. :-)

But yes, you know your Florida. :-)

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

I love riding bikes.

It is impossible in Jacksonville. Largest geographic area city in the United States, with almost no bike lanes, drivers who give no craps about those who are in the street, and sidewalks non-existent in half the town. I used to ride to college and haven't ridden in almost six years due to getting plowed by a car who didn't look both ways on a stop sign, the cops saying it was my fault for riding on the sidewalk, and having to pay for repairs to her car even though she baseball slid me into the pavement, chipping my tooth and scabbing me up bad.

Yeah, if I was walking she'd be in jail for a while, but because I was on a bike, somehow it's my fault the f~##ing idiot b@#@$ didn't look both motherf@~&ing g~*@@&n ways.

...I'm still a little bitter.

Part of it is because I gained like 25lbs when I stopped riding everywhere. :-( I had lost like 20lbs doing that and was on my way to my target weight.

Despite what you may(or may not) have heard, New York is not very friendly to cyclists. I'd go as far as to say nowhere is, but that's me being sour on the subject.

I haven't rode in quite some time due to my bike being out of commission, and even then it had been some time due to some personal issues. But I'm saving up to get back on the horse, as I have tons of modifications and repairs to make to the bike.

But don't let a bad experience make you bitter. You got to ride again. Nothing like that feeling of freedom.

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On the topic of Magic, I have mixed feelings about it. I used to love playing, back when I played with my friends and we all had very little money to spend on it. No one could afford to drop hundreds of dollars on packs, hoping to get really strong cards. Or to pay the sometimes insane amount (relatively speaking) the shop was charging for singles. So, we all had roughly the same strength of decks and we had fun. Then, I started playing against other people (at the shop, or elsewhere), and ran into the jerks. The ones who aren't having fun unless they are completely destroying you. The ones who love to brag about how much each card cost (like I care that "This card cost me $10" or "I traded my Blerk Herkaberk for this Murglewurglespurgle"). Those kind of people made me quit the game (unfortunately, my brother sometimes fell into that category of player) for about 10 years. I have since gotten back into it a little, but not much. If I knew some people who just liked playing the game, as opposed to winning at all (monetary) costs, I'd probably play as often as I could.

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Just used new chromebook to apply for several dozen jobs via organization affiliated with second job. It's a bit confusing as the site goes back and forth between using the stuff I saved on my profile and asking me to upload a resume(which causes an error), but still...It's something I've been wanting to do for a while that I couldn't do due to the old netbook being..well, old, and lacking any way to apply for a job via the phone.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Just used new chromebook to apply for several dozen jobs via organization affiliated with second job. It's a bit confusing as the site goes back and forth between using the stuff I saved on my profile and asking me to upload a resume(which causes an error), but still...It's something I've been wanting to do for a while that I couldn't do due to the old netbook being..well, old, and lacking any way to apply for a job via the phone.

Good luck on the job hunt.

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~sighs~ The joy of being on the night shift. Oh well. Back to work.

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Whee!! It's Pi Day!!! WooHoo!!!!
Oh NO!!!! We onbly has cakes! Eh, close enough.

*2d4 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7 Slaadlings just want dessert.*

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Help!!! The dogs are insisting that I play with them or else. Someone send dog snacks to distract them! ~grins~

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The cats are looking at the dogs as if the dogs have lost their f$@&ing minds. ~grins~

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Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Just used new chromebook to apply for several dozen jobs via organization affiliated with second job. It's a bit confusing as the site goes back and forth between using the stuff I saved on my profile and asking me to upload a resume(which causes an error), but still...It's something I've been wanting to do for a while that I couldn't do due to the old netbook being..well, old, and lacking any way to apply for a job via the phone.
Good luck on the job hunt.

thank you very much. I've been meaning to get back on the horse.

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Alright, my players have cleared The Trial of the Beast!

I'll be handing out a recap in the near future. I have catching up to do...

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Sharoth wrote:
The cats are looking at the dogs as if the dogs have lost their f++%ing minds. ~grins~

"As if"?

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Well, should be easy calling in to work tonight, the car needs to get checked out, Pea Bear has a cold and couldn't go to school, and the dog has the s#@%s.

I do believe I hit the triple crown!

yay (not really)

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Just used new chromebook to apply for several dozen jobs via organization affiliated with second job. It's a bit confusing as the site goes back and forth between using the stuff I saved on my profile and asking me to upload a resume(which causes an error), but still...It's something I've been wanting to do for a while that I couldn't do due to the old netbook being..well, old, and lacking any way to apply for a job via the phone.
Good luck on the job hunt.
thank you very much. I've been meaning to get back on the horse.

You can do it!

Celestial Healer wrote:
You can do it!

Believe in yourself~!

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The hot new look for today is, apparently, the velour camouflage onesie.

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snaps onesie strap


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The car is at the mechanics shop, only a matter of time until we learn if this is the summer of the bicycle.

Gonna have to dig out my Piper At The Gates of Dawn.

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Davis, California was a fantastic bicycle town. They took great pride in the fact that you could get anywhere by bicycle, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Of course, it never snows or ices in Davis (Freehold's personal Hell), and the highest "hill" is the freeway overpass, so it's not like they set the bar very high.

On the other hand, Florida is just as flat as Davis, and is similarly snow-free, so what's their excuse? (Other than that retirees don't want their valuable tax dollars being wasted on the young and fit.)

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Sinkholes, and a!%~$%&s.

Northern Florida is lousy with sinkholes and a@+&&$&s. :-)

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Everyone has cars. It also has horrible mas transit, even in Jax, largest area city in the US and top 20 population - all crappy busses that literally take over an hour or two to get anywhere.

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We have hills, with the majority on my way to work.

I'm gonna be so ripped by the end of summer.

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Everyone has cars. It also has horrible mas transit, even in Jax, largest area city in the US and top 20 population - all crappy busses that literally take over an hour or two to get anywhere.

Your public transport can't compete with the Bay Area: 7 counties touch the bay, and they spent 30-40 years bitterly fighting each other for revenue sharing to the point that every county had its own transit system, and none of them cooperated.

When I was teaching on the peninsula in 1999, I could hop on my van pool and get the 26 miles in 45-55 minutes, even during rush hour, or I could take THREE DIFFERENT transit systems and pay $12 for a 3.5-hour trek ONE WAY to get to work.

Guess which I chose?

(The good news it that someone finally stomped on them and forced them to cooperate, so it's significantly better now, but try traveling in Europe or on the East Coast where they built public transportation into the infrastructure, and come out to California where they tore it all out, and it's amazing...)

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