Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:Under the IceXenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:The North Wind HowlsXenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:The Long Way AroundNot dead yet! Just lacking in time for posting up long screenshot-laden posts like this. Now that January overtime is over, should see more activity from here.

![]() |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well, feh.
Last year NobodysWife's self-employment tax nailed us to the wall to the tune of $11,000 owed. It hurt. Greatly. (Yes, we were getting taxes taken out of our paychecks, but obviously nowhere near enough. Self-employment tax sucks.) Nothing like getting a refund every year for over a decade and then getting told, "Oh, by the way, this year you owe over 10 grand." The only bright note was that NobodysWife's extra income gave us enough to get a loan to pay our taxes. Yeah, weirdness.
So in 2015 she was unemployed for 3 months, otherwise had an employer, and so we weren't facing any self-employment tax. I figured it would be safe enough not to adjust our deductions and the cut in the self-employment tax would make a significant cut in the amount we owed.
Well, yes and no.
I guessed that no self-employment would save around 5 grand, and NobodysWife's reduced income would save us a bit more, plus her actually paying more in taxes.
So I set aside 5 grand for taxes, and $1000 for the accountant, all coming out of our annual Disneyland trip fund. And crossed my fingers that I'd be wrong, and my accountant would find some miracle money somewhere.
Unfortunately, I just got our returns today. And we owe $5100, plus $500 for the accountant.
Sometimes it sucks to be right... gonna have to tell the kids, "Sorry. It's a 5-day trip this year..."
EDIT: As I told Shiro's player, "Well, it's not like we're hurting for money. But the difference between a $5000 tax bill and a break even tax bill is the difference between 5 nights at the Paradise Pier and 7 nights at the Grand Californian."
...and now, you may all throw things at me for considering that a hard choice...
That sucks man.

![]() |

captain yesterday |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

We were able to pay off all our debts, keep up my subscription for the foreseeable future, and buy the kid's a bed that is entirely too complicated, which I'm totally not over my head building.
Which, I'm getting to, as I just laid the boxes down, to ponder over. But, the important thing is, THE BOXES ARE DOWN!

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well, this is an excellent entry, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to deduct a few points for being unclear whether the trunk (singular) "bleeds" black sap, or the angry red eyes (plural) "bleed" black sap - sentence construction looks like the former with a number agreement issu-
... who am I kidding, this thing is awesome~!
Now I just need to find a way to give these guys a good alignment, the celestial template, and plant them along the border of my Kingdom...

Rawr! |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Rawr! wrote:Well, this is an excellent entry, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to deduct a few points for being unclear whether the trunk (singular) "bleeds" black sap, or the angry red eyes (plural) "bleed" black sap - sentence construction looks like the former with a number agreement issu-
... who am I kidding, this thing is awesome~!
Now I just need to find a way to give these guys a good alignment, the celestial template, and plant them along the border of my Kingdom...
Oooh, nice catch! I fixed it.
I never, ever will claim that I don't need an editor. :)

captain yesterday |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tiny T-Rex and Pea Bear are teaching the General how to play Minecraft.
So far, she mostly hangs above the clouds, occasionally drops down spawn a bunch of s~%@, then retreat back into the clouds, to slowly travel elsewhere and repeat the process anew, like some sort of capricious fey queen of spawning things... honestly wish I had something better for that..

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:Under the IceXenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:The North Wind HowlsXenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:The Long Way AroundNot dead yet! Just lacking in time for posting up long screenshot-laden posts like this. Now that January overtime is over, should see more activity from here.
I was mentioned! I was also correct! Fortunately you didn't learn that the hard(est) way! :D
Doin' good! Be safe! :D

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:Rawr! wrote:Well, this is an excellent entry, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to deduct a few points for being unclear whether the trunk (singular) "bleeds" black sap, or the angry red eyes (plural) "bleed" black sap - sentence construction looks like the former with a number agreement issu-
... who am I kidding, this thing is awesome~!
Now I just need to find a way to give these guys a good alignment, the celestial template, and plant them along the border of my Kingdom...
Oooh, nice catch! I fixed it.
I never, ever will claim that I don't need an editor. :)
I know I do! :D

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hm. Unable to find my Neverwinter Nights in my GOG, Steam, or Origin accounts, and with absolutely no idea where I got it last time*, I decided to look up my backup hard drive. And, wouldn't you know it, I'd happened to copy it into the thing. So now I'm re-copying it back into this computer in hopes of running the thing again. No idea if it'll work, but here's hoping!
Also, daggum - I started this post when I started the download, and it's only 25 seconds remaining. Hah! Old games.
* I purchased it through Steam, however it sent me to a different games retailer. I really thought it was either Origin or GOG, but neither of those seem correct as GOG only has Dungeon Keeper and GOG only has Dragon Age: Origins and Jade Empire.
It works! Quite well, too! :D
... the only problem now, is, I want to play my character using my new system, but I can't! :o

Ragadolf |

Hm. Unable to find my Neverwinter Nights in my GOG, Steam, or Origin accounts, and with absolutely no idea where I got it last time*, I decided to look up my backup hard drive. And, wouldn't you know it, I'd happened to copy it into the thing. So now I'm re-copying it back into this computer in hopes of running the thing again. No idea if it'll work, but here's hoping!
Also, daggum - I started this post when I started the download, and it's only 25 seconds remaining. Hah! Old games.
* I purchased it through Steam, however it sent me to a different games retailer. I really thought it was either Origin or GOG, but neither of those seem correct as GOG only has Dungeon Keeper and GOG only has Dragon Age: Origins and Jade Empire.
Huh, That's not right. (Or shouldn't be) :/
I have several copies of Neverwinter Nights (My original boxed set, my Diamond edition box, NWN2, and NWN Complete boxes,... what can I say, I liked the original game, and I never finished it!)
And the latest versions of NWN 1 & 2 I bought and downloaded from GOG. They still show up as 'owned' when I'm looking at sales, and they are in my library shelf of games. I wonder why you can't see it on the web site?

Tacticslion |

Hm. Unable to find my Neverwinter Nights in my GOG, Steam, or Origin accounts, and with absolutely no idea where I got it last time*, I decided to look up my backup hard drive. And, wouldn't you know it, I'd happened to copy it into the thing. So now I'm re-copying it back into this computer in hopes of running the thing again. No idea if it'll work, but here's hoping!
Also, daggum - I started this post when I started the download, and it's only 25 seconds remaining. Hah! Old games.
* I purchased it through Steam, however it sent me to a different games retailer. I really thought it was either Origin or GOG, but neither of those seem correct as GOG only has Dungeon Keeper and GOG only has Dragon Age: Origins and Jade Empire.
Huh, That's not right. (Or shouldn't be) :/
I have several copies of Neverwinter Nights (My original boxed set, my Diamond edition box, NWN2, and NWN Complete boxes,... what can I say, I liked the original game, and I never finished it!)
And the latest versions of NWN 1 & 2 I bought and downloaded from GOG. They still show up as 'owned' when I'm looking at sales, and they are in my library shelf of games. I wonder why you can't see it on the web site?
Probably because it wasn't actually purchased through GOG. I remain unsure of where I got it, but as neither Origin nor GOG (nor Steam, for that matter) have them, I'm probably just misremembering. :)
EDIT: Also, I wrote incorrectly there. "GOG" has, like, eight games, of which I'm pretty sure seven were free/came with the Dungeon Keeper purchase or something, as I really don't recognize them and have zero memory of ever purchasing or playing them. The other two games were from Origin. Whoops! Typo.
EDIT 2: Huh. While writing my next post, it looks like I solved the "mystery" - there is a singular item in my NWN stuff that comes from... Game Stop! *dun-dun-DUN~!*
... so I'm guessing that's where Steam directed me to that one time. WELP!

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, feh.
Last year NobodysWife's self-employment tax nailed us to the wall to the tune of $11,000 owed. It hurt. Greatly. (Yes, we were getting taxes taken out of our paychecks, but obviously nowhere near enough. Self-employment tax sucks.) Nothing like getting a refund every year for over a decade and then getting told, "Oh, by the way, this year you owe over 10 grand." The only bright note was that NobodysWife's extra income gave us enough to get a loan to pay our taxes. Yeah, weirdness.
So in 2015 she was unemployed for 3 months, otherwise had an employer, and so we weren't facing any self-employment tax. I figured it would be safe enough not to adjust our deductions and the cut in the self-employment tax would make a significant cut in the amount we owed.
Well, yes and no.
I guessed that no self-employment would save around 5 grand, and NobodysWife's reduced income would save us a bit more, plus her actually paying more in taxes.
So I set aside 5 grand for taxes, and $1000 for the accountant, all coming out of our annual Disneyland trip fund. And crossed my fingers that I'd be wrong, and my accountant would find some miracle money somewhere.
Unfortunately, I just got our returns today. And we owe $5100, plus $500 for the accountant.
Sometimes it sucks to be right... gonna have to tell the kids, "Sorry. It's a 5-day trip this year..."
EDIT: As I told Shiro's player, "Well, it's not like we're hurting for money. But the difference between a $5000 tax bill and a break even tax bill is the difference between 5 nights at the Paradise Pier and 7 nights at the Grand Californian."
...and now, you may all throw things at me for considering that a hard choice...
damn. Sorry to hear.

Tacticslion |

Also, does anyone know of any Hakpak or anything similar that increases the dialogue options or other elements to the Hordes romances, or makes them function more properly*?
'Cause that would be pretty sweet.
* They function well enough for most of the time, but that extremely random, "Mmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyybeeeeeeeeee..." that they added at the end with the True Name nonsense was always rather frustrating. I spend the whole game/last chapter getting closer with <X>, and suddenly, "NOPE: you're true love is <Y>, now! Oooooops~!"
I know why such a decision was made, but the whole system was too wonky for even the Console Menu to deal with in any comprehensible way. :/
EDIT: hopefully for clarity and readability. Also, just so we're clear: I heart the daylights out of this game. A lot. I just would like a little more control and/or something a bit more fleshed out. It seems the only thing I can find is something about Valen? (And/or mods about

Orthos |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

We have the opposite - overcast and slightly breezy.
On the other hand it is a LOVELY 57* and climbing, with a predicted high of 63*. I stepped out of the apartment expecting cold and gloom and instead found myself in a wonderfully-comfortable grey day.
I like overcast and I like warmth so today was perfect. Too bad I have to spend a good chunk of it indoors at work.

Orthos |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Oh! You should totally start a thread after you're done, b#@~$ing about how the first five books were completely different from the last one and they should've ALL been like the sixth book and they were worthless because of it and Paizo totally screwed you!
Heh. No. I'm pretty cool with how most of the campaign was written, and I homebrewed out so much of the rest - amping up RRR and VV with Dudemeister's rewrites, completely replacing most of WotRK with Red Hand of Doom, and a whole ton of other stuff - that me complaining about how the original was written would be a bit pointless ;)
(And yes, I get the joke ;) )

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:aren't there only a handful of major single player mods?Of all the many things I've done with NWN over the past 13 years, finding mods for the single-player game is not one of them. Sorry.
NWVault would be my suggestion of a place to start your search.
Like I said, I have absolutely no idea. I've never gone looking for them. I played through the single-player campaign all of once and never finished it, and through each of the expansion campaigns once (I did finish those). After that, I was done with single-player NWN and never bothered looking for more.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Oh! You should totally start a thread after you're done, b#@~$ing about how the first five books were completely different from the last one and they should've ALL been like the sixth book and they were worthless because of it and Paizo totally screwed you!Heh. No. I'm pretty cool with how most of the campaign was written, and I homebrewed out so much of the rest - amping up RRR and VV with Dudemeister's rewrites, completely replacing most of WotRK with Red Hand of Doom, and a whole ton of other stuff - that me complaining about how the original was written would be a bit pointless ;)
(And yes, I get the joke ;) )
I am in that weird in between for book 5 and 6 and yeah...book 6. One of these things is not like the other...
I'm trying to figure something else out. The party will still do battle with the big bad, but book 6 will be a side quest almost- they have a kingdom to run.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

We have the opposite - overcast and slightly breezy.
On the other hand it is a LOVELY 57* and climbing, with a predicted high of 63*. I stepped out of the apartment expecting cold and gloom and instead found myself in a wonderfully-comfortable grey day.
I like overcast and I like warmth so today was perfect. Too bad I have to spend a good chunk of it indoors at work.
poor orthos, experiencing such temperature extremes in February and not April....

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:captain yesterday wrote:Oh! You should totally start a thread after you're done, b#@~$ing about how the first five books were completely different from the last one and they should've ALL been like the sixth book and they were worthless because of it and Paizo totally screwed you!Heh. No. I'm pretty cool with how most of the campaign was written, and I homebrewed out so much of the rest - amping up RRR and VV with Dudemeister's rewrites, completely replacing most of WotRK with Red Hand of Doom, and a whole ton of other stuff - that me complaining about how the original was written would be a bit pointless ;)
(And yes, I get the joke ;) )
I am in that weird in between for book 5 and 6 and yeah...book 6. One of these things is not like the other...
I'm trying to figure something else out. The party will still do battle with the big bad, but book 6 will be a side quest almost- they have a kingdom to run.
Yeah that's how most people are I've noticed.
I'm the exact opposite. Since Book 6 is what got me interested in KM in the first place, I've been tweaking all the books since the start to point more directly toward it. And I've been tweaking Book 6 itself to be an even more over-the-top climax.
I mean, Book 5 ended with a mid-air riding-on-dragonback battle against an ancient mythic blue wyrm. I gotta top that somehow.

Scintillae |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah, I love the whole of Kingmaker, still the whole "what would game of thrones do" arguments always crack me up. :-)
They'd futz around for three books longer than needed, describing in graphic detail how they decide to spend the next chapter hitting on each other. Then the DM would randomly kill someone.

Ragadolf |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ragadolf wrote:Huh, That's not right. (Or shouldn't be) :/
And the latest versions of NWN 1 & 2 I bought and downloaded from GOG. They still show up as 'owned' when I'm looking at sales, and they are in my library shelf of games. I wonder why you can't see it on the web site?
O_OProbably because it wasn't actually purchased through GOG. I remain unsure of where I got it, but as neither Origin nor GOG (nor Steam, for that matter) have them, I'm probably just misremembering. :)
EDIT: Also, I wrote incorrectly there. "GOG" has, like, eight games, of which I'm pretty sure seven were free/came with the Dungeon Keeper purchase or something, as I really don't recognize them and have zero memory of ever purchasing or playing them. The other two games were from Origin. Whoops! Typo.
EDIT 2: Huh. While writing my next post, it looks like I solved the "mystery" - there is a singular item in my NWN stuff that comes from... Game Stop! *dun-dun-DUN~!*
... so I'm guessing that's...
Ah, ok, so maybe we're talking about different GOG's?
Because the GOG.com website has like, hundreds of games. I purchased Dungeon Keeper from GOG.com too.Ah, perchance (yes, I just used 'perchance' in a conversation) :)
You need to create an account from GOG.com, instead of going through the other website you used?
But even without an account, if you go to GOG.com, you can see all of their games. They recently added a lot of classic StarWars stuff, on top of everything else they already had/have.
I have purchsed way too much from them (and gotten some free stuff during their frequent givaways) that I will probably never play. But I hope to in the future!

Tacticslion |

Ah, ok, so maybe we're talking about different GOG's?
No, we're talking about the same one. They did nothing wrong. It was my memory of which company.
You may also be missing information on how this happened in the first place.
My hard drive died a short while back, taking most of my stuff with it. I was trying to find out which accounts had which games.
Turns out I'm signed up with: Steam, GOG, Origin, and Game Stop. I'd forgotten the last until I found the Game Stop Uninstaller in my BWN folder, which I'd successfully saved in an external hard drive (though I only just rediscovered this fact in the post you quoted).
Basically my computer died and took all my games with it and in trying to discover where those games came from, I found that I'd backed one up. That's all. Thanks!
(GOG has been great.)