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captain yesterday wrote:

Except she already had it, it was just clumped in with summer.

Edit: not that I'm telling ANY mother she's doing it wrong, just pointing out the obvious. I do hope she enjoys her vacation. :-)

Allow me to restate: She has more periods of time being away from her class. Having these short little breaks is good for her mental health, because I am certain she would have gone all post-office worker by now if she didn't.

EDIT: And she'd be so proud of me right now. I'm ready to follow in your pre-college exotic dancing shoes, mother!

1 person marked this as a favorite. at 40ks mom's house.

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One year old, four year old, and I; one carnival; and a bracelet that gives the 4-year-old infinite rides! Nothing can go wrong! :D

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Of course the downside to Office Spacing your job (I'm just being dramatic, there is no actual downside to it) is, when you get to work ten minutes early, that just means you have 20 minutes of sitting in your car, listening to music.

Freehold DM wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
We currently sell carrot cake flavored coffee at work. Not sure how I feel about this. Carrot cake coffee doesn't sound right. A slice of carrot cake with a cup of coffee on the side? That sounds awesome. Carrot cake in the coffee? That's off putting.

Coffee flavors go over my head. Vanilla this, pumpkin spice that, cinnamon whatever.

Tastes like coffee to me.

Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Then again, flavored coffees really need sugar to bring the flavor out, and I typically take my coffee black. Black flavored coffee just has a weird aftertaste I don't like, and I'm not swotching back to sweetened coffee.

Wouldn't you want to go back to sweetened if black has a weird aftertaste?

Just recently I've gone from needing creamer and sugar with every cup to just creamer sometimes. I must be growing up or something. :p

On the rare occasions I drink coffee it is always with cream(or milk if no cream is available), no sugar.

Well, ya learn something new everyday, and this is mine. I only became a coffee-drinker last year, so this is all pretty new to me. To be honest, most mornings I'd rather have a Pepsi to wake me up. Damn those water-droplet vending machines!

Anyhow, suggestions for what qualifies as good coffee? Is it something I can pick up at the local grocery store, or will I need to find a farmer's market or quality food store?

I hear tell, the best coffee in the world is s%@% out by monkeys who eat the beans but can't digest them.

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But seriously, Peet's Coffee is pretty good and doesn't burn easily, I got some fair trade Guatemalan coffee today that smells incredible, but we'll see tomorrow. :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
I hear tell, the best coffee in the world is s&#& out by monkeys who eat the beans but can't digest them.

That sounds like some pretty s++&ty coffee.

... I ain't sorry.

Community & Digital Content Director

9 people marked this as a favorite.

I just bought some really great chocolate macadamia nut flavored beans. I'm not an authority, but they're the best ones *I've* tried.

That does sound awesome. :-)

Silver Crusade

+1 for Peet's, it rocks

Silver Crusade

I've been to Jamaica and Hawaii and paid way to much for Blue Mountain and Kona. Peet's is my favorite

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I can't believe putting a bed together is fun for cap.

I hate handy stuff. I needed a vacation after installing locks on our cabinets yesterday, and God help me if there's a leak in something. If duct tape and gorilla glue doesn't fix it, it ain't getting fixed.

I also disdain lawn work, cars (driving and fixing especially) and sports of all stripes, from football to golf and everything in between. That's why I don't shave. Gotta prove I'm a male in a more legal way than walking around pantless.

It's weird that Blue Mountain is cheaper in America than Jamaica. My wife tried to buy some there and it actually cost more. Makes you wonder if they understand basic logistics...

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Coffee tends to be a very subjective thing. I went the whole grind your own beans route, and such and such varieties and so on, and honestly it wasn't worth the time. The difference in flavor is minuscule and the convenience of using pre ground beans more than made up for it. Basically go for arabica. Robusto is an abomination. (Disclaimer: robusto beans contain chemical compounds that taste bitter and are not alkaloids. I have a similar reaction to chicory. Those of you who can taste alkaloids will have a very different flavor experience with coffee than I do. Hence, subjective thing.) Also, I hate burnt beans. *glares pointedly at Starbucks* There is no good reason to burn the blasted beans. If it requires copious amounts of sugar to be drinkable, you're doing it wrong. (Disclaimer number two: this does not mean there is anything wrong with drinking lots of sugar in your coffee if that is your thing. I am diabetic, it is not allowed to be my thing. I just think that coffee should have good flavor whether you take sugar in it or not.) I like soy milk in my coffee because I can't have sugar and I am lactose intolerant. Again, subjective thing. I will also just drink it black if I've overdone it on the carbs though. I just like the way it tastes with the milk. Better texture. YMMV, and you might want to keep in mind that I'm the kind of special snowflake who brews black tea for fifteen minutes and thinks it tastes good that way, so my experiences with coffee may vary wildly from yours. :)

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

I can't believe putting a bed together is fun for cap.

I hate handy stuff. I needed a vacation after installing locks on our cabinets yesterday, and God help me if there's a leak in something. If duct tape and gorilla glue doesn't fix it, it ain't getting fixed.

I also disdain lawn work, cars (driving and fixing especially) and sports of all stripes, from football to golf and everything in between. That's why I don't shave. Gotta prove I'm a male in a more legal way than walking around pantless.

Really? I love putting furniture together. This week I got to assemble a couch and a desk. It was awesome. Yes, I am the kind of person that will beg to be allowed to assemble other people's furniture if I know they are going to Ikea. :P

Assembling furniture is like playing with Legos on a grand scale. :)

But I am totally with you on the lawn work . That is somebody else's problem. My husband feels the same way, which is why we live in an apartment. No yard work. :)

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An apartment won't have a mortgage paid off after 15 years of living in it and thus a massive return on your investment when you're only paying property taxes that amount to a month's rent a year to live there.

Still...I should have gotten a condo instead of a home.

But then I'd have to deal with a Homeowners Association making me pay for the right to let them tell me what color to paint my door.

Nah. I'm good with my little lawn. Its little. I set the mower to the lowest setting and basically mulch it with dead grass until nothing will grow.

...for about a week. This is Florida. Grass will grow if you poison it.

I know because I poured weed and grass killer over the yard once to kill all the grass and cover it with wood chips. Lasted about a month before the grass was peaking through.

I would salt the earth if my wife would let me.

I will definitely second the Arabica bean being infinitely better than the Robusto bean. And I also don't use sweeteners in my coffee, but that is because I think adding sweet to bitter is a flavor abomination, your mileage may vary.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I find assembling furniture to be soothing. It isn't fun for me, just relaxing for some odd reason.

Lawn work was always my brothers job growing up. I was happy with kitchen work instead, that sun is brutal when your working under it. Except now I have to either learn to like it or pay a service to keep my yard nice. That's what I get along with my dream home... a big park like yard.

I enjoy sports (most girls do - that isn't a guy thing)

I can even fix my car... unless it requires a lift then I need to bring it in. Hey I had brothers who let me help them fix their ratty old cars and latter worked in auto parts sales, so I know about as much as you can know about fixing cars without actually being a mechanic.

Wait... does that finally kill the rumor that I am too girly?

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When I met my wife in high school she was restoring a '65 Fiat convertible.

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A Fiat 1500 Spider?

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I honestly don't remember, so long ago, I think she sold it to her parents or brother to help pay for college. She broke up with me before her senior year so she and her friends could be single for her senior year, and when we started hanging out when she was in college she was driving her mom's old car.

I'll have to ask her about that. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I might have project to write...

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
It's weird that Blue Mountain is cheaper in America than Jamaica. My wife tried to buy some there and it actually cost more. Makes you wonder if they understand basic logistics...

Logistics is only one part of pricing an item. Perceived value is just as, if not more, important than what it costs to transport the item. If it's easier to sell the average Jamaican coffee drinker on Blue Mountain being a worthy luxury product than it is to sell the average American coffee drinker on the same, it might be worth it to dip the price for the Americans but not the Jamaicans. After all, you want to price an item at what the consumer is willing to pay for it, not at what it actually costs to produce and ship plus X amount of desired profit. I'd also have to ask where the beans are processed, roasted, and packed, all factors which can change the logistical situation.

Over Caffeinated Capn Yesterday wrote:
But seriously, Peet's Coffee is pretty good and doesn't burn easily, I got some fair trade Guatemalan coffee today that smells incredible, but we'll see tomorrow. :-)

I live behind a shopping mall that I cross through on the way to work or school. Within this mall are five options for coffee - some bakery called Cocola, Starbucks, Peets, McDonald's, and the upscale Nordstrom cafe. Of these, I prefer Peets. Starbucks burns their beans, McDonald's makes me wonder if I'm drinking chicory instead of coffee or something, the Nordstrom cafe is a sit down place and I'm on the move, and Cocola isn't bad. I typically brew my own coffee. Medium roast arabica is what I favor, but I don't do brand loyalty because I can get a wonderful variety between buying bags at work and visiting the bajillion small independent coffee shops in San Francisco that put care and attention to detail into their roasting and brewing. I find myself valuing variety.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I hear tell, the best coffee in the world is s%&! out by monkeys who eat the beans but can't digest them.

It's civet cats - there was an article I read recently about it (but I can't remember where) which claimed that a) the coffee isn't actually that good - it's all snobbery, and b) it's become a (rather cruel) industry, where civet cats are stuck in cages and force-fed coffee beans. May or may not be the whole truth, but there you go.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, after this week I think I'm going to borrow my mum's bike and go buy a big bag of assorted sweets and a couple of bottles of cider and maybe some white wine and spend the weekend not drunk but pleasantly buzzed.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I should probably "lose" my phone temporarily just in case...

"I smell youth, vintage youth.

Which honestly is a line that sounds like it'd have fitted better coming from Ian McKellen in the video to Heart

Dark Archive

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
My short list for Cattie-Brie

One of those on my short list, Emily Blunt, is playing Mary Poppins in the sequel.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:

I find assembling furniture to be soothing. It isn't fun for me, just relaxing for some odd reason.

Lawn work was always my brothers job growing up. I was happy with kitchen work instead, that sun is brutal when your working under it. Except now I have to either learn to like it or pay a service to keep my yard nice. That's what I get along with my dream home... a big park like yard.

I enjoy sports (most girls do - that isn't a guy thing)

I can even fix my car... unless it requires a lift then I need to bring it in. Hey I had brothers who let me help them fix their ratty old cars and latter worked in auto parts sales, so I know about as much as you can know about fixing cars without actually being a mechanic.

Wait... does that finally kill the rumor that I am too girly?

It was never too girly. It was the most girly. In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king, as it were.

Now I picture you as Winry from Full Metal Alchemist.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Time to get to work on the bed.

But, first I need the right alias to properly capture the experience...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

... much better!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll keep my eyes open for Peete's and Arabica, thanks!

lynora wrote:
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

I can't believe putting a bed together is fun for cap.

I hate handy stuff. I needed a vacation after installing locks on our cabinets yesterday, and God help me if there's a leak in something. If duct tape and gorilla glue doesn't fix it, it ain't getting fixed.

I also disdain lawn work, cars (driving and fixing especially) and sports of all stripes, from football to golf and everything in between. That's why I don't shave. Gotta prove I'm a male in a more legal way than walking around pantless.

Really? I love putting furniture together. This week I got to assemble a couch and a desk. It was awesome. Yes, I am the kind of person that will beg to be allowed to assemble other people's furniture if I know they are going to Ikea. :P

Assembling furniture is like playing with Legos on a grand scale. :)

But I am totally with you on the lawn work . That is somebody else's problem. My husband feels the same way, which is why we live in an apartment. No yard work. :)

Same here. I hate repetitive weekly chores, but I'm totally down with the handiwork. I'm finally making enough money that having my oil changed is a non-issue, but I change my own and my gf's oil -- go ahead, laugh ;) -- because it's so...satisfying.

It's not WOOT! YAHOO! fun like gaming is fun, but yeah, I likes it. :)

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Guess who just moved a couch out of the kid's room back into the living room, having to twist it at a weird angle to get it thru the hallway and doorways the entire time. Also by himself with no help whatsoever?

This guy!

Kajehase wrote:
Well, after this week I think I'm going to borrow my mum's bike and go buy a big bag of assorted sweets and a couple of bottles of cider and maybe some white wine and spend the weekend not drunk but pleasantly buzzed.

Old Wizard heartily endorses this weekends activity, and will be doing his best (between having to run to work) to join you in it.

Although I prefer my wines red, to go with my favorite cheddar cheeses,...
But the cider can stay!


I prefer my wine to be Rum, otherwise the wizard is spot on.

Moving the four boxes into the kid's room, dolly not needed. :-)

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  • For coffee, both NobodysWife and I like it so strong that if you put it in a standard white 4-ounce cup, you cannot see the bottom of the cup through it. (I like both my coffee and my beer opaque.)
  • I drink it black; Nobody's wife prefers a bit under a teaspoon of sugar and perhaps a tablespoon of half-and-half.
  • We grind our own. At the strength we brew it, we can tell the difference. (Yes, I've done a bunch of blind taste tests on NobodysWife to determine the "best" coffee.) However, I will pre-grind 2-3 little baggies that sit in Ziplock bags for 2-3 days before brewing, and for those we can't tell between pre-ground and "fresh".
  • We used to go with Peet's, but we've found Uncommon Grounds to be a bit better. Our "best" coffee right now is Uncommon Grounds' Mocha Java blend, though I mix in some of their French Roast.
  • In other news, yesterday I cut up a bunch of scrap wood and loaded up the Celica, and today it's off to the dump for my lunch break. Whee?

    The *only* bone I've ever broken in my life is my wrist when I was dumping a cut-up lemon tree out of the back of a pickup truck at the dump and slipped on the truck bed, going backwards over the side of the truck headfirst towards the concrete. I was happy my wrist broke the fall. And then I drove home in a stick shift with a broken wrist. Not a recommended practice!

    So I'm looking forward to an ER visit today. I know SOMETHING will go amiss...

    Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

    I can't believe putting a bed together is fun for cap.

    I hate handy stuff. I needed a vacation after installing locks on our cabinets yesterday, and God help me if there's a leak in something. If duct tape and gorilla glue doesn't fix it, it ain't getting fixed.

    I also disdain lawn work, cars (driving and fixing especially) and sports of all stripes, from football to golf and everything in between. That's why I don't shave. Gotta prove I'm a male in a more legal way than walking around pantless.

    I love just about any handy thing other than furniture assembly. I'll mow lawns, put together household appliances, snake plumbing, you name it, but furniture assembly is something I leave to professionals. Ikea left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
  • For coffee, both NobodysWife and I like it so strong that if you put it in a standard white 4-ounce cup, you cannot see the bottom of the cup through it. (I like both my coffee and my beer opaque.)
  • I drink it black; Nobody's wife prefers a bit under a teaspoon of sugar and perhaps a tablespoon of half-and-half.
  • We grind our own. At the strength we brew it, we can tell the difference. (Yes, I've done a bunch of blind taste tests on NobodysWife to determine the "best" coffee.) However, I will pre-grind 2-3 little baggies that sit in Ziplock bags for 2-3 days before brewing, and for those we can't tell between pre-ground and "fresh".
  • We used to go with Peet's, but we've found Uncommon Grounds to be a bit better. Our "best" coffee right now is Uncommon Grounds' Mocha Java blend, though I mix in some of their French Roast.
  • In other news, yesterday I cut up a bunch of scrap wood and loaded up the Celica, and today it's off to the dump for my lunch break. Whee?

    The *only* bone I've ever broken in my life is my wrist when I was dumping a cut-up lemon tree out of the back of a pickup truck at the dump and slipped on the truck bed, going backwards over the side of the truck headfirst towards the concrete. I was happy my wrist broke the fall. And then I drove home in a stick shift with a broken wrist. Not a recommended practice!

    So I'm looking forward to an ER visit today. I know SOMETHING will go amiss...

    I have never broken a bone. Which is sad because I have a collection of video games saved for when I break my leg.

    I have dislocated my knee twice, which is no fun. My knees are starting to give me problems, which is also no fun.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    lynora wrote:
    Coffee tends to be a very subjective thing. I went the whole grind your own beans route, and such and such varieties and so on, and honestly it wasn't worth the time. The difference in flavor is minuscule and the convenience of using pre ground beans more than made up for it. Basically go for arabica. Robusto is an abomination. (Disclaimer: robusto beans contain chemical compounds that taste bitter and are not alkaloids. I have a similar reaction to chicory. Those of you who can taste alkaloids will have a very different flavor experience with coffee than I do. Hence, subjective thing.) Also, I hate burnt beans. *glares pointedly at Starbucks* There is no good reason to burn the blasted beans. If it requires copious amounts of sugar to be drinkable, you're doing it wrong. (Disclaimer number two: this does not mean there is anything wrong with drinking lots of sugar in your coffee if that is your thing. I am diabetic, it is not allowed to be my thing. I just think that coffee should have good flavor whether you take sugar in it or not.) I like soy milk in my coffee because I can't have sugar and I am lactose intolerant. Again, subjective thing. I will also just drink it black if I've overdone it on the carbs though. I just like the way it tastes with the milk. Better texture. YMMV, and you might want to keep in mind that I'm the kind of special snowflake who brews black tea for fifteen minutes and thinks it tastes good that way, so my experiences with coffee may vary wildly from yours. :)

    but...I was going to take you to the roastaroma factory for our date...

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I never broke any bones, ever, despite being the forgotten child of a large family (I have 7 brothers) growing up on dilapidated farms.

    Until I had kids that is, since then I've broken four fingers, twice (yes, I've broken the same four fingers in separate instances, not all at once mind you, a couple here, a couple there), 2 ribs, and partially tore one of my knee ligaments, also twice, as well as a severely sprained ankle, which has it's own crazy story. :-)

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Never broke a bone either. I have no idea why some never do.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Also, I'm very glad our doctor is the chief surgeon for the Badgers. :-)

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    One year old, four year old, and I; one carnival; and a bracelet that gives the 4-year-old infinite rides! Nothing can go wrong! :D

    And it didn't! (Aside from the one year old freaking out at the overwhelming lights and colors and noise. But he got over that.)

    It was awesome! And terrifying! (For me. Not for the four-year-old. That guy just kept running up and down the tallest daggum thing there just so he could super-slide to the bottom on the carpets they handed you to do exactly that. Over and over and over again. Three stories down. My... heart... didn't... give... out... ! ... somehow*!)

    * By the time he'd gone up and down it about six or seven times, it honestly wasn't scary anymore. It had gone from mind-bending terror to the mild boredom that comes with enjoying watching your child enjoy a repetitive task as endlessly as you'll allow.

    But seriously, it was a magical night. The oldest had never seen such amazingness (despite having visited Tacticslioness every year there* - this is the first year he was interested) and he wanted to go on everything. Unfortunately, of course, that was impossible, but we found at least six rides he could go on, and daggum if he didn't become a "frequent customer" (due entirely to the limitless-use arm band his Mommy had gotten for him; those rides'd be expensive otherwise, yo). It got to the point that I got to know: the tall-slide guy, the tall-slide guy's sister, and the tall-slide guy's sister's husband. They were great people, over-all!

    That said, his "favorite" was the Carousel (though not the one he went on the most). Even when I put him to bed that night, he kept talking about how amazing it was, and especially that one, last ride that Mommy had gotten to go on with him (after her shift had finished, we walked around a bit to other rides; she accompanied him on the carousel one**).

    * She volunteers to work a booth one day each year, as the carnival is on her school grounds; different organization, but working together for the duration of its stay.

    ** He's at the exact height needed to be considered both "with adult supervision" and "Okay!" on those rides that sometimes need adult supervision, so it's fine if he goes on his own, but parents are allowed with. I couldn't go, 'cause I had the littlest, but Mommy was able to after her shift!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Having a high pain threshold can lead to entertaining moments:

  • The aforementioned, "Driving around in a stick shift with a broken wrist," that had my doctor tut-tutting...
  • Walking up to my P.E. teacher and saying, "I think I hurt my pinkie," having him say, "Oh, give me a break," and then showing him the massively-dislocated pointing-sideways finger and having him panic.
  • Sitting there having a polite conversation while the school principal pulled the finger back into place because there was no school nurse that day (budget cuts).
  • Jumping off a galloping thoroughbred onto gravel, then sitting up and laughing about it as the owner of the thoroughbred panicked, because apparently I cut up my face something awful and was covered in blood. But it was still funny...

  • 2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Okay FAWTLs, fall in! FHDM needs your help making a decision.

    As some of you know, I am a HUGE FIRE EMBLEM FAN although I tend to view the games as individual works as opposed to soe giant interconnected universe. The release of Fire Emblem Fates(if) Birthright and Conquest on a day other than Christmas day 2016 has been a major surprise/letdown for me as I was planning to get both games at once, and maybe super hyper special versions of the game(Revelations, I'm looking at you). Butt aht did not come to pass.

    So I am leaving it up to you, FAWTLs to decide which game I get today- Fire Emblem Fates(if) Conquest or Birthright.

    Differences between the games? Well, you are the semi-silent protagonist, being raised by the somewhat evil definitely expansionist and germanic-sounding military family who seeks to take over the neighboring not as evil non expansionist japanese-sounding kingdom next door. The germanic sounding folks are harsh, but do want nothing more than peace as they are trying to create/stablize their kingdom. They are a loving family, fair to those under their rule, and more than a bit gothic in appearance and european in fighting style. However, it is discovered during gameplay that you are actually not a scion of this family but a direct descendant of the ruling family of the japanese-sounding kingdom next door, who thought you dead/abandoned you/left you to be raised by the germanic sounding family, who is the only family you have ever known. But the people in this kingdom never truly forgot you, and if you return there you will essentially be seen as a young prince, with an army and land and an entire people revitalized ready to resist the germanic sounding folks and kick them back over to their side of the continent/game world.

    So which game should I get? Conquest(germanic) or Birthright(japanese)?


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    You have until 5:00 PM EST to cast your vote!

    And dont' worry if you "lose" I'll be buying the second game(and DLC) eventually.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    One year old, four year old, and I; one carnival; and a bracelet that gives the 4-year-old infinite rides! Nothing can go wrong! :D

    And it didn't! (Aside from the one year old freaking out at the overwhelming lights and colors and noise. But he got over that.)

    It was awesome! And terrifying! (For me. Not for the four-year-old. That guy just kept running up and down the tallest daggum thing there just so he could super-slide to the bottom on the carpets they handed you to do exactly that. Over and over and over again. Three stories down. My... heart... didn't... give... out... ! ... somehow*!)

    * By the time he'd gone up and down it about six or seven times, it honestly wasn't scary anymore. It had gone from mind-bending terror to the mild boredom that comes with enjoying watching your child enjoy a repetitive task as endlessly as you'll allow.

    But seriously, it was a magical night. The oldest had never seen such amazingness (despite having visited Tacticslioness every year there* - this is the first year he was interested) and he wanted to go on everything. Unfortunately, of course, that was impossible, but we found at least six rides he could go on, and daggum if he didn't become a "frequent customer" (due entirely to the limitless-use arm band his Mommy had gotten for him; those rides'd be expensive otherwise, yo). It got to the point that I got to know: the tall-slide guy, the tall-slide guy's sister, and the tall-slide guy's sister's husband. They were great people, over-all!

    That said, his "favorite" was the Carousel (though not the one he went on the most). Even when I put him to bed that night, he kept talking about how amazing it was, and especially that one, last ride that Mommy had gotten to go on with him (after her shift had finished, we walked around a bit to other rides; she accompanied him on the carousel one**).

    * She volunteers to work a booth one day each year, as the carnival is on her school grounds;...

    I still remember our first trip to Disneyland, before Impus Major could speak (apraxia, so he couldn't communicate until he was a bit over 3). He would go on a ride, and we would be able to tell whether or not he enjoyed it because he'd refuse to get out, give out a little grunt and a shake of his body, indicating that he wanted it to start moving again. It was awesome.

    STILL waiting on the tax returns to see how "big" our trip to Disneyland will be this year. Aaaaargh! Darned slow accountants!

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