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captain yesterday wrote:

More like General Devastation, she has also left us in economic ruin in less then two hours playing Monopoly.

I don't think I need to tell tale of the Life fiasco.

Have you tried cooperative games?

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There is a joke hidden in plain sight somewhere here, I am sure.

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Drejk wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

More like General Devastation, she has also left us in economic ruin in less then two hours playing Monopoly.

I don't think I need to tell tale of the Life fiasco.

Have you tried cooperative games?

Yes, we play pathfinder, she's the one with the Rogue, that gets masterwork stilts to go exploring caves. :-)

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She's also the most fun to play pathfinder with. :-)

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So that was Life in General?

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Sharoth wrote:
So that was Life in General?


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Ok, this is pretty funny. But what is really amazing is the pics of the tacos at the end. I'd break in at 3:32 a.m. for one of those things. Dayam.

As tasty as those tacos look they aren't worth flying to Las Vegas for.

Silver Crusade

Treppa wrote:
Ok, this is pretty funny. But what is really amazing is the pics of the tacos at the end. I'd break in at 3:32 a.m. for one of those things. Dayam.

That is a hilarious way to create publicity. I love it.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

We played Clue, once.

The General went first rolled a six, went in the first room she saw and solved the whole thing on her first guess.

No one else even got to move.

So it was a General Guess?

That joke was pun'ishment.

Seriously, you left pun'itive damages.
Next time you think you have a joke, pun't it away, or pun'ch yourself.

...those are all the jokes I can hap'pun to think of about puns without really spinning up something seriously reaching, and I think I've s'pun enough.

seems like you got a real talent there. keep it up and you'll be punstoppable.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Ok, this is pretty funny. But what is really amazing is the pics of the tacos at the end. I'd break in at 3:32 a.m. for one of those things. Dayam.
That is a hilarious way to create publicity. I love it.

I didn't watch all the way to the end the first time, so I caught the "weak arm, bro" thing on the second go-round. It's just what I was thinking when I watched the beginning.

It's 6:30 a.m. I've been up for an hour reading and walking the dogs. They seem appreciative. It's absolutely gorgeous outside; bright stars shining through rents in the clouds, and about an inch or two of fluffy new snow coating everything. Nobody else had been out yet, so we got to mess up the snow first!

I took yesterday completely off, so today is going to be hustling to get stuff done for school and for work. I need to move my software to the new laptop before the old one kicks the bucket completely, but none of the setup has been working as advertised. I keep getting to error screens that say "it's not you, it's us, but something is wrong and we can't continue", which is not the least bit helpful.

I should set up my 2016 planner, too. Gosh, I love a new year.

*runs off to practice writing "2016" on checks*

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We haven't gotten measurable snow in weeks.

I love it! Every day it's above freezing is another day closer to spring.

It's been so long, cold and bleak the last couple of winters we deserve this, especially the east coast. :-)

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And sunrise was 2 minutes ago. It's official! It's morning!

Time to go back to bed.

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Treppa wrote:

*runs off to practice writing "2016" on checks*

People still use checks?

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I still do.

For paying bills and rent mostly, they aren't something I take with me every day.

Ye Olde Timey Captain Yesterday wrote:

I still do.

For paying bills and rent mostly, they aren't something I take with me every day.

Okay. BUT those horrible people who use them in the grocery store need to be flogged.

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Eh, doesn't bother me that much I guess, I never expect the line at a grocery store to be the most speed efficient place. And really now that I have a phone to twiddle on, the time just flies by. :-)

It's the lack of consideration. Check cards have been a thing for 20 years now. Balance your budget with your receipts out of store in your car, when there isn't a line of people behind you. Swipe and move on.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Damn time travelling Irish!

We get it, potatoes can be used for everything!

Also, Merry Christmas, may your Gremlins remain unfed after midnight.

As an addendum to this.

One of the things their Irish grandma got the kids for Christmas, was a potato, to which she said "they can be used for everything!"

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
It's the lack of consideration. Check cards have been a thing for 20 years now. Balance your budget with your receipts out of store in your car, when there isn't a line of people behind you. Swipe and move on.

You must shop at a much more efficient grocery store than I do. Do I pay by check there? No. Would it make any appreciable difference to how fast they finish my order? Also no. I always end up bouncing back and forth between helping with bagging and trying to pay. I swear I could scan my own groceries and bag them myself faster. I know this to be true because it actually happens at the one store that has no item limits on self checkout. Where I would shop instead if they had any kind of selection of healthy food at all. Which they don't. And don't even get me started on how much these people wig out because I bring my own bags. It's not that complicated! So, no, I would not be upset about someone paying by check. They give me so many other things to be upset about, I'm not even bothered. :P

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Had a good Christmas. Had a big breakfast fry up, everyone got thoroughly spoiled with presents they were happy about, no fights at the family get together, and watched the doctor who Christmas special. :)
And then had a good cry because too many emotions. Christmas is complicated even when it's good.

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Seems like a potato would help with that somehow.

The grocery store I mean.

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Today is a free day. No plans, no visits, just having fun playing with new toys. :)

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captain yesterday wrote:

Seems like a potato would help with that somehow.

The grocery store I mean.

I could throw it at them every time they tried to use plastic bags after I hand them my pile of reusable bags! Potatoes really are good for everything! ;P

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And you can use them to soak up tears, and viola! Already brined for morning!

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captain yesterday wrote:
And you can use them to soak up tears, and viola! Already brined for morning!


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lynora wrote:
I swear I could scan my own groceries and bag them myself faster. I know this to be true because it actually happens at the one store that has no item limits on self checkout.

... there are places that have limits on self-checkout? *shudder*

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
lynora wrote:
I swear I could scan my own groceries and bag them myself faster. I know this to be true because it actually happens at the one store that has no item limits on self checkout.
... there are places that have limits on self-checkout? *shudder*

There are places that have self-checkouts that don't crash or freeze up every 30 seconds, requiring you to ask for an attendant anyway?

9 people marked this as a favorite.

put it in the bag! Put it in the bag! It's already in the f#~$ing bag!!!

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Please take your purchase. Please take your purchases. Please take your purchases.

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"WHY do you HAVE a self checkout if I need to get the attendant to verify every piece of produce?! I know the codes. It's on the sticker on the fruit! I HATE YOU!!!"

Liberty's Edge

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David M Mallon wrote:
Orthos wrote:
lynora wrote:
I swear I could scan my own groceries and bag them myself faster. I know this to be true because it actually happens at the one store that has no item limits on self checkout.
... there are places that have limits on self-checkout? *shudder*
There are places that have self-checkouts that don't crash or freeze up every 30 seconds, requiring you to ask for an attendant anyway?

The local Kroger and Lowe's both have pretty good self checkouts. The Kroger one even does produce with little issue.

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It puts the produce in the bag or it gets the hose.

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Who the f!&% names their kid Seattle? In f*#%ing Wisconsin! Now do you see why I don't consider myself a hipster, it's in comparison to the surroundings around me.

9 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Who the f%!# names their kid Seattle? In f&&&ing Wisconsin! Now do you see why I don't consider myself a hipster, it's in comparison to the surroundings around me.

My aunt teaches 6th-grade. A few years back, she had a kid in her class named "Simian." The kid was always monkeying around.

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Hello once again, Fawtl-ites! I have survived the holidays!

I have a cousin who named her baby boy Diamond. Gonna be rough growing up with a stripper name.

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David M Mallon wrote:
Orthos wrote:
lynora wrote:
I swear I could scan my own groceries and bag them myself faster. I know this to be true because it actually happens at the one store that has no item limits on self checkout.
... there are places that have limits on self-checkout? *shudder*
There are places that have self-checkouts that don't crash or freeze up every 30 seconds, requiring you to ask for an attendant anyway?

Yes. Even we have them around.

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mourge40k wrote:

Hello once again, Fawtl-ites! I have survived the holidays!

I have a cousin who named her baby boy Diamond. Gonna be rough growing up with a stripper name.

Or 1930s mobster...

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I think I've shared I saw a kid in a class I subbed with the name "Typhani"; I wanted to smack her parents.

Not as bad as the rumors I heard about Orangejello and Lemonjello (Or-on-Julo and Le-mahn-julo pronunciations, respectably)

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I believe it was in Superfreakonomics where S+#*head was discussed. Pronounced Shuh-theed, of course.

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That's a real name in another language. It's spelled $hithead, yes, but it's arabic or something.

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Still someone living in America who gave it to her daughter........

Silver Crusade

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No more company at the house. Today I sat in my quiet living room and played Mass Effect 2.

Ahh Glorious peace and quiet...

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Typical American s&!%head.

Silver Crusade

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I'm glad somebody else has the name s&+*head. It was my nickname in high school.

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Cap, I finally listed to Damien Jurado. You're right. He's really similar to Jack Johnson in his instrumentalism, but he kinda reminds me more of Ray Lamontagne or Amos Lee in his overall style. Still, I like all those folks, so yeah, I'm a fan now. Thanks, man!

Silver Crusade

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A web search indicates the name "S#@@head" only exists as an urban legend, along with several others frequently bandied about.

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Well, let's hope so. Faith in humanity and all that.

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Sissyl wrote:
Well, let's hope so. Faith in humanity and all that.

You still have some left to lose? That's wonderful to see. I think I lost mine about fifteen years ago, or so.

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I have faith in humanity, it's people, I don't trust.

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