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*marches through thread in search of missing armor plating after most recent kaiju battle*

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Ragadolf wrote:

Seriously , My AV company had a salesman that landed us the Microsoft AV business for a few years. He made the mistake of showing up at MS HQ with his usual tie on. They walked up and said hi, took out a pair of scissors, and Cut his tie off right there in the lobby. :)

He never wore a tie to MS again. :)

There was a restaurant just outside Phoenix (until recently when it closed =( ) called Pinnacle Peak that would do the exact same thing if you showed up with a tie. Ebon's got several stories of family members and friends bringing particularly disliked ties there specifically for the opportunity to have them destroyed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

The second time they tried to put a tie on me I was 7.

It took 2 hours to negotiate my coming down from the barn rafters, which was only accomplished when they agreed that if nice clothes are to be worn a sweater will have to suffice.

My parents were a bit smarter about it. They didn't try to force me to wear ties until I was in my teens and at that point it was a situation of "it's appropriate/expected for this circumstance".

That hasn't stopped me from taking them off at the earliest and most frequent opportunities as soon as I'm out of the requisite situation, and yes that includes lunch breaks, nor from keeping a pile of already-looped ties so I don't have to re-tie them.

Unfortunately, good luck finding a non-physical labor, non-retail job on the east coast where "must wear a tie" is not part of company policy for male employees. A lot of places are really really strict on their dress codes and that includes ties.

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And I'm in a ditch. Or my car is. Booooo.

2 people marked this as a favorite.


are you alright?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, sure, and so is the car. Only stuck for now. After all the curves and hills and drifts we got through without problems, it slid sideways on a flat, straight stretch of road. D'oh.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Treppa wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
...whatever band did Money for Nothing, those I cannot tolerate (to be fair Money for Nothing only pisses me off because such an awesome guitar riff was wasted on such a s+~&ty song)
You're down on Dire Straits plus Sting?
The 80s was not a good time for a growing up Captain Yesterday, my taste in music reflects that pain, I'm cool with Genesis, Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins tho, Land of Confusion is a classic. :-)

Sorry bout the 80's, Dire Straits is one of my top 5 favorite bands and Land of Confusion great video and song.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Don't get me started on straight roads, I know your pain, and will again soon, just hopefully not too soon.

I should go check the weather forecasts...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The 90s however were the best!

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I regret nothing!!

Besides the 80s weren't all bad, there was Fishbone, Suicidal Tendencies, Anthrax, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy, Metallica.

Good Stuff, I would add English Beat, Dead Kennedys, Chili Peppers, Iron Maiden and definetly Metallica. I saw them at the Warfield(small club in the city) on their "Ride the Lightning " tour, I swear my ears are still ringing

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All great groups, also Dead Milkmen

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:


I hate ties but they're required by company policy.

I still have yet to understand how a glorified napkin became an essential part of business clothing etiquette.

I am thankful our "Tie" policy at work ended a couple of years ago, with the exception of an important meeting its polo shirts, slacks and jeans on fridays

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I saw Metallica at a huge metal festival at Alpine Valley by Milwaukee, they made Megadeth go on first while Metallica went last so Dave Mustaine and James Hetfield wouldn't cross paths.

Silver Crusade

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Treppa wrote:

And I'm in a ditch. Or my car is. Booooo.

Yikes, Hope everythings alright

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
All great groups, also Dead Milkmen

I had forgotten about them so I youtubed them

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I saw Metallica at a huge metal festival at Alpine Valley by Milwaukee, they made Megadeth go on first while Metallica went last so Dave Mustaine and James Hetfield wouldn't cross paths.

I think those two finally made peace

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Oh, sure, and so is the car. Only stuck for now. After all the curves and hills and drifts we got through without problems, it slid sideways on a flat, straight stretch of road. D'oh.

NobodysHome's Story Time:

Since both brothers moved up to Seattle, we've started doing our annual ski trips up in Washington in the "mountains" east of Seattle. One year our friends loaned me their ancient Volvo sedan for the drive, including some clip-on "spider" "chains".

In the California sierras, the snow rarely gets below 32 degrees, so a light dusting of snow on the road provides better traction. I learned that this is NOT the case in Washington as I was going perhaps 35-40 mph on an inch or two of fresh powder and noticed that the rear of the car was overtaking the front.

Since the kids and NobodysWife were in the car, I decided to just go for the gusto and put us into a full spin. It was a nice one, around 540 degrees, and planted me dead in the center of the road at a full stop. I was rather proud of it. But of course, I decided it was time to put on the "spider" "chains" and drive a bit more conservatively.

So I pulled to the side of the road, put on the "chains", and... that was it. The car wouldn't move. 10 minutes of shoving, shoveling, digging, and putting traction support under the tires didn't help. The "spider" "chains" were utterly useless, and the snow was too slippery to allow any traction, while the sheet of ice under the snow was too hard to allow anything between the tires and the snow to stay put.

NobodysWife had been taking Aikido for 6 months, and was rather proud that she was able to run the 3/4 mile nonstop back to the cabin to get help without winding herself at all, and my brothers showed up and, with some pushing and shoving, got the car free.

Ever since then, my brothers always talk about, "Remember how NobodysHome spun out the Volvo and got it stuck in a ditch?"

And it incenses me, because the spinout was just FINE; it was pulling over to put on the stupid chains that got me stuck!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Ragadolf wrote:
Orthos wrote:


I hate ties but they're required by company policy.

I still have yet to understand how a glorified napkin became an essential part of business clothing etiquette.

As opposed to working for the Evil Empire (IE=Microsoft)

Where ties are Verbotten! :)

Seriously , My AV company had a salesman that landed us the Microsoft AV business for a few years. He made the mistake of showing up at MS HQ with his usual tie on. They walked up and said hi, took out a pair of scissors, and Cut his tie off right there in the lobby. :)

He never wore a tie to MS again. :)

what the actual f#!#?

That's crazy. I don't want to get into what would happen if you tried that here.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

Seriously , My AV company had a salesman that landed us the Microsoft AV business for a few years. He made the mistake of showing up at MS HQ with his usual tie on. They walked up and said hi, took out a pair of scissors, and Cut his tie off right there in the lobby. :)

He never wore a tie to MS again. :)

There was a restaurant just outside Phoenix (until recently when it closed =( ) called Pinnacle Peak that would do the exact same thing if you showed up with a tie. Ebon's got several stories of family members and friends bringing particularly disliked ties there specifically for the opportunity to have them destroyed.


And people say New York is weird...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:

And I'm in a ditch. Or my car is. Booooo.

holy s%+% are you okay?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Oh, sure, and so is the car. Only stuck for now. After all the curves and hills and drifts we got through without problems, it slid sideways on a flat, straight stretch of road. D'oh.

...I should have read this first. Thank god you are alright.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Snow does the worst things to the best drivers.

I've driven in every snow fall in our parts for the last 11 years, I'm still thankful every time I get home safe.

As you can imagine I'd never give someone crap for getting stuck, no matter how silly it may sound, it's only a matter of time until it happens to you. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
The 90s however were the best!

what drunken lies are you telling everyone?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Oh, sure, and so is the car. Only stuck for now. After all the curves and hills and drifts we got through without problems, it slid sideways on a flat, straight stretch of road. D'oh.

Glad you're ok, hope the car didn't get dinged. Don't feel bad, you should see the natives down here in FL trying to drive in thunderstorms.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
...whatever band did Money for Nothing, those I cannot tolerate (to be fair Money for Nothing only pisses me off because such an awesome guitar riff was wasted on such a s+~&ty song)
You're down on Dire Straits plus Sting?


♪ ♫ "Now look at them FaWTLies that's the way you do it
You post the chaos on the thread-that-be.
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Chattin' 'bout nothin' and your Favorites for free.
" ♫ ♪

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ragadolf wrote:
Orthos wrote:


I hate ties but they're required by company policy.

I still have yet to understand how a glorified napkin became an essential part of business clothing etiquette.

As opposed to working for the Evil Empire (IE=Microsoft)

You know that IE is an old story now?

Where ties are Verbotten! :)

*sigh* I start to like them... I am not supposed to like the Evil Empire, right? Oh, well, I can always don't like the Other Evil Empire...

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey, we're not evil! =)

Morally unfettered, perhaps, but technically not "evil"...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Oh, sure, and so is the car. Only stuck for now. After all the curves and hills and drifts we got through without problems, it slid sideways on a flat, straight stretch of road. D'oh.

Holy snow drifts Treppa! ;P

Glad your ok.
It's always the 'safe & easy' spots of road you have to watch out for. Sneaksy ice patches.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:
Orthos wrote:


I hate ties but they're required by company policy.

I still have yet to understand how a glorified napkin became an essential part of business clothing etiquette.

As opposed to working for the Evil Empire (IE=Microsoft)

You know that IE is an old story now?

Where ties are Verbotten! :)
*sigh* I start to like them... I am not supposed to like the Evil Empire, right? Oh, well, I can always don't like the Other Evil Empire...

Oh, you mean Wal-Mart?

Or the rodent? (Disney?) ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:
Orthos wrote:


I hate ties but they're required by company policy.

I still have yet to understand how a glorified napkin became an essential part of business clothing etiquette.

As opposed to working for the Evil Empire (IE=Microsoft)

Where ties are Verbotten! :)

Seriously , My AV company had a salesman that landed us the Microsoft AV business for a few years. He made the mistake of showing up at MS HQ with his usual tie on. They walked up and said hi, took out a pair of scissors, and Cut his tie off right there in the lobby. :)

He never wore a tie to MS again. :)

what the actual f%+~?

That's crazy. I don't want to get into what would happen if you tried that here.

Yeah I know right? I mean, I don't think I've had to wear a tie since Katrina, (Onstage as Gomez Addams didn't count!) As my stage technical job doesn't call for that thank goodness. But all of my ties are Disney Collectibles and such. (I have a fairly large collection of ties, but they all have Disney, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc on them. My wife used to work at the Disney retail store.) ;)

Yeah, I don't wear a tie often, but if you cut one of THOSE ties, your goin' down! o_0

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Snow does the worst things to the best drivers.

I've driven in every snow fall in our parts for the last 11 years, I'm still thankful every time I get home safe.

As you can imagine I'd never give someone crap for getting stuck, no matter how silly it may sound, it's only a matter of time until it happens to you. :-)

I appreciate that, especially since I'm a good snow driver and didn't do one thing wrong/stupid. S!++ happens. I was happy to keep it on the road for so long. The guy who stopped said "I thought you were gonna pull it off and stay on the road, or at least keep driving out of the ditch, but not in that car."

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

Seriously , My AV company had a salesman that landed us the Microsoft AV business for a few years. He made the mistake of showing up at MS HQ with his usual tie on. They walked up and said hi, took out a pair of scissors, and Cut his tie off right there in the lobby. :)

He never wore a tie to MS again. :)

There was a restaurant just outside Phoenix (until recently when it closed =( ) called Pinnacle Peak that would do the exact same thing if you showed up with a tie. Ebon's got several stories of family members and friends bringing particularly disliked ties there specifically for the opportunity to have them destroyed.


And people say New York is weird...

Seriously. I've never had someone destroy my attire here.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Snow does the worst things to the best drivers.

I've driven in every snow fall in our parts for the last 11 years, I'm still thankful every time I get home safe.

As you can imagine I'd never give someone crap for getting stuck, no matter how silly it may sound, it's only a matter of time until it happens to you. :-)

I appreciate that, especially since I'm a good snow driver and didn't do one thing wrong/stupid. S%*~ happens. I was happy to keep it on the road for so long. The guy who stopped said "I thought you were gonna pull it off and stay on the road, or at least keep driving out of the ditch, but not in that car."

That sucks :(

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh well. I'm unhurt and I think the car is fine, and I have friends who will help me pull it out. Could be much worse.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That's great to hear!

Sounds like that storm might give us over night severe weather, with Tornadoes thrown around as a distinct possibility. :-)

I doubt it tho, the Madison news stations are notoriously frothy when it comes to weather. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So I apparently completely missed out on a new Sonata Arctica album that came out a year and a half ago and I only just discovered today.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Car came right up out of the ditch with only a little push. No damage. Snow's practically gone now, in typical Colorado fashion. And NO TORNADOES. I'm so happy to have left those behind.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Seriously. I've never had someone destroy my attire here.

How disappointing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Car came right up out of the ditch with only a little push. No damage. Snow's practically gone now, in typical Colorado fashion. And NO TORNADOES. I'm so happy to have left those behind.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Oh, sure, and so is the car. Only stuck for now. After all the curves and hills and drifts we got through without problems, it slid sideways on a flat, straight stretch of road. D'oh.
** spoiler omitted **...

you angered the snow gods.

Do not anger the snow gods.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Oh, sure, and so is the car. Only stuck for now. After all the curves and hills and drifts we got through without problems, it slid sideways on a flat, straight stretch of road. D'oh.
** spoiler omitted **...

you angered the snow gods.

Do not anger the snow gods.

Alternatively, anger them. I haven't axed anything in a while.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Get back you, i'm not done yet, so much undone!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Treppa wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
...whatever band did Money for Nothing, those I cannot tolerate (to be fair Money for Nothing only pisses me off because such an awesome guitar riff was wasted on such a s+~&ty song)
You're down on Dire Straits plus Sting?
The 80s was not a good time for a growing up Captain Yesterday, my taste in music reflects that pain, I'm cool with Genesis, Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins tho, Land of Confusion is a classic. :-)

Mmmyeah. Woooh yeah. Say my name. Oooorgh. Mnmnmneeeh. No jacket required. Unghl. HUNH!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm not getting anythin done right now. I'm certainly not getting much done tomorrow, since I'm moving to the next apartment building over and have a ton of stuff. I should work on research papers, but the library is closed today, and I never get stuff done at home. Like now. I'm drowsy from a hearty meal of homemade pork katsu with honey soy sauce and hash potatoes, and I'm playing smooth songs on Guitar Hero. Last song was The Joker (Some people call me Space Cowboy, some people call me the Gangster of Love...). Taking a coffee break from playing right now. When I finish digesting the food and have more energy, I kinda want to get the sake out and play something more energetic.

I really should be doing schoolwork.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
(to be fair Money for Nothing only pisses me off because such an awesome guitar riff was wasted on such a s+$+ty song)

Aw, come on, man...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In the Midwest they still play that song to death.

And don't get me started on AC/DC, scratching a chalk board has nothing on that guy's voice. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Aliaso ad absurdum.

That's a good one. I think I may post as "Aliaso Ad Absurdum" later on.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

In the Midwest they still play that song to death.

And don't get me started on AC/DC, scratching a chalk board has nothing on that guy's voice. :-)

I am never going to be able to share a vehicle with you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
And don't get me started on AC/DC, scratching a chalk board has nothing on that guy's voice. :-)

Which guy? Are we talking AC/DC with Bon Scott, or with Brian Johnson?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes, I do believe I've gone too far.

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