Freehold DM |
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Celestial Healer wrote:Also, am I the only one who thinks cheesecake is an abomination?No, you don't think that. You were mislead, probably by some subpar American product that does not hold a candle to proper cheesecake.
You best smile when saying that.
Because Junior's.
They recently celebrated their anniversary. A slice of their stupdenously rich cheesecake for 69 cents.

NobodysHome |
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Rosita the Riveter wrote:It gets better. Apparently, the university wouldn't give the lawyer any information, and the lawyer didn't even mention the possibility of legal action. Just asked a few background questions they wouldn't answer. Judging by how fast they emailed me promising a new room, it seems they went directly from there into full blown ass covering mode. Which works. I can't actually afford to pay a lawyer to come up here. Or file a lawsuit. I don't even think I have grounds to sue. It is kinda funny that he didn't even have to threaten to sue them or anything to get them cooperating, though.Oh yes if you have access to a lawyer then the world parts before you in amazing ways. Such is everyone's fear of being sued.
It makes me said. I started paying $30/month for our company's legal representation "Just in case" and because I really need to set up a will and trust for the kids.
So of course as soon as you have free access to a lawyer... $1080 down and not a single call to them...

Tacticslion |
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So, FaWtL, new topic of conversation: how many mind flayers (that is, illithids), roughly speaking, are in the Forgotten Realms? Canonically, that is.
No reason.^
I have my own number that I've come up with through extremely rigorous research^^, but I'm not sharing that because I want to know if anyone can find better information, come up with a more reasonable number themselves, or can point to where this is better-covered.
If someone has the time/wants to make an actual topic out of this elsewhere on the forums... I wouldn't object...
^ Okay, okay this isn't true. Here's The Reason.
^^ I glanced at the population line of the three detailed communities in Underdark, made an exceedingly rough guess based off of two different lines of information about them, and used a calculator to multiply the guessed number of communities by the guesstimated "average" within them, plus the three communities listed. Super. Rigorous.^^^
^^^ For a very exacting and unusual use of the word "Rigorous"
I'm re-posting this for the bumpage. Some people seem to think it's cool to just leave this on a previous page, or something.
(Also, I'm going to be away from the computer a bit, so, you know, maximum exposure while I can get it...)
Related: any FaWtLians anywhere near central FL? If so... do you wanna meet at Shadowcon? 'Cause that may well be a thing.
(It's today - I'm not there - tomorrow, and Sunday, for the record.)
(A bit late, yeah, but still; I got it on the iPad last week. Also, the iPad doesn't allow me to import/export save files, or even delete them, so I'm a bit wary of either saving too much or equipment failure or data corruption costing me my game, but it's STILL AWESOME. TOUCH SCREEN TACTIIIIIIIIIIICS.)

NobodysHome |
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Pea Bear's best friend is having a birthday party tonight, Pea Bear got the invitation 3 weeks ago, we first saw and heard about it last night at 5 p.m. The General was not happy.
Pea Bear: So, can I go?
General Yesteryear: I don't know honestly, it's a lot of work, first we have to go out get a present, someone has to drive you over and pick you up, an R.S.V.P. need a to be sent, you're inconveniencing the whole family.
Pea Bear: Not the whole family, just Dad.
General Yesteryear: good point, ask your father.
Captain Yesterday: Wait, what?
Guess what I'm doing tonight. :-)
Ugh. I think it's a rite of childhood.
Impus Minor (at 5:00 pm): SO, are you guys coming to my choir concert tonight?
Us: WHAT choir concert?
IM: The one I'm in. I've known about it for weeks!
Us: Did you think to tell US about it?
IM: Oh...

Orthos |
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So, FaWtL, new topic of conversation: how many mind flayers (that is, illithids), roughly speaking, are in the Forgotten Realms? Canonically, that is.
No reason.^
I have my own number that I've come up with through extremely rigorous research^^, but I'm not sharing that because I want to know if anyone can find better information, come up with a more reasonable number themselves, or can point to where this is better-covered.
I wasn't aware they were in limited numbers.

Orthos |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Lunch break! Time to work on more Alaznist stuff.
Runelords + Cult of the Dragon = Fun for the whole family!
So I'm attempting to outline a bunch of this stuff for the Alaznist plot I'm putting together, and it's taking a tad longer than expected.
Most of the storyline is being lifted from the Dungeon Crawl Classics mega-plot "Saga of the Dragon Cult", just substituting Alaznist herself in for the chaos-mage Tsathzar Rho, and making her a persistent presence rather than being removed in the first few quests to make the dragon the main villain.
The main trick is spreading it out into a full server-wide event, rather than a single series of quests. I'm bringing in several other modules to thicken the storyline a bit - including the flying castle of the Stormbringer cloud giants, the asylum full of ghosts in Cage of Delirium (less of a repeat than expected, given how I'm having to redo much of Carrion Crown's first chapters to take place in an open forest region rather than a prison), and a few other things - but it's still a work in progress.
It's probably for the best that this is still a ways off - there'll be four other Runelords to rise and fall before Alaznist takes center stage - otherwise I don't know when I'd have time to finish it =)

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Tacticslion wrote:So, FaWtL, new topic of conversation: how many mind flayers (that is, illithids), roughly speaking, are in the Forgotten Realms? Canonically, that is.
No reason.^
I have my own number that I've come up with through extremely rigorous research^^, but I'm not sharing that because I want to know if anyone can find better information, come up with a more reasonable number themselves, or can point to where this is better-covered.
If someone has the time/wants to make an actual topic out of this elsewhere on the forums... I wouldn't object...
^ Okay, okay this isn't true. Here's The Reason.
^^ I glanced at the population line of the three detailed communities in Underdark, made an exceedingly rough guess based off of two different lines of information about them, and used a calculator to multiply the guessed number of communities by the guesstimated "average" within them, plus the three communities listed. Super. Rigorous.^^^
^^^ For a very exacting and unusual use of the word "Rigorous"I never thought to send census forms to illithids, but I have always played them as being rare. An encounter with an illithid was on the same level as say a dragon or a lich.

The Doomkitten |
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A new blockbuster film, masterminded by that brilliant writer/director/editor (he's all three for this one!): JOOOOOOOOOOOSS WHEEEEEEDOOOOON!
"This will revolutionize film," the man himself says. "I took a lot of my favorites-Nathan Fillion as the main character, a young Elminster, and Sarah Michelle Gellar as his love interest with uncontrollable magical powers."
"I have waaaay too much money for special effects, too. Not going to let you know how much, but it's more than the national debt of the United States! Not joking, either."
"And since I'm writer, director, and editor, the film will contain my pure, unadulterated vision."
"Hope you enjoy! Now, I gotta take the podium to deliver my speech to the rest of Earth about how I'm their new immortal dictator, who's genre-savvy enough to know how to thwart any uppity heroes. And remember: Watch Firefly and Buffy every day! You don't want to know what happens if you don't..."
Sure to enrage Freehold.

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I never thought to send census forms to illithids, but I have always played them as being rare. An encounter with an illithid was on the same level as say a dragon or a lich.
Also if you can get your hands on "Thoughts of Darkness" which was a ravenloft module circa 1992 do so. It was one of the few modules that scared the hell out of high level PC's and featured Illithids
EDIT: This was the module that introduced madness checks to the ravenloft setting

Skyrim Rampage Cap'n Yesterday |
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I'm half way thru being level 37 and my game has developed a really annoying quirk of occasionally and with increasing frequency to all of a sudden transport me to the great lift of myzitsclift or whatever, in a dungeon, fighting people, doesn't matter bam! Long load screen back at the lift (for added quirkiness always with a stray dog in tow) I deleted all previous saves and it did it again!
Is this a thing, should I just start over?

Freehold DM |
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** spoiler omitted **
Sure to enrage Freehold.
A forgotten realms movie with whedon at the helm wouldn't enrage me, it would let me know where all my enemies were at once. I would make a joke about attacking the theatre itself, but there are too many mass shootings lately. Therefore, I would instead go about getting a job as a greeter at the theatre that sold the most tickets for that movie.

Freehold DM |
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One of the reasons I switched to pathfinder and Golarion specifically was no Beholders and Mind Flayers.
My brothers loved them, to a fault.
Beholders are one of my favorite monsters to fight, and while mind flayers aren't quite at the same level, they are iconic. I was originally going to have both monsters play a major role in Freehold! The Saga of Wune, but sicne they are proprietary, I went with rakshasa, doppelgangers and areanea instead. I'm happier with the setting now.

Freehold DM |
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Drizz'ts Panther wrote:Sure, sure. You guys can lead an army of drow rebels alongside Elminister to defeat the Mezobarreanean.The Doomkitten wrote:Meow...Surely we will be a part of this great adventure...Meow** spoiler omitted **
Sure to enrage Freehold.
attacks uncontrollably akin to a second edition berzerker, frothing at the mouth and hurling invectives liberally

Kajehase |
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NobodysHome wrote:Yeah last night was the first time I have used the heater in a loooonnggg timeAs a bit of an obsessive-compulsive, I can state that:
- In 2014, I turned on the bedrooms' wall heater November 13, and the living room heater November 17
- In 2015, I turned on both heaters November 4, and had them both on this morning.So seems like we're getting an earlier cold snap this year, but "cold" around here means lows in the mid-40's.
This morning's paper round was done in shorts and t-shirt. :p

gran rey de los mono |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
I have little experience with mind flayers, just enough to harbor an intense dislike.
My experience with beholders is also limited, but quite funny. In a campaign, the rogue was sneaking ahead and saw a beholder. I, the wizard, said "I wonder if this will work", stealthed up to the corner, and cast Blindness on it. The DM rolled a 1 on the save. One shouted negotiation, and we had a blind Beholder with several looted robes and caped tossed over it and a rope leash. We took back to town, where it was enrolled in a 12-step program to help evil creatures become productive members of society. A few sessions later, we ran into it again, working for the bad guys. I thought "Hell, it worked the first time", cast Blindness again, and the DM rolled another 1 for the save. A stern talking to and more improvised tarps let us take him back to the town for a refresher course. Jump ahead a few more levels, and there he was again working for another group of bad guys. This time I just stepped out, said hello, and he said "F@##! I give up, just don't blind me." We had him guard the prisoners we took (his former employers) as we cleared the keep, then took them all back to town where he finally kicked the evil habit and took the first steps toward becoming neutral.

The Doomkitten |

My only experience with mind flayers was a rather negative one.
It requires a bit of explanation.
First of all, ever since the incident, multiclassing has been banned in 5th Edition. This is because when my paladin 5/fighter 6 nova'd with Vow of Enmity, Hunter's Mark, Action Surge, and Great Weapon Fighting Grand Slam on an iron golem-taking it down in one round-my DM snapped.
He flat out said "I want to make you suffer."
The next room we entered was chock full a weird crystals. Oh, and 3 invisible 15th level wizard mind flayers. And they were psicrystals.
A long story short, the DM humiliated me. Thoroughly.
That character sheet has been burned.

Orthos |
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Treppa wrote:I don't want to be presumptuous, but when you say that, do you mean to say you don't know the glory of banoffee pie? O.oLordSynos wrote:Color me intrigued.Banoffee!
Also, only in posting this have I realise that banoffee is a portmanteau of banana and toffee. Go figure.
Never heard of it before today myself. Doesn't seem like it's all that often sold or prepared stateside.

Freehold DM |
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I have little experience with mind flayers, just enough to harbor an intense dislike.
My experience with beholders is also limited, but quite funny. In a campaign, the rogue was sneaking ahead and saw a beholder. I, the wizard, said "I wonder if this will work", stealthed up to the corner, and cast Blindness on it. The DM rolled a 1 on the save. One shouted negotiation, and we had a blind Beholder with several looted robes and caped tossed over it and a rope leash. We took back to town, where it was enrolled in a 12-step program to help evil creatures become productive members of society. A few sessions later, we ran into it again, working for the bad guys. I thought "Hell, it worked the first time", cast Blindness again, and the DM rolled another 1 for the save. A stern talking to and more improvised tarps let us take him back to the town for a refresher course. Jump ahead a few more levels, and there he was again working for another group of bad guys. This time I just stepped out, said hello, and he said "F++%! I give up, just don't blind me." We had him guard the prisoners we took (his former employers) as we cleared the keep, then took them all back to town where he finally kicked the evil habit and took the first steps toward becoming neutral.
There is a well written part of the book I, Tyrant that basically states that the old blindness + tarp/towel/rug over the beholder gag simply would not work. Now I see why it is there.

Orthos |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:There is a well written part of the book I, Tyrant that basically states that the old blindness + tarp/towel/rug over the beholder gag simply would not work. Now I see why it is there.I have little experience with mind flayers, just enough to harbor an intense dislike.
My experience with beholders is also limited, but quite funny. In a campaign, the rogue was sneaking ahead and saw a beholder. I, the wizard, said "I wonder if this will work", stealthed up to the corner, and cast Blindness on it. The DM rolled a 1 on the save. One shouted negotiation, and we had a blind Beholder with several looted robes and caped tossed over it and a rope leash. We took back to town, where it was enrolled in a 12-step program to help evil creatures become productive members of society. A few sessions later, we ran into it again, working for the bad guys. I thought "Hell, it worked the first time", cast Blindness again, and the DM rolled another 1 for the save. A stern talking to and more improvised tarps let us take him back to the town for a refresher course. Jump ahead a few more levels, and there he was again working for another group of bad guys. This time I just stepped out, said hello, and he said "F++%! I give up, just don't blind me." We had him guard the prisoners we took (his former employers) as we cleared the keep, then took them all back to town where he finally kicked the evil habit and took the first steps toward becoming neutral.
So what's the reason WHY it won't work?

Freehold DM |

Treppa wrote:I don't want to be presumptuous, but when you say that, do you mean to say you don't know the glory of banoffee pie? O.oLordSynos wrote:Color me intrigued.Banoffee!
Also, only in posting this have I realise that banoffee is a portmanteau of banana and toffee. Go figure.
Never heard of it.
Looks like whipped cream with stuff on top in a pie crust. Is that what it is

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:So what's the reason WHY it won't work?gran rey de los mono wrote:There is a well written part of the book I, Tyrant that basically states that the old blindness + tarp/towel/rug over the beholder gag simply would not work. Now I see why it is there.I have little experience with mind flayers, just enough to harbor an intense dislike.
My experience with beholders is also limited, but quite funny. In a campaign, the rogue was sneaking ahead and saw a beholder. I, the wizard, said "I wonder if this will work", stealthed up to the corner, and cast Blindness on it. The DM rolled a 1 on the save. One shouted negotiation, and we had a blind Beholder with several looted robes and caped tossed over it and a rope leash. We took back to town, where it was enrolled in a 12-step program to help evil creatures become productive members of society. A few sessions later, we ran into it again, working for the bad guys. I thought "Hell, it worked the first time", cast Blindness again, and the DM rolled another 1 for the save. A stern talking to and more improvised tarps let us take him back to the town for a refresher course. Jump ahead a few more levels, and there he was again working for another group of bad guys. This time I just stepped out, said hello, and he said "F++%! I give up, just don't blind me." We had him guard the prisoners we took (his former employers) as we cleared the keep, then took them all back to town where he finally kicked the evil habit and took the first steps toward becoming neutral.
Second ed spell resistance plus poorly understood second ed grappling/strength damage rules made this a very, very bad idea.

Treppa |

LordSynos wrote:Treppa wrote:I don't want to be presumptuous, but when you say that, do you mean to say you don't know the glory of banoffee pie? O.oLordSynos wrote:Color me intrigued.Banoffee!
Also, only in posting this have I realise that banoffee is a portmanteau of banana and toffee. Go figure.
Never heard of it.
Looks like whipped cream with stuff on top in a pie crust. Is that what it is
Good enough. Om nom.