David M Mallon |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

David M Mallon wrote:If they had a picture next to the definition of casual dork, I'm fairly confident it would be mine, or maybe Ben Affleckcaptain yesterday wrote:Never mind, I just saw Minecraft is twenty bucks, I've been told by my daughter I need "cool" games, evidently Red Dead Redemption, Lego Indiana Jones, Fallout 3 and Skyrim aren't "cool"Skyrim is for casual dorks. Real dorks play Morrowind.
My picture is right next to the entry for "closet nerd."

David M Mallon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

And the award for "cheesiest band name of all time goes to...
Bonus points for the fact that their biggest hit was a cover of "Hang On Sloopy (My Girl Sloopy)" by The Vibrations. Additional bonus points awarded by virtue of their being Canadian.

Gaius Claudius Urbanus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

And the award for "cheesiest band name of all time goes to...
Well, I never! Outrageous!

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:My picture is right next to the entry for "closet nerd."David M Mallon wrote:If they had a picture next to the definition of casual dork, I'm fairly confident it would be mine, or maybe Ben Affleckcaptain yesterday wrote:Never mind, I just saw Minecraft is twenty bucks, I've been told by my daughter I need "cool" games, evidently Red Dead Redemption, Lego Indiana Jones, Fallout 3 and Skyrim aren't "cool"Skyrim is for casual dorks. Real dorks play Morrowind.
it seemed so obvious to me...

Sharoth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

David M Mallon wrote:it seemed so obvious to me...captain yesterday wrote:My picture is right next to the entry for "closet nerd."David M Mallon wrote:If they had a picture next to the definition of casual dork, I'm fairly confident it would be mine, or maybe Ben Affleckcaptain yesterday wrote:Never mind, I just saw Minecraft is twenty bucks, I've been told by my daughter I need "cool" games, evidently Red Dead Redemption, Lego Indiana Jones, Fallout 3 and Skyrim aren't "cool"Skyrim is for casual dorks. Real dorks play Morrowind.
I am, glad that I am normal. Unlike the rest of you wierdos!
~grins and runs~

David M Mallon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

David M Mallon wrote:it seemed so obvious to me...captain yesterday wrote:My picture is right next to the entry for "closet nerd."David M Mallon wrote:If they had a picture next to the definition of casual dork, I'm fairly confident it would be mine, or maybe Ben Affleckcaptain yesterday wrote:Never mind, I just saw Minecraft is twenty bucks, I've been told by my daughter I need "cool" games, evidently Red Dead Redemption, Lego Indiana Jones, Fallout 3 and Skyrim aren't "cool"Skyrim is for casual dorks. Real dorks play Morrowind.
There's a reason I never take my sunglasses off.

Limeylongears |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Evening, all. What did I miss?
Freehold and Treppa have just got married, in Toys R Us
El Capitano Ayer is presently training up death worshipping, head hunting orcs, in Toys R Us, preparatory to staging a military coup designed to bring Stability and Order back to FawTLbia.
It's snowing in America, somewhere. Probably not in Toys R Us, though, unless the roof has fallen off.
In the UK, it's been foggy all week, so FawTL will have to excuse me if I let off my foghorn every couple of posts, as we don't want to bump into Norway by accident.

![]() |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I have also been very pleased with the recent weather. Cool but not cold, perfect weather to just run the house fan all day rather than needing AC or heat.
It's been gorgeous in NY. 65 degrees with foliage. Why can't it be like this all the time?
I took a walk in Central Park yesterday to appreciate it. I can take walks now as long as I am okay ignoring the complaints from my broken toe.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:I have also been very pleased with the recent weather. Cool but not cold, perfect weather to just run the house fan all day rather than needing AC or heat.It's been gorgeous in NY. 65 degrees with foliage. Why can't it be like this all the time?
I took a walk in Central Park yesterday to appreciate it. I can take walks now as long as I am okay ignoring the complaints from my broken toe.
I did indeed enjoy yesterday's weather, though it was a bit sultry for me. Shave off 60 degrees and it will be scads better.

Sharoth |
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Celestial Healer wrote:I did indeed enjoy yesterday's weather, though it was a bit sultry for me. Shave off 60 degrees and it will be scads better.Orthos wrote:I have also been very pleased with the recent weather. Cool but not cold, perfect weather to just run the house fan all day rather than needing AC or heat.It's been gorgeous in NY. 65 degrees with foliage. Why can't it be like this all the time?
I took a walk in Central Park yesterday to appreciate it. I can take walks now as long as I am okay ignoring the complaints from my broken toe.
~teleports Freehold DM to the Arctic~

Orthos |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

This is an El Nino winter!
At least here.
Crap! I had a joke and forgot it trying to find the right alias:-(
Man it's been almost twenty years since I heard anything about El Nino.
It was all over the news when I was growing up, but by Junior High/High School had stopped apparently being a thing, and I heard nothing about it at all through my entire twenties.
I am certainly not complaining though. I'm all in favor of warmer winters.

Cap'n Yesterday, Evil Overlord |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

It turns out my Summer Expander isn't as profitable as I thought.
I suspect I might be going after the wrong demographic, every time I call a city in the northern hemisphere and proclaim "give me 1 million dollars or be prepared for an endless summer!" They just say "uh, no! Pass!" And then they keep golfing.
Hmm, perhaps I should threaten California with rain...

NobodysHome |
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As a bit of an obsessive-compulsive, I can state that:
- In 2014, I turned on the bedrooms' wall heater November 13, and the living room heater November 17
- In 2015, I turned on both heaters November 4, and had them both on this morning.
So seems like we're getting an earlier cold snap this year, but "cold" around here means lows in the mid-40's.

![]() |

As a bit of an obsessive-compulsive, I can state that:
- In 2014, I turned on the bedrooms' wall heater November 13, and the living room heater November 17
- In 2015, I turned on both heaters November 4, and had them both on this morning.So seems like we're getting an earlier cold snap this year, but "cold" around here means lows in the mid-40's.
Yeah last night was the first time I have used the heater in a loooonnggg time

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As a bit of an obsessive-compulsive, I can state that:
- In 2014, I turned on the bedrooms' wall heater November 13, and the living room heater November 17
- In 2015, I turned on both heaters November 4, and had them both on this morning.So seems like we're getting an earlier cold snap this year, but "cold" around here means lows in the mid-40's.
Yeah that's about where I consider it "cold", it was like that for a week in October here then warmed back up to the 50s/60s and highs in the 60s/70s.

Rosita the Riveter |
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I got a citation. My roommate was being angry again, this time with "I'm going to play music really loud at 11:30 at night, and turn it up louder every time I'm asked to turn it down". After a while of this, I got up and unplugged his speaker, he got all pissed and started screaming at me for touching his stuff, and I told him to shut up and quit keeping everybody awake and went to the other room to avoid him. He starts cranking the music again, right as university police show up on a bajillion noise complaints. I told them he won't turn his music off and is keeping me awake, and he says that's a lie and I'm the one trying to keep everybody awake because I'm being a child. The cop seems not to believe either of us and writes us both citations for disturbing the peace. I'm so happy right now. I get to go to court and probably pay a fine I can't really afford and all that stuff, and I didn't even do anything. And my roommate's in an even worse mood now.

Rosita the Riveter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm going to them again with this, but I've honestly been getting the impression that there isn't even anywhere to move us to. Housing is in a massive space crisis. Then again, now the cops are involved, so they may well feel like they need to act. Honestly, I'm seriously considering dropping out at this point. I hate this university. Housing is a crap show, my professor is a condescending, patronizing ass who demands we drop everything and cater to his class and his class only, I don't really know anybody here, and most students seem like they are only here because they got rejected from where they actually wanted to go. I'm debating whether this place is even worth the effort.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm going to them again with this, but I've honestly been getting the impression that there isn't even anywhere to move us to. Housing is in a massive space crisis. Then again, now the cops are involved, so they may well feel like they need to act. Honestly, I'm seriously considering dropping out at this point. I hate this university. Housing is a crap show, my professor is a condescending, patronizing ass who demands we drop everything and cater to his class and his class only, I don't really know anybody here, and most students seem like they are only here because they got rejected from where they actually wanted to go. I'm debating whether this place is even worth the effort.
Have you considered U.C. Davis? Other than the miserable weather and developing hay fever if you live there for more than 3 years, it's a fantastic school that actually cares about its undergrads. What a concept!
And the city is entirely bike-friendly. Back when I was in grad school there you could bike anywhere in town easily (it's all flat), and on rainy days the school bus was free for undergrads, $0.50 for everyone else.
Of course, this was 1991-1996, and I know Davis has undergone massive change since then.
And there's the little, "I'm living in the middle of nowhere. I might as well be in Nebraska," to it all...
At least in S.F. there's such a thing as a night life beyond cow-tipping...

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I got a citation. My roommate was being angry again, this time with "I'm going to play music really loud at 11:30 at night, and turn it up louder every time I'm asked to turn it down". After a while of this, I got up and unplugged his speaker, he got all pissed and started screaming at me for touching his stuff, and I told him to shut up and quit keeping everybody awake and went to the other room to avoid him. He starts cranking the music again, right as university police show up on a bajillion noise complaints. I told them he won't turn his music off and is keeping me awake, and he says that's a lie and I'm the one trying to keep everybody awake because I'm being a child. The cop seems not to believe either of us and writes us both citations for disturbing the peace. I'm so happy right now. I get to go to court and probably pay a fine I can't really afford and all that stuff, and I didn't even do anything. And my roommate's in an even worse mood now.
When you complained on him to college staff, have you don that in writing/e-mail? Could you show it at court that you made complains at him before and it was ignored?

Rosita the Riveter |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

That's a UC. Some of my classes aren't UC transferable, only CSU. I don't have enough units to apply to a UC.
In other news, I'm reading the description of disturbing the peace, and it sounds like you can't typically write a noise violation up under that if you haven't already requested that the noise stop. Especially when you aren't in a public space. Good to know when I go to court.

captain yesterday |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Rosita the Riveter wrote:I'm going to them again with this, but I've honestly been getting the impression that there isn't even anywhere to move us to. Housing is in a massive space crisis. Then again, now the cops are involved, so they may well feel like they need to act. Honestly, I'm seriously considering dropping out at this point. I hate this university. Housing is a crap show, my professor is a condescending, patronizing ass who demands we drop everything and cater to his class and his class only, I don't really know anybody here, and most students seem like they are only here because they got rejected from where they actually wanted to go. I'm debating whether this place is even worth the effort.Have you considered U.C. Davis? Other than the miserable weather and developing hay fever if you live there for more than 3 years, it's a fantastic school that actually cares about its undergrads. What a concept!
And the city is entirely bike-friendly. Back when I was in grad school there you could bike anywhere in town easily (it's all flat), and on rainy days the school bus was free for undergrads, $0.50 for everyone else.
Of course, this was 1991-1996, and I know Davis has undergone massive change since then.
And there's the little, "I'm living in the middle of nowhere. I might as well be in Nebraska," to it all...
At least in S.F. there's such a thing as a night life beyond cow-tipping...
Only someone that's never been to Nebraska would say that:-D
I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (which is my brother) and he lives there!

Rosita the Riveter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Rosita the Riveter wrote:I got a citation. My roommate was being angry again, this time with "I'm going to play music really loud at 11:30 at night, and turn it up louder every time I'm asked to turn it down". After a while of this, I got up and unplugged his speaker, he got all pissed and started screaming at me for touching his stuff, and I told him to shut up and quit keeping everybody awake and went to the other room to avoid him. He starts cranking the music again, right as university police show up on a bajillion noise complaints. I told them he won't turn his music off and is keeping me awake, and he says that's a lie and I'm the one trying to keep everybody awake because I'm being a child. The cop seems not to believe either of us and writes us both citations for disturbing the peace. I'm so happy right now. I get to go to court and probably pay a fine I can't really afford and all that stuff, and I didn't even do anything. And my roommate's in an even worse mood now.When you complained on him to college staff, have you don that in writing/e-mail? Could you show it at court that you made complains at him before and it was ignored?
I have a couple emails, but I prefer to do my complaining to staff face to face so I can't be ignored.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Honestly, it's worth your time to go to court and talk to the judge. Be polite and respectful, don't argue, and tell the truth. It works miracles. Hopefully (s)he'll believe you and dismiss the citation...
More seriously, go to student legal aid, they are well versed in this kind of thing.

Ambrosia Slaad |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:When you complained on him to college staff, have you don that in writing/e-mail? Could you show it at court that you made complains at him before and it was ignored?I have a couple emails, but I prefer to do my complaining to staff face to face so I can't be ignored.
Sending emails and letters is a CYA move, so when it doesn't work, you have a paper trail/documentation. Face-to-face & phone calls are nice, but when it doesn't work, you're left with a "you-said, they-said" situation. Also, typing something out helps me to edit out passive-aggressiveness and make sure my points are precisely clear.
Always get it in writing. {eye twitches from flashback to previous corporate workplace}
Edit: Also HUGS. You are not the parents of your spoiled roommate, and you should not be the first adult to tell him No.