Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

I've got spiders on my mind.

Those are awesome


Treppa wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

I've got spiders on my mind.

You should stat a spiderdog.

It's best friend and nightmare fuel all in one!

Orthos wrote:

LOL I love the spiderdog video.

Skull spider is pretty awesome, dunno when I'll ever get to use it though. Also I was expecting something Zelda-ish from the name and was pleasantly surprised not.

Happy Halloween, FAWTLfolk =) Going to be a quiet one here.

Thanks! I wanted to do a creepier set of monsters this time around.

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Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:

Watch For Falling Rocks

Quote pyramid was getting too tall to handle. =)

Folding the Fork
Shall We Dance?
Seeker of Secrets

Cold Shoulder

We've had about 10 trick or treaters here. It's usually pretty quiet in our cul de sac.

Young hipster street here we come!!!!

None here yet.

I'm thinking next year I'll leave a note on the corkboard by the mailboxes saying "Hey if anyone has kids, there'll be some candy here, come on by". Or something. I dunno.

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Tiny T-Rex has discovered if he says "My mom would love one of those" super adorably he gets more candy.

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Rain started here. That pretty much puts the nail in the coffin for the chances of kids stopping by.

Ah well. Candy for me.

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captain yesterday wrote:
It's getting dark out...

~sneaks up behind you and whispers "boo" in your ear~

I see dead people!!!

The candy's been inspected, a record haul for all, the kids are haggling and trading where I have retreated to the bedroom to watch a randomly determined Peter Jackson Tolkien movie (The Two Towers, good choice 6 sided dice!)

Freehold, Freehold, wherefore art thou, Freehold?

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So, you FAWTLies who game with your kids, do you have any words of wisdom to accompany a chapter of essays regarding kids and gaming? It's for the Medusa's Guide for Gamer Girls, and we have enough articles about involving children in games that there will be an entire chapter devoted to the topic. We're looking for a few blurbs from people who game with their kids to be featured in little offset boxes. If you feel like donating a few words of wisdom, PM me. Be immortalized in print!

Silver Crusade

We have so much candy. We had, like, 8 kids come here before we had to close up to go to a party.

So. Much. Candy.

I've never been a fan of Halloween, whether as a kid or adult. When I was younger, I didn't see the thrill in putting on a costume in order to go around begging. And as I got older, and my parents wanted me to help hand out candy, I didn't want to participate in that either. The whole thing just seems pointless to me, and I choose not to participate. I never turn my porch light on, or do anything to indicate I am handing out candy, and yet I still get a handful of knocks on the door from kids demanding I give them snacks. And don't even get me started on radio commercials for "haunted houses". I hate those things.

I am so glad Halloween is basically over again.

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My Halloween consisted of doing laundry, taking a four-hour nap, spending two hours on the phone with a robot from National Grid, listening to my jackass college kid neighbors setting off fireworks in the road, and playing Dragon Age until 1 AM.

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So, you know, every weekend.

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I was over at Lady Longears'. I bought lots of sweeties in case trick or treaters came round; one lot did, but Lady L. refused to answer the door to them, so I gave her all the sweets instead. I suspect that this was her plan all along.


spoilered for horrible horror horrificaceousness:


Strictly Come Dancing I can just about cope with; cardboard w*nker's kareoke, ohhh no no no.

EDIT: Now sitting in a railway station platform, covered in cat hairs and eating cold pizza

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Curse you Daylight saving time! You got me again!

I hate daylight saving time!!

Silver Crusade

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captain yesterday wrote:

Curse you Daylight saving time! You got me again!

I hate daylight saving time!!

But it's an extra hour!

A great Halloween all around, my feet got wet due to the dog insisting we stroll through a field in the drizzle beforehand, but no pain no gain I guess.

Today the weather takes a turn for the better, lower 60s, Sun, and no breeze whatsoever, with the rest of the week promising upper 60s with 70 a distinct possibility by Wednesday.

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Celestial Healer wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Curse you Daylight saving time! You got me again!

I hate daylight saving time!!

But it's an extra hour!

An extra hour of sleep!

I don't need a lot of sleep, I'm one of those weird people that thrive on 6 hours of sleep or less a night, so I never really understood that argument, I'd rather have the extra daylight, plus I don't see how going back and forth helps any.

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The amount of daylight stays the same. Shhh, don't tell. :P

And we're actually going back to standard time. Savings time is during the summer momths, to give us more daylight in the evening. So the time would be exactly like it is now if they abolished DST.

hi everyone

I caught Hand-Foot-and -Mouth-Disease, the boy brought it from daycare, urgh

Treppa wrote:

The amount of daylight stays the same. Shhh, don't tell. :P

And we're actually going back to standard time. Savings time is during the summer momths, to give us more daylight in the evening. So the time would be exactly like it is now if they abolished DST.

and there are enough daylight hours in summer anyway, daylight hour optimization for WINTER would make some sense, but the way it is done does not

Kajehase wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
What I did on Sunday

And another photo, from back in the part of the marching train I was in.

Edit: Now with the correct link.

a swedish tradition ?

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Daylight is overrated anyway.

aeglos wrote:
Treppa wrote:

The amount of daylight stays the same. Shhh, don't tell. :P

And we're actually going back to standard time. Savings time is during the summer momths, to give us more daylight in the evening. So the time would be exactly like it is now if they abolished DST.

and there are enough daylight hours in summer anyway, daylight hour optimization for WINTER would make some sense, but the way it is done does not

But that is pretty much how it's done. Standard time in winter gives us the best chance of having it light (or getting light) when we wake, which helps us get up and get moving in the morning.

If we don't switch during summer, dawn is way before we rise, making it difficult to sleep until our normal waking time and wasting daylight on the hours we're trying to sleep. By moving the clock, we get another hour of daylight at the end of the day, when we're awake and can use it for fun, work, etc.

I've never understood time switch hate, but that's just me. Even with the programming problems it engenders, I don't hate it. YMMV.

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So... since we moved back to our house in 2013:
Halloween, 2013: Around 30 kids. Tons of extra candy.
Halloween, 2014: Word got out that we gave out full-sized bars. Around 250 kids. Virtually no extra candy
Halloween, 2015: Prepared for kidpocalypse. Got... 30 kids.

Anyone interested in 20+ pounds of chocolate?

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aeglos wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
What I did on Sunday

And another photo, from back in the part of the marching train I was in.

Edit: Now with the correct link.

a swedish tradition ?

Sort of. It was to honour the victims of the nazi school attack we had here in town the previous Thursday. I'm thinking about making a thread where I've translated the local paper's coverage of it into English.

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Don't do this

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260 words. Only 1740 more to go before I can stop for the day. Which sounds easy except when I'm looking at the page and wondering what the hell is supposed to come next....

So day one of NaNo is going about as expected. :)

Yesterday I had a Halloween movie double feature. I went to see Crimson Peak (which was fantastic) and then the boys joined me at the theater and we saw The Last Witch Hunter (which was awful and not even in a so bad it's good kind of way). The kidlet wore his halloween costume to the theater which the employees complimented him on several times, so that made him happy. Also he got to eat himself sick on candy which is why he likes halloween in the first place. :)

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Today of course I am participating in the age old tradition of procrastinating when I'm supposed to be working....

lynora wrote:

260 words. Only 1740 more to go before I can stop for the day. Which sounds easy except when I'm looking at the page and wondering what the hell is supposed to come next....

So day one of NaNo is going about as expected. :)

I'm at about 800 and my characters are already doing unexpected things, darn them!

Silver Crusade

I too saw "The Witchunter" I thought it was cool in that he based that movie on a character of his, who wouldn't want to do that. I liked the flaming sword/fight scenes and that's about it

Treppa wrote:
lynora wrote:

260 words. Only 1740 more to go before I can stop for the day. Which sounds easy except when I'm looking at the page and wondering what the hell is supposed to come next....

So day one of NaNo is going about as expected. :)

I'm at about 800 and my characters are already doing unexpected things, darn them!

That sounds so much better than stilted awkward first paragraph right now. At least they're doing something! :)

lynora wrote:
Treppa wrote:
lynora wrote:

260 words. Only 1740 more to go before I can stop for the day. Which sounds easy except when I'm looking at the page and wondering what the hell is supposed to come next....

So day one of NaNo is going about as expected. :)

I'm at about 800 and my characters are already doing unexpected things, darn them!
That sounds so much better than stilted awkward first paragraph right now. At least they're doing something! :)

Oh, it's not good. I am abiding by the "just write down any old s~@@" spirit of NaNo. Write now, edit later.

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Also it is hard to type with all these band-aids on my fingers. Carving the pumpkin yesterday was a bit more difficult than anticipated and I cut myself a few times. Thankfully nothing serious. But I had to tell the kidlet next year's design needs less teeth. It did look a bit cool though because my blood ended up dripping all over the teeth so it looked like the pumpkin bit me. :P

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lynora wrote:
Also it is hard to type with all these band-aids on my fingers. Carving the pumpkin yesterday was a bit more difficult than anticipated and I cut myself a few times. Thankfully nothing serious. But I had to tell the kidlet next year's design needs less teeth. It did look a bit cool though because my blood ended up dripping all over the teeth so it looked like the pumpkin bit me. :P

Talk about suffering for your art! I admire your commitment to the process, chica.

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Treppa wrote:
I've never understood time switch hate, but that's just me. Even with the programming problems it engenders, I don't hate it. YMMV.

After living for eight years in Arizona where it isn't observed at all, having to deal with it elsewhere seems like annoying and pointless wasted effort. Especially when you have to negotiate timezones and such for cross-country gaming.

A lot of people agree with you. And I think this is the solution most people would like rather than returning to Standard Time in the winter.

I was traumatized one year when they pushed DST back farther into November or December. Schoolchildren were walking to the bus stop and to school in the dark. I remember how every night the Chicago news reported another child vanishing in the morning dark, raped, killed, missing... It was horrible. I dread that happening ever again. Think Pitch Black with grade-schoolers.

Maybe it would work better now, with fewer children walking to school and more helicopter parenting. I certainly hope so! Plus, if they got their s+$@ together and planned this, they could start school an hour later. They're already doing that for teens (because they finally figured out teens have a tough time getting up in the morning, yay!), why not for other kids? And if there's enough early warning, working parents could make accommodations for getting their kids to school safely and getting to work on time! Just think... planning, organization, order.

Wait, this isn't Germany.

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I tried sharing this post on Halloween, but something apparently happened to it. The Badger celebrated his third anniversary statting monsters for Mythopoeic Rambling by offering these:

Frightful monsters for your PF game.

Thanks, Mike! I hope everyone enjoys them, and if you do, we'd both appreciate it if you spread the link around and help boost the signal.

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Hoo dat?

Is it Legends of the Fall Brad Pitt?

Oh, I wish.

I know those leaves from somewhere...

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