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Ugh. Tooo hot...

Not helping...

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Fireworks were awesome. But my ears still hurt and standing up is problematic. So day after fireworks is not so awesome.
Well, at least the kidlet had a great time. :)

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Either there is a cat around or my nose is whistling. I can't be sure which.

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Icyshadow wrote:
Ugh, my motivation for writing has waned. The lack of feedback hasn't helped.

I'll take a look at what you've got next week.

This week, I've got a couple of writing assignments to finish and a convention that I need to prepare for PFS gaming.

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Treppa wrote:
Either there is a cat around or my nose is whistling. I can't be sure which.

Are you sure it's not a whistling cat?

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Rawr! wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Either there is a cat around or my nose is whistling. I can't be sure which.

Are you sure it's not a whistling cat?

I thought it was dog.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Either there is a cat around or my nose is whistling. I can't be sure which.

Are you sure it's not a whistling cat?

I thought it was dog.

So long as it's not barking spiders.



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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Either there is a cat around or my nose is whistling. I can't be sure which.

Are you sure it's not a whistling cat?

I thought it was dog.
So long as it's not barking spiders.

Somebody stepped on a duck.

I only learned about barking spiders a few years ago. Never heard the term before that. It was during a Pathfinder session, too. Gaming definitely expands your boundaries.

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Tiny T-Rex Self Narrates: I was walking and then i stopped and looked, then i slapped myself!!and kept going like this.

Tint T-Rex walking across the living room, still not sure why he had to slap himself in the face to keep going, but he has his A game going today:-p

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Whoof! *Snap* *Crackle* *Pop*. Middle-aged bones settling back into the atrocious-but-well-loved office chair.
Back from 8 days and 7 nights in Disneyland. Our "experiment" on extending the trip by 2 days was an unfortunately rousing success. Both NobodysWife and the kids declare the extra days a godsend because of the extra relaxation time. Trouble is,
(1) They cost a fortune, and
(2) Driving home on a Sunday turned a 7-hour "jaunt" into a 10.5-hour traffic nightmare. I really didn't mind the bumper-to-bumper traffic, but the huge number of people driving along at well under the speed limit who were having significant hallucinations and hence randomly hitting their brakes with nothing in front of them was truly appalling.

Anyway, work to catch up on, now that FaWtL is caught up.

Priorities, people!

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I think the problem is you picked up some of those s+&@head Rice Faeries at Disney Land, what you do is get either a Toucan with an Ego or a large tiger with a speech impediment and possibly on steroids or deer seamen, don't F$&# with the tripping rabbit, sounds like you've had enough of them :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
I think the problem is you picked up some of those s!!+head Rice Faeries at Disney Land, what you do is get either a Toucan with an Ego or a large tiger with a speech impediment and possibly on steroids or deer seamen, don't F!++ with the tripping rabbit, sounds like you've had enough of them :-)

Whoa! Dude! Bad cereal mascot flashbacks?

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You're the one going snap, crackle, pop:-)

What was I supposed to do! I woke up every Saturday morning at around 5 to watch every second of the good cartoons like Inspector Gadget and Dungeons and Dragons and also get some of the good cereal before all that's left is Cheerios or raisin bran and I hate raisins, so yeah I saw phenomenal amounts of cereal commercials

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I stayed up until midnight last night so I could rampage, however Tiny T-Rex woke up at 5:50 this morning so I have rampagers remorse, I have no idea where he gets that from :-)

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Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:
rampagers remorse

If that isn't a Perk, it should be.

[EDIT=Weekend update]

PFPL came round to my house on Saturday and didn't immediately rush out of the door and/or call the police, which is a good sign. We sat out in the garden, ate sandwiches and I showed her my swords. Next week, I am going round to her house and she is going to show me her rabbits. Our relationship is pretty much still at the Carry On film stage, clearly.


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I have become a Cyborg too, should've mentioned that earlier i know.

when last i left off i just got into the tower at the Airforce base totally rampaging through those d*#$$ead black turtle neck and power armor wearing Enclave a@+&$$+s, sadly i missed one of the troop drop off aircraft so i used too many Stimpaks battling those Incinerator using f$~*ers, still need to find an effective weapon and/or tactics against those jerks, so far its to get a bead on them then lay waste to them with my own incinerator or missile launcher, depending how many missiles i have or how much those f&~%ers move around:-D

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I think the problem is you picked up some of those s~%~head Rice Faeries at Disney Land, what you do is get either a Toucan with an Ego or a large tiger with a speech impediment and possibly on steroids or deer seamen, don't F~@! with the tripping rabbit, sounds like you've had enough of them :-)

you drink too much.

Silver Crusade

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NobodysHome wrote:

Whoof! *Snap* *Crackle* *Pop*. Middle-aged bones settling back into the atrocious-but-well-loved office chair.

Back from 8 days and 7 nights in Disneyland. Our "experiment" on extending the trip by 2 days was an unfortunately rousing success. Both NobodysWife and the kids declare the extra days a godsend because of the extra relaxation time. Trouble is,
(1) They cost a fortune, and
(2) Driving home on a Sunday turned a 7-hour "jaunt" into a 10.5-hour traffic nightmare. I really didn't mind the bumper-to-bumper traffic, but the huge number of people driving along at well under the speed limit who were having significant hallucinations and hence randomly hitting their brakes with nothing in front of them was truly appalling.

Anyway, work to catch up on, now that FaWtL is caught up.

Priorities, people!

Ahhh. Makes me miss California.

I maintain that in SoCal people ride their brakes even when there is no traffic because they are so used to gridlock that they don't know how to drive any other way.

"Oh crap! There's nobody in front of me. What do I do now?! Uh. Step on the brake, I guess."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

You're the one going snap, crackle, pop:-)

What was I supposed to do! I woke up every Saturday morning at around 5 to watch every second of the good cartoons like Inspector Gadget and Dungeons and Dragons and also get some of the good cereal before all that's left is Cheerios or raisin bran and I hate raisins, so yeah I saw phenomenal amounts of cereal commercials

switches Cy to a sensible cereal, such as raisin bran, or cheerios with raisins

Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

You're the one going snap, crackle, pop:-)

What was I supposed to do! I woke up every Saturday morning at around 5 to watch every second of the good cartoons like Inspector Gadget and Dungeons and Dragons and also get some of the good cereal before all that's left is Cheerios or raisin bran and I hate raisins, so yeah I saw phenomenal amounts of cereal commercials

switches Cy to a sensible cereal, such as raisin bran, or cheerios with raisins

Oh if only you knew what would happen if i was off sugar and had time to focus.....

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Ugh... Participating in home repairs... Ugh.

Today we discovered that a friend drilling a hole probably did not hit electric cord hidden in the wall. On the other hand we found a hidden electric line between two sockets in the kitchen. Practically touching the water pipe that feeds the kitchen tap.

And the pipes feeding the tap in kitchen and bathroom are of wrong placement. Friend spend about two hours twisting them in their sockets to fit the tap in the kitchen. In bathroom it is stuck so it will take even more time.

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Rawr! wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Either there is a cat around or my nose is whistling. I can't be sure which.

Are you sure it's not a whistling cat?


Keening cat sídhe that live in your nostrils are the weirdest fairy idea yet. They'd probably tickle though.

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Eh, everything was fine and then I agreed to all that crap...

Changes. Changes are bad. Things are fine and then they change for worse.

Now we don't have water. Hopefully we avoided flooding the kitchen of neighbors below...

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And the money that might be spend on living will go on hydraulic services instead. Midnight visit. It will cost a soul and a half... Urgh.

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Yikes, what happened, man?

Silver Crusade

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I am so dragging ass today

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Ok, the worst effects taken care of... 200 zloty...

We were afraid that the pipe that feeds the tap broke but it was our own fault-we somehow managed to miss putting gaskets inside the gaskets which lead to water spraying all around.

Costly error.

We tried to exchange taps. One exchange was partial succees but the missing gaskets led to one of the nuts cracking. The other one we couldn't fit because of 2 mm of width difference and we couldn't fit adapters because there were no screw thread fitting the adapter... We put the old tap back but in mean time the gaskets disintegrated.

Drejk wrote:

Eh, everything was fine and then I agreed to all that crap...

Changes. Changes are bad. Things are fine and then they change for worse.

Now we don't have water. Hopefully we avoided flooding the kitchen of neighbors below...

Ugh. Yeah. I've had the same experience: No matter how dear the friend, there's a reason they're losing their place, and they will inflict it on you.

Homeless friend #1 didn't shower, drank milk directly from the carton so it spoiled in hours rather than days, helped herself to all our food without asking to the point that I'd try to start preparing dinner and half the ingredients were gone, etc. She ended up getting thrown out of the house with some acrimony, and I haven't heard from her since.

Homeless friend #2 was the opposite: She was SO exceedingly "helpful" that we could never find anything because she'd wash it (poorly) and put it away in the wrong place. Things like carbon steel knives getting put away wet, commonly-used dishes hidden in the china cabinet "because it had room", random people's clothes showing up in my dresser, etc. Once again, we ended up asking her politely to move out. At least we're still on good terms with her.

Family is even worse. I have "temporary" furniture that I'm storing for in-laws that's survived 4 moves, and more stuff that lasted 45 years in my parents' house before my father died, and is now stacked in hundreds of boxes in my garage, awaiting my "ample" free time to find the stuff worth keeping. (Photo albums, personal documents, etc.)

When we got a call a few weeks ago that a couple of friends we barely knew had lost their house (more of a mansion, really) due to being many months late on their mortgage payments, and they needed somewhere to put their stuff because the bank was giving them ONE DAY to get all their stuff before they locked up the house, we finally learned our lesson and said, "No." My other friend put it really well: "They knew they weren't paying their mortgage. They knew the bank was foreclosing. Yet they did NOTHING to prepare for the move. And now they want YOU to pick up the slack. That's a friend how???"

Friends are awesome. As long as you're not living with them...

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NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Eh, everything was fine and then I agreed to all that crap...

Changes. Changes are bad. Things are fine and then they change for worse.

Now we don't have water. Hopefully we avoided flooding the kitchen of neighbors below...

Ugh. Yeah. I've had the same experience: No matter how dear the friend, there's a reason they're losing their place, and they will inflict it on you.

In this case it wasn't their fault. The pipes, electric grid, windows, everything is very old - sixty years for most things, thirty to fourty for things that were replaced or repaired in the past. They all are working, but attempt to exchange, upgrade, or even clean them involve risks. Most of the parts don't fit and are not made up to modern standards. Well, thee age of the electric grid is a partial advantage though, because it was done while it used copper wires instead of subpar but cheaper grid made in seventies.

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Drejk wrote:
In this case it wasn't their fault. The pipes, electric grid, windows, everything is very old - sixty years for most things, thirty to fourty for things that were replaced or repaired in the past. They all are working, but attempt to exchange, upgrade, or even clean them involve risks. Most of the parts don't fit and are not made up to modern standards. Well, thee age of the electric grid is a partial advantage though, because it was done while it used copper wires instead of subpar but cheaper grid made in seventies.

I know your pain. We bought the worst house in the best neighborhood we could afford. Every time I open a wall it's another horror story of incompetence. My wife eventually wants to add a second floor. I keep telling her it would be far wiser to bulldoze this whole ramshackle hut and do away with the atrocities within...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
In this case it wasn't their fault. The pipes, electric grid, windows, everything is very old - sixty years for most things, thirty to fourty for things that were replaced or repaired in the past. They all are working, but attempt to exchange, upgrade, or even clean them involve risks. Most of the parts don't fit and are not made up to modern standards. Well, thee age of the electric grid is a partial advantage though, because it was done while it used copper wires instead of subpar but cheaper grid made in seventies.
I know your pain. We bought the worst house in the best neighborhood we could afford. Every time I open a wall it's another horror story of incompetence. My wife eventually wants to add a second floor. I keep telling her it would be far wiser to bulldoze this whole ramshackle hut and do away with the atrocities within...

This is a flat in a two and a half floor building that contains a total of seven flats plus cellars and two communal attics. I don't have that kind of money to make a general repair of the flat itself, not to mention buying the whole building, destroying it, and putting a new one in its place.

Also, I admit that I am quite fond of that old pile of bricks...

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All that stress fatigued me terribly...

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Not to mention money burned...

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Two years ago such expenditure would mean I'd probably die of starvation...

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Drejk wrote:

This is a flat in a two and a half floor building that contains a total of seven flats plus cellars and two communal attics. I don't have that kind of money to make a general repair of the flat itself, not to mention buying the whole building, destroying it, and putting a new one in its place.

Also, I admit that I am quite fond of that old pile of bricks...

Before I was a homeowner, I swore by home ownership.

Now, I swear at it...

EDIT: More seriously, I *love* owning my own home, but when they tell you that your mortgage will be $2000/month, and that's 40% of your income, but fail to mention that property taxes are another $1000/month and upkeep on the old house will be another $1000/month and you're suddenly at $4000/month, you start thinking, "WHY did I do this again?"
Then you get your income tax bill, which in the U.S. is so skewed towards homeowners it's obscene, and you feel a tiny bit better.

NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

This is a flat in a two and a half floor building that contains a total of seven flats plus cellars and two communal attics. I don't have that kind of money to make a general repair of the flat itself, not to mention buying the whole building, destroying it, and putting a new one in its place.

Also, I admit that I am quite fond of that old pile of bricks...

Before I was a homeowner, I swore by home ownership.

Now, I swear at it...

EDIT: More seriously, I *love* owning my own home, but when they tell you that your mortgage will be $2000/month, and that's 40% of your income, but fail to mention that property taxes are another $1000/month and upkeep on the old house will be another $1000/month and you're suddenly at $4000/month, you start thinking, "WHY did I do this again?"
Then you get your income tax bill, which in the U.S. is so skewed towards homeowners it's obscene, and you feel a tiny bit better.

I will be probably flat owner until the end of my life. No point in me getting whole house - what would I do with it? I intend to not breed and more than two or three rooms would be wasted space anyway. I lived in one room, kitchen, and bathroom, with second room remaining a storeroom for old trash belonging to my parents so taking friends to use the other room wasn't that much a stretch. I am deeply unused to sharing kitchen and bathroom with anyone not being my family (and the last year showed to me that I was no longer used to family as well). The primary problem is making the shared space livable which is tiring to me.

And during today crisis my friends were close to breaking point almost ready to give up and look for another place because of the state of some parts.

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Hang in there, Oh mighty Dragon! The light shines on even the bleakest of days!


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I'm walking the dog, Tiny T-Rex has finally crashed, General LeapYear and Lieutenant Yesteryear are making Granola and then cookies, will probably watch a movie, The Mummy I think, it's been awhile :-)

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The troop transport or whatever that big ass machine with treads and a huge satellite dish on top fell before the awesomeness of my rampage, I put it all on the line for that one!

48 Stimpaks, 28 missiles, regular devastation with my Tesla Cannon, honestly with how much devastation I did to the inside, the satellite guided nuke seemed a bit of overkill... Also who puts a big f&!*ing satellite dish on top of your g@#+%@n super weapon... which has treads, which works super swell in sub-optimal terrain...

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Interesting and, IMHO, not too surpising.

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Finland's trying to be the UK, at least with regards to the weather.

Sunny, rain, sunny, rain, sunny, rain...

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There are a bunch of wildfires in Canada, to the north, so all this smoke from the wildfires has been slowly making its way south... right into a strong cold front that is pushing all the smoke into the lower atmosphere, so while it looks foggy its actually smoke! and it smells like it, weird stuff! also its chilly! like 71 degrees! how am i supposed to function in such inhospitably frigid temperatures!!!!!!

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captain yesterday wrote:
like 71 degrees! how am i supposed to function in such inhospitably frigid temperatures!!!!!!

wouldn't it be great if that was the warmest it ever got?

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
like 71 degrees! how am i supposed to function in such inhospitably frigid temperatures!!!!!!
wouldn't it be great if that was the warmest it ever got?

Sometimes I daydream about moving to San Francisco just for the weather...

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
like 71 degrees! how am i supposed to function in such inhospitably frigid temperatures!!!!!!
wouldn't it be great if that was the warmest it ever got?

Sometimes I daydream about moving to San Francisco just for the weather...

LOL! Everyone who moves here complains there IS no weather! Fall? What's that? A verb? This is an unusual July in that temps are hitting the low 70's; usually we're fog-bound all month and see highs in the high 50's to low 60's. Just like in the middle of winter.

If you like monotonous weather, this here's the place!

Mark Twain wrote:
The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

Q: How do you recognize a tourist in San Francisco?

A: They're the ones shivering in shorts and T-shirts.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
like 71 degrees! how am i supposed to function in such inhospitably frigid temperatures!!!!!!
wouldn't it be great if that was the warmest it ever got?

Sometimes I daydream about moving to San Francisco just for the weather...

LOL! Everyone who moves here complains there IS no weather! Fall? What's that? A verb? This is an unusual July in that temps are hitting the low 70's; usually we're fog-bound all month and see highs in the high 50's to low 60's. Just like in the middle of winter.

If you like monotonous weather, this here's the place!

Mark Twain wrote:
The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.

Q: How do you recognize a tourist in San Francisco?

A: They're the ones shivering in shorts and T-shirts.

how could such blissful weather be found on the wrong coast? Somethings clearly gone wrong... fiddles with weather dominator

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Freehold DM wrote:
how could such blissful weather be found on the wrong coast? Somethings clearly gone wrong... fiddles with weather dominator

Just wait 'til it's late October and we're getting our one week of mid-90's weather and I start whining about none of us having air conditioning...

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Ah, that explains it. Weather is truly WRONG there. N/m.

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