Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Orthos wrote:
New frames cost money. And aren't always covered by insurance, if you're lucky enough to have insurance that covers glasses/contacts.

hey, I grouponed both of my new glasses, it was a godsend.

I knew there was a reason they were so cheap...

I had these frames less than a year and my insurance only pays for one pair every two years. Besides, I like these frames. They're purple. :)

7000 words left to write and I have a migraine. Which means I'll be lucky to get a thousand more words today. :(
Want to be done so bad. I'm not letting myself open my copy of Dragon Age: inquisition until I finish the novel and it is mocking me. :/

Just found out a photographer friend of mine is using a close-up of my face as his new business card. Not sure how I feel about this.

I would wait to form an opinion until you see if his business is doing better or worse:-)

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Grading essays. If I had a nickel for every time I hesitated to post someone's quote on a public forum due to privacy issues, I could retire. From this one assignment alone.

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Ugh. Still moving. Plus it's cold. Plus I'm working a lot of hours at the moment.

I'm feeling very disconnected. I need my downtime

It has been proven that absinthe not just causes people to reconnect, it also brings about long periods of downtime!

In other words...

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder?

Silver Crusade

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aeglos wrote:
boy can now stand up from prone with the help of various pieces of furniture and expects a cheer from anyone in the room when he stands :-)

Can he do it as a move action?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
Just found out a photographer friend of mine is using a close-up of my face as his new business card. Not sure how I feel about this.

I recommend "flattered".

For what it's worth, you are very photogenic.

Off to bed.

I should probably cut off with habitual going to sleep just before dawn...

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Words are hard. >.<

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A little less than five thousand words left to go. Now it's time for sleep. And tomorrow I get to start on the conclusion proper. Woo! The light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train after all!

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I think this message is for Freehold DM

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And this one's for the NaNoWriMo people.

Kajehase wrote:
I think this message is for Freehold DM


Needed that laugh, thanks man

De nada.

G'Morning. *yawn*

Another one.

Had some more vivid dreams tonight. Of course they fled my brain.

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Less than two thousand words left! I am totally finishing this thing today.

After a break. My butt hurts from sitting in one place so long...

Dark Archive

Morning FaWtL! Hope everyone is well. :) What a lovely morning, a little cloudy but dry, cool and windless. Of course one would expect such from the U S of A. :D Woo!

lynora wrote:

Less than two thousand words left! I am totally finishing this thing today.

After a break. My butt hurts from sitting in one place so long...

places chocolate at finish line

LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtL! Hope everyone is well. :) What a lovely morning, a little cloudy but dry, cool and windless. Of course one would expect such from the U S of A. :D Woo!

when did you arrive?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtL! Hope everyone is well. :) What a lovely morning, a little cloudy but dry, cool and windless. Of course one would expect such from the U S of A. :D Woo!

have a great time over there, Lord

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You should be here too aeglos. And sabine. And the dwarfling!

You and lord synod should totally be in Brooklyn right now.

And moorluck.

And Solnes.

And their kids.

And Aberzombie.

And his kids.

And Gary Teter.

And Sara Marie.

And their kids.

In Brooklyn.

Right now!!!

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It's a trap, he just wants to catch you in his snow fortress. Run, run while you can!

Eenixay on the owsnay ortressfay!

Cat + fog = dreadful beast masquerading as an innocent animal... Magical beast, fey or aberration? Huh. I will need to think about it...

*makes notes for a new monster*

Blame Crimson Jester for that...

Magical beast, I'd say, if it's nothing more than just what you described.

Fey if it's actually capable of using magic and/or is intelligent. (There's a few intelligent MBs, like worgs and araneas, but they're pretty rare.)

Aberration if the cat is merely a disguise, a la wolf-in-sheep's-clothing.

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ha! the kids are pelting me with snowballs on the walk home:) back almost covered in snow, we're wearing so many layers we bounce off everything:)

Dark Archive

Freehold DM wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtL! Hope everyone is well. :) What a lovely morning, a little cloudy but dry, cool and windless. Of course one would expect such from the U S of A. :D Woo!
when did you arrive?

Around 22:00 last night. Midnight before I was stowed away. Had been awake around 26 hours at that point. Long journey but glad to be here and looking forward to a nice celebration / break. :)

Dark Archive

aeglos wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtL! Hope everyone is well. :) What a lovely morning, a little cloudy but dry, cool and windless. Of course one would expect such from the U S of A. :D Woo!
have a great time over there, Lord

Thank you. :) I believe I shall. ^_^ Want anything back? Probably easier to get from Europe. :)

Same offer to other EU FaWtL. Sneak supplies back home. :D

P.S. typing on phone is hard D:

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Woo! I did it! Over 50k and I got to write the words The End!!!!!!!!!

*does happy dance*


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places chocolate upon lynoras sleeping form, ensures her version of inquisition is not buggy and/or hard drive destroying

~sighs~ Bored. ~sighs again~ I guess I had better get back to work.

i just went to the store, its a 25 minute walk one way, i wore 7 layers, wasn't cold at all:-)

when people say they put on 20 pounds in the winter, its usually because they feel guilty about not exercising, when i say it, it means i'm going outside:-)

Silver Crusade

Yeah I know what you mean man, it was 63 and cloudy today...brrrrr

Bit foggy this morning.

Luckily I did not come across any weird tentacles at work.

Instead of going to bed earlier I am going later and later. Sky starts to growing brighter...

15.5 hour day completed

Should be exhausted, yet I am wired for sound

Super ugh


A hot bath tends to help with that for me.

That feeling when you realize your first work for the blog is not done, and it's been a month since you set up said blog...

Silver Crusade

LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtL! Hope everyone is well. :) What a lovely morning, a little cloudy but dry, cool and windless. Of course one would expect such from the U S of A. :D Woo!

You're in the San Francisco Bay area, right? That's pretty much always the weather there.

Dark Archive

Celestial Healer wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtL! Hope everyone is well. :) What a lovely morning, a little cloudy but dry, cool and windless. Of course one would expect such from the U S of A. :D Woo!
You're in the San Francisco Bay area, right? That's pretty much always the weather there.

This is true. Except today, which is very wet, by sounds. Seems we brought our weather with us. Whoops! So much for the out doors ceremony.

I am getting up later and later.

I should sleep this night normally and get up early tomorrow to get for Serialkon, a mini convention about tv series. Not particularly my area of interest but it will be a chance to see some of my friends. Unless I decide that I don't want to get up...

One of the harder parts about Irish-American genealogy is simply keeping track of who's who. Each person usually has between six and twelve children, but picks from the same list of four or five names for each gender. For example, there's Tom Fitzgerald, his sons Tom, John, and Michael, his grandsons Matthew, Gerald, Tom, John, James, James, Tom, John, Gerald, Edward, and John, and so on and so on.

Huh. Interesting. Definitely not my experience. But I come from a long line of people who picked names based on the weirdest sounding things they could find. At least that's the only explanation I can think of for some of the names on my family tree. And they're all of Welsh and/or Irish descent. *shrug* Shouldn't surprise anyone that my family raised contrariness to an art form. :P

lynora wrote:
Huh. Interesting. Definitely not my experience. But I come from a long line of people who picked names based on the weirdest sounding things they could find. At least that's the only explanation I can think of for some of the names on my family tree. And they're all of Welsh and/or Irish descent. *shrug* Shouldn't surprise anyone that my family raised contrariness to an art form. :P

My cousins Brendan and Megan are the first people in my extended family to have native Celtic names probably since the various Celtic languages started to decline hundreds of years ago. Nearly all of the men stretching back six generations are named Tom, Simon, James, John, or Michael, and the women are almost invariably named Catherine, Mary, or Helen. It's a little odd.

Silver Crusade

LordSynos wrote:

This is true. Except today, which is very wet, by sounds. Seems we brought our weather with us. Whoops! So much for the out doors ceremony.

I sent you a PM. Sorry about this rain, I blame FHDM and his cursed attempt to bring us foul weather.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
One of the harder parts about Irish-American genealogy is simply keeping track of who's who. Each person usually has between six and twelve children, but picks from the same list of four or five names for each gender. For example, there's Tom Fitzgerald, his sons Tom, John, and Michael, his grandsons Matthew, Gerald, Tom, John, James, James, Tom, John, Gerald, Edward, and John, and so on and so on.

Could be worse, could be Roman women. "Here's my daughters, Julia, Julia, and Julia."

Kajehase wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
One of the harder parts about Irish-American genealogy is simply keeping track of who's who. Each person usually has between six and twelve children, but picks from the same list of four or five names for each gender. For example, there's Tom Fitzgerald, his sons Tom, John, and Michael, his grandsons Matthew, Gerald, Tom, John, James, James, Tom, John, Gerald, Edward, and John, and so on and so on.
Could be worse, could be Roman women. "Here's my daughters, Julia, Julia, and Julia."

{suddenly pictures Kajehase running a small inn in Vermont surrounded by wacky neighbors}

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