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Who the hell is Sherry Coffee?

Dark Archive

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Drejk wrote:
Who the hell is Sherry Coffee?

Not sure. Any relation to Irish Coffee?

Dark Archive

Scintillae wrote:
It's a milestone. My first actual sick day.

Hope you feel better soon!

Dark Archive

Having done a lot of flying (about a dozen trips across the pond, and one long-ass-haul to Japan), I find flying alright. I prefer it to car/bus or boat. Mostly cause I never get travel sick in planes. :P A few sucker candies and some good tunes and I'm set, long legs be damned. (And let's be fair, I travel economy, they will be damned. :P )

Dark Archive

Goooooood morning FaWtL! Hope everyone is doing well and has a good day ahead.

LordSynos wrote:
Having done a lot of flying (about a dozen trips across the pond, and one long-ass-haul to Japan), I find flying alright. I prefer it to car/bus or boat. Mostly cause I never get travel sick in planes. :P A few sucker candies and some good tunes and I'm set, long legs be damned. (And let's be fair, I travel economy, they will be damned. :P )

Heh. I on the other hand never get carsick and only really have had problems on the first day on a ship the times I've been on one, after that I'm fine. Whereas plane rides I'm in near-panic mode all the time unless I'm heavily drugged.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I have my cats. They're finally, after being here about five hours, getting less skittish around me and being willing to be petted and not running to hide all the time. One is currently nosing around atop my desk. It's only a matter of time before she tries sleeping on the laptop keyboard.
I'm just waiting for the day you've got one on your lap during KM for the purposes of evil laughter while petting a villainous cat sidekick...and it just reaches over to kick your dice and changes your crit to a fumble.

Kitty #2 has developed an obsession with dice. She spent most of Age of Worms time last night chasing my dice. I had to dump a bunch of d20s and d12s on the ground for her to play with to get her to leave my desk alone.

I only got about half of them back. I know one went under the stove (and I will probably never see it again, but it was a d12 so I won't miss it horribly) and a few probably went under the couch. Thankfully I know she didn't eat any, as they're bigger than her mouth.

Either your dice are very big or Kitty #2 is very small...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Having done a lot of flying (about a dozen trips across the pond, and one long-ass-haul to Japan), I find flying alright. I prefer it to car/bus or boat. Mostly cause I never get travel sick in planes. :P A few sucker candies and some good tunes and I'm set, long legs be damned. (And let's be fair, I travel economy, they will be damned. :P )
Heh. I on the other hand never get carsick and only really have had problems on the first day on a ship the times I've been on one, after that I'm fine. Whereas plane rides I'm in near-panic mode all the time unless I'm heavily drugged.

They ain't gonna get you on a plane, fool!

*gives Orthos a mohawk*

Drejk wrote:
Either your dice are very big or Kitty #2 is very small...

Both cats are fairly small.

DSXMachina wrote:
Orthos wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Having done a lot of flying (about a dozen trips across the pond, and one long-ass-haul to Japan), I find flying alright. I prefer it to car/bus or boat. Mostly cause I never get travel sick in planes. :P A few sucker candies and some good tunes and I'm set, long legs be damned. (And let's be fair, I travel economy, they will be damned. :P )
Heh. I on the other hand never get carsick and only really have had problems on the first day on a ship the times I've been on one, after that I'm fine. Whereas plane rides I'm in near-panic mode all the time unless I'm heavily drugged.

They ain't gonna get you on a plane, fool!

*gives Orthos a mohawk*

I call Murdock!

looks forward to bothering orthos

Orthos wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I have my cats. They're finally, after being here about five hours, getting less skittish around me and being willing to be petted and not running to hide all the time. One is currently nosing around atop my desk. It's only a matter of time before she tries sleeping on the laptop keyboard.
I'm just waiting for the day you've got one on your lap during KM for the purposes of evil laughter while petting a villainous cat sidekick...and it just reaches over to kick your dice and changes your crit to a fumble.

Kitty #2 has developed an obsession with dice. She spent most of Age of Worms time last night chasing my dice. I had to dump a bunch of d20s and d12s on the ground for her to play with to get her to leave my desk alone.

I only got about half of them back. I know one went under the stove (and I will probably never see it again, but it was a d12 so I won't miss it horribly) and a few probably went under the couch. Thankfully I know she didn't eat any, as they're bigger than her mouth.

I love when I don't have to wait.

Kingmaker journal updated! Age of Worms I'll do on Thursday, I've had enough writing for one day.

I am grading papers.

I am so glad I had already planned to teach about run-ons and fragments this week.

What kills me is that the same students who balk when I say a paragraph needs three or more sentences are the ones who throw run-ons that are easily a paragraph on their own into their writing. You're already giving me the required length! Just punctuate!

And done grading the ones that got turned in.

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For the rest, donuts!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Zeroes look like donuts, right?

Minor correction in last post: M16A2. Not M26A2, which afaik doesn't exist. Though would likely be a phased plasma pulse rifle in the megawatt range

10 people marked this as a favorite.

I received my official offer of employment from the high school I applied at yesterday.

As of January, I begin my teaching career!

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Minor correction in last post: M16A2. Not M26A2, which afaik doesn't exist. Though would likely be a phased plasma pulse rifle in the megawatt range

That changes a lot the experience of that flight... Because M26A2 does exist.

ebon_fyre wrote:

I received my official offer of employment from the high school I applied at yesterday.

As of January, I begin my teaching career!

We are so sorry for you...

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:

I received my official offer of employment from the high school I applied at yesterday.

As of January, I begin my teaching career!

We are so sorry for you...

Ebon and I are able to bounce teaching ideas off of each other. Be sorry for the kids.

Scintillae wrote:
Drejk wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:

I received my official offer of employment from the high school I applied at yesterday.

As of January, I begin my teaching career!

We are so sorry for you...
Ebon and I are able to bounce teaching ideas off of each other. Be sorry for the kids.

"Wonder Teach powers... ACTIVATE!"

Scintillae wrote:

I am grading papers.

I am so glad I had already planned to teach about run-ons and fragments this week.

First time I graded papers I ended up quitting halfway through to go turn on the TV because the radio said an airplane had just flown into one of the World Trade Center skyscrapers.

ebon_fyre wrote:

I received my official offer of employment from the high school I applied at yesterday.

As of January, I begin my teaching career


Pleasantly warm this morning. Still on the cool side, but not uncomfortably so. No frost or fog, which made morning drive much less frustrating. Reading mid-50s here and highs in the 60s, not unpleasant. Enjoying it while it lasts.

Orthos wrote:
Pleasantly warm this morning. Still on the cool side, but not uncomfortably so. No frost or fog, which made morning drive much less frustrating. Reading mid-50s here and highs in the 60s, not unpleasant. Enjoying it while it lasts.


Mild headache continues. Have I mentioned that I used the last painkiller pill yesterday?

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Pleasantly warm this morning. Still on the cool side, but not uncomfortably so. No frost or fog, which made morning drive much less frustrating. Reading mid-50s here and highs in the 60s, not unpleasant. Enjoying it while it lasts.


Scintillae wrote:
Drejk wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:

I received my official offer of employment from the high school I applied at yesterday.

As of January, I begin my teaching career!

We are so sorry for you...
Ebon and I are able to bounce teaching ideas off of each other. Be sorry for the kids.

Y'know... When I think of it, when I was studying they had not taught us not to cook nasty children in a cauldron. Or bake them into pies. Or smoke them. Or grind them into pudding. Or...

Dark Archive

Morning FaWtLies. Hope ya'll are well today, and that life is treatin' ye right. A little warmer here today, 50F/10C, and no rain, but it won't last long, I'm sure. Good thing too, it feels weird wearing shades in Winter. :P

Dark Archive

ebon_fyre wrote:

I received my official offer of employment from the high school I applied at yesterday.

As of January, I begin my teaching career!

Grats! Or commiserations. Maybe both...

Good luck!

LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtLies. Hope ya'll are well today, and that life is treatin' ye right. A little warmer here today, 50F/10C, and no rain, but it won't last long, I'm sure. Good thing too, it feels weird wearing shades in Winter. :P

It's not winter yet! It's a full month and a half til winter! *mutter grumble gripe* People always giving autumn the shaft....

Dark Archive

Orthos wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtLies. Hope ya'll are well today, and that life is treatin' ye right. A little warmer here today, 50F/10C, and no rain, but it won't last long, I'm sure. Good thing too, it feels weird wearing shades in Winter. :P
It's not winter yet! It's a full month and a half til winter! *mutter grumble gripe* People always giving autumn the shaft....

Winter starts in December there? Historically, Winter was October, November, and December here, but later changed to November, December, and January. Then again, we don't really have a Fall here. It goes "very short bright and sunny period" to "wind, wet, and cold".

Really? weird. Autumn officially begins September 20-something and Winter officially begins December 20-something. (The exact date fluctuates from year to year.) Spring doesn't kick in until mid-March and Summer starts in mid-June.

I could never live there, I think. Autumn is my favorite time of year bar nothing. Even in Arizona we had a bit that was clearly too cool to be Summer (of which Arizona gets like three, starting unofficially in late March/early April ;) ) but not yet cold and rainy enough to be Winter. It started a bit after the Monsoon season (August-Sept) ended. Out here in TN/GA, there's very clearly a traditional Autumn, with cool breezy weather, occasional rain, and vibrant color-changing foliage everywhere that kicks in right on time in late September and lasts through just after Thanksgiving/early December before everything gets all cold, icy/sleety/snowy, and skeletal.

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.

High school teachers, bless their souls that is a job that is severely underpaid.

Orthos wrote:

Really? weird. Autumn officially begins September 20-something and Winter officially begins December 20-something. (The exact date fluctuates from year to year.) Spring doesn't kick in until mid-March and Summer starts in mid-June.

I could never live there, I think. Autumn is my favorite time of year bar nothing. Even in Arizona we had a bit that was clearly too cool to be Summer (of which Arizona gets like three, starting unofficially in late March/early April ;) ) but not yet cold and rainy enough to be Winter. It started a bit after the Monsoon season (August-Sept) ended. Out here in TN/GA, there's very clearly a traditional Autumn, with cool breezy weather, occasional rain, and vibrant color-changing foliage everywhere that kicks in right on time in late September and lasts through just after Thanksgiving/early December before everything gets all cold, icy/sleety/snowy, and skeletal.

*ahem* winter begins on December 21st.

The most important day.


Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
High school teachers, bless their souls that is a job that is severely underpaid.

Both more pay and more options are needed for the job.

Not every year, but I believe that's correct this year. I've seen some years it's not until the 22nd or even as late as Christmas.

Not surprising since official season changes are based on orbit patterns, solstices, and lunar phases, which aren't always exactly on-pace with the human calendar.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah yes another crisp autumn day at 78 degrees, at this rate I will be at the beach for the solstice getting a tan.


Silver Crusade

No need for that, we need the rain I mean lot alot of rain. Somewhere on the order of the deluge that noah might have seen.

Orthos wrote:

Not every year, but I believe that's correct this year. I've seen some years it's not until the 22nd or even as late as Christmas.

Not surprising since official season changes are based on orbit patterns, solstices, and lunar phases, which aren't always exactly on-pace with the human calendar.

it is very rare that it isn't the 21st. I have known maybe one year where it was as late as the 23rd, but it is usually the 21st.

Most important day ever.

That said, I am with you in that gall doesn't get enough love. It is a beautiful season, an explosion of red and orange and brown, with the latter growing more dominant as time goes on...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yesterday at work, a large plastic canister got caught in a jam on the conveyor belt. When someone finally pried it loose, it was launched off the conveyor onto the floor, where it then burst, spraying everyone with bleach. It was the best day ever.

I actually thought you were going to say it sprayed everyone with acid...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Huh, so it is, according to Wikipedia. I could have sworn there was one somewhere in the 90s when I was growing up that didn't hit until Christmas, but the chart only goes back to 2000.

Incidentally, I found why Europe measures their seasons differently. In the Americas, seasonal changes start on the days of the Equinoxes and Solstices. So the Summer Solstice - usually around June 21-23 - is the start of Summer. Ditto for the Winter Solstice and the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. But in Europe and Asia, the Solstices and the Equinoxes are considered the CENTERPOINT of their respective seasons - hence referring to the Solstices as Midsummer and Midwinter a la Shakespeare. So for the seasons to be arranged with the Solstices/Equinoxes in the centers, Winter would have to kick in somewhere in early November and end in late January/early February, and Summer would have to start in early May and end in late July/early August.

Freehold DM wrote:
I actually thought you were going to say it sprayed everyone with acid...

Acid would have been less humiliating.

Silver Crusade

David M Mallon wrote:
Yesterday at work, a large plastic canister got caught in a jam on the conveyor belt. When someone finally pried it loose, it was launched off the conveyor onto the floor, where it then burst, spraying everyone with bleach. It was the best day ever.

For some reason I am loving this post.

Silver Crusade

Afternoon, all. What did I miss?

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