Freehold DM |

Einstein's is pretty awesome. I think that's the ONE thing I'm going to miss about the route I'll no longer be taking after I move.
Maybe there's another closer. Let's see....
EDIT: Nope. Next closest one is all the way down in Atlanta. Nope.
[Brooklyn] You call that a bagel? [/Brooklyn]

Orthos |

Yes, yes I do. Einstein's has the best darned bagels I've had just about anywhere, ever.
@BP: Not that far, just about thirty/forty-five minutes south. But the road the Einstein's is on is notoriously crowded and filled with bad traffic and terrible drivers, and as it's the main route from my current residence to work and back, it's one of the things I'm going to be happiest about not having to travel anymore once I do move, as I'll be approaching work from the south instead of the east. It just means I'll have to drive about twenty/thirty minutes out of my way if I really want a bagel badly enough to brave that traffic.

Freehold DM |

Yes, yes I do. Einstein's has the best darned bagels I've had just about anywhere, ever.
@BP: Not that far, just about thirty/forty-five minutes south. But the road the Einstein's is on is notoriously crowded and filled with bad traffic and terrible drivers, and as it's the main route from my current residence to work and back, it's one of the things I'm going to be happiest about not having to travel anymore once I do move, as I'll be approaching work from the south instead of the east. It just means I'll have to drive about twenty/thirty minutes out of my way if I really want a bagel badly enough to brave that traffic.
You have not been to Brooklyn.

Drejk |

Went through local shops to check the prices after a scare that my mother offered me that "everything went so expensive back in Poland" when she was in April and recently in early August...
Yeah, all prices went up after she left Poland in 2007... No significant changes since the last year. Well, maybe except three shops offering sales of sugar at much lower prices than usual (normal price 3.69 or something along that line, sales at 1.79 or 1.89) trying to outdo each other.

Drejk |

Also a girl selling something for one of the banks, probably credit cards, accounts, maybe credits approached me with intention to trying to sell me some service I don't need... The sign of the times (and her intelligence) was starting the conversation with "Do you work in Poland?" I laughed and said no.

![]() |

I was gone for a week and came back to less than 400 FAWTL posts...y'all are slacking. :P
Vacation in Hawaii was as amazing as I could have hoped. The highlight was definitely getting to snorkel with wild dolphins. There was a pod of about thirty of them, including babies, and they swam right under us. Awesome doesn't cover it.
And the six hour time difference meant that I got to be a morning person for a week, which was kinda surreal since I've always been a night owl. :)Today is the kidlet's first day of middle school. I don't know who was more nervous about that this morning, him or me.
Did they let you eat some of the dolphins? I mean, you shouldn't waste an opportunity like that.

Drejk |

Father called me this evening exactly the moment I laid down for a nap. *sigh* Why he can't pick his lottery numbers with the same accuracy? It's always "oh, if I used the numbers I was always using instead of trying the new ones I would won seven thousands" or "All the winning numbers are just my numbers +/- 1 each..."

David M Mallon |

I enjoyed the movie as well. It wasn't as good as The Dark Knight, but it was pretty darn good.
To give you an idea of my enjoyment level for "The Dark Knight Rises":
I used to go to movies with my friend Jimmy all the time, probably about twice a month for two or three years. During only two movies was he able to hear me grinding my teeth over the noise of the effects and soundtrack. "The Dark Knight Rises" was one film, and the other was "Prometheus." Should I continue?

Orthos |

Gotta call during lunch break and try and schedule someone to come by and set up my internet at the apartment. Hopefully they'll have a bit of a flexible scheduling and someone will be able to come by Friday evening or Saturday, otherwise I'll have to try to arrange them to come by on my lunch break so I can drive down there and meet them (or schedule my lunch around their arrival time, amounts to the same thing in the end).
Otherwise it might be next week sometime before I have internet at home, and that would be annoying.

Bitter Thorn |

Gotta call during lunch break and try and schedule someone to come by and set up my internet at the apartment. Hopefully they'll have a bit of a flexible scheduling and someone will be able to come by Friday evening or Saturday, otherwise I'll have to try to arrange them to come by on my lunch break so I can drive down there and meet them (or schedule my lunch around their arrival time, amounts to the same thing in the end).
Otherwise it might be next week sometime before I have internet at home, and that would be annoying.
Good luck!
We have Comcast, and I truly hate them, but they have the only usable Internet in the region.

Orthos |

Yeah I loathe Comcast. My parents used to have them and gave them nothing but trouble. Wretched, wretched customer service.
They have EPB Fiber Optics now, but they don't service the area I'm moving to, sadly.
It looks like I'm in the area for Charter, so I'm going with them first. Failing that, AT&T's the next best option. If for some bizarre reason they can't provide either, then Comcast will the unfortunate, reluctant third choice.

Rawr! |

Rawr! wrote:I enjoyed the movie as well. It wasn't as good as The Dark Knight, but it was pretty darn good.To give you an idea of my enjoyment level for "The Dark Knight Rises":
I used to go to movies with my friend Jimmy all the time, probably about twice a month for two or three years. During only two movies was he able to hear me grinding my teeth over the noise of the effects and soundtrack. "The Dark Knight Rises" was one film, and the other was "Prometheus." Should I continue?
Prometheus I can understand, because it had slasher movie stupidity bolted onto a supposedly deep philosophical movie.
Dark Knight Rises had its issues, but it was still enjoyable to me.
If you want to continue, go right on ahead. No one is stopping you. :)

Bitter Thorn |

Yeah I loathe Comcast. My parents used to have them and gave them nothing but trouble. Wretched, wretched customer service.
They have EPB Fiber Optics now, but they don't service the area I'm moving to, sadly.
It looks like I'm in the area for Charter, so I'm going with them first. Failing that, AT&T's the next best option. If for some bizarre reason they can't provide either, then Comcast will the unfortunate, reluctant third choice.
Our options are satellite (worthless and crooked), Comcast (inept and crooked), phone company (worthless, inept, and crooked). My hatred of Comcast has gotten so intense that I am actually considering the phone company for cable TV and only using Comcast for internet.
The lack of competition has resulted in a wretched situation.

Orthos |

Orthos wrote:Yeah I loathe Comcast. My parents used to have them and gave them nothing but trouble. Wretched, wretched customer service.
They have EPB Fiber Optics now, but they don't service the area I'm moving to, sadly.
It looks like I'm in the area for Charter, so I'm going with them first. Failing that, AT&T's the next best option. If for some bizarre reason they can't provide either, then Comcast will the unfortunate, reluctant third choice.
Our options are satellite (worthless and crooked), Comcast (inept and crooked), phone company (worthless, inept, and crooked). My hatred of Comcast has gotten so intense that I am actually considering the phone company for cable TV and only using Comcast for internet.
The lack of competition has resulted in a wretched situation.
Ouch. I'm getting only internet, I have a cell phone and don't watch TV.
It's really too bad I can't get EPB. EXCELLENT service and quality, and fiber optics are much better and faster than cable or DSL.