Deep 6 FaWtL

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Dark Archive

Hm, I wonder if it was you... Yes! I got it right!...

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Back from pub. Sees some coworkers for the last time.

I learned that fellow computer gamer coworker was also playing Warhammer Battle in the past, practices archery, and is into a board games as well. He never played "D&D" but he know that it at least existed.

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Hey, it is a Saturday monster!

Well, for those of you on American continents...

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For me, it's a Sunday monster!

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And when we found line supervisor later in another club I was hugged and told that I was the best worker in my area and that if I return I should contact him and he will make sure I will be taken back.

Rawr! wrote:

Hey, it is a Saturday monster!

Well, for those of you on American continents...


A funerary shroud for a humanoid that returns as an undead creature sometimes absorbs the negative energy surrounding the undead creature's spawning and gains an unlife of its own.

I think that the crossed part is redundant when the sentence ends with "and gains an unlife of its own". Also, placing the crossed part before "sometimes absorbs the negative energy" looks like if some of the shrouds that already returned as undead absorbed the energy and advanced, became something else, etc.

Sorry for nitpicking... I will sit in a corner running against today deadline for now.

Fair point. Thanks.

I added the second clause, because it sounded much better, but I didn't clean up the sentence. :)

If I were to ever put these monsters out for a paid publication, I would definitely have someone edit them. I do a light editorial pass before I put them up each week.

Lazy weekend spent watching the annual Sweden vs. Finland arhletics meet.

The women's meet was especially exciting - Sweden went into the last event (1500 meters) four points behind, and ended up winning with two points after a their third best runner won a final straight battle for fourth place in the race.

Which is what I enjoy about that meet - sometimes the hero isn't the olympic medal contender who gets an expected win, but the unknown athlete who finishes one or two places higher than they're supposed to.

And as I write this, both Liverpool and IFK Göteborg are ahead in their respective league games. Wooo!



Such fail when sending a designer tryout...

Like, missing an attachment that is the whole point of the tryout.

Yikes. Hopefully, your formatting came close to what was in the attachment.

Sorry to hear that, Drejk.

I immediately sent a second mail with the attachment. Well, it was the tryout I was the least interested in anyway...

Still I shouldn't do such mistakes anymore/I am too young to make them again!

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Hey guys long time no post. :)
Since last I posted, I had a nice move here to the UK. Living in central Bedfordshire. The place is lovely. I managed to get into London twice to see some of the sights and sounds of the great city. Made trips into Cambridge (beautiful old University, and wonderful old downtown area). Even ate at the pub where Watson and Crick discussed the structure of DNA (yes I am a big nerd). Made many trips into the local city of Bedford. And now prepping for my big trip to Paris in January. Planning on seeing the Louvre, The Arc de Triumphe, Eiffel Tower, Palce of Versaille, the Paris Natural history museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, and catch a show or 2. Then off to Vienna and Prague in the fall of 2015. I hope everyone is doing well and I am sorry for not keeping up as I should.

Was this the Green Ronin tryout?

Good luck, anyway!

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Happy birthday, Jeremy!!!

Drejk wrote:
I immediately sent a second mail with the attachment. Well, it was the tryout I was the least interested in anyway...

Good luck, though. (Is this one of the Green Ronin ones we're talking about?)

And happy birthday, Jeremy.

Try some of the French Cider while you're down on the continent - they make some excellent brews.

Yup. Just finished the third one and send it...

I passed on Mutants & Masterminds. I have absolutely no knowledge of that system and I have little interest in superhero games.

Fail was Dragon Age - I like the setting but I browsed the mechanics and feel rather meh about them - I was very disappointed after SIFRPG which I liked very much. Pathfinder and SIFRPG were sent as well.

Time to try to finish one or two things for Wayfinder...

I blame next year Paizocon for that rush.

Hmmm, deadline actually ends tomorrow, not today. It gives me time to catch some breath.


Happy Birthday!

Ran my little toe (that's been a bit askew since I broke it five years ago) hard into the bottom of the bathroom door.

Pretty sure expressing my reaction would cause a swear-filter overload.

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Dark Archive

Happy birthday!

Dark Archive

I just spent 2 1/2 hrs. Looking for a $20 ITunes card. Fruitless...

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Just about to leave Iowa and enter Missouri on our way back to Texas. Youngest son fully installed at the University of St. Thomas, in St. Paul, Minnesota.

We had a great day Saturday seeing some pottery at a cool gallery, visiting The Source and Fantasy Flight's game center with Justin Franklin, eating lunch at a Mediterranean restaurant called Shish, and wrapping up with Ticket to Ride at my parent's house.

Sad that my youngest is away at school again, but it was an enjoyable summer!

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Plane boarding check-in online finished, boarding pass printed.

Rawr! wrote:

Owie. exactly what I'll be saying when I put on my left sock for the next six weeks...

Dark Archive

And all caught up on Rwby!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Drejk wrote:
Plane boarding check-in online finished, boarding pass printed.

safe flight!

Tomorrow I am going to buy bus ticket to London. In 48 hours I should be landing/already landed.

That or I will be drowned in North Sea, or running around in circles burning and screaming in pain before collapsing into a heap of cinders.

I think I will try to get to sleep earlier and write eventual submission for Wayfinder, if any, tomorrow...

I vote for whatever messy death amuses up the most. (J/K!!! Have a safe trip, Drejk.)

Sharoth wrote:
I vote for whatever messy death amuses up the most.

Death of ripe old age of 10 million years in my sleep?

Drejk wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
I vote for whatever messy death amuses up the most.
Death of ripe old age of 10 million years in my sleep?

US!!! Amuses US!!! Not you!!! Us. Living to a ripe old age is NOT amusing. Just fufiling.

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Sharoth wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
I vote for whatever messy death amuses up the most.
Death of ripe old age of 10 million years in my sleep?
US!!! Amuses US!!! Not you!!! Us. Living to a ripe old age is NOT amusing. Just fulfilling.

I dunno... an ancient wyrm with false teeth, shaking a tree as a cane at those 300-yro elven whippersnappers to get off his lawn... complaining about how his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren don't ever scry, or send him a birthday cow to snack on, or even attempt to steal his hoard! And that's before you work in the colossal adult diapers, strange ointments, and the obsessions with bingo and that halfling bard, Lemrance Welk. ;)

Have a safe uneventful flight, Drejk, may your home be exactly as you left it, and may Pooty-Putin have forgotten where Poland is located on the map.

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So I've been informed I am no longer allowed to hypothetically repurpose carnival rides for world domination and/or the forced extinction of life on a planet.

Silver Crusade

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There is something about the smell of freshly cut lawn and bbq that just make me happy


No blogpost this month. Meh.

Well, I might as well blame <redacted> because <redacted> is not out yet or <redacted> because their <redacted> for Pathfinder is not out either.

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I suggest blaming Aberzombie since he isn't here to defend himself.

Scintillae wrote:
So I've been informed I am no longer allowed to hypothetically repurpose carnival rides for world domination and/or the forced extinction of life on a planet.

That's okay. The real potential is in the spun sugar concessions.

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