The Party-On Kinda Dude |

Good morning everyfawtl.
Got the bulk of my stuff here back at home. Trying to work things out with wife as best a possible. Apologized for things I got wrong, and moving forward. Things still may not work out, but it won't be for lack of trying. And if they don't, well, I have an excellent support system and I'll handle that as best as possible. I love her very much and will do what I can to make her feel that love. Last post on this topic. Now returning to your normally scheduled freehold. Whedon/Facebook/Alton brown sucks, big books, giant robots and tabletop gaming rule, etc, etc...

Freehold DM |

On the flipside, this means her nephews will be eager to sell off this property at the first opportunity. Developers are already lining up to buy this house and tear it down.
Which means my search for a new place just became more immediate. It's a real reminder to me that as long as you are a renter, you are just somebody who is living in someone else's house. No matter how long you live there, it's never yours.
I want to buy a house, but I need to save more for it. Unfortunately, the rental market here means I will probably end up paying more rent than I do currently for the new place, which will make it that much harder to get ahead.
damn. I'm sorry to hear, man. Is there anything I can do?

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Freehold DM wrote:You may be taking it the wrong way, Freehold. You said you were young and supple and AZ asked you to "rub it in". It sounds to me like you just need to get a room.Aberzombie wrote:Freehold DM wrote:I, however, remain young and supple.Oh, sure, rub it in why don't you.....geeze, AZ... Didn't know you felt that way...
turns down the black manliness a bit

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It is a dark and rainy day here in the bay area, time for some spaghetti and homemade marinara, I got a new trick well at least for me. Gonna put a parmesan rind in for the last 30 minutes.
Interesting. I might have to try it.
We had a shrimp scampi-style pasta with artichokes and capers. I so rarely think to make shrimp, and yet it is so easy and quick.

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So, my elderly landlady (not technically my landlady, since the property is owned by her nephews, but she lived on the premises) passed away in the nursing home last night. She was 96 and had a very long, active, and fascinating life. She was a great lady and I am sad to see her go.
Stuff like that always sucks, but at least they are at peace. My dad's Aunt Elaine died yesterday, after a week or two in the hospital following a serious stroke. She was 88.

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:It is a dark and rainy day here in the bay area, time for some spaghetti and homemade marinara, I got a new trick well at least for me. Gonna put a parmesan rind in for the last 30 minutes.Interesting. I might have to try it.
We had a shrimp scampi-style pasta with artichokes and capers. I so rarely think to make shrimp, and yet it is so easy and quick.
I had mesquite rotisserie chicken for dinner. Store bought, but delicious.

Ambrosia Slaad |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:I just found out the local center for a Fortune 100 company I used to work at just laid off a huge chunk of employees today. A lot of very smart, hardworking, and nice people (along with a couple douchebags) are now out of work through no fault of their own in a very crappy local job market.
I really really hate this whole damn month now.
4 people in my office got laid off this week, too. It was a "reorganization". (i.e. their department was no longer generating enough revenue to justify their staffing.)
Is it sad that I have seen that kind of thing so often that I have become somewhat numb? At the company I left last year, the office I worked at on Long Island is being shut down later this year and all 40-50 people there are being laid off. I tend to move around enough that (knock on wood) I have always managed to get out before any layoffs occur.
Yeah, I and they knew it was coming after the recent news, but it's still a shock when it's people you know, you know? Especially when these are many of the people I worked long hours with to build the online support arm virtually from scratch.
Thankfully, the layoffees have a pretty good networking system set up, including a Facebook group for veteran employees, so it looks like many will bounce right into other IT/support jobs with minimal gaps.

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:It is a dark and rainy day here in the bay area, time for some spaghetti and homemade marinara, I got a new trick well at least for me. Gonna put a parmesan rind in for the last 30 minutes.Interesting. I might have to try it.
We had a shrimp scampi-style pasta with artichokes and capers. I so rarely think to make shrimp, and yet it is so easy and quick.
Full report coming tonight, I love shrimp scampi the artichokes sound good especially since they are in season now, I've thinking about doing some roman braised artichokes. I have a food network problem

Pillbug Toenibbler |
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I'm thinking 60 inch.
{waggles eyebrows} That's what she said. "Why aren't we doing phrasing?" [/Archer]

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Thankfully, the layoffees have a pretty good networking system set up, including a Facebook group for veteran employees, so it looks like many will bounce right into other IT/support jobs with minimal gaps.
Downsizing sucks, since they are in IT they should be able to bounce back pretty quickly...except for the douchebags of course

aeglos |

how are the barbecue invitation rules in America?
here in Germany the host usually provides all drinks and the grill
the guests bring their own meat (or whatever they want to put on the grill) and a salad or bread
traditionally you grill Sausages (Bratwurst) and steak
for today we have Thüringer Rostbratwurst and made a potato salad (a German classic, I use the family recepie of my mums mum, Sudetenland style)

Orthos |

how are the barbecue invitation rules in America?
There's no unified ruleset that I'm aware of.
Who brings what is usually arranged between the people. Most of the time the main course - the barbecue meat in this case - is provided by the host, while drinks, side dishes, and desserts are either provided by the host (who provides everything in those cases) or brought by guests (in a more "pot luck" type scenario).
Also I did not know that Barbecue Season was an actual thing that existed and am a little envious now.

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aeglos wrote:how are the barbecue invitation rules in America?There's no unified ruleset that I'm aware of.
Who brings what is usually arranged between the people. Most of the time the main course - the barbecue meat in this case - is provided by the host, while drinks, side dishes, and desserts are either provided by the host (who provides everything in those cases) or brought by guests (in a more "pot luck" type scenario).
Also I did not know that Barbecue Season was an actual thing that existed and am a little envious now.
Although, as far as I'm aware, there is an unwritten barbecue season, in that it's basically spring through fall. How long into either is dependent on where you are geographically. In Texas and other parts south, where the warm weather lasts longer, the time for barbecue is longer.

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aeglos wrote:how are the barbecue invitation rules in America?There's no unified ruleset that I'm aware of.
Who brings what is usually arranged between the people. Most of the time the main course - the barbecue meat in this case - is provided by the host, while drinks, side dishes, and desserts are either provided by the host (who provides everything in those cases) or brought by guests (in a more "pot luck" type scenario).
Also I did not know that Barbecue Season was an actual thing that existed and am a little envious now.
As far as i am concerned it's always BBQ season

The Minis Maniac |

Dear government you suck at doing the simplest tasks. My husband requested a letter that is necessary for my Spousal Visa on March 3rd. And they said they sent it March 4th. We received it Friday and it had been post dated for the 21st. So after us nagging them about it, it had sat on someones desk waiting to be sent for 3 weeks. >:(

Ambrosia Slaad |
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All three Wayfinder #11 critters are extra polished and finished. I'll make a final final pass over them in the morning with fresh eyes, and then send them in.
Decoded the chat cryptic last night, finally figured out who to PM (like, DUH!) this evening, and PM is away. {fingers and toes crossed we're egging Aroden's corpse!}