Effing On Demand!
I wanna watch wolverine, and I don't wanna buy it for 13 bucks!
Eff you; I'm gonna watch Cabin in teh Woods on Netflix!
Watching it naked might traumatize the little kidlechauns, Spanky. Just sayin'
Cabin in teh Woods is awesome though. It explains a lot.
I wanna go see Thor 2. There's this phatty theater in the east end of nowhere that is totally empty during the off season. It's like having your own theater in your house.
Patrick Curtin wrote: I wanna go see Thor 2. There's this phatty theater in the east end of nowhere that is totally empty during the off season. It's like having your own theater in your house. That's how I watched Dawn of the Dead (Remake) & Pathfinder it was very good. Nearly as much fun as Thor 2.
I have to say I enjoyed that DotD remake. It was much better than Romero's last outing, Land of the Dead.
Dawn of the Dead remake was cool.
Thor 2 was very awesome. Highly recommend.
Have I mentioned that firing me was so efficient example for employees that they had to fire another worker for similar offense two days later?
Positives: my throat is no longer sore and I almost don't cough anymore so the illness threat might have passed.
Just finished up my outside christmas decorating. T-minus 40 minutes till light up.
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote: Just finished up my outside christmas decorating. T-minus 40 minutes till light up. We did some of that this afternoon as well, though we didn't finish. We couldn't make some of the plugs fit, and couldn't find the surge protector. Also I don't do heights so I couldn't/wouldn't help with any roof-hanging lights, so we just did the stuff on the porch rails and the yard.

If I'm feeling really ambitious, I might trim the junipers and use some of the branches to make a holiday wreath for the front door. Goodness knows the junipers could use the trimming, and so could the rowan bushes; the berries make a lovely contrast. Hmmm. Our evergreen trees went on reproductive binge this year, and produced a ton of pine cones - could add a few of those as well. We don't generally bother with lights because we're way out in the country, and there's nobody to see them.
The big adventure this next week will be driving down to UCSF on Tuesday to consult an orthopedic surgeon about my back. I finally got the insurance company to cough up for an MRI, so I now have current films and reports to show the guy. I don't know what he'll say, though, and I have to admit, I'm nervous. But I can't put it off any longer; the sciatica is getting pretty bad. Sooo.... That's Tuesday afternoon, and Crazy is coming along so he can be in on the decision/planning. Yikes. I really am nervous; just thinking about it creates this lump of lead somewhere south of my diaphragm. I think I need to go find my security blanket. 'Scuse.
Finally got around to watching Man of Steel. I've got to say....
I just really wasn't all that impressed by the story. Henry Cavill was good as Clark/Superman. Amy Adams was meh. Michael Shannon was completely wasted as Zod. He could have done so much more with that role.
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Kajehase wrote: The Calcomp data system thinks 'obsolete' is a dirty word. Don't laugh. I actually remember when those were standard equipment. I've also had to courier a few of those huge reels of tape through airport security systems. "No, sir, it would be a Very Bad Idea to expose this to x-rays. It needs to be....look, could you just call your supervisor? Yes, I'll wait. That's why I came four hours early instead of three. No, you can't just put it through the scanner. Like I said, I'll wait." And so on.
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After we saw The Dawn of the Dead remake in the theater, my hetero life partner outfitted his car with bottled water and other zombie apocalypse survival gear.
That's about the highest praise one can pay a zombie flick, methinks.
SnowJade wrote: Kajehase wrote: The Calcomp data system thinks 'obsolete' is a dirty word. Don't laugh. I actually remember when those were standard equipment. I've also had to courier a few of those huge reels of tape through airport security systems. "No, sir, it would be a Very Bad Idea to expose this to x-rays. It needs to be....look, could you just call your supervisor? Yes, I'll wait. That's why I came four hours early instead of three. No, you can't just put it through the scanner. Like I said, I'll wait." And so on. Can I at least snigger a bit?
It's also "interesting" how computer-marketing in the 60s and 70s would appear to have been limited to "let's show a picture of it with a girl in a mini-skirt."
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hi everyone,
Balck Sabbath was FaWSOME !!
They where in very good shape concidering Ozzys life and Toni's cancer treatment
audience was really into it and they played some songs I really did not expect like "under the sun" and "into the void"
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today we will do our first Weinachtsmarkt ("christmas market") visit of the season
we still have to decide if we go to the market in Steinau or Langenselbold
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Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Sunday! So far the boy has named his Elf on the Shelf (Ralph), watched the elf on the shelf TV special, then watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I always get a kick out of Boris Karloff's narration.
Rawr! wrote: Good morning! RAWR!!!
dungeonmaster heathy wrote: Huzzah! Yeehaw!
Now begins the time of using Santa to help enforce some discipline and good behavior! Huzzah!
Remember that time Mickey had to rescue Santa? Whoa.
Methinks I have a poopy diaper to take care of. I really wish the boy would do a better job of going on the damn potty.
Good mornng from can 7206.
Need to teach my ten year old to lift the seat.
Sometime soon I have to go get a tree for the house. Awesome!
Special Santa call? Thought for sure it'd be "Cookies and Milk".
Aw crap! I gotta find a present for my wife! Two actually! One from me to her, and another from the kids to her.
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I'm just glad I don't have to worry about a white Christmas anymore.
All righty folks! Gonna get going and get ready for the day! Have a good one.
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: Need to teach my ten year old to lift the seat. We don't need to potty training,
we don't need no pee control.
All we need is Arm And Hammer Baking Soda.
Then you loose control.
All along you're just another flush in the John.
four drum beats