Deep 6 FaWtL

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I smell like a motorcycle!

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Oladon wrote:

I smell like a motorcycle!

Naked in a leather-bar! That's a good look


Oh dear! I knew I should've looked at what post number we were on...

lynora wrote:
Jess Door wrote:

I also saw the movie, on the advice of FAWTLs and some friends from my Japan days. Agreed. If you at all enjoy kaiju films or gundam/evangelion/mecha anime, you must see this movie. WHEE!

Also, totally worth seeing on the big screen, as opposed to TV later. :)

The kidlet and I saw it on the big screen three times and he was lobbying for a fourth, but I already feel too guilty about the expense of seeing it three times....but I thought about it. :)

be a cool mom! In addition to being a hot mom, that is.

Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
Jess Door wrote:

I also saw the movie, on the advice of FAWTLs and some friends from my Japan days. Agreed. If you at all enjoy kaiju films or gundam/evangelion/mecha anime, you must see this movie. WHEE!

Also, totally worth seeing on the big screen, as opposed to TV later. :)

The kidlet and I saw it on the big screen three times and he was lobbying for a fourth, but I already feel too guilty about the expense of seeing it three times....but I thought about it. :)
be a cool mom! In addition to being a hot mom, that is.

lol. I'm pretty sure taking him to see it three times already counts as cool. We both agree that's our favorite movie ever. :)

We're looking at getting him a Pacific Rim backpack for school, but he can't decide which design he likes best.

Liberty's Edge

I think I'm in love.

Sovereign Court

Freehold DM wrote:
Jaeger Pilot Mako Mori wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Gipsy Danger wrote:
Don't worry, citizens! I will protect you from the Kaiju horde infesting this region!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Atashi mo?
a SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE so loud only dogs can hear

I did the same thing whenever Mori-san spoke Japanese.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
I think I'm in love.

One day I will pass beyond Caldera... One day.

My newish earbuds kinda bit the dust, basically requiring me to turn the volume all the way up, and then finally one side stopped working altogether. So, I plugged in an older pair, hoping they would work...without changing the volume. Um, they worked alright, and after mopping up the fluid that leaked out my ear after the explosion of sound, I found that I could turn the volume to less than the halfway point and hear things marvelously.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Silly, you're supposed to target sound burst so you're not in the area of effect.

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Yeah, my mentor told me I wasn't ready for 2nd level spells.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

And I was all like, "F$$$ you Dumbledalf! Who died and made you head wizard at Hogwarts?"

I might have been drunk at the time...

Icyshadow wrote:

Yeah, pretty much that place (I'll probably work out a name and exact location for it after work) in a nutshell.

It has a bad reputation, but I'm pretty sure the populace is generally neutral, with slightly more evil people than good ones.


Not Detroit!!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

They might have also wondered why there was a badger in transfiguration. And realized that perhaps they'd answered their own question.

Aberzombie wrote:

And it well and truly is a much happier day! I found the books I had been looking for! Turns out I put them in an empty diaper box and sealed it up again without labeling it. So whilst unpacking I thought it was actually diapers and put it in the closet of the room where I keep the changing table.


Liberty's Edge

Just gonna leave this here.

Aberzombie wrote:
And just a few more days until my trip into New Orleans for the parental units' 50th wedding anniversary. My dad is really excited. It's one of those few things he seems to always remember these days - that we're having a party for them and all his boy's will be there.

My Dad should be coming home from rehab soon.

Sadly, my son in law's Mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and the prognosis is poor. They had some hope before the surgery,but it looks very bad now.

My daughter lost her Mom to this, but her husband, for all of his strength, is ill equipped for this.

I'm not a religious man, but we'll take all of the good vibes, thoughts and prayers that we can get.

I'm so exhausted, but I'm doing my best. I'm trying to do my best for my daughter and her family, and my Dad and sister, Diane and her grand daughters, and friends living here, but I am so used up. I'm just so very tired.

Take joy in what you have.

Take care Y'all!

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Just gonna leave this here.

Hey Shiny, How are you doing?

Rawr! wrote:

And I was all like, "F$+& you Dumbledalf! Who died and made you head wizard at Hogwarts?"

I might have been drunk at the time...

Yup' glass house....


Family can be such a pain. My dad decided to be lazy and is forcing me to take my brother to the doctor...

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Bitter Thorn wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
And just a few more days until my trip into New Orleans for the parental units' 50th wedding anniversary. My dad is really excited. It's one of those few things he seems to always remember these days - that we're having a party for them and all his boy's will be there.

My Dad should be coming home from rehab soon.

Sadly, my son in law's Mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and the prognosis is poor. They had some hope before the surgery,but it looks very bad now.

My daughter lost her Mom to this, but her husband, for all of his strength, is ill equipped for this.

I'm not a religious man, but we'll take all of the good vibes, thoughts and prayers that we can get.

I'm so exhausted, but I'm doing my best. I'm trying to do my best for my daughter and her family, and my Dad and sister, Diane and her grand daughters, and friends living here, but I am so used up. I'm just so very tired.

Take joy in what you have.

Take care Y'all!

That is terrible to hear. I hope it's at least not too painful for him.

Glad to hear your dad is doing better though. We'll keep you in our prayers over here.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! It appears to be Kingmaker Thursday! Mayhap I'll get to kill some PCs, especially if they do what I think they're gonna do.

Scarab Sages

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Positive Waves, BT!

Scarab Sages

Also, finally got my new desk put together last night, as well as a new bookcase I had picked up from Ikea. Haven't put any books on those shelves yet, but it won't take much effort to fill it up.

Scarab Sages

Sure, I'll consent to release my medical records....

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Positive waves bt.
Also posTing here yesterday was the only good thing in My day. Here's hoping today goes better.

Scarab Sages

Have I mentioned that my morning commute averages about 20 or so minutes? And my evening commute has been pretty solidly hovering around 30 minutes! At just shy of a mile less than my old Philly commute, that's already a BIG win!!!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Positive waves bt.

Also posTing here yesterday was the only good thing in My day. Here's hoping today goes better.

Positive waves to you as well, my friend!

Scarab Sages

It was 78 degrees at 0600 today. I almost wept with joy!

Scarab Sages

All right folk! Bye for now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Positive waves to you, BT!

Positive waves to you as well, Freehold!

Sovereign Court


Aberzombie wrote:
It was 78 degrees at 0600 today. I almost wept with joy!

sounds like the first layer of hell.

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
It was 78 degrees at 0600 today. I almost wept with joy!
sounds like the first layer of hell.

That's barely acceptable temperature... At 1430.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Have I mentioned that my morning commute averages about 20 or so minutes? And my evening commute has been pretty solidly hovering around 30 minutes! At just shy of a mile less than my old Philly commute, that's already a BIG win!!!

Yes. Always remember...Houston is fawesome.

Silver Crusade

Ugh. This was not a good morning. I walked out of my apartment and went to get in my car and noticed I did not have my keys. The apartment locked behind me.

I wound up having to break in through a window.

That is now how days are supposed to start.

Silver Crusade

Also I am stressed. Work is being stressful and I'm supposed to be moving next month and I have plans (mostly not of my making) almost every weekend between now and then and I have no idea when I am going to get anything done.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

But those are stresses that will pass.

I am sorry to hear your news, BT, and my thoughts are with your family.

Silver Crusade

In reality, things are going fine. But sometimes even positive changes contribute to stress. Just needed to vent.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi everyone,

still much to hot, for the weekend they predicted 38*C / 100F !!!!!!!!!

we will visit Sabine's mum and grandma from sat til mon and tell them the big news

1 person marked this as a favorite.

many positive waves, BT, hang in there

aeglos wrote:
still much to hot, for the weekend they predicted 38*C / 100F !!!!!!!!!

No more than half of that for me... You can keep the rest.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
And just a few more days until my trip into New Orleans for the parental units' 50th wedding anniversary. My dad is really excited. It's one of those few things he seems to always remember these days - that we're having a party for them and all his boy's will be there.

My Dad should be coming home from rehab soon.

Sadly, my son in law's Mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and the prognosis is poor. They had some hope before the surgery,but it looks very bad now.

My daughter lost her Mom to this, but her husband, for all of his strength, is ill equipped for this.

I'm not a religious man, but we'll take all of the good vibes, thoughts and prayers that we can get.

I'm so exhausted, but I'm doing my best. I'm trying to do my best for my daughter and her family, and my Dad and sister, Diane and her grand daughters, and friends living here, but I am so used up. I'm just so very tired.

Take joy in what you have.

Take care Y'all!

Your (extended) family is getting to much of that...

*sigh* Bothersome neighbor is bothering again.

Maybe I should consider going to England for a few months.

Negative of being one of few apartment owners in the building...

I can understand all those hermits seeking quite solitude.

Were are the personal programmable nanofacs that would allow us to settle away from others.

It wouldn't be such a stress for me if I weren't in debts and having them growing instead of shrinking.

Celestial Healer wrote:
supposed to be moving next month

the food related bribing of your boyfriends landlady was successful ?

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