aeglos |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hi everyone,
just one day until the official state wedding
we a re in a crazy rush of work that is still to do,
Today I:
mowed the gras, mulched (is that a word) the front lawn, emptyed and cleaned the garage, deweeded the garden and tidyed up the game room, we also bought stuff, invited neighbours to after-state-wedding-beer-and-snacks (we make a buffet of specialities from Hessia and Saxony) and wrapped some guest gifts
now I am sitting on our new wedding-present wooden bench (thank you mum) in the yard and drink a beer in the evening sun

aeglos |

Man what a gorgeous weekend. Several hours of hiking* by the Boulder River, waterfalls, forest gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. And they have rocks!! And pine cones!! And so many doggies!
*Daddy may be a little sore from carrying the howdah
I envy the pacific northwest people, such incredible beautiful landscapes and nature
we had a great time up there last yeargoogle maps told me the river is not far from Anacortes, we did whale watching there

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google maps told me the river is not far from Anacortes, we did whale watching there
The trail we were on was over towards Darrington in the Boulder RIver Wilderness. Absolutely beautiful, although probably a bit more intense than we should have done for the first hike of the season with a 30 lb kid :P

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Gary Teter wrote:howdah 1Man what a gorgeous weekend. Several hours of hiking* by the Boulder River, waterfalls, forest gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. And they have rocks!! And pine cones!! And so many doggies!
*Daddy may be a little sore from carrying the howdah
That confidence of a successful slave driver...

Patrick Curtin |

Hi everyone,
just one day until the official state wedding
we a re in a crazy rush of work that is still to do,
Today I:
mowed the gras, mulched (is that a word) the front lawn, emptyed and cleaned the garage, deweeded the garden and tidyed up the game room, we also bought stuff, invited neighbours to after-state-wedding-beer-and-snacks (we make a buffet of specialities from Hessia and Saxony) and wrapped some guest giftsnow I am sitting on our new wedding-present wooden bench (thank you mum) in the yard and drink a beer in the evening sun
Ich gratuliere Ihnen herzlich zu Hochzeit!
(Apologies if the translation into Deutsche has gone awry!)

aeglos |

aeglos wrote:Hi everyone,
just one day until the official state wedding
we a re in a crazy rush of work that is still to do,
Today I:
mowed the gras, mulched (is that a word) the front lawn, emptyed and cleaned the garage, deweeded the garden and tidyed up the game room, we also bought stuff, invited neighbours to after-state-wedding-beer-and-snacks (we make a buffet of specialities from Hessia and Saxony) and wrapped some guest giftsnow I am sitting on our new wedding-present wooden bench (thank you mum) in the yard and drink a beer in the evening sun
Ich gratuliere Ihnen herzlich zu Hochzeit!
(Apologies if the translation into Deutsche has gone awry!)
thank you Patrick :-)
and the german is correct
but it is still 1 day, 3 till church and big celebration

Patrick Curtin |

Patrick Curtin wrote:aeglos wrote:Hi everyone,
just one day until the official state wedding
we a re in a crazy rush of work that is still to do,
Today I:
mowed the gras, mulched (is that a word) the front lawn, emptyed and cleaned the garage, deweeded the garden and tidyed up the game room, we also bought stuff, invited neighbours to after-state-wedding-beer-and-snacks (we make a buffet of specialities from Hessia and Saxony) and wrapped some guest giftsnow I am sitting on our new wedding-present wooden bench (thank you mum) in the yard and drink a beer in the evening sun
Ich gratuliere Ihnen herzlich zu Hochzeit!
(Apologies if the translation into Deutsche has gone awry!)
thank you Patrick :-)
and the german is correct
but it is still 1 day, 3 till church and big celebration
I don't think I can manage future perfect tense in German, so I will stick to English:
I hope that you and Sabine will have a wonderful wedding!

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Mother Nature is a b*~$~! She sent another deer after me. It swerves to miss the semi I was following and runs head on into the rental car I'm driving while my other car (that hit a deer 13 days ago) is being repaired. Once again I was ok, but now the front bumper is cracked. I may need 2 jobs to pay for car insurance.

Emperor7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I had a GPS system tell me to make a U-Turn on the Oklahoma Freeway in the middle of rush hour and right into a concrete retaining wall.
Stupid schizophrenic machine.
You have passed Test 1 on tech dependency. You may continue living for the moment. Test 2 will be administered at an undisclosed date.
Survival of the fittest!

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A dwarf artificer becomes infected with virulent high-functionality zombie plague after eating infected meat from a deer he accidentally run over while testing one of his creation, a golem walker... Only a careful investigation discovers that the flesh-eating deer was sent by a mad blight druid wanting to take revenge on the dwarf for unknown crimes.
Sounds like a plot for an adventure. Or a short story.
EDIT: Ninja'ed by a badger...