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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Our NY brethren doesn't understand what we in the South have known forever.
The temperature should never fall to "freezing my ballz off", and that white stuff that falls from the sky is pure demon shyte hurled from a floating cloud of evil.
I understand, for I have been to the magical snowless land of giant insects.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:Icyshadow wrote:boo! Spoilsport dm.Freehold DM wrote:Same here, and nobody has objected to me bringing them to the table except that one DM >_>Icyshadow wrote:I love monster girls.Yeah, I blame his humanocentric tendencies and obsession with low fantasy, two things that I think make most D&D campaigns less fun for me. He's given me every excuse from "party not approving" (which I proved wrong) to "they don't fit" (even when I've provided enough fluff to put them anywhere from Eberron to Golarion and even freaking Toril) as well as other ones that didn't hold water, until he just went "because I don't like nor want them". Never elaborated on WHY he doesn't like them, nor why he hasn't banned every other vaguely "monster girl" race like catfolk, kitsune, harpies, nymphs etc. if this was his reasoning. And before anyone says anything, nobody plays male catfolk!!*
* = I know some might, but I don't care XD
Also +1 for less humanocentric campaign settings. I'm desperately trying to take the focus off humanity in my own world. As it is they still run three of the ten regions on the world, and have temporary/partial/current leadership of three others; no other race gets to claim that. Though Dwarves get the whole of the oceans, so that's something.
They also dominate a large majority of historical events of any level of importance. I'm in the process of revising that.
My players in my darklight sisterhood game just cmpaned about this very same thing. I pointed out that they were in one of the more humanocentriic places in the world and encourged them to explore, but nothin doin. This has forced me to move up the timetable of events in my Golarion- the war that the players touched off by accident is about to have some consequences.

Freehold DM |

Moorluck wrote:I understand, for I have been to the magical snowless land of giant insects.Our NY brethren doesn't understand what we in the South have known forever.
The temperature should never fall to "freezing my ballz off", and that white stuff that falls from the sky is pure demon shyte hurled from a floating cloud of evil.
More snow would help to control the giant insect situation.

Orthos |

Oh yeah, I somehow ended up forgetting about the Tengu. I planned on making both a 3.5e and a Pathfinder version of the campaign world, and the former had the Kenku instead of the Tengu. Did Oriental Adventures have Naga in it? Now that I think of it, I need to dig up my old list of 3.5e races and throw those around before getting to the PF version...
Yeah, they were in there, though I can't remember which book in specific gave their player-character stats. I use that version specifically because it's the human torso with snake tail replacing legs version of Naga which I prefer, rather than the human head only that PF and D&D seem to prefer.
They were LA+1 in 3.5, which means they convert over to PF just fine without too much need to change things. Here's the stats I use for them:
* Type: Naga are Monstrous Humanoids with the reptilian and nagastrani subtypes.
* Size: Naga are Large creatures and gain a +1 bonus to CMD and CMB, a -1 penalty on attack rolls, and -1 AC due to their size. While in their alternate Humanoid form Naga are Medium and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
** Undersized Weapons: Although a Naga is Large, its upper torso is the same size as that of a Medium humanoid's upper torso. As a result, it wields weapons and wears armor as if it were one size category smaller than its actual size. When in their alternate Humanoid form this ability is negated, allowing them to wear Medium equipment then as well.
* Base Speed (Fast Speed): Naga have a base speed of 40 feet. The sinuous motion of their coils allows them to move at a much quicker rate than walking. Naga in their human forms are reduced to movement at 30 feet.
* Languages: Naga begin play speaking Common and Naga. Naga with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Ignan, Tengu, or Terran.
* Armored: A Naga's scales give them a +1 bonus to Natural Armor. They retain this bonus while in their humanoid form.
* Poison Resistance: Naga gain a racial bonus on saving throws against poison effects equal to their Hit Dice.
* Darkvision: Naga can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
* Predatory Nature: Naga have a predatory appearance and reptilian scent that unnerves most animals. They take a -2 penalty to all Handle Animal and Ride checks unless dealing with reptiles.
* Affiliation: While insular and reclusive when dealing with outsiders, Naga are extremely at home with dealing with their own kind, or with creatures like their kind. Naga gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy when dealing with creatures with the reptilian or nagastrani subtypes.
* Survivalist: Naga gain a +2 racial bonus to Survival.
* Change Shape: A Naga can assume the appearance of a single form of a single humanoid race of Medium size, usually Human. The form is static and cannot be changed each time it takes this form. The creature gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear as the member of the race whose appearance it assumes. Changing its shape is a standard action. This trait otherwise functions as alter self, save that the creature does not adjust its ability scores. Naga in their humanoid forms are often noticeable by the fact that the scales on their hands, waist, and legs do not vanish when they change shape; unless willing to reveal their nature, shapeshifted Naga tend to wear gloves and concealing clothing in their human forms.

Orthos |

I like having the option for non-human characters. Honestly, once we finish Kingmaker, I probably won't play another human again.
Pretty much this. It's been several years since I played a Human PC. There's too many other, more interesting options. The stuff Humans have going for them is fully mechanical - extra skill points and an extra feat are really tempting to a lot of people. Which is why I tend to think the ARG underpriced them.

Chrysanthe Spiros |
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Scintillae wrote:I like having the option for non-human characters. Honestly, once we finish Kingmaker, I probably won't play another human again.Pretty much this. It's been several years since I played a Human PC. There's too many other, more interesting options. The stuff Humans have going for them is fully mechanical - extra skill points and an extra feat are really tempting to a lot of people. Which is why I tend to think the ARG underpriced them.
Humanity is overrated either way.

Orthos |

Eh, when I run a 3.5e game, I remove the LA from the Aasimar and Tiefling as well as a few other races who really don't deserve it.
I see no reason to keep the LA on those Naga either.
Yeah a lot of the races I thought similarly. Course PF solved the problem nicely by just bringing nearly all the core races up to LA+1 standard anyway. So 90% of the things I convert up from 3.5 I just reduce the LA by 1. There's a few exceptions (Feytouched template I'm looking at you), but not many.
And yet you still hear about people docking their players XP/stat points/something to "balance" them >_> /must not start rant

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Eh, different strokes for different folks. I'll just get back to plotting my bug-person paladin/rogue gestalt and thinking of all the lovely roleplay opportunities from a reformed thief taken in by the church and take the sneak attack smites as a nice side effect of the roleplay.
We almost have enough to form a guild, I think.

Siri Lightfoot |

Scintillae wrote:Eh, different strokes for different folks. I'll just get back to plotting my bug-person paladin/rogue gestalt and thinking of all the lovely roleplay opportunities from a reformed thief taken in by the church and take the sneak attack smites as a nice side effect of the roleplay.We almost have enough to form a guild, I think.
Ugh, don't tempt me. I'm not a thief no more...but these twits I'm workin' with don't have no sense of security. Draggin' a kid on a diet through a candy store, I tell you.

Roisin Quirke |

Scintillae wrote:Eh, different strokes for different folks. I'll just get back to plotting my bug-person paladin/rogue gestalt and thinking of all the lovely roleplay opportunities from a reformed thief taken in by the church and take the sneak attack smites as a nice side effect of the roleplay.We almost have enough to form a guild, I think.
Oh, come on! It's not thievery if the place we're getting the stuff from is long-deserted! It's rediscovery for the greater advancement of knowledge.

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Siobhan Quirke wrote:Oh, come on! It's not thievery if the place we're getting the stuff from is long-deserted! It's rediscovery for the greater advancement of knowledge.Scintillae wrote:Eh, different strokes for different folks. I'll just get back to plotting my bug-person paladin/rogue gestalt and thinking of all the lovely roleplay opportunities from a reformed thief taken in by the church and take the sneak attack smites as a nice side effect of the roleplay.We almost have enough to form a guild, I think.
Indeed. And really, once you pass the first thousand years, even for us longer-lived types, tracking down next-of-kin becomes illogically complex. They likely don't even know the object existed. Better to use it for the betterment of all... or at least in our case, making sure we survive long enough to do so.

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Moorluck wrote:I understand, for I have been to the magical snowless land of giant insects.Our NY brethren doesn't understand what we in the South have known forever.
The temperature should never fall to "freezing my ballz off", and that white stuff that falls from the sky is pure demon shyte hurled from a floating cloud of evil.
Don't forget the giant lizards.

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The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:More snow would help to control the giant insect situation.Moorluck wrote:I understand, for I have been to the magical snowless land of giant insects.Our NY brethren doesn't understand what we in the South have known forever.
The temperature should never fall to "freezing my ballz off", and that white stuff that falls from the sky is pure demon shyte hurled from a floating cloud of evil.
We don't need snow, not when we have Me!

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:More snow would help to control the giant insect situation.Moorluck wrote:I understand, for I have been to the magical snowless land of giant insects.Our NY brethren doesn't understand what we in the South have known forever.
The temperature should never fall to "freezing my ballz off", and that white stuff that falls from the sky is pure demon shyte hurled from a floating cloud of evil.
We don't need snow, not when we have Me!
** spoiler omitted **