Did you ever get the feeling you were being watched?
That the eyes of strange things were upon you?
Aeglos, have you experienced any problems with Jet Lag traveling on the other side of the world?
EDIT: Before you respond - put something on!
Today I host our new Sunday game at my new apartment. Took about 3-4 days of emptying boxes so I could reassemble the dining room table and have more than a path through the place. I am nervous as a cat on a tin roof. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good impression.
Put some clothes on when you go to get food!
Posted some stuff on FB. A few pics and whatnot.
Have I mentioned how depressed I am that the Con is ending and I have to go home?
I hardly got a chance to hang with the Teters. :(
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In my defense, however, I was pretty busy helping make sure as many people as possible knew that Taig was the RPG Superstar 2012.
I really should have made him those business cards......
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Have I mentioned how depressed I am that I have to go home sicne the Con is ending?
As you can see, no other FAWTLY folk are around at the moment. Aeglos and his fiancee went off to get breakfast with Tordek.
Aberzombie wrote: Perhaps murdering some PCs will make me feel better. When and where do we start?
You still have my hard copy right?
Bitter Thorn wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Perhaps murdering some PCs will make me feel better. When and where do we start?
You still have my hard copy right? Not sure. Not everyone is awake yet. I'm in the lobby. Jess just joined me.
Aberzombie wrote: Bitter Thorn wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Perhaps murdering some PCs will make me feel better. When and where do we start?
You still have my hard copy right? Not sure. Not everyone is awake yet. I'm in the lobby. Jess just joined me. I'll be over shortly.
Is everyone set for characters?
Thanks for posting about stuff, guys. It's almost like being there!
Yeah, right. :)
Aberzombie wrote: Perhaps murdering some PCs will make me feel better. Always brightens my day. :)
aeglos wrote: baquet was FaWsome,
and I have my Runelords books signed
and sightseeing in Seattle was great, I realy liked the Aquarium : PUFFINS
in the EMP they had the Darth vader lightsaber, Captain Kirks chair and the Axe from Shining
I still can't post pics to photo bucket, will post a lot of them when back home
So glad to see someone drop the e for the proper spelling.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
we missed you guys who couldn't make it, but it has been awesome getting to meet some of you in person.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bitter Thorn wrote: we missed you guys who couldn't make it, but it has been awesome getting to meet some of you in person. Next year.
Ugh. Overslept. Sitting in on the Rappan Athuk game. Kinda loud out here, might have to retreat inside.
*comes back from breakfast and re-dresses
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I got a pathfinder battles booster pack as a engagement present from Sabine, wooohooo
I...just woke up. I really have no tolerance when it comes to alcohol. Two beers...My father would be ashamed. I think I ate enough, but I didn't drink enough water.
I drink a glass of water before drinking, and at least one between drinks. Not sure even that is enough. I hope you guys had a good time!
Oh yes - don't put the laptop straight on your lap without anything between.
D'oh! (And a little bit owie.)
Freehold DM wrote: I...just woke up. I really have no tolerance when it comes to alcohol. Two beers...My father would be ashamed. I think I ate enough, but I didn't drink enough water. Wow. I didn't get home until 3, but I still managed to be up by 10:30. That's some hardcore sleep right there. Some water would have been wise.
But now I feel better about being such a lightweight :) In my defense, I swear those 2 vodka and tonics had about 3 shots of vodka apiece. (As we noted, gay bars never skimp on the booze.)
I think I was just exhausted in general- I've been running around a lot the past few days and going to sleep rather late. Still, it was worth it to hang out with CH and talk FAWTL shop.
Aberzombie wrote: Posted some stuff on FB. A few pics and whatnot. FHDM, could you, per chance, take a very big stick, go to Philadelphia (or wherever AZ actually lives), wait for him and explain him error of his ways?
Beware his wife, however, she has a gun.
Drejk wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Posted some stuff on FB. A few pics and whatnot. FHDM, could you, per chance, take a very big stick, go to Philadelphia (or wherever AZ actually lives), wait for him and explain him error of his ways?
Beware his wife, however, she has a gun. Violence will not turn people against the machinations of Zuckerberg. Only time and prostelyzation will help people see the depths of his comic-book level supervillainy.
Also, I'm 90+% sure Zuckerberg working with Alton Brown caused the teahouse that CH and I were going to yesterday to close down. Can you believe they closed down on July 2nd?!?!
Freehold DM wrote: Drejk wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Posted some stuff on FB. A few pics and whatnot. FHDM, could you, per chance, take a very big stick, go to Philadelphia (or wherever AZ actually lives), wait for him and explain him error of his ways?
Beware his wife, however, she has a gun. Violence will not turn people against the machinations of Zuckerberg. Only time and prostelyzation will help people see the depths of his comic-book level supervillainy. Maybe at least the modest application of a bigger stick will convince him to post the pictures somewhere else beyond FB so normal people can see them too? :(
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Drejk wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Posted some stuff on FB. A few pics and whatnot. FHDM, could you, per chance, take a very big stick, go to Philadelphia (or wherever AZ actually lives), wait for him and explain him error of his ways?
Beware his wife, however, she has a gun. Violence will not turn people against the machinations of Zuckerberg. Only time and prostelyzation will help people see the depths of his comic-book level supervillainy. Maybe at least the modest application of a bigger stick will convince him to post the pictures somewhere else beyond FB so normal people can see them too? :( Hm. Let me see if I have those boots that allow me to walk softly...
This thread needs more slaad.., and eggs too.
Aberzombie wrote: Posted some stuff on FB. A few pics and whatnot. I need to add you to my friend's list.
Killer DM #0664 wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Perhaps murdering some PCs will make me feel better. Always brightens my day. :) I use fire, fireballs, flaming spheres, fire elementals, and what not.
Hah! The zombie failed to kill us! Huzzah!
Well, to be sure we ran outta time, but I count that as a win.
Patrick Curtin wrote: Hah! The zombie failed to kill us! Huzzah!
Well, to be sure we ran outta time, but I count that as a win.
I wonder why he did not eat you all. He certainly didn't want you to spread the infection across the whole continent. Right?
Uh, and beyond the ocean too.
Aeglos, I am very sorry, but either I or Kajehase might be forced to warn authorities when you will be coming back to not allow your plane into EU airspace. Nothing personal, it's just the matter of national and international safety.
Yay...sitting in seatac. It took 30 minutes, but I think I found the last open outlet in concourse N.
On the plus side, that car service got me to the airport in 20 minutes! Good service. We should remember for next year.
I know it's a mini blitz, but what else am I going to do in the airport for the next 1.5 hours?
Concourse N is dead. Should have gone shopping first. The bookstore here sucks.
I can have burger king, Starbucks or Seattle bagels. Maybe I should just get the in flight meal...
Glad you FAWLTies had a good time. The news looks interesting a VTT and a CCG, Paizo is kicking arse and taking names in a most excellent way.
I can't wait to see my cats!
Jess Door wrote: I can have burger king, Starbucks or Seattle bagels. Maybe I should just get the in flight meal... I read somewhere that food tastes worse while you are flying.. Something to do with the air, fumes, and cabin pressure.
Not sure if I'm getting older or the kids today are just f~**ing retarded.
*Yells at people naked*