Gunslinger Lv1 PFS playtest

Playtest Results: Round 1

Level 1 Gunslinger
Human, Dex & Wis 16, Cha 12, everything else 10
Traits: Alkenstar Defender, Heirloom Weapon (pistol)
Feats; Point-blank shot, Rapid Reload

So, firstly I misread the bit about equipment and thought it was 2 pistols + 50 shot. But, my character died really fast, so it didn't really become an issue.

We were playing Voice in the Void and I got my Brain Eaten by the third (?) encounter.

Anyhoo - here's my impressions:

Not hugely fun at 1st level - there are just too many things that you need to get in order to make a viable character.
The targeting of touch AC is quite cool; but the grit power to do this at range seemed fairly irrelevant to me.

What would have been great is a spend 1 grit to get your WIS modifier as bonus precision damage.

It felt kinda 'clockwork-y' as I was super-conscious of how I was spending my actions (even more than usual).

Things that occurred to me - Perception should be a class skill; Brave and tough is just save progression masquerading as a class feature.

Grit could be usable to give you the benefits of Rapid Reload, PBS or Precise Shot for 1 round. You need these feats to be viable - and it would be cool to have the ability to briefly get their use.

I didn't like having to track Grit, it would feel better to have a set number of uses - 2 or 3 + WIS per day.

Less fun that a 1st level Fighter, Barbarian or Inquisitor in terms of my experience playing these characters.

forbinproject wrote:

Level 1 Gunslinger

Human, Dex 7 Wis 16, Cha 12, everything else 10



Did you try to gimp yourself more than simply being a Gunslinger? Are you a masochist? Suicidal? I suppose you after all got your wish...

I tried playing a gunslinger and quite enjoyed it. Why may I ask did you give Dex 7 to a ranged class!?

True Cold wrote:
I tried playing a gunslinger and quite enjoyed it. Why may I ask did you give Dex 7 to a ranged class!?

Fair question - I didn't.

I meant to type Dex & Wis 16 - I've now re-edited the post.

Dark Archive

Atop this you could have taken deadly shot and been getting +2 damage per shot, when you make touch attacks in the first range increment it doesn't matter if you miss out on the +1 for being within 30ft. I would rather have something like a 16 dex, take a -1 still have a +3 vs. touch AC and 1d8+2 damage.

With Heirloom weapon you could have had a +5 versus touch instead (+1 for masterwork +1 for heirloom weapon -1 for deadly shot for 1d8+2 damage, again I can't impress the importance of this feat.) and been solidly hitting. If you had played a wizard you'd be hard pressed to do that much damage, but then again you'd also probably have taken color spray to instant KO opponents for at least one fight that day in a 15 foot cone.

Edit: Edited to account for the fact the guy wasn't completely crazy.

I might have also taken something like

Deadly Aim
Rapid Reload

I think that would have been okay for you, and you'd be saving your grit to keep your weapons from blowing up on you. When you get a feat, you could then take extra grit or progress into working through point blank's tree and into improved precise shot, then ricocheting shots around corners and ripping people apart when they aren't invisible.

Dissinger wrote:
Atop this you could have taken deadly shot and been getting +2 damage per shot, when you make touch attacks in the first range increment it doesn't matter if you miss out on the +1 for being within 30ft...

yup, on reflection - Deadly Aim would have been the better feat choice. What is interesting about the Gunslinger is the relative lack of different builds at 1st level (compared with a fighter).

Senior Designer

Thank you for the feedback! As I've said before, we are aware that the gunslinger needs a little more love at lower levels, and are working on some fixes.

Dark Archive

did things change for the gunslinger? Deadly aim doesn't work for touch AC.

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