Equipment needed: Kunai, giant shuriken... Abilities needed: Genjutsu

Ninja Discussion: Round 1

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Dark Archive

Steelfiredragon wrote:

the naruto ninja anime ninja is not bad per say...

don't like ANY of the main head characters in it( outside of Kakashi)
always like the secondary ones better( save Ino, annoying brat) ...

me... I'm a GI Joe ninja

Snake Eyes, Jynx and Storm Shadow all the way

following them its a ninja gaiden and MK(Sub Zero, Smoke(pre nin-borg) Scorpian)

and if you want to call him that, there is always one other fiction american that does the ninja/samurai/monk deal and does it far better than most.

and he would be the #1 reason why you don't go be a super villian in Gotham, the Bat Man.

+100. You just made my minute

glad to hear it.

Liberty's Edge



Right now the only thing that makes Shuriken viable as a weapon choice is that extra attacks means an extra saves vs. poison. Damage-wise they are absolutely the last choice for a ninja or monk that wants to attack at range.

And here we have the entire point of shuriken, a lightweight poison delivery system, like hand crossbows to Drow. to paraphrase Drizzt before he jumped the shark "It's not the bolt, it's the poison" (And yes I know I got it wrong, but I wasn't going to search the Icewind Dale Trilogy for seven or eight words). Damage is insignificant when you can make a person have to make a DC 19 save for 1d2 con damage every round for 6 rounds (assuming 5 hits and a fairly low cost poison, a rich ninja with a target that he had to make absolutely positively dead could use Black Lotus extract and do an even worse number on the guy), and this is exclusive of sneak attack damage on the first shuriken...

you use Shurikens because they don't weigh but half a pound and at low levels you get one hell of a sneak attack with your flurry. I mean hell throw one axe for 1d6+blah+1d6 sneak attack or throw 3 shurikens at 1d2+blah+1d6 sneak attack at level 1. holy crap! 3d6 sneak attack +3 times my stength at lvl 1!

how can you seriously not see the damage potential... invisible ninja at level 9 throws 4 +1 brilliant energy shurikens (costing 1000gp a piece) dealing 20d6 sneak attack alone on a targets touch and flatfooted ac...

Shadow Lodge

jakebacon wrote:
If the ninja gets giant shuriken and illusion powers, they should also get brightly-colored, sparkly outfits and headbands that say ninja on them. And also be Richard Harrison.

Or short shorts that say Ninjette on them

Couldn't find one of her in her "civilian" garb...a t-shirt that says Ninja Princess.

Well technically speaking Shuriken was both daggers and throwing stars if i remember correctly, so id just say if you use shurikens its both lol... but thats just me.

What I was wondering is kusarigama weapon.. considering the playtest one actually shows a ninja with one in the play test art. Unless they are considering placing it in ultimate combat with the rest of the ninja weaponry. Also double kama and chain :P or w/e that one is called.

Dark Archive

for a 'gama -'m using the stats for a meteor hammer and changing the damage to pirecing or slashing.

d10, reach/adjacent, can be used as double weapon (not with reach) or for +1 ac

Powerful? yeah

Cool? OH YEAH!

NecromanticNate wrote:
how can you seriously not see the damage potential... invisible ninja at level 9 throws 4 +1 brilliant energy shurikens (costing 1000gp a piece) dealing 20d6 sneak attack alone on a targets touch and flatfooted ac...



Shuriken: A shuriken is a small piece of metal with

sharpened edges, designed for throwing. A shuriken can’t
be used as a melee weapon. Although they are thrown
weapons, shuriken are treated as ammunition for the
purposes of drawing them, crafting masterwork or
otherwise special versions of them, and what happens to
them after they are thrown.

Doesn't say "magically enchanting" in there.

But, we don't know how a DM might interpret it. Shuriken aren't necessarily defined as ammo or as throwing weapons.

Decide your stance now.

If they are ammunition for the purposes of enchantment:

For ammunition, t his price is for 50 arrows, bolts, or bullets.

Magic Ammunition and Breakage: When a magic arrow,

crossbow bolt, or sling bullet misses its target, there is a
50% chance it breaks or is otherwise rendered useless. A
magic arrow,
bolt, or bullet that successfully hits a target is
automatically destroyed after it delivers its damage.

So, if it hits, it breaks, if it misses, it has a 50% chance to break. 1,000g a pop.

If they are throwing weapons for the purposes of enchantment:

That one shuriken costs 50,000gp and doesn't break if it hits anyone. It also can be thrown only once in a round, even if it's +1 returning brilliant energy, since it comes back just before the beginning of your next turn.

To further get into it, a level 9 character has 46,000gp.

If they're ammo, he could buy... 6/1... bonus attack... flurry of shurikens... About 10 full round attacks with the shurikens. And then have nothing. At all. Less if he buys magical armor, stat-bonus items, etcetera.

If they're not ammo, he could buy one. With a loan. And make one attack per round.

Okay. I don't really see the problem here.

"..., crafting masterwork or
otherwise special versions of them, and what happens to
them after they are thrown." ... Gonna file "otherwise special versions" under enchanting. People were just saying they were useless. I was proving otherwise. I wasn't claiming broken; I was claiming useful.

My point is that the shuriken is usable by the Ninja for the purposes of getting ridiculous sneak attack. So what if you are only dealing 1-2 damage a throw at lvl 9 if you can squeeze off 4 sneak attacks for 5d6 was my point.

shakes head...

ninja gear is not designed for combat.....

its all designed for subtle tactics.

the kunai, the kama, shuriken they are actually deisgned for other things.

the shuriken is actually designed to remove nails out of walls....

the kama and kunai are farming tools..

Steelfiredragon wrote:

shakes head...

ninja gear is not designed for combat.....

its all designed for subtle tactics.

the kunai, the kama, shuriken they are actually deisgned for other things.

the shuriken is actually designed to remove nails out of walls....

the kama and kunai are farming tools..

Well thats not entirely accurate indeed most of the monk/ninja weaponry was repurposed farming tools but who is to say that after years of ninja(ing) and stuff like that wouldn't of been improved and redesigned to work better as weaponry.

If we are going that logic alot of the martial weapons should be weaker aka Scythe, Pick, etc etc. No?

True... they would have, however from what I recall which may not be all that acurate, is that in fuedal Japan it was illegal fro commoners to own weapons...

so even if, they improved their gear( I agree they likely did), they would still have to function as the garden vareity and be used as such.

If you go down this road why have seperate versions of the "peasant weapons?" Get rid of the monk/ninja weapons that have analogs then make the sai a bailing hook.

Steelfiredragon wrote:

True... they would have, however from what I recall which may not be all that acurate, is that in feudal Japan it was illegal for commoners to own weapons...

so even if, they improved their gear( I agree they likely did), they would still have to function as the garden vareity and be used as such.

That's my understanding as well: the collection of techniques we now know as ninjutsu were developed by Zen Buddhists during the Tokugawa shogunate to enable them to fight samurai, as the Shintoist regime wasn't altogether tolerant of Buddhism. It was a capital offense for anyone other than the samurai to be armed with a sword (or, IIRC, any other obvious weapon such as a naginata), so the ninja had to improvise. They compensated for their inferior weapons and lack of armor by using stealth tactics which the samurai regarded as dishonorable.

I'm not really an expert on this topic, but I have learned some about it from people who are; my father studied taijutsu (the unarmed component of ninjutsu) and classical ninjutsu for about twelve years with Will Maier, a hachidan blackbelt and student of Stephen K. Hayes and Masaaki Hatsumi.

Incidentally, one interesting ninja weapon I haven't yet seen mentioned is the kusari-fundo. In game terms, it could probably be treated as a spiked chain (the nerfed, non-reach Pathfinder version, not the arguably overpowered 3.5 one) that does bludgeoning instead of slashing damage, and perhaps a lower amount (say, 1d4/1d6 instead of 1d6/2d4).

Steelfiredragon wrote:

and if you want to call him that, there is always one other fiction american that does the ninja/samurai/monk deal and does it far better than most.

and he would be the #1 reason why you don't go be a super villian in Gotham, the Bat Man.

Good point. I haven't read a great deal of Batman material -- I'm primarily into games and sci-fi and fantasy novels, not comics (though I have nothing against them, either). Most of what I have read doesn't delve into the connection between Batman's fighting style and Asian martial arts and the mysticism associated with them, but of course Batman Begins had him training in Tibet early on, and there's also the Andrew Vachss Batman novel and graphic novel The Ultimate Evil.

Vachss' interpretation of the character includes several references to the Batman's ki, which he has developed to such a high degree that it practically acts as a forcefield. There's a part in the book about a military sniper turned hitman who refuses to take a contract on the Batman at any price: he once had the Caped Crusader centered in his crosshairs, standing perfectly still on a calm night at far less than extreme range, and missed him clean. After that unnerving experience, he's deeply uninterested in trying again.

If you want Giant Shuriken just use a Star Knife

Price 24 gp
Crit: X3
Range: 20 ft
Damage Type: P(in my opinion it should be P and S)

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