Darkholme |
Personally, I want to avoid feat trees more than 3 deep. I hate when I have to take two feats I have no interest in to get to one I will use. I want the feats more accessible.
I'd like to see feats that dont require more than one feat to take. 2Deep is ideal in my opinion. Now I'm okay with shoring up some other prereqs to compensate, and with having feats explicitly say they stack, or can be taken multiple times at different prereqs, stacking.
Gregg Helmberger |
What I want -- what I REALLY want -- is a Fighter archetype that lets me represent Celts and Zulus, Sumerians and Egyptians, and indeed a huge number of cultures from all over the world throughout most of history: a class that uses a shield but no armor, ever. Right now it pretty much can't be done. The Barbarian can do it, yes, but the Fighter would need a lot of changes to make a go of it.
I guess the issue is that the Fighter is, as a class, nearly devoid of class features -- they get Weapon Training (which this archetype should keep), resistance to fear effects (ditto), Armor Training (which of course they'd need to lose)...and that's it. It doesn't give the archetype-maker much to work with.
idilippy |
What I want -- what I REALLY want -- is a Fighter archetype that lets me represent Celts and Zulus, Sumerians and Egyptians, and indeed a huge number of cultures from all over the world throughout most of history: a class that uses a shield but no armor, ever. Right now it pretty much can't be done. The Barbarian can do it, yes, but the Fighter would need a lot of changes to make a go of it.
I guess the issue is that the Fighter is, as a class, nearly devoid of class features -- they get Weapon Training (which this archetype should keep), resistance to fear effects (ditto), Armor Training (which of course they'd need to lose)...and that's it. It doesn't give the archetype-maker much to work with.
That's why I'd like to see optional rules for playing characters without armor. Something like that could be used to cover swashbuckling games, ocean settings, and characters from societies that don't use armor.
Darkholme |
I want something along these lines
Fighter Archetype:
Unarmed Fighter
Lose: Martial Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Training 2, Weapon Training 4
Gain: Unarmed Strike - As a monk of 3/4 your level (Minimum 1).
Unarmored Fighter
Lose: Armor Training, Armor Mastery, Medium and Heavy Armor Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency
Gain: Good Reflex Save, Monk-like AC Progression (Int Based, works with shields (but not tower shields)).
This gives us our shield but no armor and our armor but no weapons, or combine both to make your fighter monklike without the magic ki abilities and whatnot
45ur4 |
- Increased speed variant rule for martial characters
- Counterattacks as combat maneuvers (something like 'you can replace one or more of your attacks, like disarm sunder or trip, to prepare for a counterattack. Until your next turn, attacks directed against you have to surpass a combat maneuver against a CMD equal to the sacrificed attack. Multiple counterattacks ready are useful for multiple coming attacks, however you cannot use more than one counterattack per attack.')
- supernatural rage powers (enlarging, earthquaking, plantgrowing etc), ki reservoir for fighters and rangers or paladins
- weapon of signature like kensai variant instead of normal weapon proficiences that improves with class levels
- morale-boost buffs system, like the grit point system,
- martial feats that allow as a standard action to mimic some spells (gust of wind,
- acrobatics DC checks to perform extra move actions or perhaps half a move action as a 5-step foot, intuition to gain battle insights, intimidate for duel of wills
- rules for the creation of new manufactured weapons or customizing the existing ones
- totemic aspect to create temporary magical stuff using personal connection to the totemic world with natural material (a leaf coat of arms resilient as an iron one for the remainder of the day. It can be also enhanced with magical properties. You can have no more than your constitutio bonus in these magical totemic properties, divided in as many objects as you wish)
Darkholme |
Oh, and a Monk variant that can carry a shield and mix shield bashes with unarmed strikes!
Good Show!
I thought this was a troll post or some kind, and then saw the awesomeness of Cap.
Cap wears scalemail though. I think he's a fighter build. He Definitely doesnt have flurry though. Maybe spidey has flurry...
Maddigan |
Support for dex based fighter-types where dex substitutes on damage rolls I would love to see. That has always been an issue in D&D is the lack of builds that make quick guys as effective as huge, strong guys.
Not sure I need more feats. Really, there are too many to choose from as is. They have it all about covered. Hard to design new feats that will get used without power creep. I would prefer Paizo not overload us with a glut of material that won't be used or is so good that it's a no brainer like the Invulnerable Rager. I pretty much don't even bother to make regular barbarians any longer, I make them all Invulnerable Ragers. I doubt any of my players will ever play any barbarian other than an Invulnerable Rager. I mean really, giving up Uncanny Dodge and Trapsense for an extra 5/- DR is a no brainer. Hard to believe the designers didn't see that one. Hopefully no new archetypes like that in the Ultimate Combat.
I like new class choices. I don't like them to be no brainers that completely overshadow all other class options. I hope those are kept to a minimum.
And some actual cool rogue class options. The APG was woefully disappointing when it came to rogue alternate paths. I don't think there was one in the APG that made any of my players go "Ooh. I need to play a rogue." Even the Bard alternate class paths far outclassed the rogue alternate class paths. Where was the creativity when designing rogue alternate class paths? The game designers at Paizo hate the rogue class too? It sure seems that way as little effort as was put into designing interesting rogue alternate class paths. Hopefully Ultimate Combat does a better job of making the rogue more interesting and competitive as a class.
Morvik |
I would be cool with damage being off Int maybe, but if it was dex then you'd be getting way too many things off of dex making it a way too ridiculous stat as if it were not already. Essentially Swashbuckler from that Complete Warrior needs to be fused into the fighter through archtype.
Not sure if it'd be too much trouble or how it would even work but it might be interesting to add archtypes based on weapon groups for fighter. Alchemist discoveries that allow them to mutate their body into different and more and more bizarre forms to support the mutagen alchemists, or at least support the master chymist more.
The 8th Dwarf |
Monks that can use Polearms - The Sohei (Warrior Monks) of Japan are traditionally associated with the naginata and the kanabo (a studded solid iron club).
They were also known for the banners that they wore - with a prayer on it. One ability you could use with the banner or head band is to use Ki to power the prayer...
One prayer could be give me strength: X Ki = +2 to strength for Y rounds
Or Let me fly: X Ki to increase the distance you can jump vertically or horizontally.
Zark |
Fighter: Some kind of Swashbuckler-esque archetype maybe. Think 3 musketeers.
I'm holding out for the Dex modifier adds to damage feat or class ability. It's one of the few things keeping PF from being the perfect game in my book.
Would realy help the rogue and dex based monks :-)
Some love for all the 'free hand fighter' type builds, and some ways to make Sword + Board more appealing as well..
Zark |
I would be cool with damage being off Int maybe, but if it was dex then you'd be getting way too many things off of dex making it a way too ridiculous stat as if it were not already.
I hate if dex to damage only would be viable to some archtypes.
Make it a feat.Too powerful? Perhaps the same restrictions as the Duelist: she cannot attack with a weapon in her other hand or use a shield.
No TWF and no THW.
A free hand 'fighter' that doesn't need to be a fighter.
Perhaps a buckler would be fine?
Zark |
I really like the monk to get a boost.
Let the monke be able to move and make a partial flurry. Perhaps a feat.
Let the monk use ki points to move and make a full attack. Perhaps a limited times per day.
One of the problems with the monk is if he can't make a full attack/flurry he can't use a lot of his Ki-powers.
Let the monk get vaccess to Penetrating Strike and Greater Penetrating Strike
or give him ki powers (or feats?) to bypass DR silver, cold iron, slashing, evil etc.
I would like the rogue to get talents (or advance talent) that lets the rogue pick improved feint or Gang up even if she does not have the normal prerequisites, int 13 and combat expertise.
Improved fein as a talent without the normal prerequisites.
Gang up as an talant or an advance talent without the normal prerequisites.
Zark |
Feats that lets the barbarian combine rage powers such as
Perhaps limit it to xxx times per day.
Feats that improve rage powers.
A new feat, Improved Rage. Gives the barbarian +2 to str or +4 to str when he rages. Perhaps limit it to xxx times per day.
Ellington |
Just a little something to allow bards to shine on their own in a pinch instead of endlessly being relegated to the sidekick :) Also useful for archetypes that lose inspire courage.
Inspired Strike
You turn your performance into a lethal strike
Prerequisites: Bardic performance class feature.
Benefit: As a swift action, you may expend one round of bardic performance per day to imbue your next attack. The attack gains a bonus to hit and damage as from the inspire courage ability. If you're already using your performance to inspire courage, the bonuses stack, but so do the rounds expended.
Zark |
A feat that let rangers swap his favored enemy. I know this might lead to abuse, but the feat is really needed.
The feat may need restrictions and Prerequisites but that should be no problem. You're a buch of smart people :-)
Something like this?
Prerequisites : You may not have encountered your favored enemy for one (or two?) levels.
Restrictions: You must have met your new favored enemy in battle and your bonus to anyone favored enemy may not exceed +6.
These are just examples. Maybe you may only swap a favored enemy at even levels or something. I just like to see a feat that fix the problem of having favored enemy xxxx at level 1 and from level 3 you never meet this favored enemy again.
Let's say you have favored enemy ork. You fight them during level 1. During level 2 you never have any encounters with ork. You pick the feat at level 3 and swap to favored enemy goblinoid.
Perhaps you may only swap half the bonus: +2 ork becomes +1 goblinoid.
This is not only good for the game, it's logical too. You haven't fought your favored enemy for a long times so you lose some of your skills, but you fight other creatures and get new skills.
Or create a spell that suppress the favored enemy bonus for xxx days and give half that bonus to a new favored enemy. restrictions: you may not add the bonus to any of your current favored enemies. After the duration of the spell you lose your favored enemy bonus for a xxx number of days. Or let the spell suppress the favored enemy bonus to all your favored enemies.
I'm sure you may create a balanced feat (or a spell) :-)
Purple Dragon Knight |
A bump
And I'd like an option for feats to make a fighter like a dragoon from Final Fantasy. Feats that can add damage when you leap, increase your leap, etc.
That would be cool, but would require some kind of supernatural effect or spell-like effect to replicate... levitate? not sure if there's a spell that already has a similar effect? this way, the suggestion would be easier to consider for the devs.
My 'early' thoughts on such a feat would be to make it an "Equipment Trick" feat (as per those in the Armory companion) keyed to winged boots or boots of striding and springing (boots of striding and springing would only work if you can make a high jump of 20 feet).
Prereqs for the feat would be Spring Attack of course, to avoid the AoOs associated with jumping in front of a large or huge creature's face, and also for making this useful for dex fighters and rogues as well. Another prereq would be Vital Strike.
A BAB 11+ does not seem out of the question either...
Make it like a charge: a full round action that includes movement and one attack. You can add vital strike to this attack. So "you can combine a standard action" with a move kinda feat, as long as the standard action involves an attack roll with a melee weapon. A leap must be done as part of the move, either via acrobatics (jump) skill or via the use of winged boots and fly check (max height is 30 feet if you make the fly check to fly straight up).
For every 5 feet of elevation you achieve during your move, you can add 1d6 points of damage to your base damage dice. Like Vital Strike, "These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total."
Part of this Equipment Trick feat, as a bonus, could allow the user to activate the winged boots as a free action instead of the usual standard action.
Mok |
One of the things I don't like about 3.0 and later rules is that martial characters are all about more and more specialization. AD&D had that inverted, where as you gained levels your options continued to expand as you gained more and more proficiencies with weapons and leadership roles in the world.
While the game can't really be changed to this approach, it would be great to be able to "specialize in versatility" as a set of feats.
- A feat that gives you the perk that you don't provoke AoO for any combat maneuver that you perform.
- A feat that lets you spend hit points to gain a bonus on any roll.
- A feat that allows two medium BAB classes that you've multiclassed into be able to gain an extra +1 BAB.
- A feat that allows you to take one lower level class ability from another class (such as a Fighter being able to take a rogue talent).
Paizo wants to discourage multiclassing, but martial character need more versatility, so allowing them to be able to have some limited flexibility, while still remaining in their class, would really help them out and offer up more interesting and dynamic character concepts.
Razz |
Ok, my two requests:
PRESTIGE CLASSES: Elemental Monks! Please, we've been waiting years for a monk-based prestige class involving the four elements --- a monk with fire-based or water-based abilities...think Avatar: Last Airbender, sort of.
GRAPPLE OPTIONS: More rules and material for grapplers. I feel like some more can be done with it, especially considering I have a PC with a grapple-based Monk.
Stynkk |
I realize Guns are the hot topic, but I would very much like to see these inclusions into the Ultimate Combat Book rearding Repeating Crossbows:
A new Repeating Crossbow type (hand crossbow)
And a feat/further addition to Rapid Reload for the Repeating Crossbow that allows it to be fired using one hand and reloaded, so as to dual wield those babies.
Gunslinger is cool and all, but pre-industrial Crossbow Wielding Gunslinger is pretty cool too.
PPS - A way to increase the reload speed on a sling, blowgun and similar weapons to allow for a full attack (with multiple attacks) would be quite nice as well.
gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |
Stynkk |
If I could ammend my previous post:
Please include a repeating hand crossbow that can be reloaded with a single hand! Possible example below.
Crossbow, Repeating (3.5e Equipment)
From D&D WikiCrossbow, Repeating Hand
Exotic Light Projectile
Critical: 19–20/×2
Range Increment: 30 ft.
Type: Piercing
Damage: 1d4 (M), 1d3 (S)Description:
The repeating hand crossbow holds five crossbow bolts. As long as it holds bolts, you can reload it by pulling the reloading lever (a free action). Loading a new case of 5 bolts is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.You can shoot a hand crossbow with one hand at no penalty. You can shoot a hand crossbow with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two light weapons. The reloading lever of a repeating hand crossbow can be pulled with the opposite hand even if that hand is holding another hand crossbow with no penalty, provided the wielder can use his ring and pinky fingers [...] The lever can also be pushed against another object, say the wielder's forearm, for example, to the same effect. In this manner, two repeating hand crossbows can be wielded at the same time, each offering multiple attacks per round.
Viktyr Korimir |
- Ki abilities for Fighters, Rogues, and Cavaliers. Preferably Charisma-based.
- Intelligence to AC and melee damage as (separate) Feats.
- Martial arts for non-Monks.
- Martial arts styles for Monks and non-Monks.
- Katana as a bastard scimitar.
- Special abilities for crossbows and guns.
I'm sure I'll think of more.
Sean K Reynolds Contributor |
If I could ammend my previous post:
Please include a repeating hand crossbow that can be reloaded with a single hand! Possible example below.
** spoiler omitted **
The light and heavy repeating xbows can still require another hand to reload.
How can you reload a crossbow with just one hand? You need one hand to hold the crossbow, and another hand to put the bolt in...?
Justin Franklin |
Stynkk wrote:How can you reload a crossbow with just one hand? You need one hand to hold the crossbow, and another hand to put the bolt in...?If I could ammend my previous post:
Please include a repeating hand crossbow that can be reloaded with a single hand! Possible example below.
** spoiler omitted **
The light and heavy repeating xbows can still require another hand to reload.
Are you using logic again??!??!?!!? Stop that. ;D
Ævux |
What I want in ultimate combat?
Skill tricks. small "mini" feats for those skillfully inclined individuals to combat against magic users a bit more.
Manuvers. Again, some sort of ability for the physically capable to even up the gap between a caster and a fighter. Armory has somethings that could work.
Tursic |
I would like to have more things for my fighter to use his actions on, without having to spend more feats. I do not have enough feats as it is. How about somethings to use my swift actions on.
As a GM and a player I would like DCs for skills. I would like to know just how hard it is to do things like jump up catch the bottom of the legde and then fleep up to land on top of the clift. The jump DC is easy since I have rules for that part. As a GM I would say the second part is a second acrobatics check with a DC of 15, but is that right?
How about rules for chaining manuvers togather as part of a Full-attack action. We can do this some already, like when you use your first attack to trip the enemy so that they are prone for the second attack.
How about one feat that just let you use a group of manuvers without giving the plus to the rolls. Or even rules so that you take a -2 to the manuver roll to not take a give AoO.
Mok |
A pouch, bandoleer, wrist guard... whatever, that allows a Monk to be able to flurry shurikens out of it and have them be enchanted.
Thus, you have your bandoleer +1 of star throwing. Any shurkiens put into it and then immediately thrown from it are considered +1 enchanted, just like how an arrow comes out of a +1 bow.
Stynkk |
How can you reload a crossbow with just one hand? You need one hand to hold the crossbow, and another hand to put the bolt in...?
Hello Sean K! A delightful duel of words we find ourselves embroiled in concerning the Hand Reloading Crossbow... dun dun dun!
It would be an ammmendment to the reloading crossbow, so it would have a clip or magazine type system to load to the next bolt. The current reloading crossbows(heavy and light) requires a free hand to activate a lever to load the next bolt.
Perhaps, due to the size of the hand reloading crossbow this mechanism can be triggered with a single hand.
The way you can explain such an engineering marvel, in terms of the lore, is that this type of bow reliant on some kind of clockwork technology that is now emerging alongside firearms.
For example, I envision a crossbow in which the handle has a contraption similar to a bike handle brake, in which you can engage the reloading mechanism with a single hand, while still keeping your hand on the grip.
But, I know the Paizo team is much more creative than I, so I'm sure I don't have to tell you about these exciting possiblities ^_^
Food for thought: The Polybolos (translated as Many Thrower)was an automated ballista and was created in the 3rd century BC by Dionysius of Alexandria. It featured a wooden magazine and was automated by the first flat-link drive chain in existence connected to the windlass.
Perhaps this tiny windlass which can be located on top of he grip at the rear of the crossbow can be linked to a group of progressively larger gears (to generate more force) and can be powered by the thumb of an adventurer?
The black raven |
I would like to have a clear description of how multiple attacks of different kind interact, eg what happens when a character wants to attack with his normal weapon, a off-hand weapon, primary natural attacks, secondary natural attacks and/or a touch spell (especially one like Chill Touch where you get multiple touch from a single casting) and also how it all interferes with AoO.
Face_P0lluti0n |
Face_P0lluti0n wrote:pretty sure this feat already exists..... called dervish dance... has a couple restrictions but you should look it up on the SRD.I'm holding out for the Dex modifier adds to damage feat or class ability. It's one of the few things keeping PF from being the perfect game in my book.
Yes, I know there are a million workarounds. One of my PCs uses the "Shadow Blade" feat from the 3.5 ToB, another uses the Swashbuckler from the 3.5 Complete Warrior, but I'd love to see a more elegant solution in a PF book that is PFS legal, and something I can easily point a newb towards.
"You want to play a duelist or combat rogue? Start with this feat, then take whatever build you want!"
It's for Scimitars only. Shortsword-wielding Assassins and Rapier-wielding Duelists still need to have absurd strength to have competitive damage in melee, unless you're mixing in a lot of 3.X splatbooks.
I would even settle for an Int-or-Wis-adds-to-damage option, as long as it's available to most "Finesse" type melee combatants.
Shadow Blade and Deadly Defense have been my friends, but I'd really like to see a simpler, PF-branded, and OGL solution. I'll hold out hope. Paizo has met and then blown away my expectations in every other regard.
Souphin |
What I want in ultimate combat?
Yes please, I don't know if the frenzied berserker should be here or a prestige class
Also a sorcerer archetype that removed the ability to cast spells (except maybe bloodline spells) and let the sorcerer sacrifice spell slots in order to pull of combat abilities. (Think Adept from shadowrun)
A feat that allowed an attribute to be treated as being 2 points higher for meeting feat requirements
A feat like Vital Strike but as a standard action a user can attack each weapon in hand as a standard action
A feat that allowed some one to deflect an attack like in the 2nd Ed wotc star wars game
(Sacrifice an attack from your next turn to make a melee attack to replace your AC)
A feat that allowed the war, good, law and alike domain powers to be used on the caster as a swift action to allow them to participate in combat and not just be support
Not only combat spells but spells that change combat or apply combat rules already established
A druid spell that creates underwater combat rules for everyone in 30ft but they can breath or another spell that encumbers everyone.
Smoke bombs, long handle great sword (dragon age), Harpoon gun, Dwarven stone cannon (fires stones from like a sling from a stone cylinder), yo-yo,
Magical Item
War Lord's Bracer
-- A bracer that gave the wearer ability like the war domain at 8th level.
Kaiyanwang |
I would even settle for an Int-or-Wis-adds-to-damage option, as long as it's available to most "Finesse" type melee combatants.
Shadow Blade and Deadly Defense have been my friends, but I'd really like to see a simpler, PF-branded, and OGL solution. I'll hold out hope. Paizo has met and then blown away my expectations in every other regard.
the problem with that is the whole bonus a stat brings on the table. Strenght adds damage and carrying capacity. Dex adds AC and initiative - should dexterity add damage too?
I see that for gunslinger this has been done. Perhaps specific class and archetypes should have this bonus - but I'm not sure is a good idea make it a feat - at least, a no prerequisite feat.
please note i'm quite ambivalent about the subject - seeing our rogue PC using two feat slots on Weapon Finesse and Agile Maneuvers makes me think about it.
Face_P0lluti0n |
Face_P0lluti0n wrote:splatbooks.
I would even settle for an Int-or-Wis-adds-to-damage option, as long as it's available to most "Finesse" type melee combatants.
Shadow Blade and Deadly Defense have been my friends, but I'd really like to see a simpler, PF-branded, and OGL solution. I'll hold out hope. Paizo has met and then blown away my expectations in every other regard.
the problem with that is the whole bonus a stat brings on the table. Strenght adds damage and carrying capacity. Dex adds AC and initiative - should dexterity add damage too?
I see that for gunslinger this has been done. Perhaps specific class and archetypes should have this bonus - but I'm not sure is a good idea make it a feat - at least, a no prerequisite feat.
please note i'm quite ambivalent about the subject - seeing our rogue PC using two feat slots on Weapon Finesse and Agile Maneuvers makes me think about it.
I'm willing to admit that Dex doing double-duty might be a little too good. I actually rather like the 3.5 Swashbuckler's Int-to-damage ability. However, the way it works now, where a meleer is basically dead in the water without either an olympically high Str or some really impressive min/maxing chops is not much fun either. I am hoping for a feat because Finesse combat is something I'd like to see in a lot of different classes - Ranger, Rogue, even Fighter.
In my home campaign, we're still allowing all of the 3.5 stuff, so most of my finesse fighters are using ToB for Shadow Blade, are Swashbucklers, or find creative ways to sneak attack every round, flank or no (ToB is still helpful, as there are several low/mid-level ways to create the conditions needed for sneak attacking), but I've yet to see, even in 3.5, a really elegant way of making it simple and fun to whip up a finesse fighter. I'm the resident finesse fan in my group, but I would hate to try to tutor a newb in the art of making a combat Rogue or fencer-type character. I get the impression it would look like a seriously uphill battle when compared to the goodies that Two-Handed Fighters get in the Core as well as the APG.
Granted, it can be done. One of my pet PF-only builds is a TWF Fighter with maxed out Dex who uses the bonuses provided by Armor Training to have a competitively high AC and not-terrible DPR (Damage Per Round) despite not having a shield, but it comes down to being dependent on combining Armor Training with Mithral Full Plate and picking some very specific feats. Not really newb stuff IMHO.
The other balance issue I've been struggling with is that while Dex adds AC, it doesn't actually make Dex characters any harder to hit when measured up against the full breadth of possible builds and stats. Full plate and shield fighters are much harder to hit than Duelists in chain shirts, unless you're slinging rays or guns. It's only in the sorts of games where wearing full plate is suicide, acrobatic swashbuckling games, aquatic games, high-end tactical games where movement is more important than damage capacity, and so forth, that combatants with better Dex than Str are the winners. In a typical dungeon crawl, I would never place my bets on the finesse guy/gal.
I admit that this strays into the old "Trust you GM to make the game fair" stuff that comes up during "Are casters too awesome" arguments, but it seems to me like the heavy armor, heavy weapon types are still light years ahead if we're buying into the normal dungeon-crawl paradigm.
I could be wrong, but I'd love to see a carefully balanced bone get thrown to the finesse crowd. I'm willing to max out my Int for the sake of damage. My fencer PC thinks the mind is the most important battleground anyway ( :
Edit: In a perfect world, I'd do things the True 20 way, where to-hit is always Dex, damage is always Str, and defense is based off of whichever of Strength (Parry) or Dexterity (Dodge) is better.
Hayato Ken |
A pouch, bandoleer, wrist guard... whatever, that allows a Monk to be able to flurry shurikens out of it and have them be enchanted.
Thus, you have your bandoleer +1 of star throwing. Any shurkiens put into it and then immediately thrown from it are considered +1 enchanted, just like how an arrow comes out of a +1 bow.
Very cool idea. I just worked on something like that for my ninja.
Take a wrist sheath, enchant it with efficient quiver, then enchant it with amulett of mighty fists quality. I added the distance quality.
Then sum all costs and you are finished.
Of course to balance this it has to be tied to ranged attacks or perhaps even thrown weapons only. The high price is a balance on its own.
Perhaps you could lower that price if its really only for shuriken.
Shuriken are kind of special because they are ammunition coming with a very high price if enchanted and usable in mid to late game.
Souphin |
Like how Focused Shot allowed someone to add int to a ranged attack there should be another feat to allow some one to add their con to an account...
Weighted Attack
-- If you move more than 5ft in a round you can add your Con to your damage for that round with large weapons
State of Law -- prereq - you must be lawful
-- Instead of rolling a d20 for attacks you can now roll 3d6. Never a nat20 never a Nat1
Inciting the Chaos -- prereq - you must be chaotic
-- On a natural 20 to hit you, you may immediately strike the attacker. Your attack is resolved after the attack that triggered the ability
Ævux |
Presenting Strike - Due to your sheer awesomeness (or whatever) Add your cha bonus to damage rolls with weapons in addition to (Or instead of) your str.
Presented Defense - You may use CHA in place of dex for AC. You don't suffer max dex bonus from armor if used in this way.
Warlord - Cha based fighter. Gains similar features as the caviler, without the mount or restrictions. gains leadership and basically functions as a bit of a "mundane" summoner.
Kaiyanwang |
Presenting Strike - Due to your sheer awesomeness (or whatever) Add your cha bonus to damage rolls with weapons in addition to (Or instead of) your str.
Presented Defense - You may use CHA in place of dex for AC. You don't suffer max dex bonus from armor if used in this way.
respectfully, these two, as an example, don't make sense for me...
Shuriken Nekogami |
things i would like to see
a dex to damage feat with few to no restrictions that an extremely low level character can pick up with little fuss. maybe it only applies to finessable weapons. combining it with 2WF is not a problem that will really break the game. a strength based 2HW weapon fighter still wins in the end. it's also cheaper tp invest in better armor than it is to invest in dexterity. this could help monks and rogues not suck as badly. it also opens a few doors for dexterity based musketeer gunslingers
variant rage bonuses. something akin to UA whirling frenzy or serenity from the fan section of the SRD. various other things could work too.
a more warlord/marshall like bard archtype/subclass with auras instead of performance. stuff like add the 'originator's' charisma bonus as a morale bonus to any of a variety of things, regeneration, to hit bonuses, damage. ac, saves or even skills.
a class that borrows aspects of cleaned up versions of mechanics from the book of 9 swords. something akin to swordsage meets warblade. rather than several levels of 'techniques', i'd prefer that the 'techniques' would scale with level. and that they would be usable all day long. i would prefer less need for 'Treat As previously mentioned technique X but better and higher level.' please don't place any arbritrary limits on these 'at will powers'. it's going to be the class's primary focus.
a series of variant rules for less gear dependant martials along the lines of a cleaned up and heavily less restricted vow of poverty.
a feat for helping the base attack bonus of combatants with lower base attack bonuses. like practiced spellcaster (but base attack bonus instead)
a series of rogue talent for adding heal ranks to damage and allowing sneak attack dice to be used as nonmagical healing (ala acupuncture)
i also want to see a few things for ultimate magic
a spell point system you can easily convert spellcasting classes to work off of. (akin to power points)
a series of 'design it yourself' spell templates
a feat to key your casting off a different stat
things i'd like to see in both.
multiclass assistance feats (stuff like practiced spellcaster, ascetic mage, or swift hunter). these should affect multiple key abilities of both classes involved and allow a variety of things.
Ævux |
Ævux wrote:respectfully, these two, as an example, don't make sense for me...Feats.
Presenting Strike - Due to your sheer awesomeness (or whatever) Add your cha bonus to damage rolls with weapons in addition to (Or instead of) your str.
Presented Defense - You may use CHA in place of dex for AC. You don't suffer max dex bonus from armor if used in this way.
Its hard to describe.. but consider it this way..
Both of them run off the idea that Charisma measures a character’s personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance.
Specifically his personality. While others train to be good, you just know your good. A self reassuring moral if you would.
Hayato Ken |
Kaiyanwang wrote:Ævux wrote:respectfully, these two, as an example, don't make sense for me...Feats.
Presenting Strike - Due to your sheer awesomeness (or whatever) Add your cha bonus to damage rolls with weapons in addition to (Or instead of) your str.
Presented Defense - You may use CHA in place of dex for AC. You don't suffer max dex bonus from armor if used in this way.
Its hard to describe.. but consider it this way..
Both of them run off the idea that Charisma measures a character’s personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance.
Specifically his personality. While others train to be good, you just know your good. A self reassuring moral if you would.
Something like: "My old friend always was so self assured that he can fly in the dire need to do so, without any magic or devices, just by the force of his personality. Well, then he was cornered on a cliff and jumped down. Now he is gone. I guess he can fly now in heaven...."
With all respect Sir, i think tying any ability to any other feat is kind of gamebreaking. Like the wizard who gets attack bonus and damage and hitpoints from intelligence instead of strength and constituiton.
What you described works on social situations, even confrontations, what is displayed with some skills using charisma or feats to get CHA bonus for intimidate, but it surely doesnt work in combat.
I saw some guys thinking like that and get messed up heavily^^
Ævux |
Ævux wrote:Kaiyanwang wrote:Ævux wrote:respectfully, these two, as an example, don't make sense for me...Feats.
Presenting Strike - Due to your sheer awesomeness (or whatever) Add your cha bonus to damage rolls with weapons in addition to (Or instead of) your str.
Presented Defense - You may use CHA in place of dex for AC. You don't suffer max dex bonus from armor if used in this way.
Its hard to describe.. but consider it this way..
Both of them run off the idea that Charisma measures a character’s personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance.
Specifically his personality. While others train to be good, you just know your good. A self reassuring moral if you would.
Something like: "My old friend always was so self assured that he can fly in the dire need to do so, without any magic or devices, just by the force of his personality. Well, then he was cornered on a cliff and jumped down. Now he is gone. I guess he can fly now in heaven...."
With all respect Sir, i think tying any ability to any other feat is kind of gamebreaking. Like the wizard who gets attack bonus and damage and hitpoints from intelligence instead of strength and constituiton.
What you described works on social situations, even confrontations, what is displayed with some skills using charisma or feats to get CHA bonus for intimidate, but it surely doesnt work in combat.
I saw some guys thinking like that and get messed up heavily^^
Cept like we have those feats already.. Weapon finesse.. Focused shot..
No, what I described is more like Elan from OOTS, not some crazy nutbag.
Souphin |
Here's sugestion of a coombat version of the sorcerer
Adroitic (Sorcerer Archetype)
An Adroitic gains improved unarmed, weapon focus, or arcane blast at 1st level
Spell casting: An Adroitic cannot cast non-bloodline.
Mystical Fusion (Sp): Starting at 1st level, an Adroitic can make add Mystical Fusion to any attack as a swift action. When doing so he may sacrifice a spell to add +1 to attack and +1d4 force damage for every spell level sacrificed to that attack. Magical Fusion can only be added to an unarmed strike, arcane blast, to the weapon assigned by weapon focus feat.
Mystical Understanding (sp): At 3th level an Adroitic gains an understanding of his non-blood line spell. An Adroitic can sacrifice a spell slot to cast a non-blood line spell of the same level
Mystical Flurry (Sp): At 6th level an Adroitic can sacrifice a slot as a free action to gain an extra attack at his highest attack bonus for each spell level sacrificed to be used for this round. (This does not stack with haste, speed weapon or alike effects)
Mystical Movement (Sp): At 9th level an Adroitic can sacrifice a spell giving them the ability to jump 20ft per spell slot sacrificed. (No skill check needed)
Mystical Blast (Sp): At 12th level an Adroitic can as add a Mystical Blast to their unarmed attack, arcane blast, or attack from the weapon assigned by weapon focus as a standard action. When attacking the target a blast is generated with the target being the focus point. The blast does 2d6 spell level sacrificed level and has a radius of 10 feet per spell level scarified (50ft max) DC is 10 + spell level sacrificed + Charisma. An Adroitic cannot be affected by his own blast. If the target of the initial attack is hit, the DC for that target is +5.
Mystical Shield (Sp): At 15th level an Adroitic can sacrifice a slot to create a sphere around them that last 1 minute per level of spell sacrificed or until destroyed. The sphere has 10hp per level of spell sacrificed. The sphere is translucent and the Adroitic can decide on what can bypass the sphere.
Mystic Absorption (Sp): At 18th When an Adroitic successfully attacks a spell caster with a Mystical ability the spell caster must make a will save DC is 10 + spell level sacrificed for the mystical ability + Charisma or loose a spell slot of the same level as the level sacrificed for the mystical ability, the Adroitic heals 1d4 for each level the spell the spell caster lost this way. This action can only be performed once a round.