Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

YAY!!! *hides rule book just in case*

While you look up rules, I win.

Grand Lodge

:rides the dragon to the win:
Ride: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

You failed the check.

I passed the requirement for winning.....posting last.

Grand Lodge

:falls into the win:


Clean yourself up would you? ;)

Grand Lodge

I'd like to try, but it seems my spine has turned to dust.....

*Comes through with a pushbroom mumbling to himself*

*sticks a high CR boom-boom-bomb to troll's back while he's cleaning the mess.*




Grand Lodge

:The explosion sends me to the win:

The Win hasn't shown it's face lately, so you're headed way back.

Whilest, the rest of us are going forward.

Grand Lodge

Noooooooooo~Oh wait..... here it is!

Can't a mod just close this and win?

This game hurts. I'm not playing anymore.

Uninvited Ghost wrote:
Can't a mod just close this and win?


Grand Lodge

Ghosts are scary~
:Sprays Holy Water every where:

Who you gonna call?

Grand Lodge


Any pizza place that delivers. I'm hungry.

I think this thread was made by proteans...

Perhaps, but trying to understand the origin will hurt your brain.

Sovereign Court

Yes and it'll also hurt yours as only highly intelligent beings like myself (in fact, only GORILLAS like ME) have any chance of understanding things - like winning! >:-D

I'm so winning....

Grand Lodge

I think you lost, for I are winnar.

Huh...did I win yet?

Did I woooooon?

(No. The person below me didn't either, becuase there will almost certainly be a person below that person.)

Grand Lodge

I don't understand.......

In your confusion I win

This forum is made of win.

For, at one point in time, each post was the last, and due to the fact that the time stream is linear, that point in time is locked in that position, and always happens at that time.

Each post is a shadow of a win cast in time.

So, enjoy your wins, and that point of time will be in enjoyment, and always has.

I would say that point is locked forever, but in reality, it's locked for only the moment it is, and as such, is locked for an infiantly small amount of time, that also happens to not end.


I've been good all year, therefore, I win.

Indeed you do. And always have.

icehawk333 wrote:

This forum is made of win.

For, at one point in time, each post was the last, and due to the fact that the time stream is linear, that point in time is locked in that position, and always happens at that time.

Each post is a shadow of a win cast in time.

So, enjoy your wins, and that point of time will be in enjoyment, and always has.

I would say that point is locked forever, but in reality, it's locked for only the moment it is, and as such, is locked for an infiantly small amount of time, that also happens to not end.


No. This is not preschool kickball. You don't get a trophy for participation. Only the final poster, either a moderator closing the thread, or the last person to post before the interweb shuts down forever, is the winner.

I'm going for the latter. Until then...

Winz for me!!!

Grand Lodge

:steals the win:

Good luck with that.

I didn't need luck...I have dwarven ingenuity.

Sovereign Court

And I, intelligence beyond compare!

Waterhammer wrote:
icehawk333 wrote:

This forum is made of win.

For, at one point in time, each post was the last, and due to the fact that the time stream is linear, that point in time is locked in that position, and always happens at that time.

Each post is a shadow of a win cast in time.

So, enjoy your wins, and that point of time will be in enjoyment, and always has.

I would say that point is locked forever, but in reality, it's locked for only the moment it is, and as such, is locked for an infiantly small amount of time, that also happens to not end.


No. This is not preschool kickball. You don't get a trophy for participation. Only the final poster, either a moderator closing the thread, or the last person to post before the interweb shuts down forever, is the winner.

I'm going for the latter. Until then...

Winz for me!!!

Given that, no one can win, for when the internet shuts down, there will be no last post.


Yeah, trolling should be done elsewhere.

So should Fiend Foolery


Molten Dragon is banned for a one word post. Oops wrong forum game. Carry on.

What's the prize we're fighting over anyway?
I'd like to know what I just won.


I thought the only way a troll wins is through a 5,000 post thread about monks, rogue, martial s vs. casters and paladin morality.

ps I win.

The prize is cookies? Guess I won after all, because I have some. Chocolate chip, in fact.

krevon wrote:

I thought the only way a troll wins is through a 5,000 post thread about monks, rogue, martial s vs. casters and paladin morality.

ps I win.

You forgot alignment arguments.

Weeee I won!

Hak hak drakken

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