Woah, woah guys, no killing! That is saved for the Order 66 thread
But I'll take that win, thank you very much.
In order to obtain the win, you must be prepared to do ANYTHING for it!
*Pounds Doombringer into paste and takes the win to further the point.*
Daintily skips away with the win.
:tosses a bunch of flower petals into the air. Takes the win after MD drops it, squealing and giggling, twirling 'round and 'round:
Head butts Goat Toucher to take the win.
*Jumps out of a nearby tree and onto Gruumash, knocking him to the ground and takes the win while he is still winded and unconscious.*
Snags the win, for the win! Ba-boosh!!!
I snatch it from Molten Dragon's claws when he's not looking and take off.
I"m baaaaaaaaaaack (Regeneration's a b***h, huh?)
OH yeah, the win is mine.
*A group of gorillas pin Doombringer down, allowing me to take the win.*
Thank you, my minions, with this latest victory we shall soon take over this pitiful planet!
*Beats chest while bellowing ferociously in triumph.*
I will craft a new win, making the old one obsolete.....like the rest of you so call "winners".
Your crafted win was recalled by the factory. I have the old win and therefore, win.
Going back to basics. The win is not an object. One clearly wins on condition of being the last poster. Savvy?
That said, i am the winner for now.
I take your reality and substitute it with my own. The win is now an object again... and I have it.
TFF and HtD are distracted thinking the other is its reflection and I take the win.
Never send devils or dragons to do a gorilla's job!
Now I shall take the win and have my gorilla army stop anyone who gets in the way!
An army? With all those unshaven faces? I think not.
An evil garden gnome? I almost tripped over you. The win is mine.
I'm tossing a greased halfling and when you drop the win to catch it, i'll take the win
And it's a devil who remembers the moment off the thread.
I win, for i posted last ;)
Until I post on the thread, victory once again goes to the apes!
Coming down off the top turnbuckle for the win!
I win by being the last poster.....AGAIN
Apparently, the win is a piece of Sissyl's soul...
Which I now possess. Now, what should I do with it?
Presents a gnome with an illusion cast to look like a banana, walks away with win.
Well, none of you can hold on to me anyway, so who cares? Maybe it would matter if I wasn't surrounded by losers, hmmm?
Don't worry. I'll take the win, and hold it for a long, long time, guaranteed.
What's that? The win hasn't been taken in 49 minutes? Blasphemy! I'll take that!
I posted last again, therefor i win yet again.
You and your doppelganger seem to be having fun TFF. So much fun in fact, that neither of you notice that I have just taken the win.
What, that imposter? No way....
Btw, i win again by posting this.
"You're not even good enough to be my fake!"
Win is mine.
I'm beginning to think you are the same person and by the way......I win.
Look at all them pretties.......
*Dances around with the win*
Ooooh finally a civilized person.
*dances with Auriea*
Boll-ocks, shoo imposter.
Winning again.
That wan't nice Mister Fiend......
*dances again*
While goat toucher is busy quoting Darmok, I will take the win and treat it with the respect it deserves.
Shaka, when the walls fell. :'(
That sums up your situation perfectly.
But what is he going to do at Tanagra?