Another 1 of my crazy ideas "The Rhino Tank"

Homebrew and House Rules

A Dire Rhinoceros + 6 Dwarves
4 Dwarves at each shoulder in armored baskets with mounted heavy-repeting crossbows.
a "fireball flinger" on the rump (in a "chair/saddle")
and a paladin or cleric up front.
both mage and cleric have wands apopreat to their class
and the rhino is "awakened"

This is one unit of a super-heavy cavalry 300 strong with 100 smaller "teen-aged" rhinos as faster light cav. outriders.

i have a whole backstory as to how all these dire rhinos became "awakened", maybe i'll tell it later...

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Make the dire rhino have 10 legs instead of 4. And give it the ability to shoot exploding rocks out of its primary horn.

It can befriend a stone-golem-gorilla and a fire-breathing dragon that can shoot rays from its eyes and tail tip.

Maybe a couple gibbering semi-intelligent shapeshifting oozes.

Why isnt one of the dwarves a cavalier with his lance? Could get some sweet charges in there.

i thought about having lances, but 'bout the Rhino is a cavalier and it uses it's horn...

Seems to be working well if you think of it like that hah. Iteresting idea especially for dwarves coming from very odd places.

SmiloDan wrote:

Make the dire rhino have 10 legs instead of 4. And give it the ability to shoot exploding rocks out of its primary horn.

It can befriend a stone-golem-gorilla and a fire-breathing dragon that can shoot rays from its eyes and tail tip.

Maybe a couple gibbering semi-intelligent shapeshifting oozes.

+10 for the Herculoids reference. I love that show!!! Wish they would release it on DVD.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Mount a ballista on it, or a light catapult.

The Exchange

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Mount a ballista on it, or a light catapult.

A Ballista and a circular Work Platform allowing Halflings or Dwarves to fire the post mounted Ballista in any direction from the back of the Rhino. Sounds like a kickarse mini.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Fallen_Mage wrote:
SmiloDan wrote:

Make the dire rhino have 10 legs instead of 4. And give it the ability to shoot exploding rocks out of its primary horn.

It can befriend a stone-golem-gorilla and a fire-breathing dragon that can shoot rays from its eyes and tail tip.

Maybe a couple gibbering semi-intelligent shapeshifting oozes.

+10 for the Herculoids reference. I love that show!!! Wish they would release it on DVD.

I think the mom from that show might be the original MILF.

i dont know if everyone knows about the druid spell awaken, so here it is:
School transmutation; Level druid 5
Casting Time 24 hours
Components V, S, M (herbs and oils worth 2,000 gp), DF
Range touch
Target animal or tree touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You awaken a tree or animal to human-like sentience. To succeed,
you must make a Will save (DC 10 + the animal’s current HD, or
the HD the tree will have once awakened). The awakened animal
or tree is friendly toward you. You have no special empathy or
connection with a creature you awaken, although it serves you in
specific tasks or endeavors if you communicate your desires to
it. If you cast awaken again, any previously awakened creatures
remain friendly to you, but they no longer undertake tasks for you
unless it is in their best interests.
An awakened tree has characteristics as if it were an animated
object (see the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary), except that it gains the plant type and its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are each 3d6. An awakened plant gains the ability to move its limbs, roots, vines, creepers, and so forth, and it has senses similar to a human’s.
An awakened animal gets 3d6 Intelligence, +1d3 Charisma, and +2
HD. Its type becomes magical beast (augmented animal). An awakened
animal can’t serve as an animal companion, familiar, or special mount.
An awakened tree or animal can speak one language that you
know, plus one additional language that you know per point of
Intelligence bonus (if any). This spell does not function on an animal
or plant with an Intelligence greater than 2.

if everyone of the 300 rhinos was awakend and has character levels... well think about it...

Also, hate to point this out, but the Dwarves would all need to be armed with Awl Pikes to even threaten creatures on the ground, although arming them with 'normal' Reach Weapons for close-in combat and ranged weapons of your choice for everything else would allow them to provide a nasty surprise to anything Large Size or trying to attack the Dire Rhinoceros from the air.


Sowde Da'aro wrote:

if everyone of the 300 rhinos was awakend and has character levels... well think about it...

600,000 gold?

o-O That'd buy alotta Ninjas O_o

*shakes fist*

well each dwarf has a mounted crossbow, and concidering they are dwarves, throwing axes and hammers.
that said, the baskets would have a trapfloor so they can make a quick exit, where they then pull out battle axe and board.
ive been thinking about this for years, but never had a chance to playtest it.

the dwarves i think of are the gold dwarves who live in the great rift on the shining planes of the forgotten realms.

the gold dwarves have a griffen air cav. (RAW)

and while i am at it why not a Roc family with alcemist riders... Bombs Away!!!!

BenignFacist wrote:
*shakes fist*



(feeds the thread crickets)

Dark Archive

Sowde Da'aro wrote:
and while i am at it why not a Roc family with alcemist riders... Bombs Away!!!!

Roc Animal Companion starts at size Medium, so recruit a bunch of 1st level Druid / X level Gnome, Goblin or Halfling Alchemists and set them to work!

Pteradons w/Kobolds are also an option, but they only have Str 8, and can't carry much compared to those Str 12 Rocs. (26 lbs vs. 43 lbs) :)

Buy some muleback cords (APG, 1000 gp, +8 Str for encumbrance only) for those birds, stat!

this has got to be my favorite thread on here right now. I LOVE IT!!!!!

i would also throw out there the idea of using a Bullet

Dire Rhinoceros CR 8
Total XP Individual XP
1-3 4-5 6+
4800 1600 1200 800

N Gargantuan Dire Animal
Init +0; Senses Perception +3
AC 22 FF 22 Touch 6 (-4 size, +16 natural)
hp: 145 (10d8+100)
Fort +17 Ref +7 Will +8
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Attack: Gore +21 2d6+27
Attack: Powerful Charge +21 4d6+27
Full Attack: Gore +21 2d6+27
Space 20 ft. (4 squares) Reach 15 ft. (3 squares)
Special Attacks
Str 46(+18), Dex 10(+0), Con 31(+10), Int 2(-4), Wis 13(+1), Cha 2(-4)
Base Atk +7; CMB +29; CMD 39
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Improved Natural Attack(Gore), Total Feats 6
Skills: Perception +3, Sense Motive +8, Skill Points 10
Languages: Languages
SQ: Special Qualities
Environment: Warm plains
Organization: Solitary or herd (2-12)
Treasure: null
Low-light vision(Ex):

how many med size dwarfs could you have on a Gargantuan Rhino?

Sowde Da'aro wrote:
how many med size dwarfs could you have on a Gargantuan Rhino?

Gargantuan is the next size up from Huge, and huge is 15'x15'. So a 20'x20' square may hold the 6 dwarves you're going for. If you put a howdah on it, they might look like the elephant riders from Return of the King.

You need Krazy Kragnar's Used Chariots Includes howdah's for all occasions!

Love the rhino riders idea. Are they for hire? I have this recalcitrant Baron out in the Western Marches, refuses to pay his taxes and hasn't sent his shield-levy to the last two call-outs...

actually the olliphant riders from Return of the King were my insperation. i thought "what could go up agenst them? Hmmm really big rhinos!... with dwarves, and heavy repeteing crossbows." (they seem to have about the same temperment) and it went from there...

and yes, anybody can use any idea i have. no plageriziam, 'cuz i dont care. (or however it's spelled)

Silver Crusade

So relieved the concept is more "Dino-Riders" than "Ace Ventura". ;)

This idea, combined with the presence of megafauna and crazed siege weaponry designers, would fit perfectly in Belkzen.

not so long ago i was reminded of the Dinoriders, but i could not for the life of me remember the name of the cartoon, thank you Mikaze.
and it was from dinoriders that i fell in love with the velociraptor, long before Jurassic Park.
but yes that is also the feel i was going for.

SmiloDan wrote:

Make the dire rhino have 10 legs instead of 4. And give it the ability to shoot exploding rocks out of its primary horn.

It can befriend a stone-golem-gorilla and a fire-breathing dragon that can shoot rays from its eyes and tail tip.

Maybe a couple gibbering semi-intelligent shapeshifting oozes.

Lol Herculoids! love it :D

Your rhino tank is no match for my Unliving Room - a fortified elephant skeleton the interior of which has been converted into a chamber. The necromancer resides within, able to employ fell slaying magics with impunity. First order of business: targeting the nose-horn - arguably one of the most ridiculously-looking animals (and that includes platypuses). Ray of enfeeblement seems nice. Let it crumble under the weight of half a dozen fatbeards. Or disintegrage the space in front of its feet. That should take care of business. Anything that weighs upwards of one tonne does not want to stumble.

KaeYoss wrote:
Your rhino tank is no match for my Unliving Room - a fortified elephant skeleton the interior of which has been converted into a chamber. The necromancer resides within, able to employ fell slaying magics with impunity. First order of business: targeting the nose-horn - arguably one of the most ridiculously-looking animals (and that includes platypuses). Ray of enfeeblement seems nice. Let it crumble under the weight of half a dozen fatbeards. Or disintegrage the space in front of its feet. That should take care of business. Anything that weighs upwards of one tonne does not want to stumble.

that might just work.

but what about the other 299 rhinos?

Sowde Da'aro wrote:

that might just work.
but what about the other 299 rhinos?

Well, the other 299 necromancers can take care of them. Or some of the undead servants. It's fun for a roc skeleton to pick up rhinos and drop them onto other rhinos. Not for the rhinos, naturally.

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