ElyasRavenwood |
Play test party
I have decided to make a party of 1st level PCs and run them through “master of the Fallen Fortress”
I am using the PFS rules, and a 20 point build. Everyone gets 150 gp to start
The party will consist of a Gunslinger, a Samurai, a Ninja, a Magus, and an Oracle.
I wil post the 1st level characters, then send them to the dogs. If i have time, ill post that battle this evening.
One thing i did note during character creation, was that the Gunslinger getting his guns and 50 shots of ammo for free, was a very nice bonus, it freed up some cash and allowed me to buy some more weapons.
ElyasRavenwood |
CR 1 ;Male Human Gunslinger; CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +3
-------------------- DEFENSE--------------------
AC 17, 19 with shield, touch 13, flat-footed 14, 16 with shield
hp 12 (1d10+1+1 favored class)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5
-------------------- OFFENSE --------------------
Spd 30 ft.
Pistol +4 (1d6/20/x4) Type: B P Range: 20 Amunition 50
Long Sword +2 (1d8+1/19-20/x2)
Dagger +2/+4 thrown (1d4+1/19-20x2)
Guisarme +2 (2d4+1/x3)
-------------------- STATISTICS --------------------
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats: Point blank shot, Precise Shot Traits: Fast Talker, Reactionary
Skills: Acrobatics: +5(1+3+3-2), Bluff +5, Knowledge Local: +4 Languages: Taldane (common)
Class Abilities: Fire Arms, Grit +3, Deeds
-------------------- TRACKED RESOURCES --------------------
Grit+3 Ammo: 50 ( black powder and bullets)
Gear: 2 pistols,Chain shirt, Steel Shield, Long Sword, Guisarme, 4 daggers, 4 gp
Porthos comes from a Noble (or Formerly noble) family in Galt. The mob dragged his family to the Guillotine for “crimes against the people”. He survived by being put on a horse and sent out the back gate with saddlebags stuffed with some of the family’s silver and gold. He was able to use it to outfit himself in his current armaments. He come to Absolom and has taken to the “adventuring “ life style in hopes of accumulating enough gold to get his ancestral lands back. He is also interested in sampling as much wine and as many women as he can find.
ElyasRavenwood |
Itto Ogami
CR 1 Male Human Samurai 1 LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +0
-------------------- DEFENSE --------------------
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14
hp 13 (1d10+2+1 favored class)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
-------------------- OFFENSE --------------------
Spd 30 ft.
Masterwork Long Sword (looks like a Katanna) +7 (+5 TWF) (1d8+4/19-20x2)
Short sword (Wakazashi) +5 (+3 TWF) (1d6+4/ 19-20x2)
-------------------- STATISTICS --------------------
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 9
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Double Slice Traits: Heirloom Weapon, Expert Deulist
Skills: Climb +6 (1+3+4-2) Handle Animal +3 Linguistics +0 ( 1 rank -1 Learned Taldane Common) Ride: +6, Swim Languages: Mikani, Taldane Common
Class Abilities: Challenge 1/day, +1 dmg -2 ac, Order of the Warrior Dr 1/- when fighting challenge foe, Mount, Resolve
-------------------- TRACKED RESOURCES--------------------
Gear: Chain Shirt, Long Sword (Mstwk looks like Katanna) Short Sword (wakazashi) Steel shield GP: 5
Itto Ogami was helping his lord rid a village of some pesky Bakemono. In the Bakemono caves, they found a nasty surprise, well two, An Oni, and some kind of magical portal. Itto was grabed bodily by the Oni and tossed through the portal. He has no idea what happened to the rest of his party. He presumes that the Oni ate them. Now Itto Ogami is in Absolom, the city that fancies itself at the center of the world. He of course is too polite to point out that Tien Xia and Mikani have far larger and more cosmopolitan cities. Most of the Barbarian’s food he finds distasteful, at least he has been able to find some passable Mikani Sushi. At the moment he is hoping to accumulate enough gold, to fund passage by ship back to Mikani, where he can re enter the service of his lord.
ElyasRavenwood |
Jasmine Al Nisir
CR 1 Female half elf Ninja N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +8; Senses Perception +8
-------------------- ;DEFENSE --------------------
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12
hp: 9
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2
-------------------- OFFENSE --------------------
Spd 30 ft.
Short Sword +2 (1d6+2/19-20x2)
Short Bow +2 (1d6/20x3)
-------------------- STATISTICS --------------------
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats: Improved Iniative Traits: Desert Shadow, Reactionary
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Climb +6, Disable device+11 (+1 rank+3 class bonus+2 Dex modifier +3 Skil focus+2 Masterwork tools), Intimidate+6, Knowledge Local +4, Perception +8, Sense motive +6, Sleight of hand +6, Stealth +6 Languages: Taldane (Common)
Class abilities: Poison use, Sneak attack 1d6
-------------------- TRACKED RESOURCES--------------------
Gear: Masterwork thieves tools, Leather armor, short sword, Short bow, 20 arrows
Jasmine Al Nisir was raised and trained in the “secret” mountain strong hold of the “Assassins” in Qadira. She has been sent to Absolom to infiltrate the Pathfinder’s and act as a sleeper agent, until the time is right.
ElyasRavenwood |
Alessandra Thune
CR 1 Female Human Oracle 1 NG Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +0; Senses Perception +0 &
-------------------- DEFENSE --------------------
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2
-------------------- ;OFFENSE --------------------
Spd 30 ft.
Morning Star +0 (1d8 20/x2)
-------------------- STATISTICS --------------------
Str 10, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 20
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 10
Feats: Extra Channel, Selective Channel Traits: Sacred Conduit, Magical Talent
Skills: Diplomacy +9, Heal +4, Knowledge Religion +4 Sense motive +4, Spellcraft +4 Languages: Taldane (common), Infernal
Class Abilites:
Mystery: Life : Chanel energy 8 times a day, Save DC 17 1d6
Curse: Tongues: Celestial
0 level Osirions: 4 known, DC 15, Guidance, Light, Stabilize, Detect magic, Magical Talent Trait: Disrupt Undead
1 level spells: 2 known DC 16, Cast 5/ day, Bless, Protection from Evil, Cure Light wounds
-------------------- TRACKED RESOURCES --------------------
Gear: Chain shirt, Steel Shield, Morning Star, 22 gold
Alessandra Thune grew up in the lap of luxury in Egoran. Being both beautiful and charming, Her father felt it would be very easy to arrange for an advantageous marriage for her. Then she began to display some magical talent. She could cast a Disrupt undead Cantrip without being taught. Her father thought this was promising. Then she began exhibiting a talent for divine magic, Her father thought this was even more promising and had her tutored in Infernal. And then in times of excitement she began speaking in a strange and incomprehensible language, (Celestial), and she began to be able to cast Protection from evil spells, this proved embarrassing. The final straw, was the bless spells, because they were in the name of Sarenrae. Her father threw her out and banished her until she could properly venerate Asmodeus. Her older brother, feeling sorry for her, gave her some of his old armor, and some gold, so she was able to get to Absolom. He suggested she might be able to find a home In the Pathfinders. She is hoping to join their ranks.
ElyasRavenwood |
CR 1 Male Elf Magus 1 NG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +0
-------------------- DEFENSE --------------------
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13
hp 10 (1d8+1+1 favored class)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2
-------------------- OFFENSE --------------------
Spd 30 ft. Melee:
Master work Bastard Sword (Katanna) +4 (1d10+3/19-20x2)
Long Sword +2(1d8+2/19-20x2)
-------------------- STATISTICS--------------------
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 112, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats: Combat Casting Traits: Heirloom Weapon, Focused Mind
Skills: Craft: cooking +7, Knowledge: Arcana +7, Knowledge: Dungeoneering +7 Knowledge the Planes +7, Spell Craft+7
Languages Elven, Taldane Common, Ancinet Thassalonian, Ancinet Azlanti, Ancient Osirion
Class abilities:
Arcane Pool: =1/2 lvl +int modifier= 4= Spents 1 point to give a +1 enhancment bonus swift action on a weapon.
Spell Combat: full round action -2 attack, cast defensively.
Can give a bonus to concentraition check equal to int modifer=+3. Penalty to attack
Casting a spell Defensivly DC= 15+ double spell level. 1st level spell= 17
Concentraition check: d20+caster level+ ability modifier+Feat bonus+trait bonus = +10
Cantrip: all magus cantrips
Spells 1st level: 6: Magic missle, Grease, Color Spray, True Strike, shield, Floating disc
Cantrips: 3 Acid Splash, Read magic, Detect magic
Spells: 1) 2 Color Spray, Shield. Save DC: 14
-------------------- TRACKED RESOURCES --------------------
Chain Shirt, Mstwk Bastard Sword, 2 daggers, Spell component Pouch, 8 gp left.
Long sword ( this is one of my PFS characters who has adventured once, so he can now afford a long sword)
Mithos was born tens of thousands of years ago. He lived in Koynin during the time of Earth fall. He was a Lieutenant in the guard. His squad was guarding an elf gate while civilians were evacuating. An ogre mage tried to get through the elf gate. In the ensuing battle, the Ogre mage used a spell to turn Mithos into stone. Then Earth fall struck. The Ogre Mage was killed, and Mithos, or his petrified self and the elf gate were buried in volcanic ash, which later turned into Basalt, or volcanic stone. Mithos’s stone form survived some ten thousand years. The elves returned to Koynin. And eventually an elven archeological team excavated the elf gate. They also found Mithos. A wizard recognized that he was a petrified elf, and he was turned back to the flesh. He has taken a vacation from his post as a guard and joined the pathfinders; He wants to see the world as it is now.
ossian666 |
CR 1 ;Male Human Gunslinger; CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +3
-------------------- DEFENSE--------------------
AC 17, 19 with shield, touch 13, flat-footed 14, 16 with shield
hp 12 (1d10+1+1 favored class)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5
-------------------- OFFENSE --------------------
Spd 30 ft.
Pistol +4 (1d6/20/x4) Type: B P Range: 20 Amunition 50
Long Sword +2 (1d8+1/19-20/x2)
Dagger +2/+4 thrown (1d4+1/19-20x2)
Guisarme +2 (2d4+1/x3)
-------------------- STATISTICS --------------------
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats: Point blank shot, Precise Shot Traits: Fast Talker, Reactionary
Skills: Acrobatics: +5(1+3+3-2), Bluff +5, Knowledge Local: +4 Languages: Taldane (common)
Class Abilities: Fire Arms, Grit +3, Deeds
-------------------- TRACKED RESOURCES --------------------
Grit+3 Ammo: 50 ( black powder and bullets)
Gear: 2 pistols,Chain shirt, Steel Shield, Long Sword, Guisarme, 4 daggers, 4 gpPorthos comes from a Noble (or Formerly noble) family in Galt. The mob dragged his family to the Guillotine for “crimes against the people”. He survived by being put on a horse and sent out the back gate with saddlebags stuffed with some of the family’s silver and gold. He was able to use it to outfit himself in his current armaments. He come to Absolom and has taken to the “adventuring “ life style in hopes of accumulating enough gold to get his ancestral lands back. He is also interested in sampling as much wine and as many women as he can find.
The only drawback I see to this build is your Str. At that point you are carrying a heavy load with the armor, weapons, and ammo that you took...that of course is based on sling bullets for ammo weight.
ElyasRavenwood |
Yes, Ossian I see your point. that pesky little thing called Encumberance. Where is Hero Lab when i need it? Wait i don't have hero lab, i have a mac.
with is str of 12 43 pounds or less is a light load. Hmm I may have to strip him down to some padded leather, a pair of pistols and his 50 ammo- with 140 Gp in an emerald in his boot to keep him at a light load.
I tried to edit but it seems my time was up.
Also i noticed with a 10 charisma, Poor Porthos isn't the ladies man he probably thinks he is.
ossian666 |
Yes, Ossian I see your point. that pesky little thing called Encumberance. Where is Hero Lab when i need it? Wait i don't have hero lab, i have a mac.
with is str of 12 43 pounds or less is a light load. Hmm I may have to strip him down to some padded leather, a pair of pistols and his 50 ammo- with 140 Gp in an emerald in his boot to keep him at a light load.
I tried to edit but it seems my time was up.Also i noticed with a 10 charisma, Poor Porthos isn't the ladies man he probably thinks he is.
Yea that is the problem I keep having with every Gunslinger I make...Just like the Ninja this class' stats are kind of a tough decision balloon that with one wrong move can pop. You want to dump Str because it isn't a primary stat to make your PC work, but at the same time the supplies to make your PC work are heavy.
Heretek |
Why on the samurai didn't u give him the bastard sword katsna u are cuttin out free damage and they said the katana is a basard sword
I'm actually also curious about this...
Why didn't you give the Samurai a bastard sword (read as katana)? You gave him the proper short sword/wakizashi.
ElyasRavenwood |
Billzabub, I don’t know what a pbp is.
Ossian666, Well I don’t mind so much, you have to make choices. Maybe one solution might be to switch the grit to Charisma instead of Wisdom? Well I guess it comes down to the interpretation of those two stats. I think Charisma can represent force of personality, which might be what grit is about? Who knows.
Well Joey Virtue, and Heretek, I wanted to do two-weapon fighting with the Samurai. I needed to make a choice, either take Exotic weapon proficiency: bastard sword and Two Weapon Fighting, or take Two weapon Fighting and Double Slice. I chose to go with full Str Damage on both weapons instead of one weapon having a d10, instead of a d8.
I thought why not just say the long sword he has looks like a katana, and we have our “Daisho”.
Heretek |
Well Joey Virtue, and Heretek, I wanted to do two-weapon fighting with the Samurai. I needed to make a choice, either take Exotic weapon proficiency: bastard sword and Two Weapon Fighting, or take Two weapon Fighting and Double Slice. I chose to go with full Str Damage on both weapons instead of one weapon having a d10, instead of a d8.I thought why not just say the long sword he has looks like a katana, and we have our “Daisho”.
There is currently a thread on this over in the Samurai forum I think but the idea is that by having "katana proficiency" it is actually EWP: Katana, not MartialWP: Katana as a Katana would simply be included with all Martial Weapons, being treated as a Bastard Sword. Therefore, you should be able to wield it without the feat tax of EWP: Katana in one hand being a Samurai.
Course, this is just the RAI... a Dev really needs to answer this...
ElyasRavenwood |
Master Of the Fallen Fortress
Now how a landless lord from Galt, Porthos, turned gunslinger (who thinks of himself as a Ladies man with his 10 charisma), A Mikani Samurai Lord, Itto Ogami, a high born Chelaxian Lady, Allessandra, who has been recently turned out of her house on her ear, an “assassin” ninja, the Half Elvin Jasmin from Qadira, and the 10,000 year old Mithos, an Elvin magus from Kyonin got together in a bar, and decided to adventure together I’ll never know. Perhaps it was the promise of treasure and the lure of gold. Or maybe I should just use one of the character hooks in the module- like a wealthy collector offering them 250 gold to explore the Siege tower to retrieve the ancient Magoffin he is hoping they will find
They approach the siege tower near dusk, and from behind a pile of rubble out rush three mangy Curs, intent on taking a bite out of our valiant party who is being “play tested”
Encounter 1- Unleash the dogs of…err the trash pile
I have put all of the details and dice rolls of the encounter behind a spoiler, and sumeriszed the encounter below
22 Itto Ogame uses his two move actions to draw his long sword and short sword
17 Dogs move in to surround Itto Ogami, one attacks Itto, and bites him with a 19 to hit. And the dog bites him for 6 points of damage. Itto takes and has to make a fort save vs. disease (rabies DC14) Rolled 6+4=10. Itto has rabies!
12 Allesandra Takes a 5’ step away from the dog next to her and casts bless.
11 Mithos takes a 5’ step, as a move equivalent action draws his Bastard sword (Katana) and takes a two handed swipe at one of the dogs rolling a 17+4+1=22 (ac 13) and does 7 points of damage, killing it
10 Jasmine uses a move action to draw her short sword, and a second move action to move into flanking position on the other side of a dog with Itto
8 Porthos uses his two move equivalent actions to draw his pistols
Round 2
22 Itto Ogame full attacks with both weapons on the dog being flanked by Jasmine. For his long sword he rolls an 11+5+2+1=19, and with his short sword a 20, possible crit, confirms with a 14+3+2+1=20 vs. ac 13. The damage from the long sword: 1d8+4= 8+4=12, and with the short sword (1d6+4=8)+(1d6+4=10)=18 points. total 30 pts on mangy cur (it had 6 hp)
17 Dogs attacks Itto, rolls 1d20+2=5 vs. ac 16, misses
12 Allesandra=uses double move to try and get behind the remaining dog. Her bless spell ends
11 Mithos Moves into flanking position with a move action, provoking attack of opportunity from dog 1d20+2=9 misses Mithos. Mithos attacks 1d20+4+2+=19 hits. Dmg 1d10+3=5 doesn’t quite kill the dog.
10 Jasmine uses double move to get next to dog
8 Porthos takes aim with his pistol and….rolls 17+4+1=22,vs touch ac hits dmg 1d6+1=4 pts of damage killing dog
End of combat
Aallesandra channels positive energy 1d6=5 to heal Itto. She has cast 1 bless spell and used 1 channel energy.
Itto has rabies and is at 11/12 hps.
Porthos has use one bullet and black powder packet. In retrospect, instead of drawing both pistols at once and “wasting” the first round I could have in the first round, Drawn (move) and fired (standard) and done the same in round 2.
Encounter 1 Summary
In summation the battle took two rounds. I thought the Samurai class preformed well as a main line combatant. . The Ninja would move around to flank, through the difficult terrain, the the Samurai would kill the dog. The two weapon fighting worked well. The Magus also contributed to the damage, killing a dog. The oracle blessed and healed. While narrowly focused the oracle seems to be an interesting character. . In retrospect, with the gunslinger, instead of drawing both pistols at once and “wasting” the first round, I could have in the first round, Drawn (move) and fired (standard) and done the same in round 2. His pistol with its ranged touch did some damage.
The party keeps their weapons out.
After dusting themselves off, the party moves into the Tower, Jasmine the ninja scouting ahead
Encounter 2: step into my Parlor said the Spider to the fly
Jasmine Stealth roll =11. Perception roll= 23 (DC21) she spots the spider and the spider Perception roll 20 vs. stealth 11 Spots Jasmine.
Round 1
18 Spider: Makes a web attack +5 ranged= ac 15 vs. FF ac 12
Jasmine is entangled.
9 Jasmine tries to break free of the webbing STR check: 8+2=10 DC 12, she fails, but yells "Spiders"!
Round 2
19 Alessandra uses a double move to get into the room
18 spider moves down his webbing and tries to bite Jasmine rolls an 8 misses
16 Itto Ogami with weapons drawn already, uses a double move to get into the room
11 Porthos with both pistols drawn, moves into the room and shoots at the Spider, Ranged touch 8 Spider’s touch ac of 13. He misses
9 Jasmine tries again to break free of the webbing, rolling a 1 on her STR check.
5 Mithos, with sword drawn, double moves into the room
Round 3
19 Alessandra Swings her morning star at the spider rolling a 10 and missing
18 spider uses a withdraw action, to move back up its strand, to its web near the ceiling. (12 feet up)
16 Itto Ogami attempts to jump up to make an attack, Acrobatics check dc 16 for 4’ vertical jump: roll 7+2-2=7, Itto fails to make the jump and is unable to attack the spider. He shakes his fist in frustration
11 Porthos shoots at the spider with his other pistol. Rolls 14 hits touch ac of 13. Damage: 2
9 Jasmine tries again to break free of the webbing rolling an 18 on her str check. The dc was dc 12. She breaks free.
5 Mithos, as a move action retrieves a tinder twig from his pack, and as a standard action sets the webbing alight.
Round 4
19 Alessandra Casts bless
18 spider its web beginning to burn, jumps down at Jasmine and tries to bite her, rolling a 4 and misses.
16 Itto Ogami, who is in a flanking position with Jasmine, attacks. Rolling 18+5+2+1=26 with long sword and 18+3=2=1=23 with short sword two hits. Damage for long sword=1d8+4=12 and 1d6+4=8. Total=20 points of damage. He kills the spider cleans his blades and steps on it for good measure.
Out of combat
Aallesandra cast another bless spell
Porthos has shot two bullets in this battle
Summation of the second encounter
The second battle with the spider took four rounds. The spider ahead caught the ninja scouting. With the spider up by the ceiling, which was 12 feet high, the group had a hard time dealing with that, because the only two ranged weapons were the ninja’s short bow (and she was webbed) and the Gun Slinger’s pistols. For the first round the party caught up to the Spider. For the next two rounds, the Gun Slinger Shot at the Spider, one shot hitting one missing. The fourth round of combat, ended before the gunslinger’s initiative, with the Samurai killing the spider. Then I think the gunslinger would of either A) switch to a melee weapon or B) spend his standard actions for the next two rounds loading his two pistols, or C) Fire once every other round. Without the rapid reload feat, the gunslinger will have to fire every other round. With it he will get to fire every round.
I realize that I haven’t used any of the “special abilities” of the gunslinger, the samurai, the ninja, or the Magus yet.
The PCs explore the bottom floor and find a spiral staircase; unfortunately it is choked with rubble. They also find a small cocooned and desiccated dog, with a dog color and gems on it worth 50 gp
The PCs leave the tower and realize they will have to climb up to a ledge, in order to get into the second story of the Tower.
All the boys watch Jasmine as she climbs up the rubble pile in her tight leather armor.
More to come later! and we shall find out if Jasmine makes her climb check!
ElyasRavenwood |
ElyasRavenwood wrote:
Well Joey Virtue, and Heretek, I wanted to do two-weapon fighting with the Samurai. I needed to make a choice, either take Exotic weapon proficiency: bastard sword and Two Weapon Fighting, or take Two weapon Fighting and Double Slice. I chose to go with full Str Damage on both weapons instead of one weapon having a d10, instead of a d8.I thought why not just say the long sword he has looks like a katana, and we have our “Daisho”.
There is currently a thread on this over in the Samurai forum I think but the idea is that by having "katana proficiency" it is actually EWP: Katana, not MartialWP: Katana as a Katana would simply be included with all Martial Weapons, being treated as a Bastard Sword. Therefore, you should be able to wield it without the feat tax of EWP: Katana in one hand being a Samurai.
Course, this is just the RAI... a Dev really needs to answer this...
Thank you i should go over and check that thread out. Now I don't know much about swords. If a Katanna is equivalent to the Bastard Sword in size and weight, then it makes sense to have you take Exotic Weapon Proficiency to be able to wield it one handed. you can already wield it two handed with a martial proficiency.
If a Katanna is equivalent to a long sword in size and weight, then it makes sense to give it the same statistics as a long sword.
A simple solution for those who say the katana is the best sword in the world so it should have better statistics would be to have regular grade weapons, and have a katana be a masterwork grade of a weapon. ill go look at that thread thank you.
Heretek |
A simple solution for those who say the katana is the best sword in the world so it should have better statistics would be to have regular grade weapons, and have a katana be a masterwork grade of a weapon. ill go look at that thread thank you.
Well this is where the whole 3.5 notion of "a katana is a masterwork bastard sword" came about from.
However in the playtest it states pretty specifically
For the purposes of
this playtest, you can use the following statistics to represent
these weapons.
For the katana, use the statistics and rules for a bastard
For the naginata, use the statistics and rules for a glaive.
For the wakizashi, use the statistics and rules for a short
Like i said though, a dev really needs to answer this.
Callarek |
One thing i did note during character creation, was that the Gunslinger getting his guns and 50 shots of ammo for free, was a very nice bonus, it freed up some cash and allowed me to buy some more weapons.
I think that is actually an error.
Firearm: At 1st level, a gunslinger gains either one
musket (along with 50 doses of black powder and 50
bullets) or two pistols for free.
To me, at least, this reads as either a musket & ammo, at 2,050 GP value, or two pistols, no ammo, at 2,000 GP value.
So, a musketeer would have some initial free ammo, while a pistoleer would have two weapons, but no ammo withotu purchasing it.
Obviously, the pistoleer would need to burn up some of his starting gold to buy bullets and black powder. No way he could afford the 50 shots the musketeer is given, but he has more expensive weapons...
So, assuming 10 shots, you would use 110 gp of your starting funds as a pistoleer. Ouch. Especially since that could get burned up in only 3 encounters...
Scipion del Ferro RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4 |
Foghammer |
On the topic of "katana proficiency" being 'exotic': The samurai is specifically stated to be proficient with the katana which is for all intents and purposes (of this playtest) a bastard sword.
There is no point in taking the martial weapon proficiency feat for a bastard sword to be able to use it two handed, so if you have a level in a class that is proficient in ALL martial weapons, it allows you to use a bastard sword two handed.
If you wanted to take a feat to use a bastard sword, you would take exotic weapon proficiency.
Ultimately, the point is this: if the samurai was not able to use the katana one handed, it would not be called out in his proficiency list, or it would specifically state that he treats it as a martial weapon.
ElyasRavenwood |
Everyone looks at Jasmine. She climbs
Jasmine’s climb check 1d20=rolls a 1+6=7 DC 15
Jasmine does not climb very far up before the rubble she is climbing on, comes loose and slides down to the ground. Jasmine is dumped unceremoniously in the dirt. She picks herself up, dusts herself off, eying the others daring them to laugh. Nobody does.
Un Deterred she tries again.
Jasmine’s second climb check 1d20+6=19 vs. DC 15. She succeeds in lightly scampering up the rubble pile to the second floor.
She anchors a rope to a large chunk of masonry and lets a rope down for others to use as they climb up.
Alessandra climb check 1d20+0=16 vs DC 5 Success
Porthos climb check 1d20+1=6 vs DC 5 Success (barely)
Mithos climb check 1d20+0=13 vs DC 5 Success
The rest of the party is able to climb up the slope with little difficulty. Poor Porthos slips and slides and almost falls, but the rope catches him
The party now finds itself on the second level of the Tower. From this open platform they have two doors to go through to the interior of the tower. There is the door to their right (Rm. 3) and the door to their left (Rm. 5). Jasmine decides to listen at the right hand door, Perception check(1d20+8=22) and check for traps, Perception check (Id20+8=12).
She can hear something pacing around on the other side of the door. Jasmine is sure the door is not trapped.
She moves to the other door and listens and checks for traps. Perception for listen: 1d20+8=16. Perception for finding traps: 1d20+8=20. She hears nothing and is confident the door isn’t trapped.
The party decides to go and investigate the door to the right (Rm 3)
Encounter 3 Lightning Lizards
Everybody draws their weapons.
Jasmine goes over to the door and opens it.
From the Darkened room A blue lizard sparkling with electricity comes bounding towards the party.
Round 1
25 Jasmine waits behind the door she has opened, until the creature has passed, then she will strike from a flanking position. She is holding an action
20 Shocker Lizard bounding cheerfully forward, releases an electrical shock in Jasmine’s direction. Jasmine Reflex save 1d20+4=18 vs. dc12 saves. The shock deals 1 pt of non lethal electrical damage. It runs up and stops short of Ito Ogami. It looks up at him expectantly, its tail moving back and forth.
16 Alessandra Delays
9 Porthos fires a shot at the lizard 1d20+4=23 hits vs. touch ac 13. Dmg 1 pt
6 Ito Ogami Swings at the lizard with both weapons. (before he swings, Jasmine moves into flanking position and attacks 1d20+2+2=23 vs ac 16 hit. Dmg= 2d6+2+1d6=12) Ito Ogami swings with both weapons rolls Long sword 20+5+2=27= hit, possible crit. Confirmation: 10+5+2=17 confirmed. Short sword 19+3+2=24 possible crit. Confirm 1+3+2= not confirmed. Dmg long sword 2d8+8=14 Short sword 1d6+4= 8 total dmg= 22. The lizard is dead.
5 Mithos enters the room sword drawn.
Combat ends
Porthos fired another shot.
Summary, the battle ended quickly with Jasmine after getting shocked, closed in on the lizard and flanked him with Ito Ogami. Between the two of them they shredded the shocker lizard. Porthos got a shot off as well.
Mithos enters the room and finds nothing but puddles. The other PCs come into the room. There is a door across from the doorway which they entered by. It bursts open.
In come two Troglodites
Encounter 4 My god and I thought they smelled bad on the outside.
Round 1
26 Jasmine Moves in and attacks one of the Troglodites. Attack roll 1d20+2=11 vs FF ac
of 15 and misses
17 Ito Ogami moves in and attacks. 1d20+7=10 misses.
14 Troglodytes attack. One attacks Jasmine, club 19 claw 9 bite 3, one hit dmg 4 pts. The other goes for Ito Ogami club 4 claw 13 bite 9 misses
13 Mithos moves and attacks 1d20+4=19 hit dmg 7+3=10 dmg
12 Alessandra delays
11 Porthos moves and shoots rolls a 4+4=8 touch misses
Round 2
26 Jasmine moves 5 feet back and redies an action to attack the trog if he comes closer
17 Ito Ogami full attacks with both weapons. Rolling a 1 miss and 1d20+3=16 hit 1d6+4=5 point of damage .
14 Troglodytes attack mithos with club 1d20+2=16 claw 13 and bite 6 vs ac 17 misses.
Other Troglodyte attacks Itto Ogami- club 14, claw 14 bite 6 misses
13 Mithos attacks 6+4=10 misses
12 Alessandra delays
11 Porthos shoots 1d20+4+1=14 touch dmg 4 (trog#1 at 2 hps)
Round 3
26 Jasmine holds action until can step into flanking
17 Ito Ogami attacks with two weapons Rolls 1d20+5=6 and 1d20+3=19 one hit 6 pts ( (trog #2 at 4 hps)
14 Troggslodites flee. (Now I have a problem)
13 Mithos chases the Troglodytes. (yes I have a problem)
12 Alessandra channels positive energy and heals the party for 5 pts
11 Porthos chases the troglodytes.
(How should I adjudicate a chase when everyone has a “static” movement speed of 30? I am going to have the Trogs make dex checks, and the PCs make Dex checks DC 12. Those who fail trip, while running and let the others catch up)
Troglodyte #1 dex check rolls 3-1=2,
Troglodyte#2 rolls 12-1=11.
Mithos rolls 10+3=12
Porthos rolls 14+3=15
The troggs trip as they are running and the PCs can catch up to them and attack.
Mithos rolls an attack roll 1d20+4=15 vs. ac 15 hits dmg 1d10+3=5 kills trog #1
Porthos grabs his pistol by the barrel and smacks the Trog with the butt of his pistol. To hit roll 17+2-4=15 hit Dmg 1d3+1=2 Porthos kills Trog #2
Combat ends
Combat summary
The two troglodytes were fighting back to back, after the party moved in and engaged them. It seems a flanking bonus makes a big difference at first level. Again Itto Ogami and Mithos did most of the damage. At the end of the combat the troglodytes ran away and I had to improvise for the chase. I realized Porthos had shot his two pistols, and had to well improvise to put the last Trog down.
Up to this point Allesandra has cast two bless spells, and used two chanels
Pothos has used 6 shots.
Mithos and Porthos find themselves in a rusty armory. The rest of the party Joins them. There are two doors leading out of this hexagonal room. Jasmine listens at the eastern door and checks it for traps. Perception roll 1+8=9, Find traps roll 2+9=11. She doesn’t find anything. She moves on to the SE door out of the armory and checks there.
Perception rolls 14+8=22 Perception roll 15+8=23. Jasmine listens at the door and she can tell it is empty. She also discerns a trap. Disable device roll 11+11=22.
She finds a rope attached to the door and cuts it, so the javalin launcher isn’t triggered.
The party doesn’t find anything of interest in the SE room of the second floor of the tower.
Next the party tries the eastern door out of the Armory, and finds a spiral staircase which they head up.
More to come
ElyasRavenwood |
Callarek, thank you you are correct. Poor Porthos doesn’t get any ammo for free.
With the point you spotted, and Ossian made about the encomberance, I will have to redo Portho’s equitment.
Michael J82 thank you for reminding me that bless is 1 mintue per level. Awesome.
Billzabub, thank you I will check that out.
King of Vrok, thank you I didn’t realize you could he could draw both weapons with a single move action. Ill keep that in mind for the future.
Foghammer, while what you do say makes sense, I think I will wait for a developer to comment on the meaning of a Samurai and a Ninja being proficient in the Katanna.
ElyasRavenwood |
Revised Porthos
CR 1 Male Human Gunslinger CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +3
-------------------- DEFENSE --------------------
AC 16 Touch 13 Flat Footed 13 (studed Leather armor)
hp 12 (1d10+1+1 favored class)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5
-------------------- OFFENSE --------------------
Spd 30 ft.
Pistol +4 (1d6/20/x4) Type: B P Range: 20 Ammunition 10
Long Sword +2 (1d8+1/19-20/x2)
Dagger +2/+4 thrown (1d4+1/19-20x2)
-------------------- STATISTICS --------------------
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats: Point blank shot, Precise Shot
Traits: Fast Talker, Reactionary
Skills: Acrobatics: +5(1+3+3-1), Bluff +5, Knowledge Local: +4 Languages: Taldane (common) Class Abilities: Fire Arms, Grit +3, Deeds
--------------------TRACKED RESOURCES --------------------
Grit+3 Ammo: 10 ( black powder and bullets)
Gear: 2 pistols 8 lbs, 10 bullets 110 gp 5 lbs, Studed leather 20 gp 25 lbs +3 ac, Long sword 15 gp 4 lbs, 2 daggers 4 gp 2 lbs 1 gp left over.
Less then 43 pounds
Porthos comes from a Noble (or Formerly noble) family in Galt. The mob dragged his family to the Guillotine for “crimes against the people”. He survived by being put on a horse and sent out the back gate with saddlebags stuffed with some of the family’s silver and gold. He was able to use it to outfit himself in his current armaments. He come to Absolom and has taken to the “adventuring “ life style in hopes of accumulating enough gold to get his ancestral lands back. He is also interested in sampling as much wine and as many women as he can find.
ElyasRavenwood |
The third floor
Jasmine the ninja “assassin” takes the lead. On the third floor they find a locked door.
Jasmine Listens and checks for traps. Perception score 1d20+8=16 for listen, and 1d20+8=26. She is pretty sure the room is empty, and the door is not trapped. But it is locked. Jasmine tries to open the lock. Disable device roll 1d20+11=22, vs DC 25, fails, She then takes 20 on the Disable device check to open the lock, she then would get a 31.
They party enters into a temple. Knowledge religion 1d30+4=11. Alessandra Recognizes this as a temple of Nethys. Two burning skeletons then attack the party.
Encounter 5 Burning bones
Round 1
23 Jasmine Hold action waiting to move into a flanking position
20 Ito Ogami Moves into the room, drawing his two blades and holds an action and waits for the skeletons to engage him
15 Porthos moves in drawing long sword, readies action to strike skeleton
14 Mithos Moves in with Katana Drawn, and readies action to strike skeleton
8 Burning Skeletons Move into flanking positions on either side of Ito Ogami. This triggers readied actions,
A) Jasmine moves into room and gets into a flanking position with Ito Ogami, Attacks-1d20+4=22 hit dmg 1d6+2+1d6 Sneak attack=7 pts. Skeleton DR 5/bludgeoning= 2 pts dmg
B) Ito Ogami attacks the same Skeleton Jasmine did Roll 1d20+7=22 hit dmg 1d8+4=9 -5=4 Skeleton killed.
C) Skeleton #1’s fiery aura does 1d6 pts of damage to Ito Ogami, Jasmine, and Mithos
O 1
J 2
M 6
D) Skeleton #1 Fiery Death 1d6 fiery damage to Ito Ogami, Jasmine and Mithos RF dc 11
O RF roll 1d20+2=19 vs dc 11= 1 pt dmg
J RF roll 1d20+4=18 vs dc 11= 2 pts
M RF roll 1d20+3=17 vs dc 11=2
E) Mithos swings at skeleton#2 with his Katana 1d20+4=18 Dmg 1d10+3=13-5=8 pts
Skeleton #2 firey aura does 1d6 points of damage to Ito Ogami, Mithos
O 4
M 2
F) Skeleton #2 Fiery Death 1d6 Fiery Damage to Ito Ogami, Mithos reflex dc 11
O RF roll 1d20+2= 7 vs dc 11 failed 2
M RF Roll 1d20+3=7 vs DC 11 Failed 5 pts
Total DMG
Ito Ogami 8
Jasmine 4
Mithos 15 pts. (Mithos goes down to -5 hps)
3 Alessandra Channel’s Positive Energy healing everybody for 4 points, Mithos stabilizes.
End of combat
Alessandra Channels Positive energy and everybody is healed for 5 points of damage.
Combat summary
Those firey skeletons were nasty
The party searches the Temple. They find some treasure.
Then they decides to head up to the 4h floor
ElyasRavenwood |
4th Floor
Alessandra channels again to heal Mithos
Alessandra has used two bless spells and 5 channels.
The party ascends to the 4th floor Jasmine Listens at the door and checks for traps
Perception rolls 17 and 17. She can hear the Troggs talking on the other side of the door.
The party gets ready and they burst into the room
Encounter 6
Even more smelly troglodytes
Round 1
24 Jasmine moves 30’ readies an action to attack the nearest trogg.
13 Porthos With Long sword drawn moves 30’ and readies an action to strike the nearest trogg
11 Ito Ogami Moves 30’ with weapons drawn and readies an action to strike the nearest trogg
8 Mithos moves 30’ with Katanna drawn and readies and action to strike the nearest trogg.
7 Troglodytes Trogges move in to engage Jasmine Ito Ogami and Mithos. This triggers the readied actions
a) Jasmine swings at the trogg with a short sword and gets 1d20+2=19 hits vs. ac 15. Dmg 1d6+2=7
b) Ito Ogami swings at a trogg 1d20+7=17 hits vs. ac 15 dmg 1d8+4=11. He kills his trogg
c) Mithos Swings at his Trogg 1d20+4=15 Hit vs. ac 15 dmg 1d10+3=11 He kills his trogg
The remaining trogg goes after Jasmine. Club 1d20+2=19, claw 1d20-2=14, bite 1d20-2=16 three hits dmg 1d6+1 +2d4=11 points of damage. Jasmine goes down
5 Allesandra moves into the room and channels positive energy, she leaves out the troggs she heals the party for 2 points. Alessandra goes from -2 to 0.
Round 2
24, Jasmine although staggered, remains on the ground
13 Porthos moves next to the remaining Trogg, over Jasmine. And he swings at the trogg 1d20+2=15 hits vs ac 15. Dmg 1d8+1=8. He kills it.
Combat ends.
Allesandra cast cure light wounds 1d8+1=9 jasmine is completely healed
Allesandra has used 6 channel energy’s two bless spells and a cure light wounds
Jasmine heads to the door in the SE corner of the hexagonal room. Jasmine listens again at the door and rolls a 16 she hears someone sharpening a blade.
The party bursts into the room
Encounter 7 the fight with Tulok
Round 1
19 Jasmine moves in and takes a swipe at the flat-footed Turok 1d20+2=17 hit vs. ac 15. Dmg 2d6+2=12
15 Tulok the trogg attacks Jasmine Club attack roll 4 claw 2 bite 12 all misses
12 Porthos Moves into a flanking position and attacks with his long sword 1d20 +4=16 hit dmg 2 points. He kills the trog.
5 Mithos enters and searches the room and the trog
4 Ito ogami enters and searches the room and the trogg
3 Alessandra enters and searches the room and the trig.
Combat ends
in the next room the party finds the pathfinder Balenor Forsend. They free him. (He was manacled in a locked room) and help him get his stuff back
The party finds
Jasmine listens to the door on the NE side of the hexagonal room. She (perception roll 15) she hears some loud croaking. She opens the door and peeks in. she sees a big frog
Encounter 8 the frog hoppeth
21 Ito Ogami moves in and swings 13+7=20 hits dmg 1d8+4=11
20 Jasmine moves into flanking position and attacks the frog 20 possible crit, confirmation roll 20 dmg 2d6+4 (crit) and 1d6 sneak attack=12 kills frog.
17 Mithos
16 Malenor Forsend
15 Porthos
7 giant frogg
3 alessandra
combat ends
The party then heads up to the top layer of the tower by way of the spiral staircase
They find an open room, with a throne room and a troglodyte with a pet crocodile sitting in a thrown in the eastern part of the room
Encounter 9
Troglodyte and crocodile final fight
Round 1
20 Ito Ogami as a Swift action, Ito challenges Taskar. He moves 30’ in next to him and attacks. 1d20 +7= ac 16. Hits Flat footed ac of Taskar Dmg; 1d8 +5=11 pts
19 Jasmine uses a double move to get into flanking position on Taskar with Ito Ogami
18+ Mithos moves 30’ and casts color spray. He gets the crocodile, the druid and Jasmine in his burst. Will saves DC 14 Crock 11 failed Croc is blinded and stunned for 3 rounds Druid 21 succeeded, Jasmine 15 succeeded.
18 Porthos With both guns loaded he moves 30’ Porthos has one loaded gun in his right hand, a sword in his left, and his second pistol in his waistband. He shoots at the druid gests 16 touch attack. Dmg 2
10 Bard pathfinder Balenor Forsend moves up 30’ and begins bardic performance to inspire courage +1 to attack and +1 to damage
9 Alessandra moves in 30 feet and casts bless +1 to attacks, and +1 to fear
6 Taskar makes a concentration check 1d20+9= 18 DC for 2nd level spells is 19 he fails. He lost summon swarm a 2nd level spell
The croc is blind and stunned from the color spray for 4 rounds
Round 2
20 Ito Ogami takes a five-foot step, and holds his attacks until the ninja steps to flanking position.
19 Jasmine takes a5’ step into flanking position behind the troglodyte.
a) Ito Ogami full attacks with both weapons. Long sword 14+4+2 flanking +1 bardic performance + 1 bless spell. 22 hit And short sword 1d20 + 2 flanking +1 bardic performance +1 bless spell = 7 miss 11 points dmg
Jasmine attacks 1d20 + 3 +2+1+1=15 vs. ac 17 miss
18 Mithos casts color spray. Saves Tashkar fails. Rolls 1+6=7 fails. Jasmine rolls 12 fails.
Combat over. The party takes their time to kill the trogg and croc.
Thoughts on the classes:
Oracle did very well. She helped keep the party going. Narrowly focus, but good at one thing namely healing.
The magus proved to be a good secondary fighter, and his arcane spells were helpful as well.
The Samurai- did a good job at damaging his foes. His challenge helped in the end.
The Ninja did a fairly good job with her find and remove traps skill .I wonder about the I4 put in the Charisma will it pan out? I also wonder if i should have forgone the masterwork thieves tools, and tried to purchace some poison instead.
Ah now we have the gunslinger. Perhaps I didn’t play it well and I should have taken rapid reload feat.
I noticed the majority of the gun-slinger’s funds had to be devoted to buying more black powder and shots. With his two pistols, he would have both pistols in had to shoot, one he shot those two shots, he would have to spend standard actions reloading them.
This would take two rounds .the touch ac helped.
Over the course of this adventure, Porthos shot 7 of the ten bullets he had. I didn’t use the Grit mechanic. I will have to go over it again to see if I understand it. At first level the class didn’t seem to be “over powered”.
I still don’t like the class for thematic reasons, but it seems not too bad. I guess two balancing factors with the gunslinger, is the cost of the amo at 11 gold a shot, and the standard action to reload the pistol .
One thought i did have was to take the first level in fighter, and as a human, i would get 3 feets, Rapid reload, precise shot, and point blank shot. then i could go into the gunslinger class at second level and never look back. Ah wait, i may not be able to do that, since the gunslinger is an alternate class for the fighter.
Perhaps I should send Porthos out with three pregens, to do a little monster hunting. I might get a better feel for the gunslinger class, if tested at 4 and 8th levels.
Kabump |
Good playtests so far. On the topic of encumbrance, if you read the playtest thread entitled "Level 5 Gunlinger in the Arena of Doom" Stephen chimed in on the wieght of bullets and powder, so its official-cannon-as-of-right-now.
Firearm bullets do not weigh the same as sling bullets, so don't worry overly much about the encumbrance.
I'm on the road, and I didn't bring the full draft of the new rules with me, but I will be posting the actual weight of bullets with an sticky update on all the classes in the next week.If you can't wait, assume that 20 bullets with black powder weigh 1 lb. That may not be the exact weight, but it's close enough for our playtest purposes.
This fixes A LOT of encumbrance problems for the gunslinger, though it does not fix the pistol wielder not getting any ammo to start :)
ElyasRavenwood |
Kabump, thank you. I was suprised to find 9 combat encounters, and that i could drag a party of 1st level PCs through them without resting. even though a couple characters went down, they were able to get through.
dice are funny things
I picked this module because i thought it would be a good test that people were familiar with.
I also wanted to do a party, because i thought that would be a good way to see how the characters functioned as part of a group. that is how this game is designed.
I am not a fan of the gunslinger. For thematic reasons, and historical reasons, ( as i have mentioned elswhere, i think the introduction of guns led to the ushering out over time of heavy plate and mail armor, and the cannon and the trebuchet made swiss cheese of castle walls).
But i at least wanted to play test the classes to give them a "fair shake" so to speak.
I am assuming i will see more of the classes unique flavors at hiegher levels.
Now many people have a very strong reaction to psionics. they say such things as Not in my game, It isnt Fantasy. these new rules will wreck the game balance. it opens things up for abuse.
I have pretty much an identical reaction to fire arms. I at least wanted to play test them to see if any if my reactions were founded in anything other then my dislike of the idea.
So in sumation the gunslinger at first level doesn't seem particularily powerful. Now i realize i did not make use of the grit points. i think i was probably juggling too many geese at once.
I realize that i am not impartial to the character class, and thematically i do not like it.
I don't mind the 11gp per shot, and reloading is a standard action (without the rapid reload feat) for pistols. I will admit, I am not interested in making it any easier for someone to use guns, because i do not want them in my game. in my games i will prefer bows to be the superior ranged weapon.
Statistically speaking, i don't think the gunslinger made a tremendous difference in the combats. He contributed, but the combats did not hinge on his shooting. Perhaps that is the luck of the die.
So this means, if i am GMing a Pathfinder Society game, while i may not welcome the idea of someone playing a gunslinger, because of my personal preferences, at least, now it does not appear to be "game wrecking".
I think i will continue to try and playtest the Gunslinger.....the samurai and ninja class seem fine to me.
ElyasRavenwood |
Draeke Rafel,
Thank you, that makes sense it is after all it is an alternate class.
I am going to continue Porthos's adventures in the thread "Porthos got Sagaraed....shanghaied to sargava.
I will try a 4 person party, using 4 other iconic characters. I want to see how the gunslinger does in a 4 man group.
who knows i may end up liking the class. I may not.