ProfessorCirno |
Woops put this in the wrong thread. I'm putting it here now instead!
I abhor how the ninja, the gunslinger, and the samurai - and the monk, and all the other martial base classes - have these "x per day" restrictions to abilities. The gunslinger could be better since he can recharge his, but...well, there's a big heap of problems regarding those that I cover in my m-m-m-megathread.
Per-encounter is no more abstracted then per-day is, since both are inherently abstract game functions. The same goes for rechargable points - since the x/day mechanic is already an abstraction, being able to regain them is no more or no less of one.
The problems with per day/unrechargable: There are a lot. First off, it's where the nova is born from. It also leads to strange-ities such as having to balance how many encounters a day you have, as well as trying to track out how many "resources" each encounter takes off. But most of all, for a martial class, it just isn't that fun. I mean, I'm a ninja, I'm supposed to be flipping out and killing things every fight, but I can't because woops I only have so many ki points left. Guess I can't be a ninja anymore. We see it probably hardest in the monk, who has to all but vomit ki points copiously to keep up with everyone else - and he only has so many.
I'm going to assume we ain't about to jump into a per-encounter system. That said, being able to "recharge" the daily points would help tremendously. As much as I have so many problems with the Gunslinger, the fact that he can GAIN grit points is an incredible step in the right direction. I really feel that all non-casters should have a means by which they can "recharge" their daily abilities. Potentially you could have the recharge mechanics based on things done in combat to prevent a character from just recapping to full after each fight.
Gorbacz |
And your definition of an encounter is? If I fight a bunch of monsters, but one side runs away, and comes back in 5 rounds, is it a new encounter? In 10 rounds? 10 minutes? If they come in waves, is that one encounter? One per a wave? If I kill a monster, and one round later I activate a foozle that teleports in a new one, is that a new encounter?
I don't like spending my time arguing with my players on if it is still encounter 1 or encounter 2 already. Per day mechanics, while sometimes artificial and kind of wonky if the combat starts at 23:59, is less problematic.
kyrt-ryder |
He already acknowledged that per encounter abilities weren't happening guys. Put the flamethrowers away and focus on the proposal please?
Paizo put out the idea of a martial class who's limited use 'points' recharge through means other than 'per encounter.'
We should be discussing how we can build on that concept, especially on the monk's behalf.
ProfessorCirno |
so you want the weaboo book of fightah majik... err i mean book of 9 swords. this whole arguement boils down to what wotc already made and most people hated it, except the few that really love it
I actually rather did like Tome of Battle!
I should note, however, that your use of "Weaboo book of fightah majik" does not give your argument a lot of standing. Granted you didn't make an actual argument so no loss, I suppose.
That said, this thread is potentially about per-encounter but also about rechargable mechanics, and to be fair, I think rechargable mechanics can potentially be a lot more fun!
ProfessorCirno |
And your definition of an encounter is? If I fight a bunch of monsters, but one side runs away, and comes back in 5 rounds, is it a new encounter? In 10 rounds? 10 minutes? If they come in waves, is that one encounter? One per a wave? If I kill a monster, and one round later I activate a foozle that teleports in a new one, is that a new encounter?
I don't like spending my time arguing with my players on if it is still encounter 1 or encounter 2 already. Per day mechanics, while sometimes artificial and kind of wonky if the combat starts at 23:59, is less problematic.
Let's simply say that "encounters" end after a ten minute rest. Or five minutes! Or whatever, I suppose.
Starbuck_II |
And your definition of an encounter is? If I fight a bunch of monsters, but one side runs away, and comes back in 5 rounds, is it a new encounter? In 10 rounds? 10 minutes? If they come in waves, is that one encounter? One per a wave? If I kill a monster, and one round later I activate a foozle that teleports in a new one, is that a new encounter?
I don't like spending my time arguing with my players on if it is still encounter 1 or encounter 2 already. Per day mechanics, while sometimes artificial and kind of wonky if the combat starts at 23:59, is less problematic.
Nope easy.
A new Encounter is reached whenever there is 5 minutes that has occurred after a encounter.You are talking about an extendede encounter: waves = extended encounter. It counts as same encounter for CR/Encounter Level. Better chance for overwhelming.
It is simple, did they have time to sit down or lay against a tree to relax for 5 minutes? Than encounter had ended. If they fight a new monster = new encounter.
ProfessorCirno |
I do think that we're in the wrong forum, in the wrong thread, on the wrong server even.
Ah. Well, head to the Gunslinger forums and grab The Gunslinger and the Strongest Man (see it's a joke on The Gunslinger and the Dark Man only I'm ProfessorCirno so hurrr)
Keep the per day. Not all groups are the same. In my campaign the chars don't rest now for, what, four days? They're starting to feel it, and there a levl o "humanly possible" feel for not being able to just go and go and go and go.
That's pretty extreme. And also pretty dang bizarre, to be honest. I think I can go to a limb and say that this isn't the norm to go four days without resting.
kyrt-ryder |
Let's just hope somebody moves the thread or merges.
I'd honestly love to read a Recharge Mechanic That Works. If you guys have links to any, feel free to paste here.
This is a specific example, but in the Monk's case, ten minutes of meditation per ki point sounds good to me. It means the monk isn't recharging his ki points while in a time-pressure situation, but that under general circumstances he's not as limited as he is RAW.
Gorbacz |
Gorbacz wrote:This is a specific example, but in the Monk's case, ten minutes of meditation per ki point sounds good to me. It means the monk isn't recharging his ki points while in a time-pressure situation, but that under general circumstances he's not as limited as he is RAW.Let's just hope somebody moves the thread or merges.
I'd honestly love to read a Recharge Mechanic That Works. If you guys have links to any, feel free to paste here.
OK. Good. Now, what is "meditation"? What interrupts it? Can I meditate while poisoned/feebleminded/wearing a pink tutu? What if somebody starts casting time stop (yeah, extreme, but you get the idea) during my meditiation?
Cult of Vorg |
I hate 'per' powers. Per encounter or day, it bugs me; I even hate the 1d4 round wait time on dragon breath.
(I generally prefer a soft cap of fatigue penalties after strenuous activity, since those have a more organic approach that can give player and DM more control over their resources. Implementing something like that would be a whole system overhaul though instead of just a class.)
Rechargeable points per day, although mostly just a camouflage for per-encounter, disguises the flavor enough for me to digest, and again gives some ability to player and DM to control dramatic exhaustion.
Meditation seems like the simplest way to go for fantasy-East recharging, although I think it would be more interesting to tie it to a check of some sort, like a Wisdom check on a scaling DC with the same penalties as concentration checks.
Otherwise, Ninja could do it like Gunslinger, but instead of on kills and daring make it kills and subtlety (feats of stealth or manipulation with scary consequences and coin-flip chances of success), and Samurai could do crits and self-control (same but for endurance and poise).
What if points recharged on every 20 rolled in combat, as well as any success on a coin-flip odds or worse roll that risks death, encouraging players to creatively stunt to get more rolls into a round?
kyrt-ryder |
kyrt-ryder wrote:OK. Good. Now, what is "meditation"? What interrupts it? Can I meditate while poisoned/feebleminded/wearing a pink tutu? What if somebody starts casting time stop (yeah, extreme, but you get the idea) during my meditiation?Gorbacz wrote:This is a specific example, but in the Monk's case, ten minutes of meditation per ki point sounds good to me. It means the monk isn't recharging his ki points while in a time-pressure situation, but that under general circumstances he's not as limited as he is RAW.Let's just hope somebody moves the thread or merges.
I'd honestly love to read a Recharge Mechanic That Works. If you guys have links to any, feel free to paste here.
Alright then, lets see if I can hammer out a more specific format for this.
Meditation: meditation is a frequent task done by various monks in order to replenish their spiritual strength.
A monk requires a number of minutes to recover a single ki point equal to thirty minus (monk level+wis modifier), to a minimum of five minutes. A monk who is under a penalty of some sort (such as fatigue/exhaustion, level drain, etc) takes this penalty on meditation checks as well.
If a monk is forced to end his meditation early, such as from an ambush, he loses it entirely and must start over later.
kyrt-ryder |
fine ignore my other post, just sayin there is already a mechanic
Not trying to deliberately ignore it Shadow, it's just that's not something I'm interested in. It's a magic item, as opposed to part of the class, and it requires a full hour to get one ki point back. How many times in a day is a monk really going to be able to use that?
Shadow_of_death |
Shadow_of_death wrote:fine ignore my other post, just sayin there is already a mechanicNot trying to deliberately ignore it Shadow, it's just that's not something I'm interested in. It's a magic item, as opposed to part of the class, and it requires a full hour to get one ki point back. How many times in a day is a monk really going to be able to use that?
Well its usually a no-no to make a free mechanic better then a magic item so nothing here will probably ever be official, but for homebrew just lower the time to 10 min or whatever you think is fair.
ProfessorCirno |
kyrt-ryder wrote:Well its usually a no-no to make a free mechanic better then a magic item so nothing here will probably ever be official, but for homebrew just lower the time to 10 min or whatever you think is fair.Shadow_of_death wrote:fine ignore my other post, just sayin there is already a mechanicNot trying to deliberately ignore it Shadow, it's just that's not something I'm interested in. It's a magic item, as opposed to part of the class, and it requires a full hour to get one ki point back. How many times in a day is a monk really going to be able to use that?
You can't balance around terrible options, though. The ki mat isn't a good item. It was a good idea but poorly executed. Balancing around that is just a bad move.
Cartigan |
And your definition of an encounter is? If I fight a bunch of monsters, but one side runs away, and comes back in 5 rounds, is it a new encounter? In 10 rounds? 10 minutes? If they come in waves, is that one encounter? One per a wave? If I kill a monster, and one round later I activate a foozle that teleports in a new one, is that a new encounter?
Are you kidding me? This is not remotely a difficult definition. Hell, 4e is ENTIRELY built around a per-encounter system, and the game system is completely unchanged. If you are in initiative, you are in an encounter.
Cartigan |
kyrt-ryder wrote:Well its usually a no-no to make a free mechanic better then a magic item so nothing here will probably ever be official, but for homebrew just lower the time to 10 min or whatever you think is fair.Shadow_of_death wrote:fine ignore my other post, just sayin there is already a mechanicNot trying to deliberately ignore it Shadow, it's just that's not something I'm interested in. It's a magic item, as opposed to part of the class, and it requires a full hour to get one ki point back. How many times in a day is a monk really going to be able to use that?
The current mechanics are bad. That's the point of this thread.
Kalyth |
Two Items I would like to address.
Item 1: So no way for Spell casters to replenish their spells between encounters? Paladins, monks, ninja, etc...get to refresh their resources by taking short breaks but casters dont? Seems a bit unfair unless you are going with the basis that the noncasters need a boost to balance them.
Item 2: This is my main idea. Rather than have "point pools" that need replinished or "Uses per X", I would rather see abilities and powers that just had consequences when used.
Abilities could be used an unlimited number of times but cause the Fatigued condition for 10 minutes after use. Or render the user flat-footed for one round, or impose an AC penalty for X rounds.
Lay on hands: Can be used any number of times per day. However it fatigues the paladin if he fails a Fort Save: DC:20+ the number of times he has used Lay on Hands without resting 8 hours. Not a perfect mechanic just an of the head example.
I would love to see a line of Martial Manuevers that any martial character could perform at any time but did things like render the warrior flat footed after attempting it or imposed a -5 AC penalty for two rounds as he recovered his footing and balance.
Example: Pressing Offense: The attacker gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a -4 penalty to AC. If the attacker hits the target of this manuever with atleast 2 attacks the target is rendered flatfooted for 1 round. etc...
Not sure if I'm explaining it right but basically build drawbacks into the abilities but let them be used more freely.
Kaiyanwang |
Are you kidding me? This is not remotely a difficult definition. Hell, 4e is ENTIRELY built around a per-encounter system, and the game system is completely unchanged. If you are in initiative, you are in an encounter.
This worries me. I could be wrong, but creating interesting powers without the risk of out-of-combat abuse and/or dire metagame mechanics is very high.
Cartigan |
Cartigan wrote:This worries me. I could be wrong, but creating interesting powers without the risk of out-of-combat abuse and/or dire metagame mechanics is very high.
Are you kidding me? This is not remotely a difficult definition. Hell, 4e is ENTIRELY built around a per-encounter system, and the game system is completely unchanged. If you are in initiative, you are in an encounter.
Perhaps you could elucidate on some of these out-of-combat abuses that would present themselves.
hogarth |
Death to the four encounter per day paradigm. Death to per day abilities. All character abilities should be based on per encounter. HP restores between fights, spell slots restore between fights, class features restore between fights.
That's pretty much how I feel; the last game I GMed, I used the Unearthed Arcana spell recharge system.
I also like the general idea behind other "recharge" mechanisms like the maneuver recharge methods from the Tome of Battle, psionic focus recovery from the Psionic Handbook and the idea of a "short rest" from 4E.
Perhaps you could elucidate on some of these out-of-combat abuses that would present themselves.
I think the general idea is that if you have per encounter powers, you have to phrase them carefully so as to avoid perverse incentives like benefits from initiating encounters with weak creatures you'd otherwise ignore ("Hey, let's beat up a squirrel so I can use my per-encounter healing!") or intentionally prolonging an encounter that you'd otherwise be finished with quickly.
Wallsingham |
The only really sticky issue I can see here is, if we give these classes rechargeable abilities out of combat, we have to start thinking of giving it to Wizards, Clerics, Sorcerers etc.
I know the mechanics are clunky but if we can't mitigate the other classes wanting their abilities rechargeable, this just isn't worth the grey matter for me to waste... so.little.left.
Interesting topic though and good luck with it!
Have Fun out there!!
~ W ~
Cartigan |
Cartigan wrote:Perhaps you could elucidate on some of these out-of-combat abuses that would present themselves.I think the general idea is that if you have per encounter powers, you have to phrase them carefully so as to avoid perverse incentives like benefits from initiating encounters with weak creatures you'd otherwise ignore ("Hey, let's beat up a squirrel so I can use my per-encounter healing!") or intentionally prolonging an encounter that you'd otherwise be finished with quickly.
I'd just assume you could use per encounter stuff outside combat for free because that is when you recharge it anyway and I assumed that is what his complaint was.
Paladins can Lay on Hands for free outside combat? Don't care.
hogarth |
I'd just assume you could use per encounter stuff outside combat for free because that is when you recharge it anyway and I assumed that is what his complaint was.
Paladins can Lay on Hands for free outside combat? Don't care.
An example of a poorly-written "per encounter" (or "per combat") rule is the Judgment ability from the APG playtest version of the Inquisitor. The bonus you received was contingent on the number of rounds that a combat lasted, so it would be in your best interest to keep the "combat" going (maybe by turning it into a sissy slap-fight with another member of your party) until you meet another monster. Jason rightfully rewrote it for the final version, of course.
ProfessorCirno |
RE: Spellcasters -
Yeah, I'm not seeing the ability to cast timestop forever a good one.
When casters aren't as blindingly powerful in comparison they can start considering having a rechargable mechanic. In the end, there's a bit of a difference between what the monk can do with Ki and what a wizard can do with spell slots.
Cartigan |
Cartigan wrote:An example of a poorly-written "per encounter" (or "per combat") rule is the Judgment ability from the APG playtest version of the Inquisitor. The bonus you received was contingent on the number of rounds that a combat lasted, so it would be in your best interest to keep the "combat" going (maybe by turning it into a sissy slap-fight with another member of your party) until you meet another monster. Jason rightfully rewrote it for the final version, of course.I'd just assume you could use per encounter stuff outside combat for free because that is when you recharge it anyway and I assumed that is what his complaint was.
Paladins can Lay on Hands for free outside combat? Don't care.
That was indeed a poor mechanic, but I don't really see how it counts against a per encounter system.
hogarth |
That was indeed a poor mechanic, but I don't really see how it counts against a per encounter system.
I can't speak for Kaiyanwang, but my point was that I prefer recovery systems where those sorts of shenanigans are never (rarely?) an issue (e.g. requiring a short rest instead of getting a power back instantly when initiative ends).
Cartigan |
Cartigan wrote:That was indeed a poor mechanic, but I don't really see how it counts against a per encounter system.I can't speak for Kaiyanwang, but my point was that I prefer recovery systems where those sorts of shenanigans are never (rarely?) an issue (e.g. requiring a short rest instead of getting a power back instantly when initiative ends).
A short rest is for all points and purposes "instantly when initiative ends."
Kaiyanwang |
Cartigan wrote:That was indeed a poor mechanic, but I don't really see how it counts against a per encounter system.I can't speak for Kaiyanwang, but my point was that I prefer recovery systems where those sorts of shenanigans are never (rarely?) an issue (e.g. requiring a short rest instead of getting a power back instantly when initiative ends).
Moreover, I'm not sure I'd like a game with spells designed per encounter.
Wanna balance magic? More drawbacks, more casting issues. More casting time.
Flat everything down = wrong for me. Already happened, didn't work out (for me).
Starbuck_II |
@Cartigan: I think hogarth bringed a good example.
I remember similar things (even if didn't happened in my game because my players selected different maneuvers) with few Stone Dragon maneuvers from ToB.
What I fear is things with the "bag of trick" effect.
Explain bag of tricks?
And how it was abused.Remember all ToB maneuvers says a foe must be a threat. So a bag of rats won't work.
I can't speak for Kaiyanwang, but my point was that I prefer recovery systems where those sorts of shenanigans are never (rarely?) an issue (e.g. requiring a short rest instead of getting a power back instantly when initiative ends).
That was how ToB worked. You got them back after a short rest not instantly after a combat ended.
Cartigan |
Kaiyanwang wrote:@Cartigan: I think hogarth bringed a good example.
I remember similar things (even if didn't happened in my game because my players selected different maneuvers) with few Stone Dragon maneuvers from ToB.
What I fear is things with the "bag of trick" effect.
Explain bag of tricks?
And how it was abused.
Remember all ToB maneuvers says a foe must be a threat. So a bag of rats won't work.
Could we all at least TRY to present an argument. Pathfinder has classes with abilities that work X/day. Fact. All you have to do is explain how it would be broken for those to work on a per encounter basis - you know, with examples. I don't care about ToB or theoretical possible abilities. You know the problem with ToB? Classes got all these great maneuvers that let them do cool stuff but ONLY in combat, of COURSE they were going to say "I punch my ally in the face so I can actually DO something."
How about we keep the per-day mechanic but modify it so that it resets every time there is an encounter? So you can't do cool stuff infinitely out of combat, but you can do it every combat and a limited number of times outside combat. Where an encounter is STILL something where you roll initiative.
Kaiyanwang |
Explain bag of tricks?
And how it was abused.
Remember all ToB maneuvers says a foe must be a threat. So a bag of rats won't work.
Error by my part. the two things were not linked together - were 2 different abuses.
I meant "Bag of rats". The whirlwind + Greatcleave abuse.
For the stone dragon, I was thinking to the ones ignoring hardness. Dig dig dig.
These abuses are silly, I just think that there is the risk of designing one thing with combat or out of combat only in mind, and you end up with strange situations of unwanted blends.
Cartigan |
Starbuck_II wrote:
Explain bag of tricks?
And how it was abused.
Remember all ToB maneuvers says a foe must be a threat. So a bag of rats won't work.Error by my part. the two things were not linked together - were 2 different abuses.
I meant "Bag of rats". The whirlwind + Greatcleave abuse.
For the stone dragon, I was thinking to the ones ignoring hardness. Dig dig dig.
These abuses are silly, I just think that there is the risk of designing one thing with combat or out of combat only in mind, and you end up with strange situations of unwanted blends.
Explain how it would be broke or abused with rules and classes that exist.
Not theoretical classes or Tome of Battle.hogarth |
Explain how it would be broke or abused with rules and classes that exist.
Not theoretical classes or Tome of Battle.
Leaving aside the issue of recovery techniques, I guess I'd find it slightly annoying if a 5th level bard could automatically take 20 on every single Knowledge check (outside of combat). I don't like to use the word "broken", though.