Horatio Aldebrandt |

I'm enjoying it. As long as it doesn't become player vs. player as opposed to character vs. character, I'm cool with it.

GM Birch |

As GM you tend see the character versus character (and I would step in if I felt there was metagaming), but if a player feels it's getting personal, feel free to DM me if you either want me to say anything or just need to get a reality check.
I'm loving all the banter and unless it gets in the way of the adventure path, it only adds to the flavour. This group role-plays and at the moment I feel that combat almost gets in the way of the game. Other groups seem to be working the other way around.

Horatio Aldebrandt |

Been sick and easily distracted (mainly by Firefly). Back now!

Kalig |

Nope. I'm pretty sure they made sure not to, precisely to keep people from leveling into Mystic Theurge early.
The only way I've found that makes mystic theurge feel alright at low levels (to me) is focusing on being buffer/healer. Which means you have to be willing to play in such a style that you're not going to be doing a lot directly in combat but making everybody else good at what they do.
Alternative would be to see if you could use the shaman playtest class.

Merwyn Dreamweaver |

Well there was a recent FAQ that lets you use SLAs to qualify for the requirements, so it would cost one caster level and the assorted class features, rather than three caster levels, and wouldn't be too horrible.
The most common ways to pick up SLAs for this was being an Aasimar/Tiefling, but that clearly doesn't work in this situation.

Horatio Aldebrandt |

Out of curiosity, why are you considering Theurge?

Kalig |

Well there was a recent FAQ that lets you use SLAs to qualify for the requirements, so it would cost one caster level and the assorted class features, rather than three caster levels, and wouldn't be too horrible.
The most common ways to pick up SLAs for this was being an Aasimar/Tiefling, but that clearly doesn't work in this situation.
But what I'm saying is I do not think they have designed any feats that let you have any SLAs that are 2nd level, to avoid that kind of thing. I could be wrong, but I couldn't find any.

Horatio Aldebrandt |

I'm trying a theurge in a home game. Samsaran evoker 1 / cleric of Nethys 1. I would have preferred a straight wizard or cleric, but when the rest of the party is all melee meatshields, you have a few bases to cover...
Doesn't help that I'm pretty horrible at building characters with any level of optimization.

Kalig |

Well, I enjoy blowing massive amounts of spells, and the versatility is nice. It might be easier just to stay single-class and perhaps get some sort of feats.
And that would make sense, Kalig. :D
I wouldn't talk you out of going mystic theurge. There's just not going to be a fast path to it. OTOH, you can also achieve a lot of spell-spam remaining a single class sorcerer. Sorcerers eventually get so many spells as they level, slowing the progression may actually effectively reduce your spammability. ;)
Another option, not optimal, but depending on what you're trying to achieve... if what you want is to get some healing and versatility, is dip into cleric or oracle only 1 or 2 levels (I'd suggest cleric for the domains plus channeling as an extra healing boost). But otherwise not worry about further multi-ing. Ideally, you'd want to see if you could retrain a trait into Magical Knack to keep your sorcerer caster level high.

Kalig |

Busy with holiday stuff the next few days. Please bot as needed.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and a happy New Year to all!

Kalig |

It's always a busy time of year. Would you mind posting a summary/pushing us along a little so we can get back into the swing of things? It's hard to resume mid combat after a couple weeks.

Horatio Aldebrandt |

Man, I hope both doors don't contain enemies. If so, we might be a wee bit screwed. :P

Kalig |

Well, as we've found they're both locked, only one can be unlocked at a time, as Miro I think is the only one with Disable Device. So I presume we'll end up dealing with them one at a time anyway.
I just realized after seeing the first room was a broom closet, we were wasting time if they were all just storage or something by being so methodical. And while I know there is some plot governance here, I'd hate for Ameiko to get hurt because we were doing the very careful, check the door, open the door, check the door, open the door...
I was really hoping the survival check would help us choose the right direction so to save time but sadly that is not to be.

Kalig |

I wasn't suggesting we split up, I just wanted to open two doors at once, if it was possible to do so. If we took 30 minutes (and a week of posting time) to slooooowly open three broom closets, it would have been silly, and an NPC is in danger the whole while.

Horatio Aldebrandt |

Oh, it was a very practical choice. Made a lot of sense and all. I'm just hoping it doesn't bite us! :p

Kalig |

Well, again, it can't bite us after all because now that we've discovered they're locked, we still have to unlock them one at a time.
My assumption is if Miro's Disable Device check worked, it will apply to the first door opened, and then we'll see what's in A21. Nothing there, we move onto A22.

Kalig |

Since you're not going to be using full attack a lot because you are using the free hand fighter archetype, yes Vital Strike is absolutely worth it. It will ensure you have decent damage since you expect to use your move actions (As a GM, I used it on PCs who tended to be good at keeping enemies on the move. It was ouchy.). It also works with FHF flavor.
It's also honestly not a bad backup feat for most fighters, even if they rely on full attack for full damage -- that way if they are forced to move they can still get out some good damage. Since fighters get lots of feats they can usually afford to grab at least the starter feat at some point. The tree would be worth it for you since you're not going to be full-attacking a lot.

GM Birch |

Unlike this group - which posts so frequently I struggle to keep the right pace at times for fear of ninja'ing you, the other two adventure paths have been more sedate.
One - Curse of the Crimson Thrones - has three regular posters but the others have already fallen by the wayside. Rather than open up recruitment, I thought I'd offer it to you guys first.
If you have room for another PBP adeventure and CotCT appeals, DM me with your suggested character. Grab a copy of the free
Player's Guide (my standard recruitment rules apply).
The game has a cleric, an alchemist and an urban ranger left and they're towards the end of their first major encounter (clearing a building and discovering an 'item' that provides the link to the adventure path).
Presume you'll start at level 2 with appropriate gold - and you need to have a campaign trait - despite the late entry (to make it fair to the other players).
How many PCs will I add? I haven't decided. How long will I keep the in-house recruitment open? I'll post here to give a 48 hour warning but I'd expect it to be a week (say the 14th February).

Horatio Aldebrandt |

Is the ranger a melee or ranged combatant? I might make up a fighter or barbarian, two classes I've never played. I adore that AP, and will definitely give it thought if you don't mind that I've read it the whole thing eagerly. ;-)

GM Birch |

Is the ranger a melee or ranged combatant? I might make up a fighter or barbarian, two classes I've never played. I adore that AP, and will definitely give it thought if you don't mind that I've read it the whole thing eagerly. ;-)
I'd say he's a switch-hitter (which doesn't help I know). A front-line character wouldn't be a bad thing either way.