Parable |
hey everyone, my sister is playing a barbarian in or one campaign, and recently rolled up a rogue in a new one. She really likes the rogue and wanted me to ask for opinions on how a Barbarian/Rogue (Elf) would work? She isn't worried too much about if its the "Best" combination, she just thinks it will be fun but is looking for recommendations on how many levels to put into barbarian and how many into rogue? Barbarian is the favored class.
Just thinking with her Great Sword she does 2d6 dmg already + Strength. Catching someone flat footed or flanked = 2d6+1d6 for sneak attack at first level rogue.
Cult of Vorg |
Well, if you're going to take any rogue, you want at least 2. It depends on which gives her more fun, the sneaky sneaky or the smashy smashy. Plenty of fun rage powers in the APG now, she could pick up one of the natural attack powers to fit in another sneak attack. Fill up her totem of choice on barbarian, and the rest rogue plus the obligatory 2 lvl shadowdancer if hips is awesome in your game. HIPS + 2handed power attack = guerrilla fun.
Bob_Loblaw |
What does she want to be able to do? There are some interesting combinations with the rogue talents and the barbarian rage powers.
Imagine if she went down the Beast Totem rage powers and focused on Stealth and surprise talents with the rogue. She could easily say that she is taking on the form of a feline when she is raging.
If she focused her rage powers on the Hurling powers along with the Rogue talents for sniping, she could have some fun sniping with some unusual objects.
Some of the rogue talents that improve her skills could work well with the barbarian powers that also affect those same skills. Expert Leaper and Raging Leaper will give her more options with Acrobatics and a boost as well.
If she focuses on combat, she can go with the invulnerable rager archetype and thug archetype for some good combinations as well.
If she does multiclass these two, I really think she should focus on an interesting concept and see where she can go from there.
Apethae |
I have a barb 6 (invulnerable rager) / rogue 4 (scout) who works pretty well... gets sneak attack damage on a charge, and when he hits the end of the Beast Totem chain he'll have pounce for full attacks on the end of charges. Pretty good for a first strike (especially since sneak attack can now potentially be applied to every attack in the full attack).
Another possibility is rogue (thug); combined with feats like Cornugon Smash or rage powers like Intimidating Glare and the Howl one you can potentially inflict Frightened status, which isn't easy to do with most forms of demoralize attacks. High strength plus the Intimidating Prowess feat makes this even more likely.
Bertious |
I was playing with a barbarian scout build it can get scary if a little one trickish
Half orc 15 point Barbarian (Invunerable rager) 12 Rogue (Scout) 5 Assassin 3
Bab +17/+12/+7/+2
Str 16/38 5pt +2 race, +5 levels +5 Book, +6 Belt +6 greater rage
Dex 15/21 7pt +6 Book
Con 14/26 5pt +6 book +6 greater rage
Int 10 0pt
Wis 12 2pt
Cha 07 -4pt
HP 219 (319 while raging)(average)
Ac 40 20 touch, 35 Ff (+11 mithril breastplate +5 heavy fortification greater shadow, +5 amulet of natural armor, +5 ring of protection, +5 dex, +4 nat from Beast totem)
at level 20 using beast totems and the twf chain he was doing 7 attacks with a double axe on a charge doing +5d6 for each attack
With a +5 double axe and weapon focus thats and 2 for charging
+37/+37/+32/+32/+27/+27/+22 for 1d8+19+5d6 each hit
I'm sure there are may ways to improve this but at the base level this looks nasty.
Wolf Hunter |
Im playing a elf barbarian rogue in the smuggeler shiv story arch and its turnd out very well. So far i got 1 level of barbarian and 3 levels of rogue. I took a level of druid to get an animal companion for a flanking partner and it to has worked well. I would take as many levels of ether class as you eel fits the players fighting styl. Mine uses the full aray of stealth, ambush, ranged, and head on cambate as the sitchuation demands. It manly comes down to personal needs or party needs. Mine filled the nech of stealthy trap master as well as front end fighter.